Author Topic: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...  (Read 14311 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2013, 04:57:09 AM »
I figured 15 % body fat wasn't to high of a percentage if I was trying to bulk up. When I read around most people would say don't start one if you are over 15 % so I figured I was just at the limit.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2013, 04:59:15 AM »
And I figured that the more muscle I packed on the more fat I would lose. And if I did cardio while on testosterone for the first part of the cycle I could lean out and keep all my muscle. Instead of cutting while natural and losing muscle.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2013, 10:53:15 AM »
Thank you for the advice man I will definitely start cutting down and I have no problem running a cycle for longer. So do you think I should Not run the NPP I have I just started taking 500 mgs a week of it. And I was going to start the T-bol to in the next couple days so I could get quicker results since orals take effect so quickly. If I should not run the NPP or T-bol right now Why? just out of curiosity. Im not saying I won't listen I just am curious as to why you wouldn't recommend it right now.

 I will start following those diet tips you gave me I have been looking for a good ratio of protein carbs and fat. Do you think cardio 3 times a week for a hour each time is to much?  


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2013, 10:58:07 AM »
Ya 15% percent is pretty high. I see your point. I kept reading on other forums it was a acceptable body weight for bulking. But I feel like a lot of other forums are more geared towards steroid users and not bodybuilders. And I don't want to be just some guy who use's steroids I want to be a bodybuilder. So I guess it is time to get my diet in check and start doing cardio. Lol all the steroids are probably just stagnating in my body from lack of cardio and blood flow.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2013, 12:17:40 PM »
I guess I will go higher on carbs the days I work out muscle groups that require more energy like back, legs and chest and than lower carbs on off days and days with cardio. Is it ok to work out a muscle group and do cardio in the same work out. I know if I was not on gear it would not be ok but while on gear is that ok to do? Also do you recommend something like a Gatorade after cardio or a protein shake or am I better off with just doing a meal with high fast dissolving carbs and some lean protein.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2013, 12:39:32 PM »
I would say my body fat percentage is at 15%. I don't think the gear is fake It is Euro pharmacy gear... AKA EP its from PSL. Lol my diet well I haven't been counting how much protein carbs and fat I am taking in. I just started eating a lot more and figured since I am trying to bulk I will just eat as much as I can. Ive basically been eating all barbequed meat I figured that would put on a lot of weight. I always heard of guys like lee priest dirty bulking to get really big so I kind of took that approach. I haven't been eating at mcdonalds or any fast food. But ive been eating chicken drum sticks and steak and bratwursts and stuff like that. Ha ha ha my thought process was putting on a little fat couldn't hurt and that all the high protein meals and high calories would contribute to muscle gains. I always hear people say its hard to grow eating clean food.

bro something I learned there is no dirty bulk or bulk.

also pro lee priest took way more than test.  don't follow anyone listen to your body no one know your body as much as you.

Some valid information here just cut down the test do cardio early morning empty with some BCAA 6 days a week.

hit single digit,then grow from there.

NPP/Test will work fine with adex eod.

well diet is individual but after I did all kinds I found out normal protein intake and high carbs and low fat is my favorite.

but I change sometimes to low/zero carbs moderate fats when my body tells me.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2013, 06:40:27 PM »
Your gear is suspect


  • Getbig III
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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2013, 09:24:59 PM »
delta why do you say my gear is suspect?


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2013, 03:00:09 AM »
i agree get shredded as best as possible first
if i had done that the first time i believe manymore of my cycles would be more successful
this is the first time i am attempting to get below 10% and i am almost there and really have not lost any size
the only thing ive lost are pant sizes.
upper body looks great, veiny, dense
legs are getting definition
fat around lower abs is FINALLY getting less and less
i swear stomach fat is the last fat to go away
thats why sticking out a diet is so important bc we all want that 6 pack
if running enough gear and eating a moderate amount of lean meat you really wont lose size
i cant wait to discontinue the ephedrfine and t3, way too much anxiety and jitters.

funny thing is i still have a small double chin, probably test bloat. have always had it

man, listen, for the life on gear, never go over 10% bodyfat.

eat the following, day in day out.

200-300grams protein, 50-100g carbs 0-50g fats.

random cheat meal once weekly or so.

get  lean first, the food above will absolutely provide enough of the right foods required for this.

dont do a bulk, esp dont do a dirty bulk, it will take ages to diet it off.

youre 15%,you had your bulk ;D

serious, youre fired up and motivated, thats good, but use that motivation in useful way, dont worry about weight on scale, dont worry about bodyfat,if you eat the above day in day out, all will fall into place.

reduce the test to 250 weekly, or 500-750 weekly(but then run arimidex e or eod), and just give it time, by that i mean, give it 6 months, you will have "wow" kinda results within that time.

as for keeping the muscle, dont worry, lol, on 500mg test or more, its impossible to lose muscle, as long you train and have enough protein, its absolutely impossible.

strenght will be random, sometimes good sometimes ok, sometimes shit, dont worry about it, as long the pumps are great, all is good.

