Author Topic: STEROID ENCYCLOPEDIA  (Read 20004 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 691
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:49:12 AM »
Lately I've been getting asked a lot by my friends/people at the gym about what each steroid does so here is the steroid "encyclopedia" for anyone who visits this forum.
(I'll add more when I have time)

Generally, this is referred to as “prop” and “test prop.” Prop has a very short half-life, on the order of 3-4 days.  This means that it requires an every-other-day to every-third-day injection protocol to maintain steady blood levels.  Some even inject it daily and swear by this frequency, but it’s probably not necessary.  Because of the short half-life, this is not a drug that needs to be frontloaded.  We’ll talk more about frontloading when we get to the longer chained esters.  It should be mentioned that this is an oil-based steroid that is injected in a depot form so that it is released slowly into the bloodstream over a period of time, giving you a steadier level.
A typical dose of prop is 50-100 mg every second or third day, depending on the user’s size and experience.  Some big guys may want to go a bit higher.  The disadvantage of the higher dose and of test prop in general is the discomfort in injecting.  While the frequency is bothersome to some, the actual pain of injecting seems to be the main deterrent for others.  Prop has a bad reputation for stinging, painful injections, and many experience a malaise for days after an injection.  Having said that, if you can get over the discomfort, prop is a great drug that yields results typical of any testosterone.

With an ester group that is seven carbons long, enanthate has a half-life of approximately 11-15 days.  This half-life and the fact that enanthate is oil-based makes it ideal for people who don’t want to inject frequently.  Once-a-week injections are preferred with a dosage of 250-1000 mg being common.  One of the main differences between a longer acting molecule such as enanthate and a shorter one like prop is the need to frontload.  With prop, you get blood levels higher quicker because of the increased frequency of injections required due to the shorter half-life of the drug.  You continually supply the body with more, so the level you will ultimately achieve is done so much earlier.  Without frontloading enanthate, you take MUCH longer to achieve your optimal blood level.
People frontload in many different ways, but the simplest way to do it is to take double what you plan to take weekly and inject that the first week.  So, if you’re going to take 500 mg of enanthate a week, you would simply inject 1000 mg the first week to kickstart your cycle by getting blood levels much higher initially.  The lack of frontloading is perhaps part of the misunderstanding of the differences between the different testosterone esters.  If you were to compare two individuals who take either test prop or test enanthate without a frontload, you would find that they would have two different experiences.  The prop guy would say that his test kicked in very quickly and he saw results from it almost right away.  The enanthate guy would say that it took weeks before he ever noticed a thing.  So that means that test propionate has a greater kick and takes effect sooner, right?  Well, not exactly.  Now compare the two guys with the enanthate guy starting off by frontloading.  He would dramatically cut down the time between first injection and the seeing of results.  I’ll say it again: Testosterone is testosterone.  The ester is stripped from the molecule once in the body, only at different rates for different esters.  Once that happens, the parent molecule is the exact same thing.

The ester group of cypionate is eight carbons long, although the end of it is a ring structure.  As such, its half-life is just a touch longer than enanthate, but the two are often used interchangeably.  Dosage and injection frequency are comparable, as is the frontloading protocol for the two.  Some people swear up and down that there is a difference between the two, but I don’t buy it.  If you use 750mg of similar quality (By that I mean real; we don’t need to be comparing fake drugs.) enanthate or cypionate once per week for 10 weeks, and you’ll see similar results.

There is no picture associated with this one because it’s a blend of four different testosterone esters.  There are now many versions of testosterone blends on the market, but the most well-known is Sustanon 250.  This contains testosterone propionate, 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isocaproate, 60 mg; and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg.  The beauty of this mixture is that it includes both long- and short- acting esters, so we get the best of both worlds.  Ideally, Sustanon should be injected at a similar frequency to test prop, so as to not lose the full effects of the prop in it.  Real world frequency ranges from 1-3 injections per week with a typical total dose of 250-1000 mg per injection.  Again, bigger guys, bigger doses.   Also, this is another drug with a reputation for painful injections.  It works, but it hurts.  Suck it up.

Anavar (Oxandrolone)
Anavar is not your drug of choice when trying to build massive amounts of muscle or increase your strength to any significant degree.  It’s more of a regular hammer compared to the other sledgehammers that you normally hear about.  Anavar is an oral steroid with weak anabolic effects and very low androgenic effects.  Gains are gradual and slow but the tradeoff with quicker acting drugs is that you are spared many of the androgenic side effects, namely bloating, of those drugs when using Anavar.   Because of the low androgenic effects, this is a steroid preferred by women who want to reduce the risk of virilization when using.  Anavar is a 17-alkylated drug, as are most orals, and shares the same potential liver toxicity as others do; therefore, cycles should be limited to the same range as most 17-alkylated drugs, about 4-6 weeks.  Liver function tests will no doubt rise while on and drop back down to normal when off.  Anavar doesn’t aromatize and isn’t converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  Dosages range from 15-150mg a day, although the upper number is the extreme end of the range, and most will stick with 50mg or under per day.  Tabs are mostly 2.5mg, but occasionally you will find 5mg tabs to make getting the proper dose easier.  This is also an expensive steroid, and other than for women, it probably doesn’t have much of a place in your arsenal if you’re looking for big gains.  However, if you have the money and are looking for small but steady increases in muscle mass and/or want to be on something that perpetuates less of a bloat while cutting, Anavar may be a drug you can benefit from.

Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
Deca-Durabolin is one of the more famous, or infamous (however you view it) steroids in the world.  Its popularity surged in the 80’s and 90’s as it has very few nasty side effects when compared with other steroids.  However, the one side effect that it does have turns many off to its use.  We’ll get to that little surprise in a bit.
Deca is an injectable steroid with a long half-life on the order of a week or so.  Because of this, it is more suitable for long cycles and should be frontloaded to get your blood levels up quickly.  If you’re going to be drug-tested anytime in the near future, you’ll want to stay away from Deca and its long half-life.  So why do people use Deca?  Well, first of all it works.  Deca binds to the androgen receptors in muscle better than testosterone; however, it exhibits somewhat weaker activity in muscle building when compared to testosterone.  This is no doubt due to its lack of non-AR mediated effects.  In other words, testosterone exhibits activity through both the anabolic receptor and other mechanisms, while Deca probably derives most of its benefits solely through the anabolic receptor.
What separates Deca from others is what happens to it in the body.  Testosterone is reduced to DHT by an enzyme called 5ά-reductase, which exhibits more androgenic activity than testosterone.  Deca is reduced by that same enzyme to a compound called dihydronandrolone.  This is a weaker androgen than Deca and affects your hairline, prostate, and your propensity for steroid-induced acne far less than the metabolites of other steroids.  People typically see fewer of those side effects when on a cycle in which Deca is the foundation.  Still, Deca can indeed be converted to estrogens by the liver, but it occurs at a much lower rate than testosterone.  Gynecomastia is uncommon but possible.  This is probably mediated by both the conversion to estrogens and by Deca’s activity as a progestin.
The one side effect that was mentioned earlier but not stated is, unfortunately, the one that keeps people away from this steroid.  Known rather unaffectionately as “Deca Dick”, erectile dysfunction is an unfortunate side effect of using Deca only cycles.  It happens relatively commonly, but the solution to this is actually very simple.  You just have to add testosterone, and the magic begins again.  Your dick will love you for it.  The typical ratio is using twice as much testosterone as Deca, so if you were using 400mg of Deca, you would simply use 800mg of test.  Simple but effective.
Why would you risk playing Mr. Limpy when you can use other steroids?  Well, you certainly don’t have to and many people shy away from it, but Deca has its place.  Gains are steady, but unspectacular.   Having said that, if you ever have joint problems when on, Deca can be a God-send.  Talk to one person who’s used it and has had previous joint problems, and you’ll probably find a convert.  Deca apparently promotes the production of synovial fluid in our joints, providing nice lubrication that many seem to lack.  For that purpose, it’s probably a good drug to use while rehabbing injuries; that is, if you decide to use while recovering.
Typical doses are 200-600mg a week, and this can all be injected at once (with a frontload of twice that dose on the first week) due to the long half-life.

Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
Now we get to a sledgehammer.  Dianabol (D-bol) has been increasing people’s muscle mass and strength in huge amounts for many, many years now.  Its popularity seems as big as ever these days, despite the fact that it’s one of the older steroids out there.  Why mess with a good thing?
Dianabol is a 17-alkylated oral steroid with strong anabolic properties and fairly strong androgenic properties.  As such, it produces very good muscle mass and strength increases, and has the potential for numerous and common side effects to occur.  The actual mechanism of action for Dianabol is likely to be non-AR mediated, as it is a fairly weak activator of the AR.  Stacking it with a steroid that has predominantly or strong AR mediated activity would tend to produce a synergistic effect rather than an additive one and should be the preferred method of use.
Any number of side effects from aromatization to estrogens, conversion to DHT, and the mere fact that it is 17-alkylated, are possible when using Dianabol.  This includes worsening of male pattern baldness, acne, gynecomastia, bloating/water retention, elevation of liver enzymes, elevation of blood pressure, increased aggression, etc.  Most of this can be avoided by using an aromatase inhibitor and by keeping your cycles short.  The elevated liver enzymes and high blood pressure both tend to trend back down to normal after the cycle is terminated.
"D-bol pumps" are known to be both famous and infamous.  Granted, they're pretty cool when working out your chest or arms, but can be excruciating when attempting to deadlift and/or squat due to the intense pump in the lower back region.
Typical doses are 20-50mg per day.  The half-life of Dianabol is around 4-6 hours, so the most optimal dosing strategy is to divide up your daily dose into 4 or so smaller doses taken throughout the day.  Cycles should be limited to 4-6 weeks to minimize potential liver toxicity.

