Author Topic: America Doesn't Matter Anymore  (Read 2116 times)


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America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« on: March 25, 2011, 09:40:55 PM »
Everyone seems to know this except the americans. The post I made a while back on the book written by Fareed Zakariah on THE POST AMERICAN WORLD was dismissed by some of the clowns on this board who refuse to accept the obvious ending of america. Now this is written on Yahoo that america doesn't matter anymore.

Here we have clear evidence of the rise of European Union (Revived Roman Empire also known as THE BEAST) that is now displacing america and its opinions on everything. There is a saying that two DIVAS can not occupy the same stage at the same time, so guess what that means for america...IT HAS TO GO!!!! as the new DIVA (Europe) makes its debut.... hence Fareed's book of a world without america. Even Obama conspicuously carried teh book one day to signal the time has come. Now everyone turn to Matthew 24th chapter and Revelation to see the terrible end coming.

America Doesn't Matter Anymore

Peter Beinart – Fri Mar 25, 1:06 am ET

NEW YORK – As Europe takes the lead on the Libyan intervention, it's a powerful signal of America's weakening global influence. Peter Beinart on Obama's Jeffersonian turn—and the end of an empire.

Some commentators love the Libya war; others hate it. But most agree that it’s profoundly unnatural that we were pushed into it by… France. Welcome to the post-American world. In the age we’re entering, most of the time, the choice will no longer be between humanitarian interventions controlled by the United States and humanitarian interventions where other nations take the lead. The choice will be between humanitarian interventions where other nations take the lead and no humanitarian interventions at all.

A comparison with the 1990s illustrates the point. In the early 1990s, when the former Yugoslavia began breaking up, and Slobodan Milosevic decided to try to put it back together via genocide, the governments of Western Europe insisted that they would handle things. But they couldn’t handle things, partly because of their disunity and military weakness, and partly because they refused—in a clash of civilizations sort of way—to make clear moral distinctions between the murderers and the murdered. In the summer of 1995, when the Clinton administration—after more than two years of deference—forced the Europeans into a humanitarian war against the Serbs, then-Lieutenant General Wesley Clark exulted “The big dog barked today.”

Back then, the big dog was not fighting any other wars. It was unchallenged in East Asia; its economy was beginning to boom and its fiscal problems were melting away. And even then, Americans only supported the Bosnia war, and its kid brother Kosovo, on the condition that no Americans died.

Today, by contrast, America’s fiscal condition is terrifying and the Pentagon is fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, trying to stay out of one with Iran, and keeping one eye on a rising China. I don’t know what it took to convince an obviously reluctant Robert Gates to permit American involvement in the Libyan no-fly zone, but it’s a reasonable bet that had Barack Obama not been able to promise that it would be a mostly European affair, Gates would now be a military analyst on Fox News. It’s not the 1990s anymore. The American public’s appetite for humanitarian war has always been meager. And now the American government’s capacity for waging it is meager, too.

But in a strange twist, Europe’s appetite has grown. The continent’s military capacity is still tiny compared to America’s, and it still lacks unity, but the shame of European inaction in Bosnia lingers in British, French, Italian, and German minds. Overall, Western Europeans remain more dovish than Americans, but when it comes to genocide, the gap narrows. In the U.S., for instance, anti-terrorism is the only rationale that sustains public support for the Afghan War. In Europe, by contrast, the humanitarian argument sells best.

Libya is also a Mediterranean country. For France and Italy, it’s the equivalent of Mexico, or at least Guatemala. Economically, geopolitically, and culturally, Europe is also the dominant outside force. European countries, especially Southern European ones, have a lot more to gain, and lose, in Libya than we do, so it's normal—indeed, healthy—that they’re trying to take the military lead.

Whether they’ll be able to—whether they have the capacity and stomach for what it would take to push Gaddafi from power—is another question. But it’s not surprising that Barack Obama is giving them a chance to try. Obama is what you might call a roundabout Jeffersonian. Jeffersonians, to borrow Walter Russell Mead’s phrase, believe that preserving America’s economic and political solvency requires reining in American empire. Presidents usually become Jeffersonian in times of economic crisis, public exhaustion, and unpopular war. The problem is that Jeffersonianism—which in different ways both Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter embraced as a result of Vietnam—is perilous politics. Retrenchment can look a lot like cynicism, if not defeatism.