15% is too much, everyone should get back to cutting once at 10% imo, youll find the body simply works better on lower bodyfat.

everything, metabolism, the food seems to go to the right places(as in its used efficiently), recovery, pumps, everything.

how can i say, if you went for shredded now, the result would be pretty much same as if you did bulk up first, diet to shreddedness, youd look about the same in the end.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2013, 03:32:56 AM »
Lol I went to the gym after reading your post and did cardio for a hour. Lol ya I value your view man I like hearing different views. Every one I was talking to kept telling me to eat more and more and dirty bulking is good. And today I just really started to notice its not turning into muscle. All the extra calories are just turning into fat. And the water retention isn't helping my case either. So im going to throw in cardio 3 times a week for 45 minutes to a hour. The thing that sucks is I was basically force feeding myself to I did not enjoy eating a lot and it back fired on me. Im not fat by any means but you made a good point that the leaner I am the more I will notice gains.

I do know a lot about individual compounds and stuff like that but. I've only researched them and don't have actual real life experience. But I took all the right preventive measures on my cycle. Im running hcg at 500 ius a week, im taking .25mgs of prami every other day, and taking .75 mgs every other day of arimadex to keep estrogen controlled. I started with .50 but my nipples started to hurt and felt fucked up. So I upped it to .75 and that feeling went away.

fuck the cardio, if you wanna get ripped just starve

but seriously, diet is much more important than cardio as far as getting ripped is concerned


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2013, 06:34:43 AM »
delta why do you say my gear is suspect?

I didn't read your whole novel but if you are running 2g front load then 800+ wk and diet is good there's no reason you aren't blowing up.
I'm not raggin on you (this is getbig though). If I ran 800mg wk id be busting up into high 220s w ease. Something is amiss as they say.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2013, 06:39:05 AM »
Also you should be patient yes. Run your plan for the three months you described and see where you are after 90 days.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2013, 06:50:10 AM »
its been 4 weeks since I did my first injections. It usually kicks in for me around week 6. But like I said I am getting a lot of acne on my back way way more than normal and libido did go up a lot. And I was getting estrogen side effects to where I had to up my arimadex a few times. Im taking 500 ius of hcg a week I don't think that is enough to cause all the side effects I mentioned even if my test was under dosed or fake. Which I am not saying it is. I guess all I can do is wait.  tell like week 6 and than get blood tests.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2013, 07:08:29 AM »
I don't understand taking hcg while on. You are pitting the aas against the hcg ( they are fighting what the other is doing). You are adding a lot of test, you balls functioning making test is for nothing.
I'm on low dose test ( script).
As far as sperm production that is another thing. There's plenty of swimmers to go around. I know plenty of bb that have conceived while pre contest heavy cycles.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2013, 09:20:48 AM »
fuck the cardio, if you wanna get ripped just starve

but seriously, diet is much more important than cardio as far as getting ripped is concerned

I had luck doing both. I worked out and ate almost nothing for 2.5 weeks it was horrible but  I lost 18lbs. I got pretty heavy one off-season and had to drop about 20lbs before I was comfortable doing another cycle.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #40 on: September 13, 2013, 02:44:59 PM »
Well I have adjusted my diet to get a lot leaner. Im not going to have any sugar through out the day or carbs when I don't need them. And im trying to just eat healthy and do cardio three times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. Im going to stick to the ratio of protein carbs and fat that was mentioned in here. I honestly am feeling kind of better after just doing it for a day. Im feeling less bloated and I was getting so fucking tired of trying to eat as much as I could through out the day. Lol when I went to the gym today I was looking at the different physiques and I saw one guy that was just fucking massive like freakishly massive probably around the size of jay cutler he had to be around 270 to 280 but he was carrying lot of fat and water retention. Than I saw another guy who was ripped to shreds and you could see every muscle in his back and I over heard him talking to another guy saying he was winning a lot of competitions and was close to getting a pro card. He probably weighed around 180 to 210 its hard to tell with some guys. But his physique looked way better. I would rather go that route. My gym is having renovations so I had to go to a different location so im seeing all these new people. It is actually cool to switch up gyms its refreshing I had been going to the same damn gym for 5 years straight.


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Re: Normal cycles are not enough anymore...
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2013, 02:44:10 PM »
i think we shouldnt discourage people from hyperdosing

just because one person tried it and couldnt get huge doesnt mean he cant get huge