Author Topic: turkish sust?  (Read 4942 times)


  • Getbig II
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turkish sust?
« on: February 19, 2013, 09:59:46 PM »
is this still being produced?


  • Getbig II
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 06:54:58 PM »
From what I understand Turkish sustanon production ended around 2009 or so.


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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2013, 04:00:46 AM »
The organon Brand?


  • Getbig II
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2013, 06:58:53 AM »
The organon Brand?

Yes, the Organon brand. This is what I read on another board so I don't know this information to be 100% correct. However it did come from a supplier that would most definitely know so I trust what he is saying. I take it Turkish Primobolan is still being made as I have seen posts about it still being used. What do you know about the Turkish primo whitewidow? The Turkish sustanon was really good though. I have taken it on a couple of different occasions about 10  years ago when satchboogie was around.


  • Getbig V
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2013, 05:52:10 PM »
Yes, the Organon brand. This is what I read on another board so I don't know this information to be 100% correct. However it did come from a supplier that would most definitely know so I trust what he is saying. I take it Turkish Primobolan is still being made as I have seen posts about it still being used. What do you know about the Turkish primo whitewidow? The Turkish sustanon was really good though. I have taken it on a couple of different occasions about 10  years ago when satchboogie was around.

Turkish sustanon has been off the Turkish market for years.  Yes Primo is still being made and legit Schering Primo is very easy to get in Turkey.  Im sitting on some right now.  100% legit.  Awesome shit!  Also got new paper label ICNs.  Cant' wait to start my cycle biotchez!


  • Getbig II
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2013, 06:42:56 PM »
Turkish sustanon has been off the Turkish market for years.  Yes Primo is still being made and legit Schering Primo is very easy to get in Turkey.  Im sitting on some right now.  100% legit.  Awesome shit!  Also got new paper label ICNs.  Cant' wait to start my cycle biotchez!

Must be nice to have legit Primo as well as the new ICNs. Good luck with your cycle, I'm sure it will produce excellent results.


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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 07:24:48 AM »
The organon Turkish sust is counterfeited. Try to get ahold of anabolics 2006 they have pictures of the real vials and the fake vials. they are very good turkish sust counterfeits. alot of good sources used to sell the counterfeit but there must of been some form of Testosterone in the vials because guys did grow. I have no clue why a crew would counterfeit sustanon. I can see counterfeiting primobolon but sustanon in the end is so cheap to make and if this crew had all that equipment to make amps they probably could splurge and at least throw some Test prop or Test E in the amp. bunk and counterfeit are very diffrent their are alot of counterfeit drugs on the market that are not authetics but they do contain the active hormone as labelled. that's just the game!I got some turkish sust from genxxlgear I am only naming the company because they are no longer in business but they were selling the organon turkish sust that looked like the fakes in anabolics 2006 but guys gained off of them and wanted more!

Sometimes I think people jump the gun on calling a product counterfeit without a lab test companys do change minor looks to the amps every few years. I really have not any suppliers offering turkish sust anymore but who knows. best bet would be to get in with llwellyn. He woulod know if sustanon was still being produced in turkey.
But like I said if a counterfeiter can nail down a amp almost to the T then they can probably afford to buy some cheap Test raw materials and compound some amps with legit hormone in them maybe not the "AUTHENTIC" brand but something close to it. rarely counterfeiters who go so far out of their way to the point they are making amps it is usually just primo they counterfeit or deca. most Test products do have some form of Test in them. and even the fake primo amps you see around usually have a small amount of Test prop in them. I think more of the time the counterfeit amps have a hormone in them then just nothing at all but sterile oil.

 A amp of sustanon from a big name production firm costs maybe .50cents to make if that. hell I was getting top notch alpha-pharma gear Test compounds for $1.50USD  a amp in bulk.I talk to these guys who run UGL's and they tell me a 10ml -vial of Test E cost them no more then 4-5$ to make.The main drugs you usually get totally shamed on is Primo amps and deca amps.