Equipoise (Boldenone undecylenate)
Equipoise (EQ) is often associated with and compared to Deca in its activity and effects.  EQ is an injectable veterinary steroid that exhibits moderately strong anabolic and somewhat weaker androgenic properties.  Yes, it’s a drug produced strictly for veterinarians to give to animals, but that hasn’t stopped people from using that version.  There is also underground production of EQ by steroid bootleggers for human use.
Much of what can be said of Deca can also be said of EQ.  Gains are slow and steady with relatively few side effects.  Erectile dysfunction doesn’t seem to be reported like with Deca use, nor does the joint protection seem to carry over to EQ.  EQ is generally less expensive than Deca and some seem to think that it works a bit better.  If joint problems aren’t an issue with you, you could probably substitute EQ for Deca in any cycle without missing much, and you may actually gain a bit.
The one side effect that seems to be most associated with Equipoise is polycythemia, or an increase in red blood cell production.  This actually happens with almost all AAS, but it seems to be more pronounced with EQ.  This can cause a rise in blood pressure and can manifest itself as more outward appearing vascularity, which is so coveted by lean bodybuilders.  Again, this goes away when you come off your cycle.
Other side effects include increased aggression, acne, and worsening of male pattern baldness.  Are we sensing a trend here, people?
A typical dose is about the same as Deca, 200-600mg a week.  It can also be injected once a week with a proper frontload, and it can be detected for months, so it’s a no-no for drug-tested individuals.

Finaplix (Trenbolone acetate)
As you can see, most steroids tend to go by their most popular brand name.  Trenbolone is one exception.  It’s almost universally referred to as tren and is our second sledgehammer on the list.  Tren is another veterinary steroid, but it was once made for human use and has been since discontinued.  Luckily, that hasn’t stopped its use or production by bootleggers.  The only caveat that I’ll mention is that it’s an injectable drug, but it’s produced in pellets that are injected under the skin of cattle, so it must be converted to an oil-based product before it can be used by humans.  How to do that is readily available on the internet and can be found with a simple search.
So why am I calling this one a sledgehammer?  Well, tren is a strongly androgenic drug (with good binding to the AR) with good anabolic properties that is not reduced by 5ά-reductase and does not aromatize.  In other words, you are able to enjoy the good effects of the drug without having to worry as much about many of the side effects of others.  It is commonly reported that tren is “toxic to the kidneys”, but this seems to be more of an old myth that will not die than fact.  There is nothing special about tren that makes it anymore nephrotoxic than any other steroid.  There are also reports of erectile dysfunction similar to Deca, but it’s reported to a much lower degree.  Use with testosterone should greatly decrease this potential side effect.
Strength gains are simply amazing with tren, and the average user will notice them almost right away.  Muscle gains are a bit slower to come, but happen moderately well without excessive bloat.  Because of this and its very good androgenic activity, many people use tren when dieting with very good muscle sparing effects.  Almost any cycle, including mass/strength or cutting, could benefit by including tren.
The half life of tren is on the order of a day or two, so it’s best used every day (ED) or every other day (EOD), and there is no need for a frontload.  A typical dose would be 50-75mg ED or 100-150mg EOD.

Primobolan (Methenolone acetate)
Primobolan (Primo) comes most often in two forms, an injectable called Primobolan Depot and an oral form.  The oral form is difficult to find these days, so the following discussion is solely about Primobolan Depot.
Primo has a reputation for being one of the “safer” steroids around.  It is mildly anabolic and has very little androgenic activity, making it another good choice for women or for men who are dieting.  Another common use for Primo is as a “bridge” between cycles of AAS.  It’s used this way because it causes less suppression of the body’s natural testosterone production, so one can still be “on” while trying to recover from a more intensive cycle.
Gains are slow if you’re using it for building lean mass, but it comes without bloat.  The muscle you do accumulate using Primo usually isn't the kind that goes away when you terminate your cycle.  Its best use is probably for preserving muscle while dieting, and this is more commonly what it’s used for.  Primo is also a good activator of the AR, so it should ideally be stacked with a steroid that has predominantly non-AR mediated effects.
Side effects are minimal to none as Primo does not aromatize and is not reduced to DHT.  If anything at all is noticed, it may be slight hair loss in those prone to male pattern baldness and some acne.  If doses are kept at a reasonable level, there is little chance of having major side effects from Primo.  As with most drugs, sides are dose dependant.
The half-life of Primo is 6-7 days, so most will inject about once a week.  A typical dose range is 200-600mg per week.  Women typically use 50-100mg per week.


Winstrol (Winny) is another steroid that comes in both an oral and an injectable form, however both are readily available, so we’ll discuss both.  The oral form is simply known as Winstrol, while the injectable form is commonly known as Winstrol V.
Winstrol is a 17-alkylated steroid (both oral and injectable versions) that exhibits weak androgenic activity and mild anabolic activity.  As with others with these characteristics, muscle accrued using Winstrol is done so without much bloat, but it comes at the price of being rather slow when used alone.  Winstrol also does not aromatize, so gynecomastia by that mechanism does not happen.
As stated before, muscle gains when using Winstrol alone are slow to occur, but when stacked with other steroids, it may produce a synergistic effect.  This is thought to occur because Winstrol reduces sex hormone binding globulin, a protein that binds free androgens in the blood and keeps them from exerting their effects.  When SHBG is reduced, you have more free steroid to act on the appropriate tissues.
Winstrol is a 17-alkylated compound, so liver toxicity is a potential issue with chronic use.  Cycles should be limited to 4-6 weeks as with other 17-alkylated steroids.  The half-life is hard to pin down for the injectable as Winstrol is not oil-based.  It is simply a crystallized drug suspended in an aqueous solution.  After being injected, it dissolves and is absorbed, rather than simply being slowly absorbed as oil-based drugs do.  The most common use is everyday, and doses range from 10-25mg per day for the oral form and 25-50mg per day for the injectable.


