Author Topic: Pedophile Jews try to flee to Israel for protection  (Read 1121 times)


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Pedophile Jews try to flee to Israel for protection
« on: July 15, 2015, 07:05:08 AM »
Victims ostracised by Jewish community for speaking out.

Paedophile Jewish scholar left victims terrified after campaign of sexual abuse – and tried to flee to Israel to escape prosecution

A religious scholar who fled to Israel after he was exposed as a paedophile was branded an ‘utter hypocrite’ as he was jailed for over 13 years.

Todros Grynhaus fled Manchester in February 2013 and tried to exploit Israel’s ‘Law of Return’ to get citizenship and escape prosecution here.

But in a landmark ruling top judges in Israel, where he arrived with false papers, rejected his case and deported him back to the UK to face justice in September last year.

His conviction for sex offences against girls in Greater Manchester has led to a change in attitudes in the Haredi Jewish community, the court heard, and prompted the country’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, to urge members to report child sex abuse.

As the son of rabbi, a teacher of scripture, a successful businessman and father-of-ten, Grynhaus enjoyed high standing in Salford’s tight-knit ultra-Orthodox community.

But behind closed doors he subjected a teenage girl to a campaign of abuse, Manchester Crown Court heard. He tried to force her into a sex act, telling her ‘you might as well make yourself useful’. For the next three years the young girl was repeatedly groped by Grynhaus, who even took her to a hotel and molested her in the jacuzzi.

Another teenage victim was abused over a three-month period by Grynhaus, who was found guilty of seven sex offences between 1996 and 2004.

He had maintained his innocence in two trials, the first ending with a hung jury, the second with a conviction, only admitting what he had done after he was found guilty.

Grynhaus, 50, formerly of Castleton Road, Salford, has now been jailed for 13 years and two months, with an extended licence period of four years for the public protection. He must pay the first victim £45,000 in compensation, another £35,000 - and he must pay £35,000 in prosecution costs.

Manchester Crown Court heard both women had been ‘ostracised’ by their community as a result of speaking out about their ordeals. Both have suffered ‘serious psychological harm’ - but braved the process because they feared Grynhaus would harm other children if he wasn’t stopped.

In a statement, the woman who was abused over three years said: “We live in a relatively small community - he made sure everyone knew it was me making these’ ridiculous allegations of abuse’.

Be under no illusions as to the toll this has taken on our standing in the community.

We were ostracised by many parts of this community and even gave serious consideration to moving away from the country.

“Not once but twice I had to ensure the humiliating experience of going through my statement in court, I had to relive the traumas and recount all the filthy” things he did to me. His holy friends even sat in court, adding to my embarrassment, trying to make me even more humiliated and uncomfortable than I already was. I had to defend myself from allegations I was making the whole thing up.”

Grynhaus second victim said all aspects of her life had been ‘tainted by his touch’.

She said: ”I’m constantly afraid. His position in the community means my entire belief system is lost. He was a respected teacher, his activities were ignored by rabbis - how can I belong to the community when people like that are still in power?”

Jonathan Goldberg QC, defending, said Grynhaus had sought treatment in Israel for his ‘tendencies to misbehave’, was now ‘older and wiser’, and hadn’t committed offences since the sex offences, which he described as ‘touching, kissing, interference - and a great deal of generally inappropriate and smutty behaviour’.

Mr Goldberg said Grynhaus offences were ‘at the mild end of the scale’, adding that he had not used force or violence, and had stopped when the girls asked him to.

He added that Grynhaus's ‘public face was good’ - conceding that ‘people couldn’t know his darker psychosexual side’.

“Part of the punishment for this man is of course the shame and exposure and social ostracisation within his own community,” Mr Goldberg added.

Mr Goldberg went on to describe the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision to deport Grynhaus as a ‘landmark judgement’, where the court had ruled ‘we are not going to be a repository for Jewish criminals from other countries’.

“Jail time is hard time for Haredi Jews”, he went on. “They have a very distinctive appearance, their daily routine involving as much prayer as it does, is distinctive and they receive unwelcome attention from other inmates. Unless they are lucky enough to find a person of the same persuasion in their immediate custody they find it difficult to make friends or pass the time the way other prisoners can. He is now on the vulnerable prisoners wing and is incarcerated for 23 hours a day on the wing.”

Mr Justice Holroyde told Grynhaus: “All the offences involved a grave breach of trust. Both were vulnerable by reason of their young age. You took cynical advantage of their vulnerability.”

