Author Topic: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System  (Read 791 times)


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Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« on: February 15, 2011, 09:03:42 PM »
1984 has finally reached america. Expect Obama and future presidents to magically appear on your TV sets announcing they are your rulers and you must obey

Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
Posted by EU Times on Feb 9th, 2011 // 6 Comments

Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell’s 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda underwear bombing event.
Commissioners voted last week to require television and radio stations, cable systems and satellite TV providers to participate in a test that would have them receive and transmit a live code that includes an alert message issued by the president. No date has been set for the test, according to the Post.

Once again, the government has imposed an unreasonable and absurd mandate on business and the American people.
“The Federal Communications Commission today took action to help pave the way for the first-ever Presidential alert to be aired across the United States on the Nation’s Emergency Alert System (EAS),” the FCC announced on February 3 in a press release. “The national test will help determine the reliability of the EAS system and its effectiveness in notifying the public of emergencies and potential danger nationwide and regionally.”

As Next Generation EAS systems become operational over the next few years, they will complement other public alert and warning systems now being developed, including FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and the Commercial Mobile Alert System that will enable consumers to receive alerts through a variety of multi-media platforms on their smart-phones, blackberries and other mobile broadband devices.

If implemented, the president will be able to commandeer your smart phone any time he wants and for any reason the government deems necessary.

In November, communications company Alcatel-Lucent announced that it’s creating a Broadcast Message Center that will allow government agencies to send cell phone users specific information in the event of a local, state or national emergency, including those now ubiquitous government warnings about fantastic terror plots that invariably fizzle out or are run by FBI informants and agents provocateurs. It seems not a week or two passes that some gullible Muslim is duped by the agency into a fantastic terror plot (for instance, blowing up Christmas trees).

The Broadcast Message Center is designed to force mobile phone manufacturers to adopt the Federal Communication Commission’s Commercial Mobile Alert System. Under the new system, all phones would receive emergency alerts directly from government bureaucrats.
Former DHS boss Tom Ridge has admitted that the government exploits terror alerts for political gain. Ridge said he “was pushed to raise the security alert on the eve of President Bush’s re-election, something he saw as politically motivated and worth resigning over.” A specific al-Qaeda terror alert hyped up prior to the election was downgraded by the DHS after Bush beat fellow bonesman Kerry in the election.
Obama’s warnings about a supposed al-Qaeda attack on targets in Europe was exaggerated for political purposes, Pakistani diplomat Shamsul Hasan said in October. “I will not deny the fact that there may be internal political dynamics, including the forthcoming midterm American elections. If the Americans have definite information about terrorists and al-Qaida people, we should be provided [with] that and we could go after them ourselves,” Hasan said.

No terror event occurred. “It was nothing specific, nothing very new,” said Swedish Justice Minister Beatrice Ask after the official warning. “We agree that there is no indication of concrete targets, concrete dates and concrete terror groups,” added German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere.

In addition to your cell phone, the government wants to take control of your internet broadband in the event another phony terror attack threatens the homeland.

Lisa Fowlkes, deputy chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the FCC, told FederalNewsRadio on Monday that the FCC is looking at how wireless broadband could also enhance the EAS as part of a recommendation that was in the FCC’s National Broadband Plan from last year. The idea is to hijack broadband and the internet for emergency alerting propaganda with the “Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) being developed by FEMA and the wireless industry,” according to Fowlkes.

The system would break into your computer or wireless device and broadcast presidential propaganda announcements, FEMA reports, so-called “Imminent Threat Alerts,” and AMBER Alerts.

Government has devised other creative ways to disseminate propaganda. For instance, California introduced a bill last year to commission a study on emerging electronic license plate technology and examine ways that it could introduce new ad revenue streams. In addition to ads, the technology would flash Amber Alerts and other information.

Earlier this month, DHS unveiled a new terror alert system that will hijack social networking sites as one way of informing people of terrorist threat updates. “The new, two-tiered system will provide alerts that are more specific to the threat and even recommend certain actions or suggest that people look for specific suspicious behavior, she said. They also may be limited to a particular audience — such as law enforcement — rather than broadcast to the general public, and also will have a specified end date,” reported Information Week Government.

