Author Topic: The Official Pro-Argi 9 Experiment!!!!!!!!!!! How much is it really worth????  (Read 2906 times)

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Now, I've been hearing Jaguar day in and day out preach about how great Pro-Argi 9 is.  But everyone has been ragging her down constantly. 

So after some hard thought, I decided to see how much it is actually worth.  Here's what I did.  I created a ProArgi 9 Ebay Ad and placed the ad online.  The address is listed below

To be more than generous and fair, I created an ad more expensive than all of my ads I currently have.  The total amount I spend on posting this ad was a whooping $5.15 compared to my average cost on one of my ads for 70 cents.  This gives all the exposure for anyone to see and to bid on the ad.  I also started the price at .01 reserve to make it the biggest bulleye possible.

If this product sells, I will process the order and give Judi all the money to send it out.

Can Pro-Argi 9 make the grade???  Find out!!!! :D


  • Getbig V
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Now, I've been hearing Jaguar day in and day out preach about how great Pro-Argi 9 is.  But everyone has been ragging her down constantly. 

So after some hard thought, I decided to see how much it is actually worth.  Here's what I did.  I created a ProArgi 9 Ebay Ad and placed the ad online.  The address is listed below

To be more than generous and fair, I created an ad more expensive than all of my ads I currently have.  The total amount I spend on posting this ad was a whooping $5.15 compared to my average cost on one of my ads for 70 cents.  This gives all the exposure for anyone to see and to bid on the ad.  I also started the price at .01 reserve to make it the biggest bulleye possible.

If this product sells, I will process the order and give Judi all the money to send it out.

Can Pro-Argi 9 make the grade???  Find out!!!! :D


I don't know if this is your attempt to be supportive, ...or to try to bash me and/or my products again  ???
...but I do have to state I think it is very ill-advised for a number of reasons, ...the least of which:
  • What are you going to do if someone requests Orange or Grape flavoured ProArgi-9?
  • You are not a licensed distributor of the product
  • Even if you were... you are contravening Synergy's P&P by placing it on eBay
  • You are not educated about this particular product
  • You are not qualified to answer questions about the product
  • You have no personal experience with this product
  • You are unable to provide fulfillment for the product
  • Whether or not it sells, is by no means any sort of accurate barometer of it's efficacy
  • Your advertising for sale, and accepting money for something you do not have and cannot provide fulfillment for IS FRAUD & LARCENY!

I truly don't understand what you are hoping to accomplish, ...or why?  :-\
Is this some attempt on your part to make amends for the onslaught of unfounded & libelous statements you have subjected me to for the past 2 years? If it is, I appreciate the gesture, ...but it is unecessary. Very unecessary. Or is this some attempt to settle any questions in your mind once and for all?  If that's the case, the only way to settle that debate, is to actually use the product yourself and judge it based on your results, how YOU respond to it, rather than how some anonymous web surfer responds to your ad. That, by far is a more effective barometer than anything else, because not all people have the same response to l-arginine. Listen to this recorded interview <--clickable link

You see Vince, a successful network marketing business isn't built upon the retailing of something you deem saleable to anonymous people you encounter. It's built upon consumers who LOVE a product, use a product, become products of the product (I'm sure you've heard that phrase before) and as a result can then gladly inform others, letting them know of it's existence and potential to meet their needs. And in that recommendation, they are able to speak knowledgeably & truthfully about both the product and the personal results and/or benefits they've received from using it. They are not order takers from Walmart where the consumer upon entering the store already knows what they want, and all you have to do it point them to the aisle in which it is located. That's what a retailer is. To introduce a new product which incorporates new technology to a consumer, there requires some interaction and education, ...neither of which can be properly accomplished through an eBay website, or any other sort of static website for that matter. Feel free to view this interview with Paul Zane Pilzer who really articulates the difference between the dynamics of a retail sale vs. a network marketing sale.

Paul Zane Pilzer interview  <--clickable link

Every single one of us have been network marketing since the age of 5, when we recommended baseball or hockey cards to our friends on the playground, ...or told our parents which cool sneakers or jeans we wanted, and we've continued to do it ever since. The only difference is some of us pick up a cheque for something we would gladly do for free.

If you have a problem with ProArgi-9, or are skeptical about it, ...ignore it. It's really very simple.

PS - I hope you were able to check into that info I gave you about Garden of Life?

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Actually I can fullfill shipment of this product if it sells through another distributor.  However, I'm not bashing you in anyway.  I'm just seeing whether the product can sell and I'm giving it more than every oppunity to do so especially with spending 400% more on the ad than any of my other ads.  Give me a break for crying out loud

Ebay is the best place where you can accurately determine the value of a product.  Its the world basically.  This ad can also be seen on all countries as well.  Let the world decide!!!

Its only an experiment and can possibly put you over on any board you go to if it sells.



  • Getbig IV
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I, for one, am very interest to see how this experiment plays out.

I actually want to try the product out of sincere curiosity after being pelted with its bogus claims for a year and a half now...

...that's righ, I want to see what color it turns into after I piss on it.


  • Getbig II
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HAHA I havent been on this board for like 7 months and this argument is still going on??!! I've been working offshore and abroad and always wondered about this. Looks like Havenbull is still hammering on Jag. Good job havenbull. The product was B.S. then and nothing has changed. Thanks to Vince for the experiment, I cant wait to see the results.  You havent gone broke yet Jag??!!

                                                 Lift heavy!!   , Powerbomb


  • Getbig V
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You havent gone broke yet Jag??!!

<LOL> That won't be happening any time soon. Infact, my business is growing quite nicely, especially in California & Hawaii, 2 places I eventually plan to acquire property. Infact, my group in Northern California just hosted the largest regional event in the history of the company.  And a large enough organization over in Hawaii will soon provide me with some very healthy tax write-offs in the form of a satellite office/vacation home, that no auditor would ever question.  ;D

Life is good!  8)


  • Getbig IV
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  • Damn it
<LOL> That won't be happening any time soon. Infact, my business is growing quite nicely, especially in California & Hawaii, 2 places I eventually plan to acquire property. Infact, my group in Northern California just hosted the largest regional event in the history of the company.  And a large enough organization over in Hawaii will soon provide me with some very healthy tax write-offs in the form of a satellite office/vacation home, that no auditor would ever question.  ;D
Life is good!  8)

damn, you know how to lie

Vince G, CSN MFT

  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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damn, you know how to lie

The bidding is over and guess what???

It ended for a Lou Ferrigno!!!  Hahahahaha!!!!