Author Topic: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?  (Read 3618 times)


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who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« on: January 26, 2015, 08:22:54 AM »
Who has tried accutane for acne and how long did it take to start working? I wan't to get rid of this acne naturally because I heard accutane can weaken your gains. I also hear it has some odd side effects. This is a minor case of acne and I know it comes with the territory for some of us yet some guys get away with more then what I use and don't have any acne yet they probably are getting other side effects.

It mainly is on my real delts. I don;t think it will just go away if I keep using and sweating like i do when I train. I workout with layers and drop a layer when I get hot by the time I do my workout and cardio and sauna of course I am soaked. I don;t change or shower at the gym I live maybe 5 minutes away so I just get home real quick and shower and eat. I do tan to try to cover it up but that has not helped much.

somebody have any good solutions besides going off gear? I can handle about a gram without sides but if I run 2 grams I get acne. After watching some youtube videos I am blessed it is not worse and feel bad for people who are covered with acne on their face. their are some nasty videos I saw.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2015, 12:52:36 PM »
it takes a while before you see the full effect
a full run is 6 months i believe

personnally lowering the dose or going off is what gives me acne


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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2015, 01:03:02 PM »
i think it took 2-3 months for my buddy before it started to get better
the first couple weeks your acne actually gets worse because all the shit comes out when your pores start to get dried out
youll also get flaky skin, dry lips and maybe nosebleeds because accutane literally dries your skin from the inside

its not a permanent solution for everyone though
some people get zits/acne again even after a 6 month high dose run of the stuff


  • Getbig IV
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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2015, 04:28:59 PM »
I wouldn't use that unless absolutely necessary. Try vitamin b5 Huge doses tanning two showers a day. Even dish soap is suppose to work.


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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2015, 08:02:29 PM »
6 months of constant accutane use?
Fuck that sounds like hell lol


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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2015, 03:00:27 AM »
Fuck the accutane-lol. It's not that bad. I just need to except running 2 grams is going to have some side effects. I heard the same thing all you guys mentioned the dry lips,the flaky skin these guys i saw on it really did need it it's not as bad as I make it out to be.

I'm going to try running some pro-biotics and vitamins,fish oil maybe some flax seed oil.


  • Getbig V
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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2015, 07:48:47 AM »
6 months at 20mg is what I did as there isn't really much advantage to going above that unless terrible acne. And that is amount of time that generally need to take to have it be effective for awhile. Mine has come back a bit years later but not nearly as bad. Not even worth doing anything about it as no one would really think anything beyond the norm. Just a few on shoulders that come and go. Worked great. Does get worse in beginning.


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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2015, 01:01:18 PM »
by buddy ran it for 6 months, i think he started at 80mg and went down to 40 over half the year... KILLED his acne but like 1-2 years later he was getting a few zits again. nothing like the cystic acne he had years ago tho. also much higher AAS dosages now ofc.

he actually ran the same cycles as i did but always after me so i could give him advice
first cycles were (young and dumb) oral only, he broke out like fucking crazy on "var", lol. it was probably winny anyway, but neither of us had joint pain. i actually had better skin than usually and got crazy strong, but for him the only thing that got crazy was his cystic acne lol :D like his whole back blew up with huge painful cysts... told me he couldnt sleep on his back for weeks straight.

 one day we were benching and one monster on his back popped and bled all over his back. white shirt full of blood stains. he was so fking embarassed that he threw a towel over his back and ran to the locker room and went home :D i found it funny as fuck but to this day he has major insecurities because of the scars the acne left on his shoulders

i think thats another major problem with accutane, it dries your skin so much that if you have cystic acne it doesnt really heal properly. id consider running GH or one of the healing peptides with it...

Thong Maniac

  • Getbig IV
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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2015, 07:56:07 PM »
Accutane cured my teenage-early twenties acne on my face. Took months of painful red skin and dry as fuck skin. My skin is still some what red from it to this day and very heat/sun sensitive. Its serious shit. Real rx of accutane doctor wants u to get frequent blood tests while on it. No joke compound. Not something you should buy off a research site and play with; but thats my opinion.


  • Getbig V
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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2015, 11:34:45 AM »
Accutane cured my teenage-early twenties acne on my face. Took months of painful red skin and dry as fuck skin. My skin is still some what red from it to this day and very heat/sun sensitive. Its serious shit. Real rx of accutane doctor wants u to get frequent blood tests while on it. No joke compound. Not something you should buy off a research site and play with; but thats my opinion.

I took it also. I'm also very sensitive to sunlight as well as I also seem to get a reddish tint more easily. Before accutane I remember not burning while out in the sun as fast.
It works though. Just have plenty of chapstick and lotion you will not be putting any acne creams on or your face will be so dry it will be painful.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2015, 09:20:09 PM »
Who has tried accutane for acne and how long did it take to start working? I wan't to get rid of this acne naturally because I heard accutane can weaken your gains. I also hear it has some odd side effects. This is a minor case of acne and I know it comes with the territory for some of us yet some guys get away with more then what I use and don't have any acne yet they probably are getting other side effects.

It mainly is on my real delts. I don;t think it will just go away if I keep using and sweating like i do when I train. I workout with layers and drop a layer when I get hot by the time I do my workout and cardio and sauna of course I am soaked. I don;t change or shower at the gym I live maybe 5 minutes away so I just get home real quick and shower and eat. I do tan to try to cover it up but that has not helped much.

somebody have any good solutions besides going off gear? I can handle about a gram without sides but if I run 2 grams I get acne. After watching some youtube videos I am blessed it is not worse and feel bad for people who are covered with acne on their face. their are some nasty videos I saw.

A little off topic but why do you think you broke out this time? Usually long term users don't break out anymore.


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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2015, 08:14:36 AM »
A little off topic but why do you think you broke out this time? Usually long term users don't break out anymore.

I was off for a few years actually. I think I mentioned that in one of my threads and I did start out light but I was on 2 grams pretty fast. Might of just been too many diffrent compounds at once. I never ran 2 grams before. I was more a gram user. I am adding in the oral winstrol just that was around 500mg a week. It's not awful. You guess know how it is some people don;t notice what we notice when we look at ourselves, Those who I told it was bad when they saw it they expected it to be alot worse and it's only on my rear delt shoulder area.

maybe I'm allergic to too much cottonseed oil, maybe it was because I ran 4 diffrent compounds, I'm not sure def had to do with too many hormones in the body once the acne got bad I decided just to drop down to a little over a gram and just two compounds Test cyp and EQ. It should clear up real soon it's already looking alot better

I'm just real self conscious about acne most of us are. But from what I see it is pretty normal but then again you see guys running 3 times as much with zero acne.


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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2015, 11:00:27 AM »
Mine only started to go away after i quit all the hormones for over a year. And i still am more prone to acne now.


  • Getbig II
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Re: who has tried accutane and how long did it take to kick in?
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2015, 04:21:57 PM »
I got it prescribed to me a few years ago can't remember the dosages exactly but I think it was 20mg for the first 2 months then 40mgs the next 4 months for 6 months in total. First two months were the worst all the acne came flaring out full force and by month 3 it all stated getting better. Flaky skin, dry chapped lips 24/7, weird suicidal thoughts for no reason is what I can remember in terms of sides. Used to have cystic horrible acne all over and now rarely get a small zit or two. Besides when I run anadrol my chest flares out bad I don't know why. When I went on accutane I had never touched any anabolics or anything of the nature by the way. Started 3 years later and skin is still acne free