  • Guest
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 03:05:32 AM »
You don't have the anabolc/androgenic ratios posted. Thanks for posting this but see if you can add the anabolic to androgenic ratio for each compound. There are alot of AAS left out as well.


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 691
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 08:29:57 AM »
You don't have the anabolc/androgenic ratios posted. Thanks for posting this but see if you can add the anabolic to androgenic ratio for each compound. There are alot of AAS left out as well.

Thanks man I'll do that tonight when I get the chance it just takes a while to get EVERY anabolic on the list. But I'll post the ratios later on tonight


  • Guest
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2014, 02:42:54 AM »

Thanks man I'll do that tonight when I get the chance it just takes a while to get EVERY anabolic on the list. But I'll post the ratios later on tonight

OK If you do a real good job I'll make this a stickey thread.


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 5
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2015, 09:29:19 AM »
I found this extremely helpful thx. First post too. Can someone point me to a board/info that helps me understand what is needed and what additional info someone should be aware of before starting a cycle?

Thanks again.


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 626
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 03:04:07 PM »
Lately I've been getting asked a lot by my friends/people at the gym about what each steroid does so here is the steroid "encyclopedia" for anyone who visits this forum.
(I'll add more when I have time)

Generally, this is referred to as “prop” and “test prop.” Prop has a very short half-life, on the order of 3-4 days.  This means that it requires an every-other-day to every-third-day injection protocol to maintain steady blood levels.  Some even inject it daily and swear by this frequency, but it’s probably not necessary.  Because of the short half-life, this is not a drug that needs to be frontloaded.  We’ll talk more about frontloading when we get to the longer chained esters.  It should be mentioned that this is an oil-based steroid that is injected in a depot form so that it is released slowly into the bloodstream over a period of time, giving you a steadier level.
A typical dose of prop is 50-100 mg every second or third day, depending on the user’s size and experience.  Some big guys may want to go a bit higher.  The disadvantage of the higher dose and of test prop in general is the discomfort in injecting.  While the frequency is bothersome to some, the actual pain of injecting seems to be the main deterrent for others.  Prop has a bad reputation for stinging, painful injections, and many experience a malaise for days after an injection.  Having said that, if you can get over the discomfort, prop is a great drug that yields results typical of any testosterone.

With an ester group that is seven carbons long, enanthate has a half-life of approximately 11-15 days.  This half-life and the fact that enanthate is oil-based makes it ideal for people who don’t want to inject frequently.  Once-a-week injections are preferred with a dosage of 250-1000 mg being common.  One of the main differences between a longer acting molecule such as enanthate and a shorter one like prop is the need to frontload.  With prop, you get blood levels higher quicker because of the increased frequency of injections required due to the shorter half-life of the drug.  You continually supply the body with more, so the level you will ultimately achieve is done so much earlier.  Without frontloading enanthate, you take MUCH longer to achieve your optimal blood level.
People frontload in many different ways, but the simplest way to do it is to take double what you plan to take weekly and inject that the first week.  So, if you’re going to take 500 mg of enanthate a week, you would simply inject 1000 mg the first week to kickstart your cycle by getting blood levels much higher initially.  The lack of frontloading is perhaps part of the misunderstanding of the differences between the different testosterone esters.  If you were to compare two individuals who take either test prop or test enanthate without a frontload, you would find that they would have two different experiences.  The prop guy would say that his test kicked in very quickly and he saw results from it almost right away.  The enanthate guy would say that it took weeks before he ever noticed a thing.  So that means that test propionate has a greater kick and takes effect sooner, right?  Well, not exactly.  Now compare the two guys with the enanthate guy starting off by frontloading.  He would dramatically cut down the time between first injection and the seeing of results.  I’ll say it again: Testosterone is testosterone.  The ester is stripped from the molecule once in the body, only at different rates for different esters.  Once that happens, the parent molecule is the exact same thing.

The ester group of cypionate is eight carbons long, although the end of it is a ring structure.  As such, its half-life is just a touch longer than enanthate, but the two are often used interchangeably.  Dosage and injection frequency are comparable, as is the frontloading protocol for the two.  Some people swear up and down that there is a difference between the two, but I don’t buy it.  If you use 750mg of similar quality (By that I mean real; we don’t need to be comparing fake drugs.) enanthate or cypionate once per week for 10 weeks, and you’ll see similar results.

