Author Topic: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)  (Read 2502 times)


  • Getbig III
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Ok so in the very near future, I am planning on getting on cycle. I will run 500-750mgs of test along with 5iu of Thanktropins a day. I might throw in Proviron along with any additional on cycle ancillaries I may need such as Aromasin and HCG. I will keep my estorgen in the normal range, not lower it too much. Now I want to stay on till I accomplish a certain look that I want for myself. I am 26 years old. I am in pretty good shape and I have a good frame and the six pack is almost in.
I was thinking about getting on now and staying on till the end of the summer at which point I will come off totally using pharm grade ancillaries so I can be sure they are legit. I would stay off a year until the next summer. I am hoping that if I really make my diet top notch when I come off, I can maintain a lean phsique even though I know I will lose a ton of size coming off.
My question today mainly regards the recovery of natural test after a cycle like this. I read a poste by whitewidow in which he said that after a year on cycle, he recovered to 758ng/dl(at least this is what I understood happened, from reading his post) which is pretty damn good. I have read similar accounts on other boards but the info is hard to come by as people don't seem to get bloodwork done before to get baseline levels etc....       I was wondering if people could both share their personal experiences with recovery of natural levels. I am not really interested in discussing the fact that I will lose my gains(because I know I will) but rather how the recovery of natural test production will be. Thanks a ton guys.


  • Getbig III
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Ok so in the very near future, I am planning on getting on cycle. I will run 500-750mgs of test along with 5iu of Thanktropins a day. I might throw in Proviron along with any additional on cycle ancillaries I may need such as Aromasin and HCG. I will keep my estorgen in the normal range, not lower it too much. Now I want to stay on till I accomplish a certain look that I want for myself. I am 26 years old. I am in pretty good shape and I have a good frame and the six pack is almost in.
I was thinking about getting on now and staying on till the end of the summer at which point I will come off totally using pharm grade ancillaries so I can be sure they are legit. I would stay off a year until the next summer. I am hoping that if I really make my diet top notch when I come off, I can maintain a lean phsique even though I know I will lose a ton of size coming off.
My question today mainly regards the recovery of natural test after a cycle like this. I read a poste by whitewidow in which he said that after a year on cycle, he recovered to 758ng/dl(at least this is what I understood happened, from reading his post) which is pretty damn good. I have read similar accounts on other boards but the info is hard to come by as people don't seem to get bloodwork done before to get baseline levels etc....       I was wondering if people could both share their personal experiences with recovery of natural levels. I am not really interested in discussing the fact that I will lose my gains(because I know I will) but rather how the recovery of natural test production will be. Thanks a ton guys.

you say "pharm grade ancillaries" but you really don't understand. with nolvadex and clomid and aromasin it doesn't fucking matter if you get it from the pharmacy or if you get it from a research company. the active ingredient is all that matters, and in the end, these drugs serve their purpose while ON CYCLE. They have little to no use off cycle, and I have had no success using them for "PCT" before, and I have tried every
PCT sticky on the world wide webs.

I see you already realize this though. You know you will lose your gains.

Since you just want to get your test back to normal, I would advise getting aggressive with clomid at a juncture after stopping dependent on the esther of your steroid . More information on that is available everywhere. If you are on test cyp, it will be 14-21 days after your last shot i believe.

jon cole

  • Getbig IV
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recovery with test cycle is not a problem i think, for a good recovery i just avoid combo like tren e and deca.


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well if your planning on becomming a pro or are a pro you dont come off the smart pros go off for 2 months out of the year. but still usually use HGH year round
your right I didn't get pre-bloodwork done and I spen actually 9 months on cycle. it was my first year essing with anabolics and wanted to get a feel and try alot of diffrent compounds out. as for PCT I used HCG,Nolva,clomid, DHEA,tribex and waxy starch maize( vitargo). even though I didn't get pre bloodwork I think aftre the PCT and the time off my Test was pretty close to when I started I thin it was still not as high as it was before I started but close I probably went from close to 1,000ng to 758ng I still had a strong libido but not quite as strong as before I messed with gear. it might have been more like 900ng. and after all the pct and time off got back close to 758ng. only thing like I said was my libido wasn't as crazy high! I mean I was a walking hard-on but aftre the cycles I wasn't as bad dont get me wrong I still had a strong healthy libido just not as strong as before I started. 758ng is pretty high the normal rang on my resulst was 225-780ng so I had high natural test. I should of done pre blood work though. because I have nno idea what it was before I started I was just glad it was still high by doctors standards.could of been like 900ng before i started could of been 1,100ng. I will never know. like I said I was glad it was as high as it was. this was after a good PCT and about 5 months clean.


