Author Topic: Help dialing in TRT  (Read 4475 times)


  • Getbig IV
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  • getbigbrah
Re: Help dialing in TRT
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2016, 12:49:34 AM »
Had no idea that existed, cool! Would not rely on it for a boost, just for the fun of saying ya tried it I guess...
My uncle tried it from his dr. It was a giant pain in the ass for him u have to let it dry and it made his underarms sore as hell like raw. But also he is a giant fat pussy so he exaggerates shit and is lazy. So he saw no benefit from it before he gave up
theres a lot of interesting stuff you can do with that...
ive experimented with AAS and other chemicals as topicals in DMSO (which is a dilutent/carrier that can pull molecules with a specific molecular weight through your skin membrane).
i mean if you think about it you should be able to get a hormone right into the bodypart where you want it or spot-targeted into fat tissue or whereever without injecting (of course gotta use esterless hormones). this was always very interesting to me, but the actual is is kind of a pain in the ass.
with some stuff if you leave it on for too long your skin gets bubbly and flaky, youll look like a crocodile for a couple hours. DMSO also makes your breath and body odor stink like a mofo (like you just ate a loaf of garlic bread)
it also dries your skin like crazy unless you apply lotion right afterwards, but im not sure if this interferes with absorption


  • Getbig V
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Re: Help dialing in TRT
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2016, 08:05:40 AM »
the fact alone that doctors prescribe test E for once every 2 or 3 week injections shows that they have absolutely zero knowledge or credibility regarding these questions. this is a terrible treatment.
test E needs to be injected AT LEAST once a week, period.
 its ridiculous how little knowledge most doctors who can LEGALLY prescribe these drugs actually have.

You can meltdown as much times as you want, but waving some graphs of test serum levels of enantate or whatever, doesn't make you a specialist and/or gives you the right to mislead people.
Meds, and specially those as old as deca-durabolin, testoviron depot, testex elmu prolongatum... , were developed after 15 to 20 years of trials in humans, before being available to the public.
If you choose to believe otherwise, it's your decision, use it in yourself, but facts are facts, and opinions are mere opinions.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Help dialing in TRT
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2016, 12:07:31 PM »
Falco you seem like a cool guy and I mean no disrespect but Test E really shouldn't be used any less than once a week for TRT purposes. TRT patients using Test e once every 2 weeks all hate it and feel the emotional roler coaster it causes. Maybe the medical community doesn't believe that test E should be injected at least once a week but every one on TRT who has experienced both would choose injecting twice a week or once a week that I have talked to. I honestly can not understand the logic behind injecting test E once every 2 weeks.


  • Getbig IV
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  • getbigbrah
Re: Help dialing in TRT
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2016, 12:05:52 AM »
You can meltdown as much times as you want, but waving some graphs of test serum levels of enantate or whatever, doesn't make you a specialist and/or gives you the right to mislead people.
Meds, and specially those as old as deca-durabolin, testoviron depot, testex elmu prolongatum... , were developed after 15 to 20 years of trials in humans, before being available to the public.
If you choose to believe otherwise, it's your decision, use it in yourself, but facts are facts, and opinions are mere opinions.
which is why im stating facts (actual half lives and studies) and you are merely stating your opinion ("docs must know").

each to their own though.
its your body, not mine.

it does not affect me in any way what docs decide to do. i just find it terrible and negligent to play around with other (credulous and uninformed) people's hormones.

if you dont inform yourself about your disease/condition before going to a doc nowadays - youre in for a bad time.