There is no picture associated with this one because it’s a blend of four different testosterone esters.  There are now many versions of testosterone blends on the market, but the most well-known is Sustanon 250.  This contains testosterone propionate, 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isocaproate, 60 mg; and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg.  The beauty of this mixture is that it includes both long- and short- acting esters, so we get the best of both worlds.  Ideally, Sustanon should be injected at a similar frequency to test prop, so as to not lose the full effects of the prop in it.  Real world frequency ranges from 1-3 injections per week with a typical total dose of 250-1000 mg per injection.  Again, bigger guys, bigger doses.   Also, this is another drug with a reputation for painful injections.  It works, but it hurts.  Suck it up.

Anavar (Oxandrolone)
Anavar is not your drug of choice when trying to build massive amounts of muscle or increase your strength to any significant degree.  It’s more of a regular hammer compared to the other sledgehammers that you normally hear about.  Anavar is an oral steroid with weak anabolic effects and very low androgenic effects.  Gains are gradual and slow but the tradeoff with quicker acting drugs is that you are spared many of the androgenic side effects, namely bloating, of those drugs when using Anavar.   Because of the low androgenic effects, this is a steroid preferred by women who want to reduce the risk of virilization when using.  Anavar is a 17-alkylated drug, as are most orals, and shares the same potential liver toxicity as others do; therefore, cycles should be limited to the same range as most 17-alkylated drugs, about 4-6 weeks.  Liver function tests will no doubt rise while on and drop back down to normal when off.  Anavar doesn’t aromatize and isn’t converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  Dosages range from 15-150mg a day, although the upper number is the extreme end of the range, and most will stick with 50mg or under per day.  Tabs are mostly 2.5mg, but occasionally you will find 5mg tabs to make getting the proper dose easier.  This is also an expensive steroid, and other than for women, it probably doesn’t have much of a place in your arsenal if you’re looking for big gains.  However, if you have the money and are looking for small but steady increases in muscle mass and/or want to be on something that perpetuates less of a bloat while cutting, Anavar may be a drug you can benefit from.

Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
Deca-Durabolin is one of the more famous, or infamous (however you view it) steroids in the world.  Its popularity surged in the 80’s and 90’s as it has very few nasty side effects when compared with other steroids.  However, the one side effect that it does have turns many off to its use.  We’ll get to that little surprise in a bit.
Deca is an injectable steroid with a long half-life on the order of a week or so.  Because of this, it is more suitable for long cycles and should be frontloaded to get your blood levels up quickly.  If you’re going to be drug-tested anytime in the near future, you’ll want to stay away from Deca and its long half-life.  So why do people use Deca?  Well, first of all it works.  Deca binds to the androgen receptors in muscle better than testosterone; however, it exhibits somewhat weaker activity in muscle building when compared to testosterone.  This is no doubt due to its lack of non-AR mediated effects.  In other words, testosterone exhibits activity through both the anabolic receptor and other mechanisms, while Deca probably derives most of its benefits solely through the anabolic receptor.
What separates Deca from others is what happens to it in the body.  Testosterone is reduced to DHT by an enzyme called 5ά-reductase, which exhibits more androgenic activity than testosterone.  Deca is reduced by that same enzyme to a compound called dihydronandrolone.  This is a weaker androgen than Deca and affects your hairline, prostate, and your propensity for steroid-induced acne far less than the metabolites of other steroids.  People typically see fewer of those side effects when on a cycle in which Deca is the foundation.  Still, Deca can indeed be converted to estrogens by the liver, but it occurs at a much lower rate than testosterone.  Gynecomastia is uncommon but possible.  This is probably mediated by both the conversion to estrogens and by Deca’s activity as a progestin.
The one side effect that was mentioned earlier but not stated is, unfortunately, the one that keeps people away from this steroid.  Known rather unaffectionately as “Deca Dick”, erectile dysfunction is an unfortunate side effect of using Deca only cycles.  It happens relatively commonly, but the solution to this is actually very simple.  You just have to add testosterone, and the magic begins again.  Your dick will love you for it.  The typical ratio is using twice as much testosterone as Deca, so if you were using 400mg of Deca, you would simply use 800mg of test.  Simple but effective.
Why would you risk playing Mr. Limpy when you can use other steroids?  Well, you certainly don’t have to and many people shy away from it, but Deca has its place.  Gains are steady, but unspectacular.   Having said that, if you ever have joint problems when on, Deca can be a God-send.  Talk to one person who’s used it and has had previous joint problems, and you’ll probably find a convert.  Deca apparently promotes the production of synovial fluid in our joints, providing nice lubrication that many seem to lack.  For that purpose, it’s probably a good drug to use while rehabbing injuries; that is, if you decide to use while recovering.
Typical doses are 200-600mg a week, and this can all be injected at once (with a frontload of twice that dose on the first week) due to the long half-life.

Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
Now we get to a sledgehammer.  Dianabol (D-bol) has been increasing people’s muscle mass and strength in huge amounts for many, many years now.  Its popularity seems as big as ever these days, despite the fact that it’s one of the older steroids out there.  Why mess with a good thing?
Dianabol is a 17-alkylated oral steroid with strong anabolic properties and fairly strong androgenic properties.  As such, it produces very good muscle mass and strength increases, and has the potential for numerous and common side effects to occur.  The actual mechanism of action for Dianabol is likely to be non-AR mediated, as it is a fairly weak activator of the AR.  Stacking it with a steroid that has predominantly or strong AR mediated activity would tend to produce a synergistic effect rather than an additive one and should be the preferred method of use.
Any number of side effects from aromatization to estrogens, conversion to DHT, and the mere fact that it is 17-alkylated, are possible when using Dianabol.  This includes worsening of male pattern baldness, acne, gynecomastia, bloating/water retention, elevation of liver enzymes, elevation of blood pressure, increased aggression, etc.  Most of this can be avoided by using an aromatase inhibitor and by keeping your cycles short.  The elevated liver enzymes and high blood pressure both tend to trend back down to normal after the cycle is terminated.
"D-bol pumps" are known to be both famous and infamous.  Granted, they're pretty cool when working out your chest or arms, but can be excruciating when attempting to deadlift and/or squat due to the intense pump in the lower back region.
Typical doses are 20-50mg per day.  The half-life of Dianabol is around 4-6 hours, so the most optimal dosing strategy is to divide up your daily dose into 4 or so smaller doses taken throughout the day.  Cycles should be limited to 4-6 weeks to minimize potential liver toxicity.

Equipoise (Boldenone undecylenate)
Equipoise (EQ) is often associated with and compared to Deca in its activity and effects.  EQ is an injectable veterinary steroid that exhibits moderately strong anabolic and somewhat weaker androgenic properties.  Yes, it’s a drug produced strictly for veterinarians to give to animals, but that hasn’t stopped people from using that version.  There is also underground production of EQ by steroid bootleggers for human use.
Much of what can be said of Deca can also be said of EQ.  Gains are slow and steady with relatively few side effects.  Erectile dysfunction doesn’t seem to be reported like with Deca use, nor does the joint protection seem to carry over to EQ.  EQ is generally less expensive than Deca and some seem to think that it works a bit better.  If joint problems aren’t an issue with you, you could probably substitute EQ for Deca in any cycle without missing much, and you may actually gain a bit.
The one side effect that seems to be most associated with Equipoise is polycythemia, or an increase in red blood cell production.  This actually happens with almost all AAS, but it seems to be more pronounced with EQ.  This can cause a rise in blood pressure and can manifest itself as more outward appearing vascularity, which is so coveted by lean bodybuilders.  Again, this goes away when you come off your cycle.
Other side effects include increased aggression, acne, and worsening of male pattern baldness.  Are we sensing a trend here, people?
A typical dose is about the same as Deca, 200-600mg a week.  It can also be injected once a week with a proper frontload, and it can be detected for months, so it’s a no-no for drug-tested individuals.

Finaplix (Trenbolone acetate)
As you can see, most steroids tend to go by their most popular brand name.  Trenbolone is one exception.  It’s almost universally referred to as tren and is our second sledgehammer on the list.  Tren is another veterinary steroid, but it was once made for human use and has been since discontinued.  Luckily, that hasn’t stopped its use or production by bootleggers.  The only caveat that I’ll mention is that it’s an injectable drug, but it’s produced in pellets that are injected under the skin of cattle, so it must be converted to an oil-based product before it can be used by humans.  How to do that is readily available on the internet and can be found with a simple search.
So why am I calling this one a sledgehammer?  Well, tren is a strongly androgenic drug (with good binding to the AR) with good anabolic properties that is not reduced by 5ά-reductase and does not aromatize.  In other words, you are able to enjoy the good effects of the drug without having to worry as much about many of the side effects of others.  It is commonly reported that tren is “toxic to the kidneys”, but this seems to be more of an old myth that will not die than fact.  There is nothing special about tren that makes it anymore nephrotoxic than any other steroid.  There are also reports of erectile dysfunction similar to Deca, but it’s reported to a much lower degree.  Use with testosterone should greatly decrease this potential side effect.
Strength gains are simply amazing with tren, and the average user will notice them almost right away.  Muscle gains are a bit slower to come, but happen moderately well without excessive bloat.  Because of this and its very good androgenic activity, many people use tren when dieting with very good muscle sparing effects.  Almost any cycle, including mass/strength or cutting, could benefit by including tren.
The half life of tren is on the order of a day or two, so it’s best used every day (ED) or every other day (EOD), and there is no need for a frontload.  A typical dose would be 50-75mg ED or 100-150mg EOD.