In December, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced the expansion of the Department’s national “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to hundreds of Walmart stores across the country — launching a new partnership between DHS and Walmart to help the American public play an active role in informing on each other. Thousands of Wamart stores will have telescreens pumping out government propaganda.

FEMA is also working on a new system that would send emergency alerts as text messages to wireless phone users. The system is still about two years away from full implementation, according to the agency.
CMAS is slated to begin deployment in April 2012.


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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 09:06:53 PM »
More Sorcha Faal shit.

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 02:44:12 AM »
Believe it or not not bf, abcnews actually reported something like this today as well. 

I know it sounds ct'ish, but with obama, it is what it is.  Ill post the actual abcnews article later to give this more context.

Either way, its ridiculous what this admn is doing.

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2011, 06:16:00 AM »
Obama's Media Machine: State Run Media 2.0?
White House Hones Online Messaging Operation Ahead of 2012 Campaign

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15, 2011

________________________ ________________________ _______--

As the 2012 presidential campaign kicks into gear, President Obama's White House media operation is demonstrating an unprecedented ability to broadcast its message through social media and the Internet, at times doing an end-run around the traditional press.

The White House Press Office now not only produces a website, blog, YouTube channel, Flickr photo stream, and Facebook and Twitter profiles, but also a mix of daily video programming, including live coverage of the president's appearances and news-like shows that highlight his accomplishments.

"Advise the Adviser: Your Direct Line to the White House," the administration's latest online program launched last week, encourages viewers to offer "advice, opinions and feedback on important issues" and promises a response from a senior administration official in return.

"We're striving to not just have a passive website where people can read about what's happening but create a method of interaction and feedback," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest.

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It joins "Open for Questions," a periodic series of live moderated video chats with officials, "West Wing Week," a magazine-style show featuring the president behind the scenes, and other live-streaming events, including an annotated version of the State of the Union address, all intended to more directly disseminate the administration's message.

But while these innovative communications tools ostensibly offer greater transparency and openness, critics say they have come at a troublesome expense: less accountability of the administration by the independent, mainstream press.

Over the past few months, as White House cameras have been granted free reign behind the scenes, officials have blocked broadcast news outlets from events traditionally open to coverage and limited opportunities to publicly question the president himself.

Obama's recent signing of the historic New START treaty with Russia and his post-State of the Union cabinet meeting, for example, were both closed to reporters in a break with tradition. And during a recent question and answer session with the president and visiting Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the White House imposed an unusual limit of just one question each from the U.S. and Canadian press corps.

"The administration has narrowed access by the mainstream media to an unprecedented extent," said ABC News White House correspondent Ann Compton, who has covered seven administrations. "Access here has shriveled."

Members of the press have always had quibbles with White House media strategies, calling cut-backs in access an affront to transparency, even as administration officials insist they're simply taking advantage of new technologies.

But some say the current dynamic is different, and dangerous.

"They're opening the door to kicking the press out of historic events, and opening the door to having a very filtered format for which they give the American public information that doesn't have any criticism allowed," said University of Minnesota journalism professor and political communication analyst Heather LaMarre.

Watch: Facebook May Lead to UnhappinessObama's 'State Run Media 2.0'

LaMarre and other political communication experts say the Obama White House is continuing the policy started by President George W. Bush, who famously vowed to "go over the heads of the filter and speak directly to the people," and capitalizing on new media and social media to do so more easily than ever before.

The White House has amassed 1.9 million followers on Twitter, 900,000 fans on Facebook and averages 250,000 visits to its YouTube channel per month. Its website received roughly 1.1 million unique visitors in January, according to ComScore.

By contrast, ABC News has 1.2 million followers on Twitter, 150,000 fans on Facebook, and averages 21.7 million unique visitors per month to, according to ComScore.

"What you're seeing on the Internet is transparency at its finest," said Earnest, the White House spokesman. "We are giving citizens across the country direct access to decision makers in the government."

Earnest said the effort to build and engage an online audience was intended to supplement the independent press, not supplant it.

