Author Topic: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions  (Read 5048 times)


  • Getbig III
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Sounds straightforward, get super lean with a cookie cutter low test high tren high mast run, down to 5% or so then blast like a gram of test e to achieve maximum size while keeping in the single digits. But I can't just straight run a gram of test I get tits with that much test.

My question is, what is the best way to run a gram of test e for a guy who is quite estrogen sensitive? what would be the best way to control the estrogen while maximizing my gains? I know masteron is good for this I'm on it now I have excellent masteron... But would an ai be better for this since a lot of people seem to think masteron hinders gains? I'm running 200mg tren ace eod with 100mg masteron eod as well, and 125mg test e 1x weekly. Enjoying this run a lot, but what would be the best way to approach a major gain of size utilizing high test once I hit my goal of 5% is what I'm asking... I was thinking something like this-

current blast till 5%
then reduce tren to 350mg weekly and up test to a gram, or more likely 250mg EOD so just under a gram
but what for estrogen control? thats my issue..

bloat and water is not my concern I can deal with that. it is simply the gyno thing that stops me from running high test


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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 08:19:30 PM »
Sounds straightforward, get super lean with a cookie cutter low test high tren high mast run, down to 5% or so then blast like a gram of test e to achieve maximum size while keeping in the single digits. But I can't just straight run a gram of test I get tits with that much test.

My question is, what is the best way to run a gram of test e for a guy who is quite estrogen sensitive? what would be the best way to control the estrogen while maximizing my gains? I know masteron is good for this I'm on it now I have excellent masteron... But would an ai be better for this since a lot of people seem to think masteron hinders gains? I'm running 200mg tren ace eod with 100mg masteron eod as well, and 125mg test e 1x weekly. Enjoying this run a lot, but what would be the best way to approach a major gain of size utilizing high test once I hit my goal of 5% is what I'm asking... I was thinking something like this-

current blast till 5%
then reduce tren to 350mg weekly and up test to a gram, or more likely 250mg EOD so just under a gram
but what for estrogen control? thats my issue..

bloat and water is not my concern I can deal with that. it is simply the gyno thing that stops me from running high test

umm.... this is a very, very simple answer.


I also dunno where ppl get the idea that masteron or proviron do anything to estrogen. guess we have gh15 to blame for that... and possibly dan duchaine from mentioning it back in print back in '96.

saying masteron or proviron control estrogen is like saying winstrol or primobolan do the same thing... or superdrol even... just doesn't make any sense pharmacologically.

if gyno is the issue, the answer is control estrogen. even if you don't inhibit the aromatase enzyme with (aromasin, arimidex, femara, ect.), you just have to block the estrogen receptor in the breast with nolvadex. simple as that.

with a gram of test, you shouldn't need more than 15-20mg... start with 10mg and if you feel gyno coming on, bump it to 15-20mg. simple as that.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2014, 03:39:11 AM »
umm.... this is a very, very simple answer.


I also dunno where ppl get the idea that masteron or proviron do anything to estrogen. guess we have gh15 to blame for that... and possibly dan duchaine from mentioning it back in print back in '96.

saying masteron or proviron control estrogen is like saying winstrol or primobolan do the same thing... or superdrol even... just doesn't make any sense pharmacologically.

if gyno is the issue, the answer is control estrogen. even if you don't inhibit the aromatase enzyme with (aromasin, arimidex, femara, ect.), you just have to block the estrogen receptor in the breast with nolvadex. simple as that.

with a gram of test, you shouldn't need more than 15-20mg... start with 10mg and if you feel gyno coming on, bump it to 15-20mg. simple as that.

Except that drugs like masteron and halotestin DO decrease estrogen which is why they are used in breast cancer patients


  • Getbig III
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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 07:26:05 AM »
umm.... this is a very, very simple answer.


I also dunno where ppl get the idea that masteron or proviron do anything to estrogen. guess we have gh15 to blame for that... and possibly dan duchaine from mentioning it back in print back in '96.

saying masteron or proviron control estrogen is like saying winstrol or primobolan do the same thing... or superdrol even... just doesn't make any sense pharmacologically.

if gyno is the issue, the answer is control estrogen. even if you don't inhibit the aromatase enzyme with (aromasin, arimidex, femara, ect.), you just have to block the estrogen receptor in the breast with nolvadex. simple as that.

with a gram of test, you shouldn't need more than 15-20mg... start with 10mg and if you feel gyno coming on, bump it to 15-20mg. simple as that.

Yeah masteron is a very good estrogen controlling compound I'm using it right now its murdering my existing gyno, but I can't use it forever shits expensive and not too nice on the prostate... i love the stuff personally, maybe the masteron you've had isn't any good its a pretty exotic compound I've had some shitty mast before trust me, this new stuff i got is on point though.

Thats some good advice with the nolvadex though, I was thinking letrozole in a low dose maybe nolva sounds a lot better actually.. would there be any benefit to running it for a week or so prior to introducing the test to build it up in the system or just have at it from day one with the test?


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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2014, 11:59:56 PM »
I don't want to break anyone's heart here but sometimes the tools do not work. That is the ugly truth, if you are as sensitive as you described gyno may come regardless of measures taken to prevent it.

Just a thought.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 04:01:45 PM »
I don't want to break anyone's heart here but sometimes the tools do not work. That is the ugly truth, if you are as sensitive as you described gyno may come regardless of measures taken to prevent it.

Just a thought.

yeah I always forget to take the preventative measures. what was once quarter sized is like a penny sized lump now and decreasing by about 5% a day. 700mg mast prop is doing its job nicely. funny though I made a point to order mast e to cruise with this time, so hopefully it dont come up again. if the mast dont have it gone by end of the summer, letrozole nuke it is.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2014, 04:22:28 PM »
Run letrozole, it literally reduces oestrogen to nothing.

You're on tren as well, so you're aware the gyno may be prolactin-induced? Just making sure, but you are running cabergoline or pramipexole, correct?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2014, 04:26:25 PM »
Tamoxifen antagonises the oestrogen receptor but does nothing to reduce circulating levels of oestrogen. What you need is an aromatase inhibitor. Something that actively prevents conversion to oestrogen.

Letrozole reduces it by something in the region of 95% or even less. Be aware you need some oestrogen to ensure joint suppleness and to maintain libido, so letrozole may adversely effect the aforementioned.

However, if you're gyno sensitive, why would you take anything else?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2014, 04:40:58 PM »
The other consideration is that if you prevent androgenic conversion to oestrogen by taking an aromatase inhibitor, you will have higher circulating levels of androgens (fat cells are covered in androgen receptors, promoting oxidative conversion of fat to energy), which would be advantageous while trying to get ultra lean.

Although taking trenbolone likely nullifies this component of test. Still it would prompt me to take an AI while trying to cut down, every little helps.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Using test in high dose from very lean bodyfat...couple questions
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2014, 06:19:17 PM »
Run letrozole, it literally reduces oestrogen to nothing.

You're on tren as well, so you're aware the gyno may be prolactin-induced? Just making sure, but you are running cabergoline or pramipexole, correct?

nah no prami or caber for me, I have run a lot of tren in the past and never gotten gyno from it. the gyno itself seems to be shrinking now thanks to the masteron, dosing it alongside the tren at 100mg daily. I took the test out and gonna run no test for a little bit, then add it back in later with a good ai regimen, really blast it hard to get some great size gains :)