Primobolan (Methenolone acetate)
Primobolan (Primo) comes most often in two forms, an injectable called Primobolan Depot and an oral form.  The oral form is difficult to find these days, so the following discussion is solely about Primobolan Depot.
Primo has a reputation for being one of the “safer” steroids around.  It is mildly anabolic and has very little androgenic activity, making it another good choice for women or for men who are dieting.  Another common use for Primo is as a “bridge” between cycles of AAS.  It’s used this way because it causes less suppression of the body’s natural testosterone production, so one can still be “on” while trying to recover from a more intensive cycle.
Gains are slow if you’re using it for building lean mass, but it comes without bloat.  The muscle you do accumulate using Primo usually isn't the kind that goes away when you terminate your cycle.  Its best use is probably for preserving muscle while dieting, and this is more commonly what it’s used for.  Primo is also a good activator of the AR, so it should ideally be stacked with a steroid that has predominantly non-AR mediated effects.
Side effects are minimal to none as Primo does not aromatize and is not reduced to DHT.  If anything at all is noticed, it may be slight hair loss in those prone to male pattern baldness and some acne.  If doses are kept at a reasonable level, there is little chance of having major side effects from Primo.  As with most drugs, sides are dose dependant.
The half-life of Primo is 6-7 days, so most will inject about once a week.  A typical dose range is 200-600mg per week.  Women typically use 50-100mg per week.


Winstrol (Winny) is another steroid that comes in both an oral and an injectable form, however both are readily available, so we’ll discuss both.  The oral form is simply known as Winstrol, while the injectable form is commonly known as Winstrol V.
Winstrol is a 17-alkylated steroid (both oral and injectable versions) that exhibits weak androgenic activity and mild anabolic activity.  As with others with these characteristics, muscle accrued using Winstrol is done so without much bloat, but it comes at the price of being rather slow when used alone.  Winstrol also does not aromatize, so gynecomastia by that mechanism does not happen.
As stated before, muscle gains when using Winstrol alone are slow to occur, but when stacked with other steroids, it may produce a synergistic effect.  This is thought to occur because Winstrol reduces sex hormone binding globulin, a protein that binds free androgens in the blood and keeps them from exerting their effects.  When SHBG is reduced, you have more free steroid to act on the appropriate tissues.
Winstrol is a 17-alkylated compound, so liver toxicity is a potential issue with chronic use.  Cycles should be limited to 4-6 weeks as with other 17-alkylated steroids.  The half-life is hard to pin down for the injectable as Winstrol is not oil-based.  It is simply a crystallized drug suspended in an aqueous solution.  After being injected, it dissolves and is absorbed, rather than simply being slowly absorbed as oil-based drugs do.  The most common use is everyday, and doses range from 10-25mg per day for the oral form and 25-50mg per day for the injectable.

Just buy william llewellyn's AAS book


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2015, 04:01:18 PM »
Primobolan Depot is methenolone enanthate not acetate


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« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2015, 04:26:18 PM »


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« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2015, 08:09:16 PM »
Primobolan Depot is methenolone enanthate not acetate
Actually it is both



  • Getbig III
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« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2015, 03:10:23 AM »
Actually it is both


I assume he was talking about the depot


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« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2015, 08:39:45 AM »
I assume he was talking about the depot
Bro, you took the time to critique and obviously never read it, lol  :-\


Primobolan (Primo) comes most often in two forms, an injectable called Primobolan Depot and an oral form.


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« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2015, 08:46:51 AM »
Bro, you took the time to critique and obviously never read it, lol  :-\


Primobolan (Primo) comes most often in two forms, an injectable called Primobolan Depot and an oral form.

I assume that the oral version is much cheaper but less effective?


  • Guest
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2015, 02:30:23 PM »
Just read from william llwellyns books. It has way more info about how much more stronger a compound is but the base is always methyl-Testosterone.Bill writes great books and and are packed with great real Info!plus they have some lab tests on there in the book.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2015, 11:38:32 AM »
Just read from william llwellyns books. It has way more info about how much more stronger a compound is but the base is always methyl-Testosterone.Bill writes great books and and are packed with great real Info!plus they have some lab tests on there in the book.

Got a free link to it lol I was gonna buy a copy of it but inthink ill pass


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« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2015, 12:29:43 PM »
lmao@ 130$
you can find it as a download by googling for a few minutes^^


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« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2015, 12:31:15 PM »
I assume that the oral version is much cheaper but less effective?
I don't have any faith when it comes to any primo EVER.

Mathematically it does not make any sense, how can a bottle be priced at 100 dollars when the real powder costs 30 times more then test powder.

So I doubt there is any primo out there anywhere. I know 2 of the main guys who test for products, mass spec... and they have all kinds of people sending them products to test there legitimacy and they receive 100s of test bottles and even test the actual powders and most are good come out at 90% but they never get primo sent to them.

Once someone sent them a raw powder that was labeled primo from a Chinese source who was well known to have quality test powder and it came up as 33% and I believe the guy paid 1800 dollars for 100 grams

Simply does not make sense


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« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2015, 03:08:37 PM »
I don't have any faith when it comes to any primo EVER.

Mathematically it does not make any sense, how can a bottle be priced at 100 dollars when the real powder costs 30 times more then test powder.

So I doubt there is any primo out there anywhere. I know 2 of the main guys who test for products, mass spec... and they have all kinds of people sending them products to test there legitimacy and they receive 100s of test bottles and even test the actual powders and most are good come out at 90% but they never get primo sent to them.

