Author Topic: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3  (Read 10061 times)


  • Getbig IV
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My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« on: August 18, 2014, 10:59:32 AM »
Okey okey!
So after playing around with roids and training since 1997 i've finally decided to do some GH. Over gere it's usually superexpensive 3-4E per iu. But Things are changing and so does the prices. Since I work for a european bb mag i get alot whats up on who got good shit. Over 50 competitors swears by this brand which is Hygetropin (red tops). So since price was right i bought 150 iu of it. That was what i could afford this time around.

Anyway...since i have so limited knowledge about Gh use can u people please help me out to create the nastiest possible outturn of those few iu:s? I've heard blast 6-12 aday all the way down to 2 iu 5 times a week. You people with alot of gh knowledge irl how would u use those 150 ius?

I will also use:

500mg Testo Cyp / w
500mg Eq / w
350mg Tren ace / w (50mg ED)
75mcg T3
(Have also been thinking about using 50mg dbol ed for the first month, to kickstart things!)

Feel free to change compounds as well.

I want to be the nastiest freak possible according to what i have. I will cycle for 16 weeks and apparantly keep on going with roids only when the gh is finished.

Thanks bros.

PS: This is my first time posting in this forum, much because of WW. Great guy!.


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 11:50:40 AM »
Save it and buy another 150iu when you can afford to then run 2x what you originally planned. 2iu isn't shit. 4 iu is also barely worth it, but is better than nothing.


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 02:11:41 PM »
actually i got the last he had for a very good i have to do the best of it.....2iu over 75 days....3 iu over 50 days....5 iu over 30 days these are the choices i seem stuck with.....if we talk ed inj.....know some competitors who make great gains of 5 days on 2 days off as 30 days i will run roids only if i do 5 iu for a month.....then after that i can get more since money is low next month.....should i up the gear then? and month after find a reliable low price guy with whats on the label atleast and run it more heavy....just want to feel some real gh effek'cts....
friend did 100 iu for first time in his career rescently and he looked totally gh:d after that....ok he is always in good shape but he had veins all over his stomach after those 100 iu and looked like he made 2 years worth of gains....he bought 100iu more right away when he was out....maybe i will too?


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 03:52:57 PM »
Notmraverage is a great guy and he used to compete and do well. Give this man the best info you can. I already gave him my opinion. I think the sweet spot is in the range of 6-12 IU's . 6 of course on the low side. I also told him stacking it with T3 is a way to increase fat loss. Notmraverage knows alot about steroids but is new to using HGH.

I think the keys to losing that stubborn fat is keeping your HGH level high,keeping your T3 and T4 level high and woreking out hard enough to activate your leptin hormone. It is def way easier to lose weight when your using HGH and thyroid hormones and toss in some Test cyp and Tren as well as some injectable winny or winny tabs at 50-100mg daily your body has no choice but to lose stubborn bodyfat.

I also am in favor of buying HGH from a source that you know is legit. It is alays better to buy Human grade HGH but there is some decent chinese generics out there that are more affordable and do work. If your just losing weight to get thatb look you want your probably going to go through 2 or 3 kits a month so chinese might be all you can buy, but if your going to do a show you need to use the Real USA human grade HGH for at least a month but most of the time the chinese generics will work ok as long as you know your source well and have seen bloodwork done while somebody has been using the kits. Lets not fool ourselves there are alot of counterfeit hGH kits out there.

anyway welcome our brother notmraverage and help him with the best advice possible like we always do!!!


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2014, 11:57:45 PM »
It looks like you are only pinning 7.5 Mel's of gear per week. If you are using 3ml syringes why not make every inject count and use the whole 3ml in the syringe?

I would add another 1.5 ml of test or eq so total weekly ml would be 9 which would only be 3 shots a week. I always advocate less injects as possible. This could be done MWF

Sorry no experience with gh


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2014, 12:14:58 AM »
what is your reasoning behind the least injects as possible per week? Are not things like tren or prop ideally injected every day or eod at the least.


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2014, 02:13:15 AM »
what is your reasoning behind the least injects as possible per week? Are not things like tren or prop ideally injected every day or eod at the least.

BigRo is right Test prop and tren acetate are injected daily by most people some times EOD by some people,any fast acting ester is injected daily by most users of AAS, especially Test suspension, Test prop can be injected EOD if you only plan on using 300-400mg a week. Test suspension is definately something you would want to inject everyday pre-workout. I am not sure if efanhowz is talking about drawing all compounds into one syringe like some guys do but I will say right now that is not a very good idea. I have seen people make cocktails and wind up with awful abcess's. Always inject each compound out of it's own syringe and clean needle. syringes and needles are so cheap no need to try to save syringes or pins.