The White House’s humanitarian hawks don’t want a Srebrenica on their watch, but they know they need other countries to bear more of the load. Enter Nicolas Sarkozy.

So Obama is trying to do it on the sly, to reduce the costs of American foreign policy without reining in our ambition. In Afghanistan, he’s moving inexorably toward greater reliance on drones—just as Nixon turned to air power in the latter stages of Vietnam—because it’s cheaper in blood and treasure. And he’s trying to burden-share, just as Nixon tried to get regional allies like South Vietnam and the shah’s Iran to do more of the work of containing the USSR. The Libya operation is a good example of this. The White House’s humanitarian hawks don’t want a Srebrenica on their watch, but they know they need other countries to bear more of the load. Enter Nicolas Sarkozy.

Will it work? Beats me. But it’s an illusion to believe we could have done this the old way. One of the crucial questions of our age is whether America’s liberal ideals can flourish despite the decline of American power. Libya will be one of the places we find out.;_ylt=AhH36A59hOYt9NbmChBYi529IxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTE2YXRzNzNpBHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5bi1yLWItbGVmdARzbGsDLWFtZXJpY2Fkb2Vz


  • Getbig V
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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 10:17:55 PM »
Then why does NATO refuse to do anything without our help? Why is it that whenever anyone has a problem, it's the US they come to?

If we don't matter, then stop asking for us to help your asses out.


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2011, 11:24:17 PM »
Then why does NATO refuse to do anything without our help? Why is it that whenever anyone has a problem, it's the US they come to?

If we don't matter, then stop asking for us to help your asses out.

NATO is controlled by the Bilderbergs and they use nations for whatever purpose they deem. America has been a USEFUL IDIOT for Bilderberg. They have used the nation to be the battering ram for its conquests and military adventures. This desire to keep NATO/European Union appearing squeaky clean while making the USEFUL IDIOT nation appear as the bad guy; it has worked for the time they intended. Now NATO is shifting the power to the new EUROPEAN UNION (Revived ROman Empire) and while it has dragged america into the beginnings of this occupation of Libya it now has shifted the controlling hands to the Europeans, who will handle the next phases in whatever NATO decides. Of course it will be remembered that america started the war and it will be NATO who will make some kind of end to it (under certain conditions). Now you have to understand that NATO is a Bilderberg creation and since they are so secretive about their intentions no one really knows what they will do and for what reason. I can say will see a lot more decisions being made, wars fought, political operations carried out by way of the European Union while america is relegated to a corner with no voice, power or position on the world stage. The fact that the controlling hands are now the Europeans lets you know this gagged and bound america is well on its way to becoming a reality very soon.

Soul Crusher

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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 04:02:07 AM »
This is exactly what obama and the far left communist socialist progessives. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2011, 09:32:32 AM »
NATO is controlled by the Bilderbergs and they use nations for whatever purpose they deem.

Uh no...they are not.

Clueless tard.


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2011, 11:42:22 AM »

Uh no...they are not.

Clueless tard.

I like how Sampson spent the entire time talking about NATO when I mentioned aide to foreign lands.

We give more money to help all victims than any other country on earth, yet we don't matter.

GWB gave more money to aids in Africa than anyone, yet the US doesn't matter.

What a load of manure.


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2011, 01:55:46 PM »
Then why does NATO refuse to do anything without our help? Why is it that whenever anyone has a problem, it's the US they come to?

If we don't matter, then stop asking for us to help your asses out.

Where in your post above do you talk about giving aide to foreign lands????

So far as america coming to any nations aide, we all see america goes no where unless it is to steal another nations natural resources... and even that is being done for the Europeans. The military of america is controlled by the TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE (based in London) and dictates what your military will do. So once again these military adventures and conquests are done using the USEFUL  IDIOT NATION:America, to destroy other nation while keeping NATO/Europe appearing squeaky clean. You have a lot to learn as you know NOTHING...

I like how Sampson spent the entire time talking about NATO when I mentioned aide to foreign lands.

We give more money to help all victims than any other country on earth, yet we don't matter.

GWB gave more money to aids in Africa than anyone, yet the US doesn't matter.

What a load of manure.