The judge added that the abuse had ‘profound and lasting harm’ on the victims, who are both undergoing counselling, and that ‘their personal relationships had been severely affected’.

“You have in addition, harmed them in their religion. This was a refined degree of cruelty on your part, and you knew what harm you would cause.

“You are an utter hypocrite. You professed your religion whilst giving yourself licence to abuse those who were under your care; The evidence at trial was that the Haredi community is changing its attitude to allegations of sexual abuse, and is becoming more willing to acknowledge that such crimes require investigation by the police.

“I was glad to hear that evidence, and I was glad to read after the trial the wise words of the Chief Rabbi making emphatically clear that allegations of this nature must be taken seriously and must not be hidden away from outside investgation.

Sentencing him for seven sex assaults, including specimen counts which reflect a course of conduct, as well as the Bail Act offence, the judge described him as an intelligent and highly manipulative liar who knew the consequences of his ‘wicked actions’.

Det Sgt Joanne Kay said: “Grynhaus had gained the trust of his victims before sexually assaulting and abusing them. He thought he could get away with his crime but thanks to their bravery in coming forward and supporting this investigation, we have been able to prosecute him.

“This case goes to show no matter when the offence took place, justice will eventually catch up with you. We take all sexual crime reports extremely seriously and victims will be supported by specialist officers thorough out the investigation. If you have been a victim, please do not suffer in silence and call police.

“I would also ask those who may be aware of such crimes taking place within their community to report them to police. All reports will be treated with the strictest of confidence.”



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Re: Pedophile Jew tries to flee to Israel for protection
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2015, 07:10:42 AM »
pellius approved


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Re: Pedophile Jew tries to flee to Israel for protection
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2015, 07:10:52 AM »
Where I live, There was a Jewish guy that murdered his wife.... he also tried to book a flight to Israel


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Re: Pedophile Jew tries to flee to Israel for protection
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2015, 07:12:13 AM »
Another one..

Jewish school PAYS pedophile teacher to flee to Israel

Court hears a school paid a teacher to flee Australia over child abuse allegations

A Melbourne court has heard a teacher was paid by his school to flee Australia after being accused of child abuse.

David Kramer, 52, a former religious teacher at the Yeshiva Jewish Orthodox Primary School in St Kilda, has pleaded guilty to six charges.

The abuse involved four 10-year-old boys in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

The County Court was told school management had initially refused to remove Kramer from working with children.

The court was also told that the senior manager Rabbi Abraham Glick had told complaining parents he was concerned for Kramer's welfare.

But parents continued to protest.

The court heard the school then flew Kramer to Israel without notifying police.

Kramer spent seven years in a United States jail for a similar offence.

He will be sentenced next Wednesday.



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Re: Pedophile Jew tries to flee to Israel for protection
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2015, 07:16:35 AM »

Adass Israel School principal Malka Leifer helped by officials to flee from student sex abuse claims

AN ultra orthodox Jewish principal fled to Israel under the cover of night with the help of school officials after she was publicly accused of molesting students, a court has heard.

Just days after one of Malka Leifer's victims first spoke out about the ongoing abuse at the Adass Israel School in Elsternwick the principal boarded an early-morning flight to Israel.

Members of a committee closely linked with the school helped organise the tickets after a decision was made to sack Mrs Leifer.

Travel agent Tammy Konisarski told the Supreme Court today she was asked to arrange urgent tickets about 10pm on March 5, 2008.

She said she was told "people have to go to Israel urgently."

Mrs Leifer boarded an Israel-bound El Al flight just hours later, leaving Melbourne at 1.20am.

She has never returned and efforts are now underway to have her extradited to face criminal charges.

She, and the Adass Israel School, are being sued in the Supreme Court by a former pupil and teacher who alleges she was molested by Mrs Leifer up to three times a week for several years.

Former committee member Mair Ernst told the trial after the allegations surfaced his wife Hadassa arranged plane tickets for the then headmistress.

"We had accusations only and very, very little information that Mrs Leifer had molested girls," he said.

Mr Ernst said the committee met urgently when the allegations surfaced in 2008, and a "collective" decision was made to arrange flights for Ms Leifer and her family.

"She was manipulative and we wanted to do everything possible to protect these poor girls," he said.

The committee decided to suspend Ms Leifer at that time and a report was made to police.

Ms Leifer was invited to go to the committee meeting, but became "rude and aggressive" and "denied everything" when the allegations were discussed and didn't attend, he said.

