Author Topic: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?  (Read 7925 times)


  • Getbig V
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are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« on: March 20, 2013, 08:21:37 AM »


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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2013, 02:37:43 PM »
some peoples body are just not meant for steroids and screw the steroid profiles anything can happen! some steroid profiles say no estrogen converstion, no DHT convertion ECT ECT. It is all bullshit that is just science take a sensitive user and anything can happen despit the profile.
Example. My first cycle I did just a Oral Turinabol cycle started at 20mg a day and worked up to 50mg a day. according to turinabol profile it is the cleanest steroid ,women can use it! It states no water retention, no estrogen conversion, no DHT, decently anabolic and very low androgenic effect. Well I was retaining water after 2 days! 3 weeks on cycle my nipples stung a little that was at 50mg. I am pretty sure I got real Turinabol it was authentic British Dragon but it worked very similar to dbol.

Another case I got the first run gaspari halodrol-50 with the Tbol prohormone, DMT, and the masking agent. there were warnings to be careful with the product and just take 1 tab a day. That cycle I just used 50mg Test suspension ED and 50mg Halodrol-50 ED. I had no side -effects and found halodrol-50 the most effective ,clean, oral steroid I had ever used, yet the local max muscle owner refused to sell Halodrol -50. he said he got a few boxes in and one of his best friends bought a box and just after 2 days he got jaundice and had to go to the ER.

Everybodys body and genetics are diffrent! some people can be sensitive to certain foreign substances. Usually the healthier you are the less side-effects you will get! if you drink alot and work alot and your body is a little worn down you might be more prone to side effects.

Some guys can use a shit load of tren and some guys cannot stand it for a week! Tren can make a user start lactating and def gyno is a huge possibility and not just minor gyno full blown nasty gyno!


  • Getbig V
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2013, 04:07:39 PM »
some peoples body are just not meant for steroids and screw the steroid profiles anything can happen! some steroid profiles say no estrogen converstion, no DHT convertion ECT ECT. It is all bullshit that is just science take a sensitive user and anything can happen despit the profile.
Example. My first cycle I did just a Oral Turinabol cycle started at 20mg a day and worked up to 50mg a day. according to turinabol profile it is the cleanest steroid ,women can use it! It states no water retention, no estrogen conversion, no DHT, decently anabolic and very low androgenic effect. Well I was retaining water after 2 days! 3 weeks on cycle my nipples stung a little that was at 50mg. I am pretty sure I got real Turinabol it was authentic British Dragon but it worked very similar to dbol.

Another case I got the first run gaspari halodrol-50 with the Tbol prohormone, DMT, and the masking agent. there were warnings to be careful with the product and just take 1 tab a day. That cycle I just used 50mg Test suspension ED and 50mg Halodrol-50 ED. I had no side -effects and found halodrol-50 the most effective ,clean, oral steroid I had ever used, yet the local max muscle owner refused to sell Halodrol -50. he said he got a few boxes in and one of his best friends bought a box and just after 2 days he got jaundice and had to go to the ER.

Everybodys body and genetics are diffrent! some people can be sensitive to certain foreign substances. Usually the healthier you are the less side-effects you will get! if you drink alot and work alot and your body is a little worn down you might be more prone to side effects.

Some guys can use a shit load of tren and some guys cannot stand it for a week! Tren can make a user start lactating and def gyno is a huge possibility and not just minor gyno full blown nasty gyno!

^ yeah I agree.

For me tbol gave me more androgenic sides than dbol ever did. Anavar is said to not cause hair loss but I know guys who did experience shedding and oily skin on it and its not "supposed to".

Had a buddy very gyno prone and he said anything would aggravate it.


  • Getbig II
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2013, 08:21:17 PM »
i thought the same about anavar. it should cause some hair thinning like to me since it is DHT derived. Maybe to people it caused hair loss to was already genetically prone to hair loss.

^ yeah I agree.

For me tbol gave me more androgenic sides than dbol ever did. Anavar is said to not cause hair loss but I know guys who did experience shedding and oily skin on it and its not "supposed to".

Had a buddy very gyno prone and he said anything would aggravate it.


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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2013, 11:13:49 PM »
i thought the same about anavar. it should cause some hair thinning like to me since it is DHT derived. Maybe to people it caused hair loss to was already genetically prone to hair loss.

every single steroid can cause hair loss if you're prone...doses are a big factor.


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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2013, 02:38:12 AM »
All I am saying is they make some steroids sound to good- like no water retention, no estrogen converstion, highly anabolic/low androgenic, NO DHT conversion ECT ECT. It is all Bullshit. Even on the oral turinabol my scalp was a little irritated.I have just seen to many cases were guys get side-effects they technically shouldnt get from a certain AAS.


  • Getbig V
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2013, 06:38:54 AM »
Remember one thing: What causes gyno is an inbalance between testosterone and estrogen. When estrogen is de dominant hormone gyno can occur.
So if you shot tren, being a supressive steroid it shut your test and that can cause you gyno.
A friend of mine got puffy nipples (very mild) using 30mg of winstrol daily only.