And while critics might disagree, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that some Americans might not care.

"If Nixon had announced he was going to start the 'Nixon channel' and said they were only going to put up stuff he approved of, people would have said, 'Oh my God, this is like Communist Russian state media,'" said David Perlmutter, director of the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

"But now social media have a friendly face on them, so these media tools are not seen by the public -- particularly younger Americans -- as some sort of power grab by the president or government," he said. "They're just modern ways of reaching out and communicating."

Perlmutter says what he calls "state run media 2.0" might be just what younger generations, who polls show are disillusioned with the mainstream press, are looking for. And, he said, satisfying their "need to feel connected" could give Obama the edge among tech-savvy voters heading into the next campaign.

"They want to ask the questions themselves, post questions on the White House blog, tweet the president or Robert Gibbs directly," he said. "They don't think, 'Oh my gosh, this is bypassing an important filter of information.' They don't care about the filter."

ABC News' Peter Roybal contributed to this report.

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2011, 07:08:04 AM »

New Yorkers soon to get emergency cell phone alerts in what Bloomberg calls 'quantum leap forward'
BY Erin Einhorn

Monday, May 9th 2011, 9:19 PM

Dorling Kindersley/Getty

Soon, New Yorkers will receive emergency text message alerts on their cell phones.

Take our PollEmergency Text MessagesWould you like to receive text message warnings from government agencies during emergencies?
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 Related NewsDeaths of 9/11 front-liners renew talk of aid billSad detour for Brooklyn-bound mayor
Emergency officials will soon be able to blast critical alerts to anyone with a cell phone in a certain section of the city.

If Times Square needs to be evacuated because of a bomb threat or if a hurricane is bearing down on Queens, warnings will be bounced from cell towers.

"Making sure that [people] get useful and life-saving information, quickly and easily, right on their mobile phones, will help more people get out of harm's way when a threat exists," said Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator W. Craig Fugate.

The system - called PLAN or Personal Localized Alerting Network - uses cell phone towers to send messages to everyone currently in a certain area, regardless of whether they're visiting from out of town or have a phone registered elsewhere. People won't have to register in advance to receive the alerts.

The messages, including urgent blasts from the President, information on imminent threats and Amber Alerts about missing children, will supercede all other phone traffic so they won't be stalled or delayed.

FEMA's Fugate and Federal Communications Commissioner Chair Julius Genachowski plan to announce the new system at the World Trade Center site Tuesday in a press conference with Mayor Bloomberg and top phone company execs.

They system is expected to be up and running in New York and Washington by the end of the year - months before the rest of the country.

Mayor Bloomberg called the alerts a "quantum leap forward in using technology to help keep people safe."

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2011, 07:09:11 AM »
that's great... i wouldn't mind some tsunami warning for ppl in florida, etc.

you'd wonder why we can get NBA scores on our cell phones but there isn't something in place to let us know huge natural disaster news.

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2011, 07:10:44 AM »
National Emergency Alert System Set To Launch In NYC
May 10, 2011 8:35 AM

NEW YORK, (CBSNewYork) – A new national alert system is set to begin in New York City that will alert the public to emergencies via cell phones.

Presidential and local emergency messages as well as Amber Alerts would appear on cell phones equipped with special chips and software.

The Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Emergency Management Agency said the system would also warn about terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

Verizon and AT&T, the nation’s largest cell phone carriers, are already on board. Consumers would be able to opt out of all but those presidential messages.

WCBS 880′s Paul Murnane In Lower Manhattan: Verizon And AT&T Are On Board

The announcement of the new emergency alert system came Monday in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s death and an uptick in security and safety concerns around New York City.

For now, the system is capable on certain high-end cell phones but starting next year, all cell phones will be required to have the chip that receives alerts.

By the end of the year, the new system will be in place in New York City and Washington and in cities around the country by the end of 2012.

________________________ ________________________ _-

So now Bama is going to send me messages?   Fuck that! 

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2011, 07:12:44 AM »


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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2011, 06:25:40 AM »
just block the calls on your phone.