The plaintiff, and two of her sisters, have told the court they were routinely abused at the school, on school camps, and at Mrs Leifer's home.

The abuse is said to have occurred after Mrs Leifer, becoming aware of their troubled home life, offered them private religious tuition.

Mrs Leifer, who has since returned to Israel, is not defending the case.

They say members of the ultra-orthodox community flew from Israel to threaten their eldest sibling with ostracism if the lawsuit against Mrs Leifer was not dropped.

The sibling was harassed and pressured shortly before she died from a heart attack, the court heard.

The trial has heard that Mrs Leifer also abused a string of other students.

The Supreme Court trial was continuing.


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Re: Pedophile Jew tries to flee to Israel for protection
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2015, 07:19:22 AM »

A convicted sex offender flees to Israel after alleged assault in Brooklyn synagogue

EXCLUSIVE: Police are prepared to arrest Yona Weinberg, 36, on a misdemeanor assault charge, records show. But since he's only facing a misdemeanor, authorities won’t be able to extradite him from Israel.

 A convicted sex offender stood to be arrested after he allegedly assaulted an 11-year-old boy in a Brooklyn synagogue last summer.

But when police went to Yona Weinberg’s Flatbush home, they found he had fled to Israel.

Now, child advocates in the Jewish community are throwing up their hands, frustrated that the former bar mitzvah tutor and social worker was allowed to skip the country because prosecutors in the office of District Attorney Ken Thompson appeared to be slow to react.

“He’s making all of us who really campaigned hard for him look like fools,” activist Chaim Levin said of Thompson. “He seems to be playing politics. The outcome of this case is disgusting.”

Weinberg, 36, allegedly slammed the 11-year-old boy against a shelf of prayer books in the synagogue on Aug. 15, witnesses told police.

Police are prepared to arrest Weinberg on a misdemeanor assault charge, records show.

But since Weinberg is only facing a misdemeanor, authorities won’t be able to extradite him from Israel.

“In the event that he returns to New York, he will be charged,” said Lupe Todd, Thompson’s spokeswoman.

The synagogue scuffle occurred two months after the boy told cops he was “forced” to touch Weinberg’s shirt and pants, ostensibly to measure their size, a law enforcement source told the Daily News.

After investigating that allegation, Thompson declined to bring forcible touching charges, concluding it was unwarranted because the boy did not touch Weinberg’s privates.

The boy told police that Weinberg pushed him against the bookshelf, threatening further harm if he continued to talk to authorities.

Police didn’t file an official report about the alleged incident until Sept. 9, 25 days after the alleged incident. The cause for the delay is unclear.

Police went to Weinberg’s Flatbush home to arrest him a day later, but his wife said he was not home and referred him to an attorney.

 The next day, Weinberg was on a plane to Israel.

Weinberg’s wife and four children joined him in Israel several weeks later on a trip arranged by Nefesh B’nefesh, a organization that helps Americans move.

Back in Brooklyn, child advocates are still fuming about the situation, calling it the latest sign that Thompson, who just started his second year on the job, has not taken the steps he promised during his campaign.

“The culture in the Brooklyn DA’s office is to discourage Orthodox victims of child abuse from proceeding with their complaints,” said Ben Hirsch, a co- founder of advocacy organization Survivors of Justice.

Weinberg was able to escape closer supervision because he was never sentenced to parole in 2010, when he concluded a 13-month jail sentence for sexually molesting two young boys.

But Weinberg is required, as a Level 3 sex offender, to check in with police every 90 days and verify his address once a year. Failing to do so would amount to a felony offense.

However, the state Division of Criminal Justice Services said a letter sent to verify Weinberg’s Brooklyn address bounced back in December.

“We have not received any information from this offender or the NYPD,” DCJS spokeswoman Janine Kava said Thursday.

Weinberg, meanwhile, has been telling his neighbors in the Jerusalem suburb of Har Nof that it’s all a big mistake, said a community source who has taken steps to notify Israelis about Weinberg’s history.

Thompson’s office said that prosecutors moved to have Weinberg arrested as soon as they heard about the allegations. Todd also maintained that Weinberg notified police he was leaving the country and promised to check in as required. It was unclear whether he had done that.

To community advocates, that came as little solace.

“The way he has been dealing with these cases sends a mesage that he’s not interested in prosecuting Orthodox Jewish sex offenders,” Hirsch said of Thompson. “The victims and their families have gotten this message loud and clear.”



