Author Topic: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About  (Read 3648 times)

Roger Bacon

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Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About

Mar. 8, 2014 2:14pm Fred Lucas   

Legal immigration has quadrupled in the last four decades, and it has not been natural but a Democratic plan to increase their vote share from a 1965 law, conservative commentator Ann Coulter said Saturday – offering one of her most bombastic characterizations.

“My favorite network for humor is MSNBC. They’re always sneering, demographics are changing. No this isn’t a natural process,” Coulter said. “It’s like you’re being raped and the guy is telling you ‘my penis is in you.’ No, you’re raping me. Demographics are changing by force. There is nothing natural about it.”

Coulter joined a panel Saturday in National Harbor, Md. asserting that immigration is the most important issue to conservatives. The event, sponsored by Eagle Forum and the Center for Immigration Studies, was separate from the nearby Conservative Political Action Conference, but took place to coincide with it.

The Eagle Forum report the 1965 bill by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) dramatically increased immigration from 9.7 million in 1970 to 40 million by 2010. Immigration has doubled since 1990 and tripled since 1980, according to the report.

Coulter said giving legal status to more illegal immigrants would doom Republicans to generations of losses, and said the increase number of immigrants helped President Barack Obama defeat Republican Mitt Romney in 2012.

“I also don’t think you can remind people enough Democrats have not been winning people through their dazzling arguments,” Coulter said. “They have changed the voters and in the 2012 election, if the country had not changed, by force, on purpose, by people trying to harm this country, i.e. Ted Kennedy, Romney would have won a larger landslide against Obama than Reagan won against Carter in 1980, because he won 4 points more of the white vote. Back in 1980, the country was nearly 90 percent white now.”

Eagle Forum released a compilation of polling data that showed 75 percent of Hispanics want more government services, 68 percent of Muslim immigrants want bigger government, and 55 percent of Asians support more government services. That’s compared to just 37 percent of white voters who support more government and 52 percent who want less government. Meanwhile, 41 percent of the general public support more government compared to 48 percent that support less government.

“Republicans are fools to support any kind of amnesty or continuing to import millions of foreigners who reject conservative views and are going to vote for the Democrats,” Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly said.

“They all come to the same conclusion, that Hispanic and Asian immigrants want a bigger government providing more services rather than what those conservatives want, which is less spending and less government,” Schlafly said of the polls.

Coulter said it’s like “invasion of the body snatchers” as to why so many conservatives would support bringing in more voters to undermine what they stand for. She compared it to New Yorkers going to Florida and Massachusetts voters moving to New Hampshire. In both cases, these residents move for taxes, then vote for Democrats who will raise their taxes, Coulter said.

“Those are the only two groups that benefit. Lobbyists accessing a lot of government services, Democrats benefit because we’re soon approaching a point where Republicans never win another election,” Coulter said. “If we stop it now, there is still time. Business benefits because they get cheap labor – cheaper and cheaper and cheaper labor. Is it that Boehner wants to go to work for a lobbyist himself is is it all these guy around him, congressional staff, they want the job lobbying. I suspect a lot is the staff and Republicans just don’t hear the truth.”


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2014, 10:39:41 PM »
When asked if she had any ideas besides curtailing immigration for how to address the problem, Coulter referred to one of her favorite songs:


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2014, 11:01:28 PM »
I agree with her. Ive said for a while that the immigration fiasco was a way for rhe democrats to try and import a massive voting block to try and tip the scales to an effective 1 part system.

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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2014, 11:27:35 PM »
I agree with her. Ive said for a while that the immigration fiasco was a way for rhe democrats to try and import a massive voting block to try and tip the scales to an effective 1 part system.

very accurate.  it's nice that there are so many republicans willing to call out the Dems for this totally shady practice which undermines the constitution and destroys this country.

The repubs who have consistently shit on the amnesty thing include Ted Cruz, .... also, um.. well, there's Ted Cruz...


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2014, 12:13:50 PM »
She is 100% correct.

Reagan gave amnesty to 11 million criminals, yet he received 30% less of the hispanic vote against Mondale. Carter, one of the worst presidents ever, received more hispanic votes than Reagan.

We all heard about how Bush connected with hispanics. We saw how he talked about immigration reform and pushed for it. He still received much fewer hispanic votes than Gore and Kerry.

