Author Topic: Army Captain in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt  (Read 596 times)


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Army Captain in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt
« on: May 28, 2010, 10:44:20 PM »
With Memorial Day coming up, this is abhorrent.
They didn't respect the fact that he was serving his country, but for an $800 debt they sold his house for $3500!
No respect for military personnel.

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Soldier in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt

Capt. Michael Clauer's homeowners' association foreclosed on his family's $300,000 house and sold it for $3,500.

— By Nick Baumann

Fri May. 28, 2010 3:00 AM PDT

Michael Clauer is a captain in the Army Reserve who commanded over 100 soldiers in Iraq. But while he was fighting for his country, a different kind of battle was brewing on the home front. Last September, Michael returned to Frisco, Texas, to find that his homeowners' association had foreclosed on his $300,000 house—and sold it for $3,500. This story illustrates the type of legal quagmire that can get out of hand while soldiers are serving abroad and their families are dealing with the stress of their deployment. And fixing the mess isn't easy.

Michael went on active duty in February 2008 and was sent to Iraq. After he shipped out, his wife May slipped into a deep depression, according to court documents. "A lot of people say that the deployment is more stressful on the spouse than the actual person who's being deployed," Michael, 37, says in an interview with Mother Jones. May Clauer had two kids to take care of—a ten-year-old and a one-year-old with a serious seizure-related disorder. In addition, she was worried sick about her husband. Michael's company was doing convoy security in Iraq—an extremely dangerous job. "It was a pretty tough year for the whole company," he says. "We had IEDs, rocket attacks and mortar attacks, and a few soldiers that were hurt pretty bad and had to be airlifted back to the States."

Seeking to avoid hearing about the situation in Iraq, May stopped watching the news. She rarely answered the door, and Michael says he couldn't tell her when he went "outside the wire"—off-base. May also stopped opening the mail. "I guess she was scared that she would hear bad news," says Michael. That was why she missed multiple notices from the Heritage Lakes Homeowners Association informing her that the family owed $800 in dues—and then subsequent notices stating that the HOA was preparing to foreclose on the debt and seize the home.

In Texas, homeowners' associations can foreclose on homes without a court order, no matter the size of the debt. In May 2008, the HOA sold the Clauers' home for a pittance—$3,500—although its appraisal value was $300,000, according to court documents. The buyer then resold the house to a third person. (Select Management Co., the company that manages Heritage Lakes, declined to comment for this story.)

It wasn't until June 2009 that May realized what had happened. Around that time, the new owner started demanding rent from the Clauers. She told Michael, who was still in Iraq. "At first I didn't believe it," he says. "I didn't understand how someone can take your house and not give you anything for it." When Texas Gov. Rick Perry visited Iraq in July, Michael says he told him about the problem. According to Michael, Perry called May and put lawyers in touch with the Clauers' attorney, but couldn't do much to alleviate the situation. (Perry's office didn't respond to calls seeking comment.) In August 2009, the new owner sent the couple an eviction notice, according to court records filed in the case. In Iraq, "the stress level was finally starting to come down," says Michael, and he was "starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel." He adds, "Then all of a sudden I get hit with this, and I'm trying to get out of there and get home and see what I can do to fight this."

At no point did anyone from the HOA—which is, after all, composed of the Clauers' neighbors—appear to have tried to visit May Clauer's house to talk to her about the problem. "The HOA board members...don't live very far from me at all," Michael Clauer says. There were "neighbors owing much more than us [who] were notified in person of pending foreclosures, but my wife only received a few letters." David Schechter of the Dallas/Fort Worth television station WFAA, which first reported this story, notes that the "Clauers' HOA says homeowners are free to call them, but they do not call or visit homeowners when there's a problem. They're only required to send a certified letter."

There are a bevy of laws that are supposed to protect servicemembers from losing their homes or jobs while they're on active duty, including the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). The homeowners' association's lawyer filed an affidavit wrongly claiming that neither of the Clauers was on active duty, says Barbara Hale, the couple's lawyer. Hale is seeking to have the court reverse the foreclosure and declare it "null and void," she says.

In the meantime, the Clauers have obtained an agreement allowing the family to stay in the home, Hale says. She's "confident that the courts will sort this out and do the right thing," but notes that the drawn-out legal process must be stressful for the Clauers.

The one good thing for the Clauers about Michael's deployment to Iraq was that it gave them a chance to get their finances in order. Michael got a bonus and expenses at home were lower. Now all of that money is gone, says Michael, who is currently working as a production supervisor at a roofing company. "It's ridiculous how much this is costing us," he says. "I'll be taking out a mortgage on my house that was free and clear just to try to get my house back."

Lauren Bean, a spokeswoman for Clauers' congressman, GOP Rep. Michael Burgess, says that Burgess is "aware of Capt. Clauer's issue," but says it is "office policy to not comment on constituent casework."

Even if he can't get his family's home back, Michael hopes that the public will pay attention to his story and push for changes to the laws that give Texas HOAs so much power. "We don't want to see this happen to other people," he says.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Army Captain in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2010, 11:37:47 PM »
HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAH...W hen I posted the thread about how soldiers treated one another I was here is another case of the soldiers neighbors who didn't give a shit about him as well and for the sake of a few dollars sold his home. So much for patriotism. I guess the brain dead soldier can now see that his "service to his country" is all a farce. The very people he thinks he is protecting are the very one stabbing him in the back.

BTW these homeowner associations were developed to make sure that home owners avoid the very thing that they are doing to this guy, which is to be taken advantage of by anyone and everything from shady construction companies, unsavory people in the community, those who don't maintain a minimal home/property appearance, help neighbors who fall on hard times etc etc


  • Getbig V
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Re: Army Captain in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2010, 04:07:19 AM »
Buying where there's a HOA is almost always a bad idea.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Army Captain in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2010, 01:32:46 PM »
That is truly disgusting!!!! ...and to sell a $300,000 home for $3,500?

I don't know, ...if something like that were to ever happen to me, the person who authorized it had better leave the country... no make that the bloody hemisphere. Equatorial guinea wouldn't be far enough to escape my wrath!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Army Captain in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2010, 02:08:09 PM »
The $3500 is utterly ridiculous and there's definitely an industry behind this, selling houses for tiny amounts and reselling them for the original price. Notice: "The buyer then resold the house to a third person."

This is quite disturbing too:

There are a bevy of laws that are supposed to protect servicemembers from losing their homes or jobs while they're on active duty, including the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). The homeowners' association's lawyer filed an affidavit wrongly claiming that neither of the Clauers was on active duty, says Barbara Hale, the couple's lawyer.

Of course they'll claim "they didn't know"... BS

I hope the Captain gets his home back and after that he can sell it for a decent amount of money, get another house without a HOA (and even move to a state that has homestead exemption) and then sue the hell out of those greedy heartless scumbags.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Army Captain in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2010, 02:47:01 PM »
What should happen is that the original foreclosure should be made null & void. his home should be restored to him, and the HOA be made to compensate both him, as well as any other parties who suffered damages from this. there should also be punitive damages involved too. I mean FFS! Over $800. slap a bloody lien on the place if you have to, but to sell a $300K home for $3500? I don't know why I'm so outraged... counties do it all the time for back taxes, ...but this seems to me to be especially egregious.