Author Topic: Accurate information about natural training  (Read 1469 times)


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Accurate information about natural training
« on: March 18, 2012, 08:54:39 PM »
  As a natural bodybuilding as in going on stage would not work the body loses muscle very fast sub 10% for most but you can still be very large and strong just not large strong and low bf. If I wanted to be jacked and natural I would keep bf 10%+ most will be the best at around 13% or so from what I have seen if you want to look big and not like a beach twink.
  Diet if you think your going to be 5-6% and large your wrong so diet isnt that improtant. Eating a farmer type diet meat and potatoes a little pizza,cereal it doesn't have to be clean maybe 200grams of protein a day.
 Contrary to what I have seen said some of the strongest naturals I have seen were also some of the hardest drinking and partiers so giving up your soical life will prolly not help you much imo.
 Training legs to be very big strong will not allow your upper body to be its biggest so take that into consideration. Many old soruces say squats will make your bench stronger and arms bigger. If a begginer maybe but once arond 350-400 squat 275+ bench natural no way. The old soruces were taking steroids while writting that.
  You can for most ( average white males) get to a 350 bench natual or close and 500 deadlift. And 16inch arms 14% is fairly lean to the public hell you can see a full tricep v and 14 -13% Look at people next time your at walmart see how many are 220 12%-14% maybe if your in cali or florida other then that 1 or 2 besides the big black guy there that just got out of the joint and is natrual to.

Gh15 is right natural bodybuilding does not work as in getting on a stage but you can bench 350 and be fairly large gh15 does not say that is not true.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 11:09:42 PM »
Good post!
Atleast there's something to be positive about in natural bodybuilding...
You will still be bigger than most average people and stay relatively lean and strong.
Sounds good to me!


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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 11:25:33 PM »
 Naturals and non naturals over estimate the power of steroids the true power of them is that they allow you to hold muscle while leaner. Steroids do not add as much muscle and strength as people think. I would guess arnold would hit the stage at 200-210 or so no steroids.   He hit is between 225 and 235 so at the most 35lbs he gained from all his mega dosing more likely 25 . Its clear the ronnie coleman,jay cutler,john cena mega steroids,slin and gh add much more but steroids alone no. It not even really an easy thing to milk your 20-30 extra pounds from them and takes lots of trial and error or out right kitchen sinking them.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 11:29:09 PM »
Yeah I'm about the same length as Arnold and I would like to be 210 with sub 10% BF as a natty. I think its totally attainable on a "normal" diet and some cardio 3-4x a week.


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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 11:34:25 PM »
Yeah I'm about the same length as Arnold and I would like to be 210 with sub 10% BF as a natty. I think its totally attainable on a "normal" diet and some cardio 3-4x a week.
it would be hard but yes a some what sensible slightly protein heavy diet you could get close. Most likely you would have to start at 225 15% or something and diet very slowly down to it either that or start leaner and smaller and grow slowly to it. For all my steroid use I have only 17lbs to to show from it if that and most other do to if that's all they use. And thats peak running strong everything in tune.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2012, 11:39:38 PM »
it would be hard but yes a some what sensible slightly protein heavy diet you could get close. Most likely you would have to start at 225 15% or something and diet very slowly down to it either that or start leaner and smaller and grow slowly to it. For all my steroid use I have only 17lbs to to show from it if that and most other do to if that's all they use. And thats peak running strong everything in tune.
As a natty I'm usually around 225 with 15% anyways. On cycle now I'm about 250lbs with between 12-15% I would guess?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2012, 11:40:59 PM »
Natural bodybuild = fratboy look, nothing more,,,definitely not enough to turn heads as you walk by

6'0 would be lucky to go above 170lbs morning,, 7-8% bodyfat.

all drugs - TPPIIP


  • Getbig V
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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2012, 11:42:31 PM »
natural bodybuilding once again ,,

5 ' 1 0

1 6 0  to 1 6 5 lb

6 % upper body

8% lower body

over all 6.5 7% bodyfat,, low water retention since no hormones...

this  is it  my friends


this is GOOD GENETICS structure... NATURAL lol

the bad ones are usualy 10 lb less...

and finaly ....

yes you can be on stage 170lb 5'10 6% ... naturaly ...
it will only take you few haldrol drug bottles ,, a good fat burner... and a failed cycle in the past of testosterona and nandrolona that you thought was fake...

so yes you can get to be 170lb 5'10 on stage after carb up...

if you ever EVER see a 5'7 fella on stage walking 180lb 6% and tell you he is natural or 5'10 fella walking on stge 182lb 5% and tell you he is natural need to borow tobaco from your redneck friend over there in americana will find them close by...chew it for few minutes...and FUCKING SPIT THE HORSE CHEW DISGUSTING SALIVA  IN HIS FUCKING FACE

f i l t !

there is no natural bodybuild...unless you consider 160lb 6% 5'10 and 3/4 of an inch ....a bodybuilder

gh15 approved
fallen angel


  • Getbig III
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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2012, 11:43:41 PM »
Natural bodybuild = fratboy look, nothing more,,,definitely not enough to turn heads as you walk by

6'0 would be lucky to go above 170lbs morning,, 7-8% bodyfat.

