Author Topic: The GOP's Inability to Critique Obama's Foreign Policy  (Read 221 times)


  • Getbig IV
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The GOP's Inability to Critique Obama's Foreign Policy
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:18:17 AM »

Key Excerpt:
Mitt Romney is constrained in the foreign policy critique that he can make by the Republican coalition, where outspoken hawkishness has been a theme since the September 11 terrorists attacks. But if the GOP were less slavishly beholden to the ideology of Dick Cheney and The Weekly Standard, its standard bearer -- or another nominee with better judgment and advisers -- would marshal a powerful argument that President Obama has done grave damage to long term American security by being short-sighted in the way that he's fought the War on Terrorism.

Various Obama administration policies have yielded benefits. But at what cost? Challengers are supposed answer that question. It's one salutary effect of elections. The loyal opposition has a powerful incentive to make sure that the citizenry is well informed about the downside of tradeoffs being made by their representatives. Alas, the GOP hasn't marshaled an adequate critique. Meanwhile, the political press mostly covers whatever arguments Republicans and Democrats are having, a tendency that effectively outsources judgment about what's important to partisans.

In this case, they've decided to argue about whether the president went on an apology tour, whether he thinks America is exceptional, and whether he leads from in front or behind. It's depressing.

Afghanistan, the drone attacks, Libya... The opposition party has a real opportunity to make a serious critique of the incumbent's policies. And yet we're stuck in a jingoistic dick-measuring contest trying to figure out who is the most hawkish.