  • Getbig III
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2013, 12:16:23 PM »
Probably won't be back on here much to answer any question so for those of you with a open mind I'll be leaving some items for you all to look into for ur problems. While being quick as possible.

First off if anyone seen my past post. Almost all roids made me shed hair mpb fashion. Itchy scalp so on. I had Gyno surgery all gland removed with still having flare ups of Gyno n estrogen and acne and so fourth.

200 test or even 150 test week made my hair come out gave me.big nipples and painful. Many horrid things happened off any little dose.

Found a very helpful few sites.

Research on this.

Iodine.  Best form lugols iodine. Us westernized places get on average less then 100 mcg iodine. Day. Iodine was used in medical with studies for reversing many problems such as completely reversing cystic fibrosis in breast.

Japanese consume on average 13,500 mcg iodine or 13.5 mg a day and some places of Japan eat as much as 100,000 mcg day. While having the lowest incidence of hairloss. Hormone problems thyroid problems obesity and proven lowest incidence of all diseases period.

Iodine does. Balances hormones... Estrogen test progesterone all of them. Also... It makes hormones bind better to the receptor. We claim we have diff genes n some barely respond to steroids. No probably just our diets r completely different...

Iodine also proven to fix hairloss and female ovarian cyst.. iodine does many wonderful things and completely fixs almost all problems. The thyroid controls all hormones. With a lacking thyroid u have lacking everything.

My own exeriance I have now ran over 500 test my nipples r smaller than ever hair is thicker than ever where I can push my hands thru the top of my.head. my beard is not grey anymore nor is my head hair. I feel like any dose of steroid is 1000 times stronger and with zero sides. I believe diet is what determines some of us bald n Gyno n gains . Also my dick is the hardest its ever been ever. Off steroids it'd take forever to cum even on juice. Now itc like om 16 and can cum whenever I want with more intense orgasm on or off juice n always more solid than ever before.

I point this to my hormone regulating and more balanced.

Also iodine is potent anti fungus. Which is beyond important we all have yeast candidia over flow with our diets of sugar and bread.    Women breast cancer in 1950 was one in 20 since 50 they took iodine out of all our baking goods and used bromide. Now it's 1 in 4 breast cancer. Bromide displaces iodine uptake.iodine also will displace fluoride chlorine and bromide . We don't need those toxic halogens we do however need iodine. Many studies have shown the damage fluoride chlorine n bromide cause to health. Chlorine specially to cancers.

I can go on and on but I don't want to type forever. Research iodine and it must be taken with selenium. Areas with one without the other were just as bad health wise selenium with out iodine and vice versa . 400 mcg selenium . Rear on ur own iodine usage I started at 6,000 mcg and for getting rid of Candida which we all have way to much I have been using over 50 mg.  Some people on other forums will use over 300 mg.

Put ot this way most our foods with iodine like some beef have 15 mcg per pound. Sea weed which Japanese eat a lot has 4,000 mcg per 1/4 of a ounce...

Also should look into getting rid of calcium has steroid users we all build up way to muh plaque in our arteries along with western diet over due calcium calcium addd to everything to kill us. Vitamin k will get rid of this k2 only. Has proven to remove plague from artieres which also restrict blood flow prevents heart attack n helps with hair loss. Btw unless u eat natto or gras fed beef butter u don't get k2.

 Boron.  Proven to raises free testosterone by 30 percent and is also important for killing fungus in us. From our sugar diets and bread.  Up to 20 mg a day or more.

Other famous mentions apple cider vinegar with mother in it. Braggs kind has it.

Used to kill fungus topically as a hair rinse for hair ans remove fibrosis calcium build up in ur hair roots that prevents new hair growth. Also taken internally two table spoons to kill fungus. Aid digestion most vitamins n minerals and.has the starting material for ur body to create its own natural probiotics . Many other benefits.

U may wonder why I'm keen on fungus items. Been proven cancer is..... A fungus and is followed by high fungus incidences.     Cancer patients treated with anti fungal medication improved .. but they won't admit that it was the fungus.  Cancer cells is a normal cell. That became a low life cell. Meaning all it does is stoped working and feeds all day off sugar n reproduces. Kicker is they know why as well. Cancer cells u put ur body in a acidity environment not alkaline. When a blood is acidity it becomes low oxygen. From.eating to much meat n sugar n so on without alkaline body after. So now we're all acidity with low oxygen and cancer thrives AMD lives can only live in low oxygen environments. Which is our acidity blood. Which is what fungus is created and living in. Which is cancer. Way to fix it. Kill the fungus and become alkaline. Alkaline means ur body is optimal and high oxygen.