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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2011, 12:32:06 PM »
You won't be able to...
then I'll reuse my tin cans / strings

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2011, 02:19:12 PM »

Federal government pushing colleges to indoctrinate students about the "benefits" of Obamacare
Inside Charm City ^ | 5/13/2011 | Stan Moore

 Matthew Hay Brown of the The Baltimore Sun reports that Rep. Steny Hoyer, House Minority Whip, sent a letter to colleges in his congressional district encouraging them to teach their students about how beneficial the new health care reform law is. Hoyer's letter indicates that Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius have also sent letters on this same subject.

The Sun report repeats the saw that the law will become more popular as time goes on and people learn more about it (Cue then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi's statement about passing the bill so we can find out what's in it.)

Hoyer's letter is below:

May 11, 2011
Dear ------,

As we approach the graduation season, I wanted to follow up on a letter you should have received from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan regarding health care coverage for students.

The recently enacted Affordable Care Act contains a vitally important, immediate improvement in health coverage options for young people under age 26. Thanks to this new law, young people up to age 26 can typically obtain coverage on their parents’ health insurance plan as long as that plan covers dependent children. This option is true regardless of whether they are employed, in school, or living at home. I encourage you to follow up on the secretaries’ advice and ensure that your graduating students – and the entire student body – are aware of this new option for health coverage.

The Administration provided numerous ways to supply this information to your student body. Listed below are those links for your convenience:

• Place a “badge” on the home page of your Website that automatically links to information about how students can remain on their parents’ health insurance plan. Download the badge by visiting:

• Distribute a flyer to students and their parents about this new benefit along with graduation materials. Download a sample flyer by visiting:

• Encourage staff to talk to students about other insurance options – for example, if their parents do not have coverage – by visiting:

• Host a session to explain insurance options to your students. HHS has helpfully offered to assistance in creating this event and you can email them at:

• Encourage students to visit the Administration’s Facebook page with information for young adults and parents about coverage for individuals under age 26. That can be found at:

Another excellent resource for your student body is the non-partisan Young Invincibles online tool kit:, which has information tailored specifically to young people. It is searchable by state and explains exactly what the new law means to young people, including how to get on a parent’s insurance policy, what to do if he or she has a pre-existing condition, and how the new law impacts women and young people with cancer.

Working together, we can ensure more students and recent alumni obtain the health coverage they need. Please feel free to contact my office at 202-225-4131, should you have any questions. We appreciate your attention to this important matter.

Wishing you the best during this graduation season and with kindest regards, I am

Sincerely yours,



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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2011, 06:04:03 AM »
1984 is here.  Nothing will by spared government control.
Live free or die

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2011, 05:14:28 AM »
Obama off the deep end
By Joe Battenfeld  |   Wednesday, May 18, 2011  |  |  Columnists
Photo by Christopher Evans
What are you afraid of, Mr. President?

I know it must be tough dragging yourself to these glitzy fund-raisers and mingling with rich people who shower you with money and affection. Who needs an unfriendly reporter shouting an unscripted question at you, or checking to see whether any of the guests are getting government contracts?

We all know Obama has an aversion to tough questions. During the campaign, he would refuse to engage with most local media, and reporters who camped out at the rope line got a stern talking-to from a campaign staffer.

But using the White House press pool to possibly punish or reward media based on what the White House considers “fair” coverage? This is taking the control freak thing to new levels.

I’ve been on many press pools and can’t remember getting denied access because of which media outlet I worked for. Even when the Herald was writing critical articles about former Gov. Michael Dukakis in 1988, his campaign never bumped us off the plane or kept us off the pool based on what we wrote. Same goes for President Clinton. You think Gov. Deval Patrick likes having the Herald and other media follow him around all day? No, but it’s part of his job.

But apparently this White House has a different view. It has a special place for perceived “unfair” media — at least 500 feet away. Even at White House press conferences, the president carefully chooses who gets to answer a question.

And before this Boston trip, there were other examples of questionable use of the pool. One reporter at a fund-raiser headlined by Vice President Joe Biden was held in a utility closet for more than an hour to keep him away from the donors. Even worse, he had to listen to Biden speak.

