Author Topic: The muscle bus.  (Read 931 times)


  • Getbig V
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The muscle bus.
« on: January 03, 2013, 12:12:38 PM »
As the sun goes down slowly in the distance, a huge black RV races calmly past the Max Muscle shop in Venice Beach, CA. Inside, Clay Butler is relaxing on a black leather sofa, which should have been cleaned a few weeks ago. His personal assistant Trevor talks about famed bodybuilder Donny Goulman, who also drives an RV, which he uses as rolling advertising.

Clay looks at his assistant with distant eyes. Suddenly he asks: "Big bus, big muscle.. clay like big bus". Trevor looks down on the floor, and says nothing. Clay soon feels a burning sensation close to his anus. He looks at Travor like a dog, which knows it has done something wrong.

Clay struggles to the RV bathroom, his monstrous quads touch each other. When Clay sits down on the toilet, he manages to get off his pants before a huge pyramid shit unfolds beneath him. Clay smells the poo, with a mild and relaxed facial expression. The poo smells of the Bonsai Bob food he had yesterday. "Maybe I should not have eaten it with my unwashed fingers", he thinks to himself.

The smell of poo is not so bad.. Clay had a much worse encounter the other day.. some guy with a "mayor of bodybuilding" t-shirt asked to pay him to ride along in the RV with clay across the USA. Clay could see no problem in this, but Trevor said no. Clay has a feeling, that Trevor knows something, which he is hiding from him.