It is funny how companys work. take genxxlgear for example like I said i am only name dropping them because they are history but if a customer just orderd say 100tabs of dianabol they know it is a newbie testing out the service and product and they will send you the most potent batch of dbol they have! and believe me they know exactly wich batches are overdosed and wich ones are about on point and wich ones are underdosed.

The first order I just ordered 100 10mg dbol tabs and they sent them very fast and they came from overseas within 4 days! and that dbol was some fire! They knew if they could gain my trust I would be back and I was! I ordered right after that 200 tabs of Turinabol and once again it was fire! overdosed,strong as hell. Then they got you! my next order was way bigger they had earned my trust and I swear they sent me the more lower grade dosed products. Their strategy is the bigger the user the more they can get away with because that guy is going to be running so many compounds the user will def gain on one of the products. They can tell when it is a newbie ordering a dbol only first time cycle. They are good businessmen with good strategys. your first orders are always going to usually be their best products! and I shit you not they know exactly what batches are more potent then others.

Sometimes these companys or top ugls work with a pro bodybuilder and of course that is where their top dosed gear goes too, but they also send them some products that are slightly under label claim because they know they are drug-boating. UGL's will usually go pretty far out of there way if they know for sure they are dealing with a IFBB pro. This is a game with alot of tricks to the trade.


  • Getbig V
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 01:43:53 PM »
The organon Turkish sust is counterfeited. Try to get ahold of anabolics 2006 they have pictures of the real vials and the fake vials. they are very good turkish sust counterfeits. alot of good sources used to sell the counterfeit but there must of been some form of Testosterone in the vials because guys did grow. I have no clue why a crew would counterfeit sustanon. I can see counterfeiting primobolon but sustanon in the end is so cheap to make and if this crew had all that equipment to make amps they probably could splurge and at least throw some Test prop or Test E in the amp. bunk and counterfeit are very diffrent their are alot of counterfeit drugs on the market that are not authetics but they do contain the active hormone as labelled. that's just the game!I got some turkish sust from genxxlgear I am only naming the company because they are no longer in business but they were selling the organon turkish sust that looked like the fakes in anabolics 2006 but guys gained off of them and wanted more!

Sometimes I think people jump the gun on calling a product counterfeit without a lab test companys do change minor looks to the amps every few years. I really have not any suppliers offering turkish sust anymore but who knows. best bet would be to get in with llwellyn. He woulod know if sustanon was still being produced in turkey.
But like I said if a counterfeiter can nail down a amp almost to the T then they can probably afford to buy some cheap Test raw materials and compound some amps with legit hormone in them maybe not the "AUTHENTIC" brand but something close to it. rarely counterfeiters who go so far out of their way to the point they are making amps it is usually just primo they counterfeit or deca. most Test products do have some form of Test in them. and even the fake primo amps you see around usually have a small amount of Test prop in them. I think more of the time the counterfeit amps have a hormone in them then just nothing at all but sterile oil.

 A amp of sustanon from a big name production firm costs maybe .50cents to make if that. hell I was getting top notch alpha-pharma gear Test compounds for $1.50USD  a amp in bulk.I talk to these guys who run UGL's and they tell me a 10ml -vial of Test E cost them no more then 4-5$ to make.The main drugs you usually get totally shamed on is Primo amps and deca amps.

It is funny how companys work. take genxxlgear for example like I said i am only name dropping them because they are history but if a customer just orderd say 100tabs of dianabol they know it is a newbie testing out the service and product and they will send you the most potent batch of dbol they have! and believe me they know exactly wich batches are overdosed and wich ones are about on point and wich ones are underdosed.

The first order I just ordered 100 10mg dbol tabs and they sent them very fast and they came from overseas within 4 days! and that dbol was some fire! They knew if they could gain my trust I would be back and I was! I ordered right after that 200 tabs of Turinabol and once again it was fire! overdosed,strong as hell. Then they got you! my next order was way bigger they had earned my trust and I swear they sent me the more lower grade dosed products. Their strategy is the bigger the user the more they can get away with because that guy is going to be running so many compounds the user will def gain on one of the products. They can tell when it is a newbie ordering a dbol only first time cycle. They are good businessmen with good strategys. your first orders are always going to usually be their best products! and I shit you not they know exactly what batches are more potent then others.

