Author Topic: White house wants national gun registry...  (Read 2929 times)


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Re: White house wants national gun registry...
« Reply #50 on: January 06, 2013, 08:17:28 PM »
Perfect explanation for why people think they can do socialism better than all the other countries that have failed trying it.  ::)
But that wasn't real Socialism bro! It just has to be done right by a government that truly cares! Just like Communism! Communism works dude, it's just that no government has actually cared about the people enough to do it right!


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Re: White house wants national gun registry...
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2013, 08:17:34 PM »
Perfect explanation for why people think they can do socialism better than all the other countries that have failed trying it.  ::)



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Re: White house wants national gun registry...
« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2013, 09:40:02 PM »
It will be put forth for merely symbolic reasons.  When the media cycle hits the next big story, the motion will be shot(!) down in Congress or the Senate.  Even the Judiciary may find it to be unconstitutional.

Soul Crusher

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Re: White house wants national gun registry...
« Reply #53 on: January 07, 2013, 08:29:58 AM »
Nobody "Needs" Detachable Magazines
 Gun Watch ^ | 8 January, 2013 | Dean Weingarten

Posted on Monday, January 07, 2013 11:22:27 AM by marktwain

Nobody needs 24/7 media coverage of mass killings. It leads to the copycat effect where unbalanced people are given an incentive to kill masses of innocents in order to become famous.

Nobody needs to go to the church of their choice. One state sponsored church is plenty.

Nobody needs to refuse police questions. What have you got to hide? This practice allows child killers to roam the streets.

Nobody needs to assemble in large groups. It is dangerous and leads to riots. Small children are trampled to death.

Nobody needs Automobiles. Mass transit is more efficient and safes the lives of children.

Nobody needs to videotape police. It hinders investigations and police efficiency.

Nobody needs alcohol. That did not work out so well last time.

Nobody needs marijuana. That is not working out well at present.

Nobody needs unsupervised Internet access. It leads to misinformation and political unrest. People would have access to dangerous information.

Nobody needs twitter or text messaging. Look at all the trouble it caused in Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

Nobody needs meat. People have to kill animals to get it.

Nobody needs more than one bathroom per house. Anything more wastes water.

Nobody needs swimming pools. Hundreds of children drown in them every year.

Our society is not based on the Marxist concept of “to each according to their needs”. Our society is based on the rights of the individual. Rights are protected by the Constitution, and are not subject to majority vote.

Banning a box with a spring that can be produced in any home workshop, when there are hundreds of millions already in circulation, would do nothing to stop mass murders. Even given the unlikely possibility that it could do a very little good, it would certainly do great harm. While you may not see the “need” for such a device, tens of millions of your fellow citizens vehemently disagree, as indicated by the millions that are being sold every month. They will resist such a law with more moral certainty than anyone resisted prohibition. Many lives will be lost trying to enforce such a provision. Either jails will be filled to overcrowding, or the provision will be only given lip service. Neither result advances the public good.

There is a reason that these provisions are only pushed in the heat of an emotional response. They cannot stand reasoned reflection.

Dean Weingarten

Soul Crusher

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Re: White house wants national gun registry...
« Reply #54 on: January 07, 2013, 08:33:10 AM »
Gun Registration is Gun Confiscation