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2014, 06:20:59 AM »
BigRo is right Test prop and tren acetate are injected daily by most people some times EOD by some people,any fast acting ester is injected daily by most users of AAS, especially Test suspension, Test prop can be injected EOD if you only plan on using 300-400mg a week. Test suspension is definately something you would want to inject everyday pre-workout. I am not sure if efanhowz is talking about drawing all compounds into one syringe like some guys do but I will say right now that is not a very good idea. I have seen people make cocktails and wind up with awful abcess's. Always inject each compound out of it's own syringe and clean needle. syringes and needles are so cheap no need to try to save syringes or pins.

sorry man but this is complete bullshit.
it is impossible to get an abscess from "mixing gear" in the same syringe.
a mixture of 0.5ml test prop 0.5ml tren ace 0.5ml mast prop is just as sterile as the individual parts.

and its sorry but its COMPLETELY unnecassary to stick 3 needles into your butt if you can just do the same thing with with just 1.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2014, 08:14:52 AM »
I was thinking of doing it this way since i have lots of friends that get success from it

5iu / day for mon-fre, weekend off - repeat - this was what i got should last me 6 weeks (25iu/w x 6 = 150iu)

Also with gear. I throw out dbol kickstart and cycle win 25-50mg/daily for 4 weeks then stop for 4 then repeat since so hard on liver

Tren i keep at 50mg aday since i get kinda crazy on it and would need to do valium or whatever ED to fic more

EQ can go up to 750mg. Have been dribbling between 500-750 all along.

Test Cyp I THINK i will keep at 500mg since i get fucking bloated on test and esp face look fat. Can go up to 700mg, but thats were iĺl stop (atlest now thinking lol).

I will cycle for 16 weeks total and then cruise on test only at 250mg for awhile, like 8 weeks

T3 can go up 75mcg as well if you see any benetits from it. I want to build muscle and lose fat at the same time and get as little bloat as possible.

Diet will be mostly chicken, lean ground beef and tuna and low fat milk (lactose free and in whey isolate shakes only)
To that i'll add 1 l pineaplle juice post workout with the shake and eat asap chicken and rice with some type of hot sause.
Also 2 meals of oatmeal aday with a few grams of whey isolate to make each meal 50 g prot. Lots of rice.
Cheatfodds:Ice cream, pizza, hamburgers when i need change.
Thats basic nutrition and i will add cheat meals with ice cream as i feel like it. Also some pizza and hamburger here and there.

I was at my nastiest in 2004 when i trained with Dorian in Amsterdam. About 106 kg (233,5) at 7-8& bf. Best comp weight have been 87.1kg since i have to make weight class (light heavys).

Offcourse I will add in more gh along the way if i can get it again to an affordable price

To sum it uo:
5iu gh (5on 2 off) (for 6 weeks, about 4 weeks off and then if possible more)
750mg eq
700mg Test
175-350mg Winstrol (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
350mg Tren ace

Total anabolics:

2150mg / w (on win 50mg ed)
1800mg/w (without win)
1975mg/w (on win 25mg ed)



  • Getbig IV
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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2014, 08:50:14 AM »
150iu of GH is simply not enough no matter how you run it, especially since it's generic Chinese.  I'm a big believer that with GH it must be Rx grade.  Serostim, Humatrope, etc. or don't even bother with it.  You will be surprised how little you need to get great results.  GH is one drug where more is actually better.  Use as much as you can afford.  Only problem is trying to stay awake all day as doses go up.

Var City

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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2014, 11:04:06 AM »
sorry man but this is complete bullshit.
it is impossible to get an abscess from "mixing gear" in the same syringe.
a mixture of 0.5ml test prop 0.5ml tren ace 0.5ml mast prop is just as sterile as the individual parts.

and its sorry but its COMPLETELY retarded to stick 3 needles into your butt if you can just do the same thing with with just 1.

agree 1000%


  • Getbig IV
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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2014, 11:57:24 AM »
150iu of GH is simply not enough no matter how you run it, especially since it's generic Chinese.  I'm a big believer that with GH it must be Rx grade.  Serostim, Humatrope, etc. or don't even bother with it.  You will be surprised how little you need to get great results.  GH is one drug where more is actually better.  Use as much as you can afford.  Only problem is trying to stay awake all day as doses go up.

