Author Topic: Muslims threaten to take law into their own hands with 11 yo Christian girl  (Read 530 times)


  • Getbig V
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Pakistan: Lawyer For Man Who Accused 11-Year-Old Christian Girl Of “Blasphemy” Says Muslims Could “Take The Law Into Their Own Hands” If Court Doesn’t Convict Her

A lawyer representing the man who accused a Pakistani Christian girl of blasphemy has claimed that if she is not convicted, Muslims could “take the law into their own hands”.

Rao Abdur Raheem, who appeared in court for the first time at a bail hearing on Tuesday, cited the example of Mumtaz Qadri, the man who last year gunned down a senior politician who had called for the reform of the much-abused blasphemy law.

The lawyer’s comments are likely to further complicate a bitterly contentious case which has caused international outcry and embarrassed the Pakistani government.

The girl, Rimsha Masih, whose family says she is 11, was arrested earlier this month and charged with desecrating the Qur’an after a neighbour, Malik Hammad, claimed that he saw her with burnt pages of the holy text in a bag she was carrying.

Her family had hoped that she would be granted bail on Thursday after a medical report this week found that she was a minor – thus eligible for bail – and has learning difficulties. But those hopes were dashed when Raheem challenged the report in court and the hearing was postponed.

According to Raheem, the medical report on Masih was illegal, as it followed the orders of a civil servant and not the court, and went beyond its remit of determining her age. He accused the government of supporting her and manipulating court proceedings.

Speaking outside the Islamabad court after the hearing, Raheem said: “There are many Mumtaz Qadris in this country … This (medical) report has been managed by the state, state agencies and the accused.”

Later, sitting in his office beneath a large poster of Qadri, Raheem told the Guardian: “If the court is not allowed to do its work, because the state is helping the accused, then the public has no other option except to take the law into their own hands.”

So this means that they'll rape, torture and then murder her if she isn't convicted? Seems to be so.  :-\


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Nasser
Pakistanis are the least practicing muslims I know of. Although there are some amazing practicing Muslims, overwhelmingly they are very cultural and tribalistic. They are extremly harsh and prideful in their villages and non-sense.

This is not the way Muhammad (pbuh) would deal with such things. It's ignorance at it's finest. Pakistan is also a secular nation run by a rubbish dictator. It's so called islamic laws are a joke because they have very little to do with Islam.

And before my desi friends jump me lol I have plenty Pakistani friends... however it is the truth... most Pakistanis are very aggressive and prideful when it comes to their culture/nationality/tribe/village/etc...

It's just ridiculous.

If the girl is handicapped... Good God... this is just stupid.

The sad part is islamophobe idiots like you don't get this and don't ACTUALLY care for a little girl but are bent on trying to attack Islam and slander Islam magically somehow. You are such a fail at life.

I will give you one example of how Muhammad (pbuh) reacted to a desecration:
Hadith 1:
Anas Bin Maalik said:

While we were in the masjid with the Messenger of Allaah, a Bedouin came; he then urinated in the masjid.

The Companions of the Messenger of Allaah said, “Mah Mah (An expression used to severly scold someone, to indicate the graveness of a matter).”

The Messenger of Allaah said, “Do not put a halt to his urinating, but instead leave him.”

They left him alone until he finished urinating.

The Messenger of Allaah called him over and said to him, “Any kind of urine or filth is not suitable for these masjids. Instead they are only [appropriate] for the remembrance of Allaah, the Prayer, and the recitation of the Qur’aan,” or this is near to what the Messenger of Allaah said.

He (saw) then issued an order to a man from the people, who then came with a bucket of water, which he poured over the [effected] area [of the masjid].

[Related by Muslim in his Saheeh, 285]

Hadith 2:
In another narration related by Abu Huraira, a bedouin once entered in the masjid, while the Prophet was seated inside.

The Bedouin prayed, and when he finished he said, “O Allaah, have mercy on me and on Muhammad, and do not have mercy on anyone other than us.”

The Prophet turned to him and said, “You have indeed constricted that which is vast.”

Then not too much time passed before the Bedouin urinated in the masjid. The sahaabah rushed towards him, and the Prophet (saw) said, “Pour a bucketful of water on it (i.e., on the effected area).” He (saw) then said, “Verily, you were sent only to make maters easy, and you were not sent to make matters difficult.”

[Related by Tirmidhi, 147, Ahmad 2/239. Tirmidhi said, "This hadith is Hasan Saheeh". Ahmad Shaakir (7254) said, "Its chain is authentic."]

Hadith 3:
And the following is in another naration:

After he understood [the wrong which he had done], the Bedouin said, “The Prophet (saw) stood before me – may my mother and father be ransom for him – and he (saw) neither cursed nor scolded nor hit [me]“

[Related by Ahmad 2/503. Ahmad Shaakir (10540) said, "Its chain is authentic."]

And to add one more point. A lot of muslims react emotionally because they are being attacked from left, right, back, front and center every day. Whether media, individuals (such as yourself) or whatever. All Muslims will stand up for Islam, but not all muslims are educated in Islam.

It is natural to react emotionally when attacked and to react without intellect because of lack of knowledge, but none the less still natural to be emotional.

The thing is, if muslims such as these pakistanis were more educated in Islam, they would not resort to such sillyness... It's ridiculous.

I can find so many other examples of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and of his companions and of the caliph rashidun, such as Umar ibn al-khattab which I already cited, of a muslim hitting a christian and the caliph punishing the muslim by allowing the christian to do the same back to him.

You on the other hand i feel sorry for.. you never learn do you. Islam and Muslims are not your enemy, your lack of knowledge, your hatred, is as saddening as that of these Pakistanis.


  • Getbig V
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"Islamophobe" is a word fabricated by racist, genocidal, oppressive Muslims as a means of stifling legitimate discussion of their disgusting cult.

I wonder if the Muslims will torture and disembowel/dismember this girl like they did that young Christian boy a few weeks ago?


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Nasser
I guess you have reading abilities or rather lack of them.

pro nitrousADRL

  • Getbig III
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  • put more nitrous on that, it still has spark plugs

down with hussein


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5823
  • Team Nasser
^Definetely lacking reading ability. I guess still stuck in the witch hunt medieval age christian duty of burning things and people, including books as opposed to reading them like Muslims used to do. Ah... the number of works that were lost (including ancient greek works) after christian burns muslim libraries.

By the way it says in your signature "down with hussein". Saddam Hussein is long gone, no weapons of mass destructions, no secret weapons labs. You lied and were lied to. You murdered over a million people.

You will get served if not in this life, in the next, and it will be far worse what's coming for you in the next life. You can be given the same weapons you have and try fighting God. You can assume the result that will follow