The holy grail of the anti self defense and anti rights special interest groups is gun registration. This is because once your gun is required to be registered, it is in effect, already confiscated. Only a little thought will reveal to you why this is so. The Government will know who has legal possession of each firearm. They will know where the firearm is stored. When physical possession of the gun is desired, they can order you to turn it in. This has happened repeatedly. The historical examples include NAZI Germany, Soviet Russia, Red China, and Cambodia. Recent examples include Kosovo, Great Britian, Australia, New York, and California. Not having possession of the firearm registered to you can be grounds for criminal action. If you have reported the gun stolen, and it is then found in your possession, you can be charged with obstruction of justice.
 It is a truism that once all guns are required to be registered, the only people who will legally possess guns will be those who have registered them. If you choose to follow the course of civil disobedience, and not register your firearms, mere possession of an unregistered gun can put you at grave legal risk. Civil disobedience has been the most common course of action in California and Canada, where it has proven impossible to enforce the laws requiring registration. If you choose this course of action, you would now be at the mercy of any informant who discovers that you possess a gun illegally. Children in the public schools are already being trained to tell the police if there is a gun in the house. Doctors are being urged to ask children if there are guns in their home. A warrant was issued in California for a SWAT raid based on the mere picture of people holding unidentified guns which were legal. The picture had been sent to the police by an informant in the film developing company. If you are not on the list of those who have registered, you have become a criminal. If you are forced to use the gun for self defense, you will have committed a serious crime. It will become extremely difficult to train your children in firearms safety or to bring friends or relatives into the gun culture. In a few years, the number of people with personal knowledge of guns will be much smaller. The people who urge gradual or immediate gun registration are attempting cultural genocide of the gun culture.
The common practice, once guns are required to be registered, is to gradually tighten the requirements of registration to reduce the number of gun owners. When the number is low enough to limit effective political action by the members of the gun culture affected, the remaining guns can be confiscated with little effort.
Gun registration has proven to be universally ineffective in reducing crime. In fact, crime is likely to increase because of the transfer of police resources from crime fighting to administer and police the political requirements of the gun registration scheme, and because of the reduced number of people willing or able to use their firearms for self defense. Self defense is never acknowledged by the anti rights special interest groups because it trumps their arguments for disarming the people. The primary purpose of gun registration has always been to reduce the political power of the people rather than reduce the crime rate.
The current attempt at requiring gun registration started in 1968, when congress required gun dealers to obtain a federal license, and purchasers of guns from federally licensed dealers were required to fill out a form 4473 to take possession. Congress forbid the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms from constructing any national gun registration list from this data, although a registration scheme of purchasers of more than one handgun within a week has been kept on the grounds that it was started before the congressional action forbidding such, and is therefore "grandfathered". In 1994, Congress passed the Brady bill, which required handgun purchasers to undergo an instant check or a five day wait to purchase a handgun. While parts of this act were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, a little known part of the bill went into effect in 1998, requiring all purchasers of firearms from licensed dealers to undergo an "instant check" before taking possession. Two safeguards had been built into the bill to insure that it would not be used to develop a national registration of firearms. First, the FBI was forbidden to keep any records of instant checks that allow purchase. Second, the instant checks only applied to dealers, not to private sales. Since any gun owner could sell their firearm whenever they wished, without government permission, no registration list could effectively be developed, and effective gun confiscation was prevented.
During the last year, both of these safeguards have been under attack. The FBI has refused to immediately destroy the instant check information, although required to do so by law. Recently a three judge panel in Washington, D. C. has voted two to one to uphold their ability to do so. Both judges voting for gun registration are Clinton appointees. The Clinton administration has been vociferously promoting the elimination of the other safeguard, private sales, which they call the "gun show loophole". Once private parties are forbidden from selling guns without government permission, it is only a matter of time before all guns and gun owners who are not registered are illegal.
I find particularly troubling the emphasis during the last decade on guns that are seldom used in crime, but are quite useful in military service. The same people who stated that they were only interested in limiting handguns, now call for limiting the ownership of military style rifles. Many models of guns which are almost never used in crime, are now illegal for people to own in some locations. The latest outrageous attempt to remove power from the people is to place severe restrictions on the sale of .50 caliber rifles. The authors of this bill don't even claim that these guns are used in crime. They want to ban them because they have a military purpose! The clearest reason for the Second Amendment to the Constitution is to insure that the people retain a large measure of military power, to balance the power of the government. The republic is in grave danger when congressmen openly state that they fear military power in the hands of the people.
The only purpose of gun registration is gun confiscation, whether it is done individually and piecemeal, as the legal requirements to own a gun become more and more difficult, or en mass, when the government feels the necessity to disarm its citizens in order to further its control.
Governments that push for gun registration distrust their people, and have earned the people's distrust.

Posted by Dean Weingarten at 12/07/2012 11:19:00 PM