America can not give aide to any nation as it has no money to give. Borrowing 5 BILLION per day from China alone and just the same from all other nations combined should have made you aware of that a long time ago, alas you are an american in every regard, so I guess I should have expected that NO INTELLIGENCE response. Oh either case america is over. And the bullshit you have been fed for so many years has finally come home to roost. Your country is not third world...IT IS FOURTH WORLD depending on the so called third world to survive. The wealth of america was seized many years ago as payment for debt was required in GOLD by the Europeans, hence americas no gold money, no GOLD Fort Knox, no GOLD banks etc etc. Your a penniless nation with arrogant characters for citizens and leaders who will soon be disposed of...guarantee you that no one on the planet and no nation will miss you.

BTW I guess you FAILED in learning it was america who concocted the AIDS virus and spread it to England, Africa, India and all over SOuth many discussion on this board was about that? So far as money donated???hahaahahah you've made an ass of your self where is the money that was supposedly donated? Where was the money that was supposedly donated to Haiti (guess you missed the thread on this board about Clinton stealing the 500 MILLION dollars that was slated fro Haiti. Gees...ameriac through and through... JUST KEEP WAVING YOUR FLAG UNTIL SOMEONE COMES TO HELP YOU.


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2011, 03:41:54 PM »
I know that you must enjoy typing lots of crap that no one outside of a kook will read.

Please. Type more.


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2011, 03:45:15 PM »
I know that you must enjoy typing lots of crap that no one outside of a kook will read.

Please. Type more.

You read it TU and by your own testimony are therefore a KOOK!. I am glad you have come to the knowledge of yourself...even your worst part.  ;)


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2011, 04:16:34 PM »

Uh no...they are not.

Clueless tard.

Clueless Tard is exactly what I see you as and exactly what you are. You can not even tell me who the NATO nations are let alone who Bilderberg is yet you announce they/it does not exist!!!!

YEAH Bilderberg doesn't exist alright



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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2011, 05:37:01 PM »
You read it TU and by your own testimony are therefore a KOOK!. I am glad you have come to the knowledge of yourself...even your worst part.  ;)

No... I simply skipped it all. You can post without reading the ridiculousness before.


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2011, 06:54:50 PM »
No... I simply skipped it all. You can post without reading the ridiculousness before.

I can now add LIAR to your new title as KOOK!!!!!.. LYING KOOK...has a nice ring to it don't you think?


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2011, 10:11:00 PM »
You have zero credibility. You have told so many lies and been called out on them only to run away.

I don't think you know the difference between truth and fiction what so ever.


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2011, 10:50:41 PM »
It's kinda funny when shit hits the fan, "we" as in America are always called on to help---to do the majority of the work, to seem like the "big bad guy"---who actually is the one saving everybody's ass---which means "The Heavy", and we having taken hit after financial hit for it...Everybody always whining for us to help them...yet in the same breath want to spit on us...and now, when we allow another person in the drivr's seat, it's "Oh you don't mater anymore", yet the same people in the driver's seat, don't know where they are going, don't know how to drive stick...they are actually "test driving"....Funny, one time, and America Doesn't Matter ::)


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2011, 01:01:29 AM »
It's kinda funny when shit hits the fan, "we" as in America are always called on to help---to do the majority of the work, to seem like the "big bad guy"---who actually is the one saving everybody's ass---which means "The Heavy", and we having taken hit after financial hit for it...Everybody always whining for us to help them...yet in the same breath want to spit on us...and now, when we allow another person in the drivr's seat, it's "Oh you don't mater anymore", yet the same people in the driver's seat, don't know where they are going, don't know how to drive stick...they are actually "test driving"....Funny, one time, and America Doesn't Matter ::)

 yeah right! Georgia 2008!


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2011, 09:05:25 AM »
You have zero credibility. You have told so many lies and been called out on them only to run away.

I don't think you know the difference between truth and fiction what so ever.

I think Samson if the pure definition of a flaming troll gimmick. 


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2011, 10:36:13 AM »
Then why does NATO refuse to do anything without our help? Why is it that whenever anyone has a problem, it's the US they come to?

If we don't matter, then stop asking for us to help your asses out.

Facts....never give Samson facts.


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Re: America Doesn't Matter Anymore
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2011, 10:47:20 AM »
Facts....never give Samson facts.

One thing I can't stand is the ungrateful attitude.. On one hand, bad mouth my country every chance you get, and on the other hand, come asking us for help when you need military power, stick your hand out when they need some money, and use our foreign aide for any and all problems.

I guess it makes sense though, only the top spots get the haters.