So, the idea that the GOP should push for immigration reform because if they don't they will alienate the hispanic vote is stupid. THEY NEVER GET THE HISPANIC VOTE.


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2014, 12:15:04 PM »
Mark Levin gives the stats for the Hispanic vote in presidential election since 1980. No one explains this better than him.

It starts at 41:50.


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2014, 12:48:21 PM »
Have free shit given to you or work hard for your own shit...I think they'll take the free shit. Except its not free...its the American tax payers and its running out. We've beaten this horse to some point they need to realize that minorities are not voting for Republicans in national elections unless their cultural beliefs change. We're not getting the crème of the crop immigrating here anyway.


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2014, 12:57:05 PM »
The democrats have been at this since 1965.  Ted Kennedy made it easier for non-Europeans to enter the country.  It's going to sink the US into a third world nation.  Anyone tells you that it expands the economy is not telling you the whole story.  The expansion of the economy isn't going to improve the native workers pocket book one cent.  And they grossly underestimate the amount of taxes generated and the amount of entitles from these new immigrants.


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2014, 01:09:24 PM »
Blacks and the poor should be the ones enraged by this.....


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2014, 01:12:29 PM »
Blacks and the poor should be the ones enraged by this.....

They did in the 80s.  The NAACP was strongly opposed to Reagan's amnesty. I hate to be pessimistic but all signs point to this country being over and down. 


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2014, 01:16:54 PM »



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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2014, 03:09:15 PM »
Have free shit given to you or work hard for your own shit...I think they'll take the free shit. Except its not free...its the American tax payers and its running out. We've beaten this horse to some point they need to realize that minorities are not voting for Republicans in national elections unless their cultural beliefs change. We're not getting the crème of the crop immigrating here anyway.

I hear what you're saying but want to clarify one thing:  You are not saying that you think politicians from a given party should only back policies that would keep their party strong without respect to the other effects of the policies, are you?

Honestly, to me it borders on some kind of conspiracy theory to think Dems hold certain views on immigration chiefly because of how they think it will strengthen their party. 

I think it's more like they think, "Our immigration policies are based on our compassion for these immigrants (almost all Americans are the descendants of immigrants, after all) and, as a side benefit, it could be good for our party."

I honestly don't think Dems think that Mexican immigrants are bad for the long-term health of our country like most of the people on this thread seem to think, anyway.


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2014, 03:55:49 PM »
I hear what you're saying but want to clarify one thing:  You are not saying that you think politicians from a given party should only back policies that would keep their party strong without respect to the other effects of the policies, are you?

Honestly, to me it borders on some kind of conspiracy theory to think Dems hold certain views on immigration chiefly because of how they think it will strengthen their party. 

I think it's more like they think, "Our immigration policies are based on our compassion for these immigrants (almost all Americans are the descendants of immigrants, after all) and, as a side benefit, it could be good for our party."

I honestly don't think Dems think that Mexican immigrants are bad for the long-term health of our country like most of the people on this thread seem to think, anyway.

It's clearly ideological.  Sure they want to help what they perceive to be the poor but at the same time they know that these immigrants will vote democratic.  Every poll indicates this.  Democrats would have to be brain dead not to realize the advantage amnesty would give them. 

The old saying the united states is a nation of immigrants is completely irrelevant at this point.  Entitlememt programs didn't exist and if a person or family couldn't make it they returned to their native land and a great many did.  We also don't have the manufacturing base in this country to support that many low skill workers.  Globalization has wiped out american manufacturing. 


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2014, 05:10:45 PM »
It's clearly ideological.  Sure they want to help what they perceive to be the poor but at the same time they know that these immigrants will vote democratic.  Every poll indicates this.  Democrats would have to be brain dead not to realize the advantage amnesty would give them. 

The old saying the united states is a nation of immigrants is completely irrelevant at this point.  Entitlememt programs didn't exist and if a person or family couldn't make it they returned to their native land and a great many did.  We also don't have the manufacturing base in this country to support that many low skill workers.  Globalization has wiped out american manufacturing. 

