Author Topic: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140  (Read 946 times)

Dos Equis

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Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« on: November 13, 2015, 04:40:58 PM »
The terrorist animals strike again.   >:(

Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140

France is in a state of near-martial law following an all-night terrorist attack in at least seven locations.
Terrorists killed more than 100 people at a music theater in Paris and more than 40 at several other sites on Friday, according to police.

Some 100 people were held hostage in the Bataclan theater after a performance by American rock band Eagles of Death Metal. French police stormed the theater around 12:30 a.m. local time, killing two terrorists. Hostages inside said people were being killed one by one.

Rescuers evacuate people following an attack in the 10th arrondissement of the French capital Paris, on November 13, 2015. At least 18 people were killed as multiple shootings and explosions hit Paris, police said. Police also said there was an ongoing hostage crisis in the Bataclan a concert hall in the French capital.

French President François Hollande issued an emergency decree in a midnight address to the nation. Hollande said he has closed France's borders and restricted travel internally. Military reinforcements have been called into Paris, he said. All Paris residents have been ordered to stay indoors for the first time since 1944.

A senior U.S. official tells The Daily Beast's Kimberly Dozier that there are "no specific credible threats to the homeland" at this time. President Obama said the terrorists have attacked "all of humanity."

According to the French daily Liberation, a witness to the Bataclan shooting heard one of the shooters shout “Allahu Akhbar.”

The attack has killed more than 10 times as many people as the al-Qaeda attack on Charlie Hebdo, whose offices are a seven-minute walk from the Bataclan.

Eyewitnesses have described bodies lying dead in the street in what U.S. officials are already suggesting is another coordinated series of terrorist attacks—the worst in the French capital since the Hebdo shooting, which was followed a day later by an ISIS-inspired shooting at the Hypercasher kosher marketplace on the outskirts of Paris.

"There were two or three Individuals—two for sure—who... started pulling blind with automatic weapons, one with a Kalashnikov," one witness told Le Monde. "It lasted at least ten, fifteen minutes. They reloaded, they had all the time he needed. They charged three or four times... They fired pointing down with the butt on the shoulder... When the shooting stopped we took advantage of the lull to take the emergency exit, and there we saw lots of people on the street that were covered in blood, who had gunshot wounds."

"I lay against the sound console," a second witness told the paper. "Then 20-30 bullets were fired, they fired randomly. I saw assault rifles. I stepped on the body, there was blood. In the street there were dead."

The first known attack was on the Petit Cambodge restaurant in Paris's 10th arrondissement.

Almost simultaenously, two suicide bombers attacked outside the Stade de France, just north of Paris, where France and Germany were playing in a soccer match. Hollande was in attendance and safely evacuated. At least three people were reportedly killed and 80,000 evacuated.

Gunman are still reportedly on the loose. It is not known who they are or what terrorist group, if any, they are associated with.

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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2015, 09:22:31 AM »
UNREAL: You won’t believe who liberal media is blaming for Paris attacks…
Written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor
November 14, 2015

Or maybe you will believe this. After all, we’re talking about liberals.

Immediately following last night’s horrific news, liberal website Salon posted a tweet blaming the Paris attacks on…yes, you guessed it, conservatives.

As The Blaze reports, this vicious tweet below was posted in reference to an article by Chauncey Devega who assailed the political right for “incendiary rhetoric” that “does in fact lead to action.”

But Salon was immediately and justifiably attacked for the tweet – by a liberal no less.

Nonetheless, Devega dug in a bit further.

Also digging in a bit further into shamelessness is CNN, who used the Islamist suicide bomb and AK-47 attacks on unarmed citizens to push…gun control.

In an eloquent post for Breitbart, writer John Nolte described his disgust when he turned on CNN to watch coverage of the horrors unfolding in Paris and “the idiotic CNN talking head used the Paris bloodbath to push for American gun control, and then hand-wring over fears of a unicorn known as the “anti-Muslim backlash.”

Oh, the CNN Talking Head was subtle. That’s what made it even more infuriating — the cunning sneakiness. Twice in the space of just a few minutes he lamented how easy to would be for terrorists to get guns in America. Then, with hundreds of people dead and wounded throughout a half-dozen “safe spaces” in Paris, in so many words, he said that Europe needed to be on the lookout for the inevitable anti-Muslim backlash.

Good God.

Naturally, the CNN anchor (I think it was Erin Burnett) did not push back or even challenge or condemn the indecency of this Social Justice Warrior propagandizing. And naturally, there was no other talking head to offer a factual counterpoint — to point out that Paris is a gun-controlled city, and that maybe the death toll would have been smaller had its citizens not been disarmed by the State — especially as the terrorists reportedly stopped more than once to reload between mass-executions.”

Oh, and just for good measure…gun control activist and full-time Islamapolgist Piers Morgan posted this spineless tweet about the attackers not being “real Muslims” for which he was immediately smacked down as well.

All of which I’m sure is great debate prep for what we shall be hearing from the stellar selection of liberal brains poised at the lecterns tonight. Let’s play a drinking game. You have to take a drink every time you hear the words Islam, jihad, or Islamic terror. Something tells me we’re all going to end up SOBER tonight.