  • Getbig III
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Firstly, thanks to everyone for your responses. I really do appreciate it. I am always looking for as much information as I can lay my hands on. I am not the type of person who just jumps into something without thinking about it alot.

Whitewidow, what compounds did you run during your 9 months on cycle and what was your exact pct protocol coming off? Like how much of each did you take etc.. Thanks so much bro.


  • Getbig III
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Firstly, thanks to everyone for your responses. I really do appreciate it. I am always looking for as much information as I can lay my hands on. I am not the type of person who just jumps into something without thinking about it alot.

Whitewidow, what compounds did you run during your 9 months on cycle and what was your exact pct protocol coming off? Like how much of each did you take etc.. Thanks so much bro.

also dude tribulus really does help with getting your nuts working when you are off. i used to do this when i came off when i was younger. i found it really got me wanting to fuck quickly.

i know you are asking widow, but the PCT protocol i used to run with clomid was something like this:

day 1-300 mg
day 2-21: 50 mg
tamoxifen citrate
day1-30: 20 mg
just a lot of that shit through the whole pct and after

and i would always run the hcg weeks before coming off, like in the middle of the cycle. you don't want to mix hcg and pct. you want  your nuts to get back naturally.

PS you get significantly more acne on the clomid than you do on cycle. Clomid fucks my face up and makes me weird. and not in an aggressive tren way... in a "my mind if full of weird fucking thoughts that i do not like at all" way... be prepared. clomid basically makes you think like a woman.


  • Getbig IV
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I know it affects everyone differently but in theory, if you stayed 'ON' for a few years, you'd not have to deal with acne?

That's my one thing holding me back from doing my first cycle, acne on the face wouldn't make it worth it.


  • Getbig III
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also dude tribulus really does help with getting your nuts working when you are off. i used to do this when i came off when i was younger. i found it really got me wanting to fuck quickly.

i know you are asking widow, but the PCT protocol i used to run with clomid was something like this:

day 1-300 mg
day 2-21: 50 mg
tamoxifen citrate
day1-30: 20 mg
just a lot of that shit through the whole pct and after

and i would always run the hcg weeks before coming off, like in the middle of the cycle. you don't want to mix hcg and pct. you want  your nuts to get back naturally.

PS you get significantly more acne on the clomid than you do on cycle. Clomid fucks my face up and makes me weird. and not in an aggressive tren way... in a "my mind if full of weird fucking thoughts that i do not like at all" way... be prepared. clomid basically makes you think like a woman.

Thanks, I appreciate the info. I am also curious as to how much worse the recovery is after a 6 month cycle of the test and proviron, as opposed to a shorter one. I am hoping that because it won't contain a nandrolone(i will never touch that stuff) I won't have it too bad.


  • Getbig V
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I did Arnolds and local hero's recommended pct and im fine.


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Firstly, thanks to everyone for your responses. I really do appreciate it. I am always looking for as much information as I can lay my hands on. I am not the type of person who just jumps into something without thinking about it alot.

Whitewidow, what compounds did you run during your 9 months on cycle and what was your exact pct protocol coming off? Like how much of each did you take etc.. Thanks so much bro.

