Author Topic: IS Your First Cycle REALLY Your Best Cycle???  (Read 5348 times)

Texas Ranger

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Re: IS Your First Cycle REALLY Your Best Cycle???
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2014, 07:45:11 PM »
I was reading a few posts from a guy named Galeniko that said all rookies should start out with 250mgs of Test a week for the 6-12 months. Should be  Bump up the doses to 500mgs/wk for the 2nd year. The key being NOT coming off and staying committed.


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Re: IS Your First Cycle REALLY Your Best Cycle???
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2014, 06:05:28 AM »
You hear guys on different boards saying this, but I'm not sure if it's true or not. There's two ways of thought. One group says, "You'll grow on practically anything your first run, so just start out with something light." 250mgs of Test/wk with some Dbol, Tbol, or Anavar(30-40mgs/ED). The other says, " You only get one First Cycle, so make it count!" They recommend 500-1000mgs of Test/wk, 400mgs of Deca, Dbol/Anadrol, and possibly Tren. In Dan Duchaine's last published article before his death, "Dick And Jane's First Steroid" he recommended 600-1000mgs of Test cyp or enanthate a week for a beginner if size and strength are your goals. Do you agree or disagree?

Imo your best cycle is your best cycle, the initial weight gain that comes from introducing high doses of anabolics into your system  during the first 2 - 4 weeks doesnt mean jack shit since its pretty much all water/nitrogen/bloodvolume related, you want to completely ignore it and look at the lb you put on once a week or fortnight there after because those slow solid gains are what really count in the long run.

People chasing those instant weight gains are the ones who tend to push doses to extremes chasing meaningless numbers on a scale despite looking like a smooth wad of ass, real muscle takes time to synthesise regardless of the dose and I dont recommend pushing up doses until you hit a wall for 4 weeks and cant see any difference in the mirror with a perfect diet and training protocol.

Being big and being muscular are two completely different things and i personally know guys who think theyre shit hot drop from 20 stone to 14 and a half to compete and still place 4th and fellas who drop around stone during pre contest and win at the national level.

Quality over quantity always in my book but most people arent mentally prepared for it and the majority of us make this mistake at first including myself.


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Re: IS Your First Cycle REALLY Your Best Cycle???
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2014, 10:55:23 AM »
Imo your best cycle is your best cycle, the initial weight gain that comes from introducing high doses of anabolics into your system  during the first 2 - 4 weeks doesnt mean jack shit since its pretty much all water/nitrogen/bloodvolume related, you want to completely ignore it and look at the lb you put on once a week or fortnight there after because those slow solid gains are what really count in the long run.

People chasing those instant weight gains are the ones who tend to push doses to extremes chasing meaningless numbers on a scale despite looking like a smooth wad of ass, real muscle takes time to synthesise regardless of the dose and I dont recommend pushing up doses until you hit a wall for 4 weeks and cant see any difference in the mirror with a perfect diet and training protocol.

Being big and being muscular are two completely different things and i personally know guys who think theyre shit hot drop from 20 stone to 14 and a half to compete and still place 4th and fellas who drop around stone during pre contest and win at the national level.

Quality over quantity always in my book but most people arent mentally prepared for it and the majority of us make this mistake at first including myself.
Im guilty of this too when i was younger. Ide eat all I could to gain 20 lbs every damn cycle and get bigger but look like shit and lose alot when u come off reality is 20 lbs of pure muscle if u r lean would look way better if 20lbs of straight meat is possible to build in a short amount of time.


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Re: IS Your First Cycle REALLY Your Best Cycle???
« Reply #28 on: July 18, 2014, 01:29:35 PM »
I think if I had to 're-do' my first cycle, it'd be 500mg test cyp and 250mg tren enan twice a week, along with 50mg dbol preworkout... for 4-6 months, then 2 months at just 250mg test/wk, then back on the 500mg test cyp and 250mg tren enan twice a week, with the dbol.... keeping everything the same.

there's no need to constantly increase the "on cycle/blast" dosage each cycle.

you can do 4g/wk your first cycle, then come 'off' at 250mg per week for whatever amount of time, then go back to 4g/wk for your second 'cycle' and continue that for years without having to go to 5g/wk or even 4.5g/wk or whatever.

how much weight/size/muscle you put on is largely do to your diet, not the drug dosage. higher doses just make it easier with a looser diet... so if you can afford it, why not use higher dosages?

you have guys who play the "well, I look better than you at half the dosage"... woopiddy do. you're comparing genetics? lol.. that's like some dude saying "I have a much better nose than you.." or "I was born with much better cheekbone genetics". lol... bragging about a superior genetic response to drugs is about as silly as it gets.