Why did my friend make the best gains in over 3 years in a very short time span on 100iu of the same stuff then? He is like me been training since about mid 90:ies and we live together and have been very close since then. He does (straight!)porn btw and does not use tren either. Only gh, test c, eq....superstrict with diet and train like tome platz abit. seen him do 65 reps deep squats with 225, he is insane. think they will tell him to downsize now because after the gh he looks like a freak! freak for non comp and his 3d look. arms very very big....look very much like arnold, but smaller chest and calves...6.2 260 no more than 6% bf.....he bought more though and if i answer as him. i will too! source secured


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2014, 12:22:03 AM »
sorry man but this is complete bullshit.
it is impossible to get an abscess from "mixing gear" in the same syringe.
a mixture of 0.5ml test prop 0.5ml tren ace 0.5ml mast prop is just as sterile as the individual parts.

and its sorry but its COMPLETELY retarded to stick 3 needles into your butt if you can just do the same thing with with just 1.


I try to pin as little as possible bc of scar tissue buildup. But I will say if you mix two oils of different viscosities like TNE and anything else, that is a bad ideas. I tried it a few times and shook up the mixture before so it was one looked like milk when I injected but had excruciating pain and felt the TNE leaking away from the inj site in my muscles.

Mixing most compounds is fine. Have only had problems mixing TNE bc it is usually way thinner


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2014, 02:44:41 AM »
Why did my friend make the best gains in over 3 years in a very short time span on 100iu of the same stuff then? He is like me been training since about mid 90:ies and we live together and have been very close since then. He does (straight!)porn btw and does not use tren either. Only gh, test c, eq....superstrict with diet and train like tome platz abit. seen him do 65 reps deep squats with 225, he is insane. think they will tell him to downsize now because after the gh he looks like a freak! freak for non comp and his 3d look. arms very very big....look very much like arnold, but smaller chest and calves...6.2 260 no more than 6% bf.....he bought more though and if i answer as him. i will too! source secured

he was using Pfizer genotropin correct? Since this is your first run i would start at a lower dose say 4Iu daily but your going to want to up the HGH till you even tually are using around 8-12IU a day. Are you sure the guy was telling you the truth? It is impossible to gain much off just using a few Iu's a day. You can naturally manipulate your body to increase that much growth hormone with the right sleep patterns and sticking a perfect diet. Give it a try though. I think what some people are saying is true you are using chinese grade wich you have to consider , Pfizer genotropin and chinese red tops are night and day.

Just save up a little more money and buy a few more kits. You can buy decent quality HGH kits for 100-200$ for a 100-IU kit. Whehn it comes to chinese HGhh don;t let the fancy boxes fool you go by blood work people have gotten done using that particular product and buy it going off that. You can find totally legit HGH from china for 150$ for a 100IU kit.

I think I recall your friend was using pfizer gentropin wich is super spendy but you could get by on using a bit less but the price of genotropin is crazy. Just remeber to throw in some thyroid hormones and when you train make sure you activate your leptin hormone and your body has no choice but to lose fat in stubborn areas


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2014, 02:56:25 AM »
sorry man but this is complete bullshit.
it is impossible to get an abscess from "mixing gear" in the same syringe.
a mixture of 0.5ml test prop 0.5ml tren ace 0.5ml mast prop is just as sterile as the individual parts.

and its sorry but its COMPLETELY unnecassary to stick 3 needles into your butt if you can just do the same thing with with just 1.

I totally understand where your coming from and I I used to do this myself,in fact to me it depends on what kind of gear your cycling and how much BA/BB or if it's cutt with ethyl oleate diffrent small variables like that. I have no issues mixing some brands of gear but they have to be made with the same amounts of BA/BB and have ethyl oleate or not have ethyl oleate.
basically if the raw ingredianets match I will mix it but if they don't I shoot them seperate. especially if winstrol is involved. maybe you have never seen a infection from mixing compounds in the same syringe but I have seen some awful infections and from high ranking nationals not just gymrats.

But if you are comfortable doing that and you have no pain issues doing this method by all means continue doing it. Just remember I have some some nasty innfections from guys who did this. I am almost 100% sure it was from mixing in the injectable winstrol.


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2014, 03:12:02 AM »

I try to pin as little as possible bc of scar tissue buildup. But I will say if you mix two oils of different viscosities like TNE and anything else, that is a bad ideas. I tried it a few times and shook up the mixture before so it was one looked like milk when I injected but had excruciating pain and felt the TNE leaking away from the inj site in my muscles.