I tried alot of shit. started just using british dragon turinabol solo for a few weeks and the added 250mgTest enanthat for a few weeks then 500mg for a few weeks. that first cycle was maybe 7-8 weeks. I had some nipple irritation and just used nolvadex 20mg for 1 week and 40mg for a second week . I also was off for a few weeks then I jumped on more test E 500mg and also stacked it with anavar,winstrol and MOHN. Yes 3 orals not that smart but I wanted to try all these compounds used anavar and winstrol first ran out and started using MOHN. that cycle I ran for 8 weeks after the two mini cycles I was up 18 pounds.used nlova the same way but added clomid 50mg daily for a month I liked the clomid much more than nolvaedx, then I quite for a month or maybe 6 weeks and jumped on halodrol-50 by gaspari nutrition used that solo for a week and then used test suspension. ran the whole 30 tabs of halodrol and ran suspension daily sometimes 2 shots daily I got pretty  big off that cycle that was just a 10 week cycle I also used british Dragon winstrol 50mg tabs that cycle after I ran out of halodrol but just for 2 weeks. In the 9 months I used take a week to 2 week break between cycles mainly just used nolva and clomid the first couple blitz cycles. '

used just nolva the first cycle for just 2 weeks at 20mg to start and then I bumped it up to about 40mg hard to say since it was IBE liquid. I got tabs after that nolva and clomid and HCG. but never used HCG till after the halodrol,winstrol test suspension cycle. after the Test E 500mg,winstrol,anavar and MOHN I used nolva and clomid 50mg clomid daily for 3 weeks and 20mg nolva for 3 weeks. no HCG.

last cycle I ran, I used ,5 shots of HCG 1,500IU after last shot and clomid 50mg and nolva 20mg same protocol used them daily for 3 weeks the HCG I took after my last suspension shot and shot 1,500Iu's every other day then just used the clomid and nolva and a powerlifetr suggested I use DHEA and some tribex. so I bought some DHEA and trib the DHEA was like 6 bucks and the tribex was cheap as well 20$ ran them daily a few caps of DHEA and a few caps of tribex with the clomid50mg and nolva 20mg the nolva at 40mg made my eye sight kind of funky I didnt care for nolva much I liked the clomid way better. and I loved the DHEA/trib stack. that I ran longer than I did the nolva and clomid I ran that for 2 months. this was along time ago and the cycles I ran were not that great I just wanted to use aot of diffrent compounds. never touched tren or HGH the first year . I looked awesome though after the halodrol-50,winstrol 50mg daily and 100mg suspension daily for 8-10 weeks. I looked pretty good after the Test -E 500mg anavar 50mg daily,winstrol 50mg daily,MOHN I forget what the dosage was but I remeber I abused what the directions said to take. l. the first cycle with the Tbol and Test E I got test face bad and gained some water weight. that one I got big but it wasnt quality lean body mass like with the other cycles.It was so long ago all I remeber was how painful my nips got my first cycle and the 2nd and 3rd cycle that year didnt get any sore or puffy nips.I ran alot of orals my first year only used Test E and suspension for my injects. Now I I run way better cycles and know what I am doing these days


  • Getbig III
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Re: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2012, 04:37:23 AM »
I did Arnolds and local hero's recommended pct and im fine.

And where can that be found? I have seen the common pct protocol that seems to be accepted on all the sourceboards but I would like to see this one. Thanks


  • Getbig III
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Re: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2012, 04:40:53 AM »
I tried alot of shit. started just using british dragon turinabol solo for a few weeks and the added 250mgTest enanthat for a few weeks then 500mg for a few weeks. that first cycle was maybe 7-8 weeks. I had some nipple irritation and just used nolvadex 20mg for 1 week and 40mg for a second week . I also was off for a few weeks then I jumped on more test E 500mg and also stacked it with anavar,winstrol and MOHN. Yes 3 orals not that smart but I wanted to try all these compounds used anavar and winstrol first ran out and started using MOHN. that cycle I ran for 8 weeks after the two mini cycles I was up 18 pounds.used nlova the same way but added clomid 50mg daily for a month I liked the clomid much more than nolvaedx, then I quite for a month or maybe 6 weeks and jumped on halodrol-50 by gaspari nutrition used that solo for a week and then used test suspension. ran the whole 30 tabs of halodrol and ran suspension daily sometimes 2 shots daily I got pretty  big off that cycle that was just a 10 week cycle I also used british Dragon winstrol 50mg tabs that cycle after I ran out of halodrol but just for 2 weeks. In the 9 months I used take a week to 2 week break between cycles mainly just used nolva and clomid the first couple blitz cycles. '

used just nolva the first cycle for just 2 weeks at 20mg to start and then I bumped it up to about 40mg hard to say since it was IBE liquid. I got tabs after that nolva and clomid and HCG. but never used HCG till after the halodrol,winstrol test suspension cycle. after the Test E 500mg,winstrol,anavar and MOHN I used nolva and clomid 50mg clomid daily for 3 weeks and 20mg nolva for 3 weeks. no HCG.