For my first bodybuilding comp I weighed in at about 190 but my bodyfat wasn't low enough, it was about 8% I would guess.


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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2012, 11:44:01 PM »
natural bodybuilding once again ,,

5 ' 1 0

1 6 0  to 1 6 5 lb

6 % upper body

8% lower body

over all 6.5 7% bodyfat,, low water retention since no hormones...

this  is it  my friends


this is GOOD GENETICS structure... NATURAL lol

the bad ones are usualy 10 lb less...

and finaly ....

yes you can be on stage 170lb 5'10 6% ... naturaly ...
it will only take you few haldrol drug bottles ,, a good fat burner... and a failed cycle in the past of testosterona and nandrolona that you thought was fake...

so yes you can get to be 170lb 5'10 on stage after carb up...

if you ever EVER see a 5'7 fella on stage walking 180lb 6% and tell you he is natural or 5'10 fella walking on stge 182lb 5% and tell you he is natural need to borow tobaco from your redneck friend over there in americana will find them close by...chew it for few minutes...and FUCKING SPIN THE HORSE CHEW DISGUSTING SALIVA  IN HIS FUCKING FACE

f i l t !

there is no natural bodybuild...unless you consider 160lb 6% 5'10 and 3/4 of an inch ....a bodybuilder

gh15 approved
we want the figures for 10% and 12% bf  gh15 we already know that


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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2012, 11:44:37 PM »
For my first bodybuilding comp I weighed in at about 190 but my bodyfat wasn't low enough, it was about 8% I would guess.
ever % higher allows a lot more lean body mass really sub 8 is a some what unnatural state the body doesn't handle it to well. I'm talking average white male.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2012, 11:46:28 PM »
natural bodybuilding once again ,,

5 ' 1 0

1 6 0  to 1 6 5 lb

6 % upper body

8% lower body

over all 6.5 7% bodyfat,, low water retention since no hormones...

this  is it  my friends


this is GOOD GENETICS structure... NATURAL lol

the bad ones are usualy 10 lb less...

and finaly ....

yes you can be on stage 170lb 5'10 6% ... naturaly ...
it will only take you few haldrol drug bottles ,, a good fat burner... and a failed cycle in the past of testosterona and nandrolona that you thought was fake...

so yes you can get to be 170lb 5'10 on stage after carb up...

if you ever EVER see a 5'7 fella on stage walking 180lb 6% and tell you he is natural or 5'10 fella walking on stge 182lb 5% and tell you he is natural need to borow tobaco from your redneck friend over there in americana will find them close by...chew it for few minutes...and FUCKING SPIN THE HORSE CHEW DISGUSTING SALIVA  IN HIS FUCKING FACE

f i l t !

there is no natural bodybuild...unless you consider 160lb 6% 5'10 and 3/4 of an inch ....a bodybuilder

gh15 approved
GH15! Welcome back. The forum missed you! :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Accurate information about natural training
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2012, 12:05:53 AM »
you need to be very strict on diet as natural when preping ,, even if not natural you need to be strict...when preping final stage,,
as true natural you have to br strict all alogn the prep which is a good 12 weeks at last,, yuo also need to remain single digit along the year 8-11% on regular basis,, basicaly you have zero life,, everythin gis aroudn the meals ,, every 2 hour a mean ,, and in prep you will have to simply have meal after meal of very clean food while keeping carb up and then cycle it so you dont flaten and lose the veiny apperance you ant to create when you get down to the 160s...

again very few naturals are truely naturals,, most of them are filty liars,, they always say they dont know how to get hormones and they alwys dont do it...for they already did it in past...and what you see now is the 180 something pound single digit they got from thsoe hormones they used in past lol

natural ,, truly natural = no life what so ever,, meal after meal ,, you cant skip a meal ,, stress wil tkae you way back ,, you cant do nothing but bodybuild and! YOU CAN NOT HAVE ANY JOB,, you have to be able to live home and do nothing but eating sleeping and bodybuild,, all inordr to be 164lb dry 6% 5'10 with shoes on

does it worth it?

the answer is ABSOLITLY not,, with shirt no one know you are lifting weight,, with out shirt every one can see detailed definition and condition muscle you will hear some wow look in those abs...but in reality any bodybuild 180+ lb 8% will burry you with size and mainly thickness! ...

gh15 approved

fallen angel