To tell you the truth, I'm sure what's meant by "purely ideological".  And you seem to be agreeing with me that Dems DO genuinely want to help these folks if I'm not mistaken.  What you might not agree with me about, though, is that I think they'd still largely be in favor of giving these folks legal status even if they weren't given the right to vote. (I would, anyway.)

As to whether or not we can support (afford) to give legal status to our large number of illegal immigrants depends how much we're willing to affect the lifestyles of some or all of the folks that are already citizens here, I think.  (And "affect" in this case would take many, many forms -- not all of them universally bad in my mind.)

BTW, I view Coulter as pretty much of a wannabe shock comic.  I'm not sure what she thinks what sort of solution to having all these illegal immigrants in our country could realistically be.  Is she just saying let them stay here but don't give them legal status?  Some kind of guest worker program, maybe?

She apparently loves to be provocative but deep down she must know that mass deportations are something that moderates (who largely decide elections these days) would never go along with that under conditions that were short of some sort of post-catastrophe martial law.  Illegals wouldn't be here unless they were getting money so if there weren't folks to give them under-the-table jobs, they'd probably stop coming and would likely leave on their own.  Unfortunately for Coulter, she must also know that most conservative businessmen, who profit from the labor of illegal aliens, are not going to give support to policies that will negatively affect their bank balances just it might be good for the right as a whole.  Sheesh, isn't "every man for himself" an intrinsic part of Coulter's ideology?

Anyway, people are people:  If things are shitty for them, they will seek to go somewhere that's less shitty when they can.  So there is hope for the right as long as things keep getting shittier, lol.

This article seems to say a little something about how shitty it is here (relative to Mexico, anyway) these days:

Coincidentally, I recently read a long-ass article (note: found it and posted the link below) penned by a military vet who says he's been consciously raising his kids with the idea that someday they'd likely want to emigrate from the USA because he thinks that in many ways other countries can offer his children a better life.

The author is SERIOUSLY long-winded (takes one to know one, right? ;D) but here's an excerpt from the middle of the article:

But I'm old enough to remember some 800 convictions of bankers in the more tepid Savings & Loan crisis in the 1980s. Meanwhile, LIBOR is admittedly manipulated, commodities are hoarded and manipulated, "financial innovation" invents gimmicks to extract wealth from the People, mortgage fraud is standard operating procedure, yet no indictments ensure, much less convictions. Instead, the unspoken agreement between government and banks is that they'll get fined. Public shareholders absorb the burden; the executives walk and are feted at balls wherein their servants in government come, holding hat in hand. It's just a business calculation, and oh, here's a few million for your next campaign. "Corporations are people too, my friend" and "money is free speech." Here's a few million more of "free speech," we raped it from the little people. We looked down upon them and laughed with champagne glasses in hand while they protested in the streets and the boys in blue and riot black beat them black and blue.

Are you a big company in pursuit of profit? Right this way, Sir. Take that farmer's Right of Way, Sir -- so much the easier to route your pipeline. What, the ungrateful little fucker is resisting you, a multinational company based outside the U.S.? No problem, I'll condemn his property, or better yet, I'll tell the governor to decree it and force the little people to drain their life savings battling you in court.

Are you a big company needing to be cut some regulatory slack? Not a problem. The gov's your former CEO, he'll officially look the other way, choke inspectors from resources, and perform creative subterfuge so you can be freed from burdens like protecting the environment. It is all about freedom, after all. Oops, coal ash destroying waterways? Hey, it's a great way for Nestle and Coca-Cola to sell more bottled water. Oil spill? Same deal. Hell, we'll even close the airspace and let you command Coast Guard vessels to keep the pesky press out.  Leak some nasty chemicals that no one knows what harm it may cause? But it has a pleasant licorice scent and you are FREE!!!...not to drink the water. Give it up for Christ, give water up for Lent. You can always buy bottled water (cha-ching again for Coke and Nestle). By the way, the Nestle CEO says clean water is not a human right anyway. Thirsty? I've not a tears-worth to shed for you worker bee bitches.

War on drugs? Prisons? Militarization of law enforcement? Drone killings? Healthcare? Food stamps? Bank regulation? NSA? Net Neutrality? What subject shall we rant about next; all are fodder and proof that in the United States of America today the GREATEST CRIME one can commit is to threaten the profits of big companies and the pockets of the rich. Why not just rename the country Koch and Sachs?