Sometimes these companys or top ugls work with a pro bodybuilder and of course that is where their top dosed gear goes too, but they also send them some products that are slightly under label claim because they know they are drug-boating. UGL's will usually go pretty far out of there way if they know for sure they are dealing with a IFBB pro. This is a game with alot of tricks to the trade.

  Trust me legit sust has been gone from the Turkish market for years.  It's not available.  I have  contacts in Turkey that actually work in the legit Turkish pharmaceutical market.  The only legit products coming out of Turkey are the following:

Anadrol (Anapolon)


  • Getbig I
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2013, 04:00:04 PM »
I know there were fakes of the older style packaging of anapolon but since they changed to the newer style do any of you guys know if there are any fakes? Common sense would say no since its so easy to get in Turkey but then again why would they fake it before, ya know? I see lots of sources selling it.....some of which have several counterfeit products on their list like yellow top deca, turkish sust, and Abbot karachi sust with the spelling error. Once I see atleast one product on a list that is counterfeit, I lose all respect for the source.


  • Getbig V
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2013, 06:17:36 PM »
I know there were fakes of the older style packaging of anapolon but since they changed to the newer style do any of you guys know if there are any fakes? Common sense would say no since its so easy to get in Turkey but then again why would they fake it before, ya know? I see lots of sources selling it.....some of which have several counterfeit products on their list like yellow top deca, turkish sust, and Abbot karachi sust with the spelling error. Once I see atleast one product on a list that is counterfeit, I lose all respect for the source.

Most of the fakes are coming out of Pakistan.  There is no reason for anyone in Turkey to sell bogus anadrol.  It's cheap and widely available.

jon cole

  • Getbig IV
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2013, 08:17:23 AM »
i've seen a lot of fake sust/weak sust from turkey.

i avoid sust from all source.

try testonon, it's da shit.


  • Getbig II
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2013, 10:39:23 AM »
hello guys ... i am from Greece and beliave me i am very close to Turkey. Dont trust anything from there they are like pakies they have fake products even in phormacys, i have been there and buy fake anapolon fake primo all are fakes like palis and Bulgaria dont buy anything from there or you will loose your money!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2013, 07:39:23 PM »
hello guys ... i am from Greece and beliave me i am very close to Turkey. Dont trust anything from there they are like pakies they have fake products even in phormacys, i have been there and buy fake anapolon fake primo all are fakes like palis and Bulgaria dont buy anything from there or you will loose your money!!

That's utter bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is TONS of legit anapolon, primo, T3, ancillaries like Aromasin etc.  You just have to know where to find them and who to trust.  Turkey is a very progressive country, not some shithole like Bulgaria or Pakistan!  I've gotten way more fucking fakes from Greece and Greek sources than I ever have from Istanbul.  Teris sells tons of pakistani counterfeits!

jon cole

  • Getbig IV
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2013, 12:33:58 AM »
The organon Turkish sust is counterfeited. Try to get ahold of anabolics 2006 they have pictures of the real vials and the fake vials. they are very good turkish sust counterfeits. alot of good sources used to sell the counterfeit but there must of been some form of Testosterone in the vials because guys did grow. I have no clue why a crew would counterfeit sustanon. I can see counterfeiting primobolon but sustanon in the end is so cheap to make and if this crew had all that equipment to make amps they probably could splurge and at least throw some Test prop or Test E in the amp. bunk and counterfeit are very diffrent their are alot of counterfeit drugs on the market that are not authetics but they do contain the active hormone as labelled. that's just the game!I got some turkish sust from genxxlgear I am only naming the company because they are no longer in business but they were selling the organon turkish sust that looked like the fakes in anabolics 2006 but guys gained off of them and wanted more!