[Note: This article was written by Michelle Jesse]

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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2015, 09:35:13 AM »
72 hours before Paris attacks, ISIS-linked social media account reveals 'God bless you in your mission'
By Catherine Herridge
Published November 15, 2015

ISIS claims of responsibility for Friday’s Paris massacre are being reviewed by US intelligence analysts Sunday morning, with a focus on the English-language version, which is delivered in American-accented English, Fox News has been told. It is now clear the plot included a rollout of ISIS propaganda, which was prepared in advance, including threats directed toward the Russian people, Rome, London and Washington DC.

Separately, Fox News has learned that four credible, ISIS-linked social media accounts began sharing messages 72 hours before the Paris attack, including images of weapons, the Eiffel tower, as well as blessings for the attackers’ mission.  A military intelligence source says the social media traffic is now seen as evidence the three teams had gone operational.

The translations include “God bless you in your mission” and “Support the deployment,” as well as a reference to our “sister,” suggesting an operative, or member of the support team was a woman.

Meanwhile, FBI Director James Comey has told field offices across the country to intensify surveillance on ISIS suspects, hoping to prevent violence in this country.  Before the attack, Comey confirmed there are 900 active ISIS investigations, spread over all 50 states.

There is a growing body of evidence, as reported by Fox Friday, that the attack was pre-meditated, and the terrorists vetted by ISIS in Syria. An anti-ISIS group told the Sunday Telegraph that two fighters were sent in March, and two more in May for an operation in France. In August, a French national who was arrested, returning from Syria, mentioned instructions to attack a concert hall.


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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2015, 10:24:33 AM »
Some liberals are so whacked.   I was listening to a radio show last week and this pacifist dumb-ass was saying the American revolution would have succeeded without war.

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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2015, 10:27:12 AM »
Some liberals are so whacked.   I was listening to a radio show last week and this pacifist dumb-ass was saying the American revolution would have succeeded without war.

Is it true that only 1% of the american population actually participated in the fighting against England?   Interesting that 99% sat on the fence with popcorn.


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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2015, 11:23:53 AM »
Is it true that only 1% of the american population actually participated in the fighting against England?   Interesting that 99% sat on the fence with popcorn.

did i say 1%?

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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2015, 11:37:50 AM »
did i say 1%?

No.  I asked if that numBer was accurate.


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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2015, 11:53:43 AM »
No.  I asked if that numBer was accurate.

You asked as if it was said or implied.  Who said or implied it?  Or did you just pull it our of your ass (no offense) to make it sound true or what ever?


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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2015, 11:59:30 AM »
No.  I asked if that numBer was accurate.

Its probably pretty accurate.

In Europe many countries/people coorporated with the germans, but when the war was over everybody was suddenly freedom fighters.

Go figure.

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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2015, 01:01:52 PM »
You asked as if it was said or implied.  Who said or implied it?  Or did you just pull it our of your ass (no offense) to make it sound true or what ever?

i heard it in 7th grade social studies class or something and it just popped into my head.  98% of the population sat out, 1% were loyalists, and 1% were fighting the redcoats.


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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2015, 01:07:44 PM »
i heard it in 7th grade social studies class or something and it just popped into my head.  98% of the population sat out, 1% were loyalists, and 1% were fighting the redcoats.

lol  ok


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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2015, 01:44:51 PM »
Is it true that only 1% of the american population actually participated in the fighting against England?   Interesting that 99% sat on the fence with popcorn.

no, that's absurd

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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2015, 02:00:22 PM »
55,000 Americans (1.8%) served as privateers during the war.   25k were killed.

When it spilled onto their property... 80,000 served at the height.  out of 3 million.   2.6% at its peak.  Lower earlier.

During the Revolutionary War, only THREE percent of the people actually fought against Great Britain.

Only TEN percent of the citizens actively supported that three percent.

Approximately TWENTY percent considered themselves to be on the side of the Revolution, but they did not actively participate.

Towards the climatic end of the war, approximately THIRTY percent actually fought on the side of the British.

The rest of the citizens had no disposition either way.  They didn’t care.  They didn’t want anything to do with what they deemed to simply be a political issue.


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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2015, 02:59:18 PM »
Yeah but the point is that had not those 3% fought...we'd be Brits or any event they were not going to leave unless they got the bayonette....


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Re: Paris Terror Attacks Kill At Least 140
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2015, 06:17:59 AM »
of 3 million say half were men(1.5 m), and of those say 1/3 were fighing age (500k) so if 80,000 fought at some point that makes about 17% of fighting age men roughly...

but the overall point is true, that only about 1/3 of people supported the Revolution one way or another, 1/3 were Loyalists, and 1/3 were totally apathetic. Washington's army struggled to maintain troop strength for most of the war especially during the beginning when things were exceptionally brutal; there were times when the whole endeavor was on the brink of collapse. it was only though the sheer will power and force of personality/leadership of George Washington and the determination of the core troops and leaders that the Revolution survived and ultimately went on to succeed.