Once someone sent them a raw powder that was labeled primo from a Chinese source who was well known to have quality test powder and it came up as 33% and I believe the guy paid 1800 dollars for 100 grams

Simply does not make sense

The higher the raw price, the higher the chance that a UG product is fake or underdosed. At least, that's my assumption.
Always good to know the right people. I've relied on win & var during my last prep and was able to improve my conditioning, so I prob won't try primo ever again.


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2015, 04:18:57 PM »
I don't have any faith when it comes to any primo EVER.

Mathematically it does not make any sense, how can a bottle be priced at 100 dollars when the real powder costs 30 times more then test powder.

So I doubt there is any primo out there anywhere. I know 2 of the main guys who test for products, mass spec... and they have all kinds of people sending them products to test there legitimacy and they receive 100s of test bottles and even test the actual powders and most are good come out at 90% but they never get primo sent to them.

Once someone sent them a raw powder that was labeled primo from a Chinese source who was well known to have quality test powder and it came up as 33% and I believe the guy paid 1800 dollars for 100 grams

Simply does not make sense

It exists alright....just highly faked.....

 Date Received: 27/02/2014

Postcode: NW6

Purchase Intent: Metenolone Enanthate

Package Label: Metenolone Enanthate

Sample Colour: Colourless

Sample Form: Liquid

Consumption Method: Intramuscular

Self-Reported Effects: Increased Strength

Sample Upon Analysis (Major): Methenolone enanthate   

Sample Upon Analysis (Minor):

 Date Received: 13/03/2014

Postcode: CF47

Purchase Intent: Metenolone Enanthate

Package Label: Bayer Primobolan Depot

Sample Colour: Colourless

Sample Form: Liquid

Consumption Method: Intramuscular

Self-Reported Effects: Increased Energy, Increased Confidence, Increased Stamina, Increased Libido, Increased Strength

Sample Upon Analysis (Major): Methenolone enanthate   

Sample Upon Analysis (Minor):

Thong Maniac

  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2015, 05:53:00 PM »
It exists alright....just highly faked.....

 Date Received: 27/02/2014

Postcode: NW6

Purchase Intent: Metenolone Enanthate

Package Label: Metenolone Enanthate

Sample Colour: Colourless

Sample Form: Liquid

Consumption Method: Intramuscular

Self-Reported Effects: Increased Strength

Sample Upon Analysis (Major): Methenolone enanthate   

Sample Upon Analysis (Minor):

 Date Received: 13/03/2014

Postcode: CF47

Purchase Intent: Metenolone Enanthate

Package Label: Bayer Primobolan Depot

Sample Colour: Colourless

Sample Form: Liquid

Consumption Method: Intramuscular

Self-Reported Effects: Increased Energy, Increased Confidence, Increased Stamina, Increased Libido, Increased Strength

Sample Upon Analysis (Major): Methenolone enanthate   

Sample Upon Analysis (Minor):

Following a review by the WEDINOS Programme Board, it has been decided that as of 25th July 2014, no further samples of Steroids and/or Image Enhancing drugs (SIEDs) will be tested by WEDINOS.

The decision has had to be taken for the following reasons:
Saturation - the number of samples received exceeds the capacity of WEDINOS staff to test
New findings - Analytical findings indicating consistently that around one third of samples received contained either: no active compounds; compounds other than those indicated; some but not all named compounds or named and other compounds. This information will be formally reported and used to support the requirement for additional health, analytic and support services for those using these substances.
It is hoped that in the future, this service may be reinstated in order to ensure no new compounds or issues of concern regarding available compounds are missed.

The WEDINOS project would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed with the submission of samples and effects records in relation to SIEDS.

Well that just about says it


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« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2015, 11:20:12 PM »
It exists alright....just highly faked.....

 Date Received: 27/02/2014

Postcode: NW6

Purchase Intent: Metenolone Enanthate

Package Label: Metenolone Enanthate

Sample Colour: Colourless

Sample Form: Liquid

Consumption Method: Intramuscular

Self-Reported Effects: Increased Strength

Sample Upon Analysis (Major): Methenolone enanthate   

Sample Upon Analysis (Minor):

 Date Received: 13/03/2014

Postcode: CF47

Purchase Intent: Metenolone Enanthate

Package Label: Bayer Primobolan Depot

Sample Colour: Colourless

Sample Form: Liquid

Consumption Method: Intramuscular

Self-Reported Effects: Increased Energy, Increased Confidence, Increased Stamina, Increased Libido, Increased Strength

Sample Upon Analysis (Major): Methenolone enanthate   

Sample Upon Analysis (Minor):
OK what does this prove? that it is present right? nothing more.

My argument was clear. If someone buying those raw powders ( that tested only at 33%) at that cost of 1800 dollars for 100 grams and is putting 100mg per cc (which I doubt he would be) then that would only = 33mg per shot if you are lucky


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2015, 12:53:47 AM »
OK what does this prove? that it is present right? nothing more.

My argument was clear. If someone buying those raw powders ( that tested only at 33%) at that cost of 1800 dollars for 100 grams and is putting 100mg per cc (which I doubt he would be) then that would only = 33mg per shot if you are lucky

Well at least it contains said product, so thats half a battle won.
Totally agree that it doesnt reveal dosing which is a shame.