Author Topic: Obama Moving White House to India?  (Read 4445 times)


  • Getbig V
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Obama Moving White House to India?
« on: November 04, 2010, 04:51:23 PM »
I don't see why not, america has moved all of its businesses overseas anyway. That said this is interesting that so much is being shuffled around during this visit. Is there an EVENT planned for america while he is gone and this is just a justification for him to be out of the country when it happens? Time will tell. All I can say is everyone keep your eyes open to ANYTHING seeming even the slightest bit suspicious in your county, state and or country.

  Obama Moving White House to India?
Thursday, 04 November 2010 07:06 Sher Zieve

Despite yesterday’s election, it is now blatantly obvious that Obama & Co neither cares about the United States of America nor its people. Today, the US tyrant--along with an estimated 50 jumbo jets full of his 3,000 perSher Zieveson entourage--will fly Air Force One (followed by the second AF One and Marine One copters) to Mumbai, India where he and his merry minions will take over the entire Taj Mahal and other hotels. The now fully visible to the entire world hedonist and “Neroistc” monarch Obama will spend at least $200 Millions PER DAY of OUR money to indulge his every whim and fantasy. As members of his now wholly-owned media are traveling with him, any news about this grotesque and extreme extravagant waste of taxpayer money--especially considering the US’ current financial disaster brought on principally by this same “monarch”--is virtually, if not literally, criminal.

This sort of trip is unprecedented in US history and leads me to the question “Is The Obama planning to become a pasha-in-exile or is he essentially moving the USA Executive Branch--which was usurped in the first place--to another country; namely India?”

How in the world can The Obama return to the USA after this extraordinary, open abject theft of taxpayer money which he is now laughing about and shoving--even more so--in our faces? The Obama and his wife are now both laughing uncontrollably and shouting at all of us “Shut up and eat your cake!“ What kind of perverse being now occupies the highest elected position in our land?

While the rest of us have been victimized by Obama & Co’s outrageous behaviors and criminal theft of almost all We-the-People had, The Obama still smiles broadly and tells us “You can’t stop me! Look what I’m still doing to you. Did you really think your petty elections would make any difference? I’m Barack Hussein Obama and you’re not!”

We-the-People have completed Phase One of restoring OUR Republic--taking back the US House of Representatives. Next, we must focus on the US Senate and its Marxist abject election fraud machine. However, it may be time to address the Executive Branch. If the head of it hasn’t committed high crimes and misdemeanors one must ask if those crimes actually exist--at all. Isn’t it time to remove the pretender to the office? Isn’t it?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 05:31:54 PM »
Question: If he had a marxist election fraud machine, ...why didn't he use it to avert the trouncing he just took?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2010, 05:48:25 PM »
Question: If he had a marxist election fraud machine, ...why didn't he use it to avert the trouncing he just took?
if bush could plan 9/11 why couldnt he plant wmd?


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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2010, 06:13:33 PM »
if bush could plan 9/11 why couldnt he plant wmd?

That has already been asked & answered, ...and in the appropriate thread too.


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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2010, 06:15:38 PM »
Why is there an experation date on sour cream?


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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2010, 06:21:01 PM »
Why is there an experation date on sour cream?

some things are better left unexplained


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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2010, 06:23:04 PM »
Why is there an experation date on sour cream?

I don't know why. I assume to alert us as to when it has gone rancid... kind like a few of the feeble attempts at troll humour we see here on the boards.  :-\

Perhaps after hitting a dictionary, ...or at least a spellchecker, you can move your post to the nutrition board? You might find the definitive answer over there.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2010, 07:55:40 PM »
Question: If he had a marxist election fraud machine, ...why didn't he use it to avert the trouncing he just took?

He won't need the machine if an EVENT is planned. When such EVENT occurs people will be screaming for him to do something and when he does he will appear like a hero and will be loved and worshiped. Remember Bush was in the same mess as Obama until 911 happened, then all of a sudden the focus became getting the "terrorist" and soon people forgot all about how terrible a president he was and he suddenly was a demigod....that is until he screwed everyone over with the stock market, housing, banking, oil crap..then everyone remembered why they hated him so much and welcomed in Obama.


