Author Topic: Crazy Idea: Bodybuilders need to eat LESS, drink MORE protein shakes  (Read 3436 times)


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 17954
Re: Crazy Idea: Bodybuilders need to eat LESS, drink MORE protein shakes
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2011, 01:25:56 AM »
I train with some serious cats and they all told me what gh has preached for years. I though hard work and an iron will would set me apart but it didn't. Eat big, lift big, do drugs. That's all it takes.

Now I eat a couple times a day, anything I want (I love meat so protein is fine), drink a shake in the morning and evening and I'm around 180lbs at 8% bf or less. I'm not counting calories or training with much direction or thought, just intensity, intuition and having fun because I'm training my father at the moment. Taking minimal test as I'm gonna knock up the wife and thinking how dumb it was pounding dozens of chicken breasts and shakes all the time.

I've had success with liquid diets but I've learned that you don't need a ton of protein. Even the big guys I know eat like regular people but just opt for higher protein meals and keep a tub of protein in the house. Some of these fellas only cycle juice and some are on every drug imaginable.

I do agree that it gives your shitter and GI tract a rest though. I've had a lot of success with intermittent fasting lately so I just eat a couple times a day and my shitter is great. No more shitting twice as many times as I'm eating and no more slamming shakes till I puke. Everything in moderation and consistency... wish I listened to this advice years ago.

Lately im a bit "loose" as far as bb diet goes....
Im off drugs 3 months now and trying to concentrate on my studies. I have lowered protein to about 200 or so and carbs stay at 200 too usually around training....4-6 meals. I try to keep track of my calories. I keep them that low on purpose, as i dont have any plans on my mind on "bulking" or "cutting".
I follow this regime for 2 days then on the third i have a cheat meal...actually i dont plan "cheat meals" as i dont have any reason to  call those treats "cheat"..might be 2 days in a row, 3 days, once a week whatever. but i eat most of the time clean.