Mixing most compounds is fine. Have only had problems mixing TNE bc it is usually way thinner

This is what I am talking about ! It is cool to mix some esters and some you do not want to mix in the same syringe. I have seen guys put 4 diffrent compounds in one shot and everytime I have seen a horrible infection I believe it has always been from somebody who put injectbale winstrol in their cocktail. I am talking the nastiest abcess's you could possibly get(to the point of having to go to the ER) I definately understand where your coming from it is easy to run out of good quality injection spots and i myself have mixed up esters and shot them. I still do it to this day but not like I used to.

If you do mix your compounds make sure you use similar esters. Definately do not mix injectable winny into your cocktails. Most all the infections I have seen have been cause by Injectable winstrol. Like I said I know it is hard to find good solid injection spots when you have to do that many injections hence this is why we make out cocktails but one thing you guys should definately shoot seperately is injectabale winstrol.


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2014, 06:07:21 AM »
i assume youre talking about winstrol in water based suspension?
yeah that stuff is horrible and youre very prone to infections with that because theres no BA inside.

has nothing to do with mixing gear though...
ive mixed injectable dbol which was completely in EO with test in just BB/BA and some NPP in BB/BA/guaiacol in the same syringe for example and never had problems...

i agree that winstrol in water is shit and many people get abscesses from that


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2014, 02:53:51 AM »
i assume youre talking about winstrol in water based suspension?
yeah that stuff is horrible and youre very prone to infections with that because theres no BA inside.

has nothing to do with mixing gear though...
ive mixed injectable dbol which was completely in EO with test in just BB/BA and some NPP in BB/BA/guaiacol in the same syringe for example and never had problems...

i agree that winstrol in water is shit and many people get abscesses from that

Yes dumb ass kids mix water basec winstrol with their other gear and I have seen horrible abcess's. That's how Boston Lloyd cklaimed he got his abcess's that really fucked up his arm. Boston had some Test E,EQ,Masteron,TrenA and water based winny all in one syringe and shot it up and he couldn;t even finish the shot he said it was the worse pain ever and you guys have all seen what happened to him! Bostons arm swole up crazy! that arm looked like it was close to having to be amputated. But i have also seen other guys do this so bottom line it is ok to mix your compounds but try to keep out water based winstrol and maybe shoot your Test suspension seperately as well, but mainly be careful injecting water based winny.


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2014, 02:55:46 AM »
Yes ww he was telling the truth. Remember we have been friends close to 20 years and always shared cycles. He even did his shots in front of me. He did 4 iu of hyge not geno. But also he was in better shape than me before he started, about 8% and i was tested at 11% a few days ago. He is now using 6 iu instead. Just waiting for my shit to arrive, than we will se what it does to me. Gains are also relative. He was 252 at 8% before hyge and 260 and 6% after. Also upped his anabolics. He is the only bb i know who tell the fucking truth....except people on this board who can stay anonymous. Hyge comes with scrapcode so you can tell it's real too. I start at 4 iu then and gradually up to 6-8-10-12 as time goes. I might save up some now since source are's only one source though...

he was using Pfizer genotropin correct? Since this is your first run i would start at a lower dose say 4Iu daily but your going to want to up the HGH till you even tually are using around 8-12IU a day. Are you sure the guy was telling you the truth? It is impossible to gain much off just using a few Iu's a day. You can naturally manipulate your body to increase that much growth hormone with the right sleep patterns and sticking a perfect diet. Give it a try though. I think what some people are saying is true you are using chinese grade wich you have to consider , Pfizer genotropin and chinese red tops are night and day.

Just save up a little more money and buy a few more kits. You can buy decent quality HGH kits for 100-200$ for a 100-IU kit. Whehn it comes to chinese HGhh don;t let the fancy boxes fool you go by blood work people have gotten done using that particular product and buy it going off that. You can find totally legit HGH from china for 150$ for a 100IU kit.

I think I recall your friend was using pfizer gentropin wich is super spendy but you could get by on using a bit less but the price of genotropin is crazy. Just remeber to throw in some thyroid hormones and when you train make sure you activate your leptin hormone and your body has no choice but to lose fat in stubborn areas


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Re: My first HGH cycle - 150 iu + anabolicsand T3
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2014, 08:34:01 AM »
Save it and buy another 150iu when you can afford to then run 2x what you originally planned. 2iu isn't shit. 4 iu is also barely worth it, but is better than nothing.

4ius barely worth it huh? you getting shit hgh then

on 4ius a day i cant feel my hands and getting out of bed is redic hard same with all my circle. falling asleep at the wheel falling asleep at work struggling to walk down stairs. what the hell do they feed you in USA they reeally do screw you over with hgh dont they.

all of us have to drop to 2ius and build back up here, im scared to go past 4ius due to the fact that i dont think id be able to get up for work let alone go to the gym.