Too organize and complain is to find oneself at the wrong end of pepper spray, tasers and beanbag cannons, all being closely coordinated and orchestrated with the proven, explicit and intimate cooperation between big companies and the national "security" apparatus. Blow the whistle on any of this collusion between the State and Global, Inc.? Do it and you become an actual enemy of the state and by God no less than the President of the United States will force down the plane of a sovereign head of state if he thinks you might be absconding aboard.

And if this weren't lovely enough to attempt to fight, but much the nation has been quite literally brainwashed and rendered ignorant, whether in the pews of their "churches" or by much of the media. So bad is "FOX News" that the Canadian government forbade it receiving a license in Canada -- and that's a country that'll elect a person like Rob Ford mayor of its biggest city. Clearly they understand FOX is the bigger joke.

Even the hallowed "60 Minutes" has become a transparent sycophant to the State and power brokers. So rare is integrity within the press that it makes national news when a real journalist leaves his or her position to flee to alternative media, where the truth may yet find fertile ground, where the soil is pray not so toxic to common sense, decency and investigative reporting.

We have a cult wing of a major religion now in control of one of the two major parties, yet nary a soul in the press dare speak of it for fear of "Christian bashing," instead calling them conservatives (further contributing to the Orwellian fun house mirror mangling of language). We have actual candidates for positions in state or federal government openly advocating in writing and/or speeches for the death penalty for rebellious children, forced rape of women with medical devices, making "Christianity" an official religion, and who proudly scoff at evolution and science (the work of the Devil, you know). Whole state houses vote to allow guns in bars and classrooms (on the hips and in the purse of students even). We kill young black men because we are afraid and we walk free. We shoot 90 year old, near bedridden WWII vets because they brandishes scissors...or was it a bread knife? (They followed appropriate police procedure, or course.) As this all happens, we que sera sera and shrug it off as a nation.

One of our great political parties (and we only have 2) is now closer, literally, in ideology to the Taliban than to that of its fore bearer President Eisenhower.

We are a nation that's become 1/3 literally insane and 1/3 I-can't-be-bothered-ignorance-is-bliss, leaving the remaining informed 1/3 (I'd like to think folks like Daily Kos readers) in a near state of controlled panic or either terrified stasis.

And at this point in the Nation's history my children are crossing into young adulthood.

So what's a patriotic parent to do?

Here's what we have done. It was simple, but has taken commitment.

- Starting in kindergarten, we found a dual immersion public school program where our kids become bi-literate by the end of 5th grade. This is to enable them to function and navigate a large part of the rest of the world. My eldest is also taking Chinese now in middle school.

- We focused on teaching them respect for all people and awareness of the world around them.

- We have kept them away from organized religion, leaving them to learn about the topic intellectually first.

- We've consciously lived in communities that are diverse (even to the point of us being in the minority).

- We've openly discussed that there are many other nations as good and in many ways better than our country. We are not a GREAT or EXCEPTIONAL nation. (I categorically reject American Exceptionalism as a dangerous lie.)

- We've never been jingoistic about our nationality and while making clear being a citizen comes with responsibility, being a good global citizen if far more important.

Much more of his amusing rant at the link.


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2014, 04:37:16 AM »
Whoa, stop the presses. You mean that the people who benefit the most from fiscal Liberalism will vote for fiscal Liberals? Shiver me timbers!

Pat Buchanan and other real Conservatives have been saying this for years. As others have said, Coulter was never much more than a sexually frustrated D-lister, and now she's just hitting the snooze button on her 15 minutes.


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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2014, 06:17:10 AM »
Coulter was never much more than a sexually frustrated D-lister, and now she's just hitting the snooze button on her 15 minutes.
but she sure looks good in that simple black Chanel-inspired cocktail dress

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Re: Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2015, 10:53:37 AM »
Ann Coulter Thinks She Knows What the Push for Amnesty Is All About

Mar. 8, 2014 2:14pm Fred Lucas   

Legal immigration has quadrupled in the last four decades, and it has not been natural but a Democratic plan to increase their vote share from a 1965 law, conservative commentator Ann Coulter said Saturday – offering one of her most bombastic characterizations.

Coulter is completely right.   Absolutely, 100% correct.