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Re: Pedophile Jews try to flee to Israel for protection
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2015, 07:22:55 AM »
same guy as above...

Haredi Sex Offender Escapes Arrest And Flees To Israel – With, Some Claim, The Tacit Approval And Help Of The NYPD And The Brooklyn DA

Worse yet, the sex offender's family made aliyah to join him there – with the help of the Orthodox aliyah group Nefesh B'Nefesh.

Former bar mitzvah tutor and social worker Yona Weinberg is a convicted Level 3 Sex Offender, the most serious type of sex offender there is. The 36-year-old Weinberg would have been rearrested for allegedly assaulting a new a victim this summer, an 11-year-old boy in a Brooklyn synagogue.

But when cops got to his Brooklyn home he wasn't there, and the next day he was on a plane to Israel – largely because Brooklyn DA Kenneth Thompson failed to act swiftly to have him arrested or to stop his flight.

“[Thompson]’s making all of us who really campaigned hard for him look like fools. He seems to be playing politics. The outcome of this case is disgusting,” victim and victims advocate Chaim Levin told the Daily News.

Weinberg allegedly slammed the 11-year-old boy into a shelf of books in the synagogue on August 15, and police reportedly have a warrant to arrest Weinberg on a misdemeanor assault charge.

A misdemeanor isn’t a serious enough crime to be extradited from Israel.

“In the event that [Weinberg] returns to New York, he will be charged,” Thompson’s spokeswoman Lupe Todd told the Daily News.

But that incident took place two months after the 11-year-old boy told police he was “forced” to touch Weinberg’s shirt and pants to ‘measure their size,’ a law enforcement source told the Daily News.

Thompson refused to bring forcible touching charges against Weinberg because the boy was not forced to touch Weinberg’s genitals.

The physical assault in the synagogue allegedly took place because the boy spoke to police about the forcible touching. As he threw the boy into the bookshelf Weinberg allegedly threatened to harm the boy even more if he kept on talking to police and the DA.

Police reportedly failed to file an official report about the assault until September 9 – 25 days after the assault allegedly took place. The Daily News reports the cause for that delay is unclear.

When cops went to Weinberg’s Flatbush home to arrest him, his wife told them he was out and referred him to an attorney.

Weinberg reportedly left for Israel the next day. Weinberg’s wife and four children joined him there several weeks courtesy of Nefesh B’nefesh, the Orthodox aliyah organization.

“The culture in the Brooklyn DA’s office is to discourage Orthodox victims of child abuse from proceeding with their complaints.…The way he has been dealing with these cases sends a message that he’s not interested in prosecuting Orthodox Jewish sex offenders. The victims and their families have gotten this message loud and clear,” Ben Hirsch, one of the co-founders of the anti-child-sex-abuse organization Survivors of Justice, said.

The Brooklyn prosecutor handling this case is allegedly Miss Gregory, a daughter of noted comedian Dick Gregory. She has repeatedly mishandled abuse cases, according to sources aware of the situation.

Weinberg was able to flee because no one was watching him. Why would that be? Because he was not sentenced to parole or supervised release after serving his 13-month prison sentence for sexually molesting two young boys that concluded in 2010.

That was largely due to the laxity and likely corruption of former Brooklyn DA Charles J. Hynes and a cadre of Brooklyn judges many outside legal experts look at with a mix of bemusement and scorn.

Under law, because he is a Level 3 Sex Offender Weinberg is required to check in with police every 90 days and to verify his address once a year. If he fails to do so, it is a felony.

The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) told the Daily News that a letter sent to verify Weinberg’s Brooklyn address was returned unopened by the Post Office in December.

“We have not received any information from this offender or the NYPD,” DCJS spokeswoman Janine Kava said today.

The federal sex offender registry still shows Weinberg's Brooklyn address as current – even though it isn't.

But the Brooklyn DA’s spokeswoman Lupe Todd insisted Weinberg told the police he was leaving the country, and promised to check in as required – a claim that does not appear to jibe with the known facts.

Has Weinberg checked in with the NYPD? That, the Daily News says, is unclear.

But what is clear is that if Weinberg left without checking in or violated the 90 day rule – both likely true – he can be prosecuted as a felon. And that should make his extradition possible. And that is why the arguably corrupt Thompso is claiming Weinberg complied.

Meanwhile, Weinberg and his family are now living openly in the haredi Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof with unrestricted access to lots of little children.



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Re: Pedophile Jews try to flee to Israel for protection
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2015, 07:38:05 AM »
anti semitic post reported