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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2010, 10:06:06 PM »
I don't know why. I assume to alert to as when it has gone rancid... kind like a few of the feeble attempts at troll humour we see here on the boards.  :-\

Perhaps after hitting a dictionary, ...or at least a spellchecker, you can move your post to the nutrition board? You might find the definitive answer over there.

Geez. Chill out.  Having a bad day.  Are you done with that transcription of your prophets speech?  Or are you busy spell checking other boards?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2010, 08:36:04 AM »

Geez. Chill out.  Having a bad day.  Are you done with that transcription of your prophets speech?  Or are you busy spell checking other boards?

Chill out?!
OzmO, it went below zero up here, the windchill is minus 5 degrees and we're expecting snow today.
I'm chilled enough thank you very much!

He's not my prophet, and no I won't be transcribing it for you when the clips are there for you to view.

I'm busy spell checking my own posts. Some of my grammatical errors have been absolutely horrid!  :D

My mind is a little jumbled lately because I'm trying to learn German AND Chinese.
I might have to choose one over the other for now, because both at once is just too much for me.
And Chinese pronunciation is a F-ing nightmare! The human tongue was not designed to contort itself so!  >:(
I think I'm scared of seeing in myself what I see in my little nieces. As their language abilities in French improve, their ability to spell in English suffers. I remember when I first learned Italian, it really messed up my proficiency in French. I'm just scared it's going to happen all over again. So seeing constant mispellings and improper grammar sets my heart racing.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2010, 08:38:45 AM »
He won't need the machine if an EVENT is planned. When such EVENT occurs people will be screaming for him to do something and when he does he will appear like a hero and will be loved and worshiped. Remember Bush was in the same mess as Obama until 911 happened, then all of a sudden the focus became getting the "terrorist" and soon people forgot all about how terrible a president he was and he suddenly was a demigod....that is until he screwed everyone over with the stock market, housing, banking, oil crap..then everyone remembered why they hated him so much and welcomed in Obama.

Interesting point. Well if he does move the White House to India, I'm betting he takes over the Taj Mahal.

Who wouldn't want to live in the Taj Mahal. That would be one cool residence!  :D


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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2010, 08:40:19 AM »
Chill out?!
OzmO, it went below zero up here, the windchill is minus 5 degrees and we're expecting snow today.
I'm chilled enough thank you very much!

He's not my prophet, and no I won't be transcribing it for you when the clips are there for you to view.

I'm busy spell checking my own posts. Some of my grammatical errors have been absolutely horrid!  :D

My mind is a little jumbled lately because I'm trying to learn German AND Chinese.
I might have to choose one over the other for now, because both at once is just too much for me.
And Chinese pronunciation is a F-ing nightmare! The human tongue was not designed to contort itself so!  >:(
I think I'm scared of seeing in myself what I see in my little nieces. As their language abilities in French improve, their ability to spell in English suffers. I remember when I first learned Italian, it really messed up my proficiency in French. I'm just scared it's going to happen all over again. So seeing constant mispellings and improper grammar sets my heart racing.

relly?  So i cann get ur hert rasing that ezy?   ;D

Sorry about Toronto, I'll be there in March most likely.  Hopefully it will have thawed out by then.  


  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2010, 09:05:41 AM »
Interesting point. Well if he does move the White House to India, I'm betting he takes over the Taj Mahal.

Who wouldn't want to live in the Taj Mahal. That would be one cool residence!  :D

There are a number of beautiful hotels in India...I think it is a shame the amount of poverty and then these palatial hotels...what a contrast. Obama and his entourage can stay at any of these hotels and if he turns his nose up I will gladly stay in his place



  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2010, 02:12:14 PM »
relly?  So i cann get ur hert rasing that ezy?   ;D

Sorry about Toronto, I'll be there in March most likely.  Hopefully it will have thawed out by then.  

brat! That made me dizzy trying to read.  >:(

March is a finicky month in Toronto.
It can come in as meek and as mild as a lamb,
and go out as fierce and as ferocious as a lion.
It'll be the luck of the draw what you get when you get here.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Moving White House to India?
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2010, 02:14:45 PM »
There are a number of beautiful hotels in India...I think it is a shame the amount of poverty and then these palatial hotels...what a contrast. Obama and his entourage can stay at any of these hotels and if he turns his nose up I will gladly stay in his place

I'll take these two please.  :D