Author Topic: Does life suck - Not about me thanks mods for merging unrelated threads.  (Read 12672 times)

Man of Steel

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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #150 on: January 28, 2011, 10:22:42 AM »
you believe in religion and prayers and judging by your picture you dont sound like you re quite the intelectual so i ll leave it at that.

Only people from your family can care about you, but they dont really care about you but about parts of them in you, ie their genes. People help you because it helps them, not just because they "want to help you". People help you because they have ties with you and because your survival increase their own chances of survival.  But i guess it's too complicated for you to understand especially if you re into the whole "my kid is just born" thing at the moment. Been there, done that.

again great read:

I absolutely do believe in the power of prayer, the faithfulness of God and the blessing of a wonderful family (both my own small family and the one I was blessed to be raised in).  And no, I'm not an intellectual by any means.  I'm ignorant on a number of topics, but I do know that I'm loved, I do know that I'm saved, I do know I have family and friends that care deeply for me and I do know that I don't agree with everything you've said above.  That's not a hit on you's just what I believe and how I was raised.  Hopefully that doesn't offend you.


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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #151 on: January 28, 2011, 10:34:54 AM »
God is Good.

Natural Man

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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #152 on: January 28, 2011, 10:43:30 AM »
thats because the only book your read is the bible... Or worst, because it's the only book your parents have read and told you about. Obviously you didnt spend much time in a library. Your view of reality is conditionned by what you know about it = what is told in a single book and what you ve been taught which is based on a single book. Let's hope you never find out about buddhism, psychology, anthropology, biology, physics, ethology etc lol

but it's ok, to each his own.

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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #153 on: January 28, 2011, 10:52:51 AM »
thats because the only book your read is the bible... Or worst, because it's the only book your parents have read and told you about. Obviously you didnt spend much time in a library. Your view of reality is conditionned by what you know about it = what is told in a single book and what you ve been taught which is based on a single book.

but it's ok, to each his own.
Good post. Each religion teaches that the one they follow is the only one. How many wars have been fought over religion? Pretty much each religion teaches the same thing but they fight amongst each other which is one of every religion's rules "do undo others" not following there own principles. So best just to do the right things in life and not adhere to some Bible or Religion its simple.

Man of Steel

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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #154 on: January 28, 2011, 11:01:08 AM »
thats because the only book your read is the bible... Or worst, because it's the only book your parents have read and told you about. Obviously you didnt spend much time in a library. Your view of reality is conditionned by what you know about it = what is told in a single book and what you ve been taught which is based on a single book.

but it's ok, to each his own.

My life has been conditioned by the works God has performed in my heart and my life.
Yes I read the bible....every believer should. 

Do I crunch a ton of books each month?  No, one a month (occassionally two).  My wife reads many more books than I do and my Dad has read a ton of stuff.  My mother reads somewhere between me and my wife.  I study a lot online...that's my preference.  They love to turn pages.

Natural Man

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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #155 on: January 28, 2011, 11:09:27 AM »
you re ignorant, but as long as you re peacefully ignorant i have no problem with it.

To scientists the whole picture is defined by evolution, natural selection, biology (and what they learned after years if not decades of observation, reading, studying, which can only be done by people with faster brains), to the average joe who didnt study, dont read much and spend a lot of time behind the TV screen (imitating his own father/grandfather and so on) there s a need for something easier to understand and that's just the way it is. Everyone has his place in the whole picture.

In a recent book i ve read they say you can see slower children and faster ones very soon, in fact in the first months. There s a separation between faster thinking kids who observe slower kids mistakes and learn from them without reproducing the mistakes. That's just how it works.

Man of Steel

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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #156 on: January 28, 2011, 11:21:51 AM »
you re ignorant, but as long as you re peacefully ignorant i have no problem with it.

To scientists the whole picture is defined by evolution, natural selection, biology (and what they learned after years if not decades of observation, reading, studying, which can only be done by people with faster brains), to the average joe who didnt study, dont read much and spend a lot of time behind the TV screen (imitating his own father/grandfather and so on) there s a need for something easier to understand and that's just the way it is. Everyone has his place in the whole picture.

In a recent book i ve read they say you can see slower children and faster ones very soon, in fact in the first months. There s a separation between faster thinking kids who observe slower kids mistakes and learn from them without reproducing the mistakes. That's just how it works.

I love how you pepper your posts with insults yet I haven't insulted you once.


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Re: Does life suck - Not about me thanks mods for merging unrelated threads.
« Reply #157 on: January 28, 2011, 01:16:56 PM »
people who are hapier than you dont care about you. They dont want to deal with weaker people, it s the instinct fo survival. They have to defend themselves from your "ilness" and not be contaminated by it. When you re weak nobody is interested in you. People are interested in strong characters it means increased chances of survival if they stick around them. This is the irony, people will stay away from you if you re enaring death. Like animals. You re the weakest link, period.

Life is all about dominating or being dominated. To dominate creates well being, to be dominated creates suffering, frustration. The exception is that women like being dominated by men. Men like being dominated by older father figures.

See the concept of pederasty on google.
Lol over simplified to the extreme. People do like weakness as long as their weekness benefits them. I don't hate short people because they are weak, I appreciate that they make me look taller and even more powerful. People also tend to help you if they see they are very much like you or are suffering from the same thing. This is human nature. Turning this into some zero sum game of me over all, is really ego worship.