The truth is, most media dread being in the “pool” at fund-raisers. It’s tedious and exhausting and requires a lot of writing about what appetizers the president served. But the pool is important, because it gives all reporters a close-up view of what the president is doing or saying to guests paying thousands of dollars a plate.

Here’s my suggestion to President Obama: Veer off your scripted schedule and come in to Boston to say hello to ordinary voters. And don’t be afraid to let a Herald reporter tag along. We don’t bite.

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2011, 08:38:07 AM »
Veteran Journalists: Today's White House Reporters Are Too Timid
By Paul Bedard
Posted: May 17, 2011

Several veteran and prize-winning journalists who covered presidents from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush say that the current crop of White House correspondents are too timid and deferential and have played a role in killing the impact of presidential news conferences.

"If you watch an Obama news conference, and watched a Bush news conference previous to that, where correspondents sit in their seats with their hands folded on their laps, [it's] as if they are in the room with a monarch and they have to wait to be recognized by the president," says Sid Davis, the former NBC Washington bureau chief who covered nine presidents. "It looks like they are watching a funeral service at [Washington funeral firm] Joseph Gawler's and it shouldn't be that way."

Adds Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter Haynes Johnson, "It's all very stale, very structured, very pale."

And longtime NBC and ABC reporter Sander Vanocur: "You want to know what's wrong with the press? The press is what's wrong with the press."

They and others anchored a media panel Monday night organized by the White House Historical Association to herald the 50th anniversary of the first live televised news conference, conducted by JFK. Former Clinton press secretary Mike McCurry moderated the discussion from the very same State Department Dean Acheson Auditorium where Kennedy eventually conducted 60 televised news conferences with ease and humor. [See who has been visiting the White House.]

Each of the journalists attended the press conferences and were blunt on JFK's style and honesty.

When the topic turn to today's White House press corps, the grizzled veterans were dismissive, calling them weak imitations of their Cold War predecessors.

Davis says "I don't like today's news conferences" with the president. Kennedy's, he says, were "thoroughly unrehearsed, natural and they worked to a large extent." Today's versions, he adds, "look like they are rehearsed."

Worse, he says, reporters look like stenographers. "I think democracy is noisy. The news conferences should get to back to what they were even if people are going to raise their voices."

Former Today Show newsman John Palmer went to so far as to suggest that a weakened press, a 24-hour news cycle, coupled with presidents who don't like live press conferences, have killed the impact of the events. "I think we are witnessing the demise of the televised news conference. I think its time is past," he says. [Read 10 things you didn't know about White House spokesman Jay Carney.]

"The news conference won't have the big command that it had before," he adds.

McCurry, however, says that the situation hasn't become that bad. "Reports of the press conference's death are exaggerated, I think," he says. "Presidents will need a forum like that to clear the air and give at least the appearance of accountability--and the press will continue to want to demonstrate its relevance by standing up and speaking truth to power."

But he conceded that what Palmer called the "golden age" of presidential news conferences, like the videos of an engaging JFK shown at the panel discussion, might be over. Presidents who don't like press conferences will labor through them but they won't have the magic of some of what we watched last night," says McCurry.

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Re: Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2011, 08:27:55 PM »
White House Adds New Position to Deal with Unfavorable Online Media
By Chris O'Shea on May 23, 2011 2:32 PM
The White House has named Jesse Lee to a new position within its communications department titled Director of Progressive Media & Online Response. According to The Huffington Post, Lee will essentially be responsible for building up Obama’s online presence as he prepares for his reelection bid, and squashing any negative stories:

The post is a new one for this White House. Rapid response has usually been outsourced to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), if not done on an ad-hoc basis by administration officials. And it signals that the White House will be adopting a more aggressive defense of the president and his policies as his re-election campaign gears up.

If you’re going to post something online about Obama that isn’t true, Lee is going to be the one to handle you. Considering that Lee’s first tweet about his new position included a picture of The Terminator, we suggest you watch what you say OR BE DESTROYED.

Okay that was a little dramatic, but you get the idea.