last cycle I ran, I used ,5 shots of HCG 1,500IU after last shot and clomid 50mg and nolva 20mg same protocol used them daily for 3 weeks the HCG I took after my last suspension shot and shot 1,500Iu's every other day then just used the clomid and nolva and a powerlifetr suggested I use DHEA and some tribex. so I bought some DHEA and trib the DHEA was like 6 bucks and the tribex was cheap as well 20$ ran them daily a few caps of DHEA and a few caps of tribex with the clomid50mg and nolva 20mg the nolva at 40mg made my eye sight kind of funky I didnt care for nolva much I liked the clomid way better. and I loved the DHEA/trib stack. that I ran longer than I did the nolva and clomid I ran that for 2 months. this was along time ago and the cycles I ran were not that great I just wanted to use aot of diffrent compounds. never touched tren or HGH the first year . I looked awesome though after the halodrol-50,winstrol 50mg daily and 100mg suspension daily for 8-10 weeks. I looked pretty good after the Test -E 500mg anavar 50mg daily,winstrol 50mg daily,MOHN I forget what the dosage was but I remeber I abused what the directions said to take. l. the first cycle with the Tbol and Test E I got test face bad and gained some water weight. that one I got big but it wasnt quality lean body mass like with the other cycles.It was so long ago all I remeber was how painful my nips got my first cycle and the 2nd and 3rd cycle that year didnt get any sore or puffy nips.I ran alot of orals my first year only used Test E and suspension for my injects. Now I I run way better cycles and know what I am doing these days

Firstly, thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. So I know that you recovered well after being on all these different things for 9 months but I was wondering if you still recover well to this day. I am sure you have ran many cycles since and am wondering how you find yourself recovering today. Thanks


  • Getbig V
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Re: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2012, 01:45:00 PM »
I actually have a question that is kinda of on the lines of this thread

actually, it is about "cruising" duration which is the opposite of the subject of this thread but I'd rather ask here than take up precious bandwidth by starting a thread

anyway, what is the consensus on a minimum cruise time between "blasts"? 


  • Time Out
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Re: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2012, 01:48:23 PM »
I actually have a question that is kinda of on the lines of this thread

actually, it is about "cruising" duration which is the opposite of the subject of this thread but I'd rather ask here than take up precious bandwidth by starting a thread

anyway, what is the consensus on a minimum cruise time between "blasts"? 

Not sure but I've read 4 weeks seems to be the minimum.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2012, 01:49:50 PM »
Not sure but I've read 4 weeks seems to be the minimum.
, wow..that's pretty short

I would always think it would be something like x weeks on equals x weeks minimum cruise

each his own i guess


  • Time Out
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Re: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2012, 02:00:46 PM »
think you must look at something between 4 & 8 weeks, see whats good for you  :)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2012, 02:06:38 PM »
I actually have a question that is kinda of on the lines of this thread

actually, it is about "cruising" duration which is the opposite of the subject of this thread but I'd rather ask here than take up precious bandwidth by starting a thread

anyway, what is the consensus on a minimum cruise time between "blasts"?  

time on = time off. that seems to be the general tried and trued mantra. but, i think it varies between people and matters what types of compounds you run, and until you feel your old libido come back i don't think you are 100% yet. though, not something i have a lot of personal experience with because i never really came off, lol


  • Getbig III
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Re: Question about recovery from cycles(Yes I know many of you don't come off)
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2012, 09:09:09 PM »
Firstly, thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. So I know that you recovered well after being on all these different things for 9 months but I was wondering if you still recover well to this day. I am sure you have ran many cycles since and am wondering how you find yourself recovering today. Thanks

Bump for an answer. Thanks a ton.