How do u do it. Everything I listed above. Also this all relates to hair loss to acidity kills hair. U also taking baking soda a teaspoon three tomes a day alakins the blood. Usually mixed with apple cider vinegar in full cup water. The apple cider is acidity in stomach to.digest food and once ot hits the duodenum. Intestines it becomes alakin. Which in there it'll alakilizng the blood and stomach great for acid reflux n heart burn.

Also baking soda is one pd oldest n best performance items. Google bakih soda n power training or whatever. When I first used it all reps where up to 5 times more reps. Ur muscles don't tire. They call ot bakih soda doping in sports. Ur last rep feels like ur first try it.

So all this is anti fungus cancer AMD hairloss.

How it all relates is one big circle. Sugar gives u high blood sugar. Fungus feeds on sugar which ugh blood sugar gives u acidity blood. Which gives u low oxygen. which fungus.cancer thrives in. Makes poor digestion acne mess up hormone hair loss calcium build up stroke and so on and so on.

All related. Fix root problem.and u won't be thinking I hate my genetics. It's I hate my diet. Reason why hair loss n disease was so vague in Japan Cept for the westernized main lands that accepted McDonald's n so on. They have all the vitamin they need to keep healthily. Kill fungus hairloss help thyroid for hormones iodine kills fungus and so on and so on. And reason why all the poor countrys who took our diets went from no disease to disease. To much toxic bromide sugar etc.

So without changing diet u add the iodine back on add the Boron add it all back. Also fertilizers kill minerals. Ur vegis r worthless. Most country's Ull eat food with no fertilizers n get 20 mg boron a day. Our soils give us less than 1 mg a day. Boron prevents cancers to proven medical studies on prostate cancer. Wanna know how.... Guess what. Boron like the rest is...... Say it. Anti fungus...

There's other shit but whoever is interested google on it.

Worth mentioning big time.

Niacinamide only this kind
Vit c for iodine.
Coconut oil.
Zinc piconolate most other forms won't work

Totally forgot is really neede
Magnesium will get rid of that calcium to before u all have bad hearts at 40


  • Getbig III
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2013, 12:43:24 PM »
good post,liquid.

i know what you mean, glands out but still sometimes get flares.

i believe its simply happenening when hormonal fluctuations happen, its bit unpredictable.

and if one is prone to gyno, he will get it sooner or later.

Tbol even gave me sore nipples. I have zero estrogen related problems now. I would be using 1 mg ed adex in hopes of relieving pain only slightly .

I point most the hormone fluctuations to the iodine with selenium. But I think everyone should consider the others for obvious reason of juice alone building plague. everyhing I said to the vitamin k and so on is proven with studies. K2 will rid those artieres clean.  Most will regret it sooner than later I'm sure. I'm all for steroids always will be but the American diet with steroids ur asking to be paying a visit to doctors once a week later in life.

Or till ur health hits u which mine did. And I have revoled all problems on own after these past few months no doctor was able to help me. Just wasted my money n time. Steroids r fine but make sure we keep the body working smoothly to rid the toxics n get back what we need. And the kicker is side effect free steroid use and balanced hormones . Again the proven hormone receptor uptake proven with iodine ... Who wouldn't.

If anyone uses it make sure u research on all what I said. U want iodine with iodide like lugols. as one is uptake by thyroid and other is used for muscle brain skin etc. 33 percent foes for the muscle that's a lot. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2013, 05:35:40 PM »
Thanks for that info lyquid...I'm gonna look into that stuff.


  • Getbig V
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2013, 07:46:10 AM »
but not do anything about it regardless ;D

I'm so lazy lol


  • Getbig II
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2013, 01:25:24 PM »
Tren E makes me shed, gives me TERRIBLE skin, prolactin related gyno/other sides regardless of how many dopamine agonists I'm using, and insomnia. And the Acetate isn't any better except for the sleeping issues; Tren's a great substance but its not some side-effect-free panacea a lot of people make it out to be


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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2013, 09:16:15 PM »
Recently ran tren as high as 700mgs/wk and the only sides were that I got huge and dropped bf. I was lean to begin with though. Another time, when my bf was high, tren gave me all the bad sides people have mentioned here. I let myself get out of shape and tried to use tren to compensate. Moral of story, don't be a fatass and expect tren to fix it. Or any AAS for that matter. Tren rules, awesome drug. Makes me gain strength so fast it's not even funny. My whole body felt like a coiled spring, weights just exploding up


  • Getbig II
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Re: are you aware that tren can cause bitch tits?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2013, 01:38:59 PM »
Recently ran tren as high as 700mgs/wk and the only sides were that I got huge and dropped bf. I was lean to begin with though. Another time, when my bf was high, tren gave me all the bad sides people have mentioned here. I let myself get out of shape and tried to use tren to compensate. Moral of story, don't be a fatass and expect tren to fix it. Or any AAS for that matter. Tren rules, awesome drug. Makes me gain strength so fast it's not even funny. My whole body felt like a coiled spring, weights just exploding up

Try it at a little over 1.3g EW AND being a fatass  :D

ahaha, that was an interesting cycle.