Author Topic: Forskolin?  (Read 1784 times)


  • Getbig II
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« on: July 27, 2014, 02:53:22 PM »
Anyone hear of this stuff? I remember Tnation pimping it as stonger than anavar without any side effects a few years back. A research chemical vendor just opened up and they have forskolin. Thinking about running it. Might prove to be useful between cycles if it truly is anabolic and helps with fatloss. Is it liver toxic at all? Anyone know typical doses?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Forskolin?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2014, 05:07:46 AM »
There are a few derivatives of Forskolin ( a herb) but the one used mainly in this :"industry"
is Indian coleus - it is mainly used in fat burning/thermo type products/supplements
as it heightens cell activity which is said (in theory ?) to help speed up the metabolism
with indirect stimulation of thyroid output also.

My personal opinion , save your money as there are no clinical trials to support claims made
and if Bodybuilders were using it to great success we would all know about it.

Fuck Tnation and there ludicrous claims. No way this could even compare to Var let alone be stronger.
They are the ultimate snake oil salesman , Bastards.



  • Getbig II
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Re: Forskolin?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 06:57:04 AM »
Any time I Google something and see a link to Dr. Oz or some site that says "As seen on Dr. Oz" I automatically assume its bullshit and move on.

But here's some interesting info.
According to Wikipedia:
To date, there have been more than two clinical studies examining the effectiveness of forskolin as a weight loss aid. Only one has been subject to peer-review and published in a medical journal. This clinical study, sponsored by the Sabinsa Corporation - an herbal supplement manufacturer, also observed forskolin's role in significantly increasing lean mass, bone mass, and testosterone in the overweight and obese men involved.[5] This research has led to companies marketing forskolin as a bodybuilding supplement.

From the study itself:
Results: Forskolin was shown to elicit favorable changes in body composition by significantly decreasing body fat percentage (BF%) and fat mass (FM) as determined by DXA compared with the placebo group (p ≤ 0.05). Additionally, forskolin administration resulted in a change in bone mass for the 12-week trial compared with the placebo group (p ≤ 0.05). There was a trend toward a significant increase for lean body mass in the forskolin group compared with the placebo group (p = 0.097). Serum free testosterone levels were significantly increased in the forskolin group compared with the placebo group (p ≤ 0.05). The actual change in serum total testosterone concentration was not significantly different among groups, but it increased 16.77 ± 33.77% in the forskolin group compared with a decrease of 1.08 ± 18.35% in the placebo group.

Discussion: Oral ingestion of forskolin (250 mg of 10% forskolin extract twice a day) for a 12-week period was shown to favorably alter body composition while concurrently increasing bone mass and serum free testosterone levels in overweight and obese men. The results indicate that forskolin is a possible therapeutic agent for the management and treatment of obesity.
Note that the study was done on OVERWEIGHT and OBESE men, not healthy and fit individuals, and definitely not bodybuilders.
Link to the study:;jsessionid=BC90F1AB7F6F0D546BC4E15B97ADBCAF.f02t03

In my opinion, if this stuff really does work, it probably works by regulating hormones, rather than bumping them up. What I mean by that is it probably puts you into the normal range (or attempts to) instead of just increasing everything. Kind of how DAA or that stuff derived from egg yolks (forget the name of it) works, if you have low test, it bumps it up a bit and tries to put your body into the normal range (or so I've heard).

So depending on the price, it might be worth looking into if you're coming off a heavy cycle. But really, I think hcg + clomid + maybe triptorelin will be more than enough to get the boys producing again. Probably the cheaper route too, and you KNOW it works.

Complex Carbs

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Re: Forskolin?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 08:32:48 AM »
Anyone hear of this stuff? I remember Tnation pimping it as stonger than anavar without any side effects a few years back. A research chemical vendor just opened up and they have forskolin. Thinking about running it. Might prove to be useful between cycles if it truly is anabolic and helps with fatloss. Is it liver toxic at all? Anyone know typical doses?
Boy, listen up, you are not finding the holy grail, it's always the same old with your threads.

Anabolics, the proven ones, and maybe HGH is all you need, it's all that everybody takes, really.

In your case, it would be good enough if you started to lift in the first place.

You sound clueless, anybody who knows this sport wouldn't be looking for the magical solution, because everybody knows what to take and when.

Fuck of with "maybe it's good between cycles", seriously, fuck off with that crap.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Forskolin?
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2014, 08:54:15 AM »
Calm the fuck down. Not everyone is on hormones year round. Some guys do come off now and again. Anything that helps is a plus.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Forskolin?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 09:09:15 AM »
Calm the fuck down. Not everyone is on hormones year round. Some guys do come off now and again. Anything that helps is a plus.

Have you looked into ostarine? I'm always doubtful when it comes to obscure chems, but I've heard good things about ostarine (if its legit). Anything that's obscure and sorta/kinda works is very expensive since there isn't a big market for something that "kinda" works when everyone knows test and other roids work.
If you're looking to jump-start production as quickly as possible, look into triptorelin and HMG (again, very expensive).