Well adjusted people/happy people are most happy when they are well connected to a group of people, there weakness's and strength do play a factor as do many others thing. The point is you can't reduce it to any simple desire goal or need, as there are many many competing insticts/desires/values/ etc. The human brain, which overrides all of these so called real things( money,power, youth) in the end is the most important.

From a logical viewpoint there is no such thing as reality, because the physical world around you is so far removed from your brain that it's near impossible to connect the two.


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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #158 on: January 28, 2011, 01:42:29 PM »
I love how you pepper your posts with insults yet I haven't insulted you once.

That's because non-believers such as him feel threatened.


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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #159 on: January 28, 2011, 01:43:57 PM »
My life has been conditioned by the works God has performed in my heart and my life.
Yes I read the bible....every believer should. 

Do I crunch a ton of books each month?  No, one a month (occassionally two).  My wife reads many more books than I do and my Dad has read a ton of stuff.  My mother reads somewhere between me and my wife.  I study a lot online...that's my preference.  They love to turn pages.

Smart man.

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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #160 on: January 28, 2011, 01:55:42 PM »
you re ignorant, but as long as you re peacefully ignorant i have no problem with it.

To scientists the whole picture is defined by evolution, natural selection, biology (and what they learned after years if not decades of observation, reading, studying, which can only be done by people with faster brains), to the average joe who didnt study, dont read much and spend a lot of time behind the TV screen (imitating his own father/grandfather and so on) there s a need for something easier to understand and that's just the way it is. Everyone has his place in the whole picture.

In a recent book i ve read they say you can see slower children and faster ones very soon, in fact in the first months. There s a separation between faster thinking kids who observe slower kids mistakes and learn from them without reproducing the mistakes. That's just how it works.

The worst and most obnoxious fundamentalists are the Athiests.   :-\

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Re: Does life suck - I messed up
« Reply #161 on: January 28, 2011, 01:58:12 PM »
The worst and most obnoxious fundamentalists are the Athiests.   :-\


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Re: Does life suck - Not about me thanks mods for merging unrelated threads.
« Reply #162 on: January 28, 2011, 02:42:58 PM »
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities" -- Voltaire (1694-1778)

Throughout history, religion has been responsible for a large proportion of the suffering in the world - yet religious beliefs are based in ancient myths and legends that should have been discarded centuries ago.

..... Fundamentalists, however, fail to realise that the phrase "sacred text" is self-contradictory. Since writing is meaning that can be handled by anybody, any time, it is always profane and promiscuous. Meaning that has been written down is bound to be unhygienic. Words that could only ever mean one thing would not be words. Fundamentalism is the paranoid condition of those who do not see that roughness is not a defect of human existence, but what makes it work. For them, it is as though we have to measure Everest down to the last millimetre if we are not to be completely stumped about how high it is. It is not surprising that fundamentalism abhors sexuality and the body, since in one sense all flesh is rough, and all sex is rough trade.

The New Testament author known as Luke is presumably aware that Jesus was actually born in Galilee. But he needs to have him born in Judea, since the Messiah is to spring from the Judea-based house of David. A Messiah born in bumpkinish Galilee would be like one born in Gary, Indiana. So Luke coolly invents a Roman census, for which there is no independent evidence, which requires everyone to return to their place of birth to be registered. Since Jesus's father Joseph comes from Bethlehem in Judea, he and his wife Mary obediently trudge off to the town, where Jesus is conveniently born.

It would be hard to think up a more ludicrous way of registering the population of the entire Roman empire than having them all return to their birthplaces. Why not just register them on the spot? The result of such a madcap scheme would have been total chaos. The traffic jams would have made Ken Livingstone's job look positively cushy. And we would almost certainly have heard about this international gridlocking from rather more disinterested witnesses than Luke. Yet fundamentalists must take Luke at his word.

Fundamentalists are really necrophiliacs, in love with a dead letter. The letter of the sacred text must be rigidly embalmed if it is to imbue life with the certitude and finality of death. Matthew's gospel, in a moment of carelessness, presents Jesus as riding into Jerusalem on both a colt and an ass - in which case, for the fundamentalist, the Son of God must indeed have had one leg thrown over each.

The fundamentalist is a more diseased version of the argument- from-the-floodgates type of conservative. Once you allow one motorist to throw up out of the car window without imposing a lengthy prison sentence, then before you know where you are, every motorist will be throwing up out of the window all the time, and the roads will become impassable. It is this kind of pathological anxiety, pressed to an extreme, which drove the religious police in Mecca early last year to send fleeing schoolgirls back into their burning school because they were not wearing their robes and head dresses, and which inspires family-loving US pro-lifers eager to incinerate Iraq to gun down doctors who terminate pregnancies. To read the world literally is a kind of insanity.

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Re: Does life suck.
« Reply #163 on: January 28, 2011, 08:38:01 PM »
I don't get the logic with this type of thinking. Yes, everything ends eventually and you die someday, but that's exactly why you want to live your life and do something during the time you have.

If we didn't die and lived for eternity, that's when doing anything would be meaningless, since there is no rush or end, and you can do whatever you want tomorrow or next year or next century. Having so many options and so little time is what makes it worthwhile to do the things we enjoy while we can.

I like the way you think.
This is what I was saying in my first sentence, that we need to figure out what we want in life and try our best to do it before it's over. But what must be kept in mind is that it doesn't matter what you do, nothing will ever truly mean anything. So if you've lived for anything other than yourself, you missed the whole point. Even if you become the greatest most influential human ever... you still don't mean anything. You'll just be a manifestation of the universe that came in an out of existence for a small amount of years. It could mean something when you die, but i highly doubt it.