Sometimes I think people jump the gun on calling a product counterfeit without a lab test companys do change minor looks to the amps every few years. I really have not any suppliers offering turkish sust anymore but who knows. best bet would be to get in with llwellyn. He woulod know if sustanon was still being produced in turkey.
But like I said if a counterfeiter can nail down a amp almost to the T then they can probably afford to buy some cheap Test raw materials and compound some amps with legit hormone in them maybe not the "AUTHENTIC" brand but something close to it. rarely counterfeiters who go so far out of their way to the point they are making amps it is usually just primo they counterfeit or deca. most Test products do have some form of Test in them. and even the fake primo amps you see around usually have a small amount of Test prop in them. I think more of the time the counterfeit amps have a hormone in them then just nothing at all but sterile oil.

 A amp of sustanon from a big name production firm costs maybe .50cents to make if that. hell I was getting top notch alpha-pharma gear Test compounds for $1.50USD  a amp in bulk.I talk to these guys who run UGL's and they tell me a 10ml -vial of Test E cost them no more then 4-5$ to make.The main drugs you usually get totally shamed on is Primo amps and deca amps.

It is funny how companys work. take genxxlgear for example like I said i am only name dropping them because they are history but if a customer just orderd say 100tabs of dianabol they know it is a newbie testing out the service and product and they will send you the most potent batch of dbol they have! and believe me they know exactly wich batches are overdosed and wich ones are about on point and wich ones are underdosed.

The first order I just ordered 100 10mg dbol tabs and they sent them very fast and they came from overseas within 4 days! and that dbol was some fire! They knew if they could gain my trust I would be back and I was! I ordered right after that 200 tabs of Turinabol and once again it was fire! overdosed,strong as hell. Then they got you! my next order was way bigger they had earned my trust and I swear they sent me the more lower grade dosed products. Their strategy is the bigger the user the more they can get away with because that guy is going to be running so many compounds the user will def gain on one of the products. They can tell when it is a newbie ordering a dbol only first time cycle. They are good businessmen with good strategys. your first orders are always going to usually be their best products! and I shit you not they know exactly what batches are more potent then others.

Sometimes these companys or top ugls work with a pro bodybuilder and of course that is where their top dosed gear goes too, but they also send them some products that are slightly under label claim because they know they are drug-boating. UGL's will usually go pretty far out of there way if they know for sure they are dealing with a IFBB pro. This is a game with alot of tricks to the trade.

n1 roid dealer rules here, selling few coumpound, some good some fake, but at the end with 4/5 coumpound running at the same time it's undetectable.


  • Getbig II
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2013, 04:25:42 AM »
That's utter bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is TONS of legit anapolon, primo, T3, ancillaries like Aromasin etc.  You just have to know where to find them and who to trust.  Turkey is a very progressive country, not some shithole like Bulgaria or Pakistan!  I've gotten way more fucking fakes from Greece and Greek sources than I ever have from Istanbul.  Teris sells tons of pakistani counterfeits!

Yes m8 in Greece there are all fakes but dont make them here, the fakes are from Romania - kosovo - Bulgaria, not in Greece ... i have been in turkrey many times i have order from lokal pharmacy anapolon, sustanon even optimum pharma give me one when he saw me that i am bodybouilder ... if you know the right place yes you can buy dianonds like here in Greek pharmasy Deca - testoviron - nolvadex - provi ;)ron


  • Getbig IV
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2013, 02:11:37 PM »
There is Pakistan Sustanon being sold in the UK....may be counterfeit but it still contains test, guys are lapping it up at my gym....taking a good 3-4 weeks for the gains to kick in so maybe the amps just contain Enanthate as opposed to the blend of short and long esters in genuine Sust?

Either way there are some potent labs about at the moment, loving the Greek Signature stuff myself.


  • Getbig II
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Re: turkish sust?
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2013, 11:20:39 AM »
I have to agree its hard to find real sust. I had to get it from our Chinese friends and told them I'd beat bruce lee style if they burned me.. Most ugls and sources are just selling test. Cyp or enanthate cheap and easily available, I know I got the real deal because there is slight soreness from the short ester stuff and should hurt a little since there is no lidocaine in it... Just short of me buying a mass spectrometer you don't really know...  Also another big reason to counterfeit is you can sell it for almost 50% more if a amp is $12 that' $120 for 10ml when you can get most ugl stuff for 40-60 bucks you can also try sustanon's  ugly sister omnadren less counterfeited but not as good ...