Author Topic: What's the deal with primo?  (Read 8311 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2015, 03:28:43 PM »
Thing is.... If guys dieted on deca like they did on primo, maybe this saying of primo "brings out the shape" would not exist!

Guys use deca for mass cycles then claim "stuff makes me bloated" well yeah...

Hahahah so fkn true its not funny!

Nothing like reality hahah


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2016, 11:16:41 AM »
I am about to add primo to my cutt prep. Tren ace , EQ,  test e , 4ius growth, primo and eventually mast. As for orals I'll run that the last 8 weeks , that will consist of tbol , var , winny and drol.. I've never ran it due to price but that's not an issue at the moment but I've gathered that I would need to run 800-1000mg a week for it to help. What should I expect from this.


  • Getbig II
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2016, 01:58:30 PM »
Seems like one of the best steroids in terms of gains to sides ratios but the shit is impossible to find legit versions?   HRt clinics have deca, var, test gh but no primo

All the UG versions are counterfeit or undersides test...   Why is it so hard to get legit primo?  Is it too expensive to make?   

Bayer Primo is readily available in Europe. I've used up to 700mg per week and I didn't get much from it in the way of gains. For me, masteron is like primo on steroids!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2016, 06:16:01 AM »
i so much agree on this
no, moron. you just bulked like a retard on test E and used test prop to cut, what do you expect  :D

you can be shredded on test deca dbol and can be bloated like crazy on test prop, tren ace and winstrol

90% is diet, the compounds make so little difference in 95% of people.
its when you step on stage that you see visible differences from different compounds. otherwise it can all be tinkered through diet...
in THIS scenario steroids REALLY are the finishing touch.

im obviously not denying the fact that its much easier to look like shit on 2g deca than on 2g tren ace though lol
ur diet must always depend on the compounds ur using
I did a deca and cyp cycle diet on point / workouts never missed was all in mentally stayed sober on the wknds etc, didnt look so great/ year later did a tren and  test cycle smoke weed every single night with about ten candy bars, chips, ice cream missed tons of workouts, drank on wknds magically was rippped up looking pretty dam good.  Not saying i dont agree with the post but im a big believer in certain compounds are not for everyone. It really was night and day between the cycles for me.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2016, 06:33:41 AM »
You need to run primo for a good 4 months to reap the benefits and at the dosages exclaimed above - 800-1000mgs a week to see the full benefits. If you run the acetate tabs then you can get away with 50-100mgs a day for 8 weeks and get some good results.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2016, 02:05:05 AM »
I did a deca and cyp cycle diet on point / workouts never missed was all in mentally stayed sober on the wknds etc, didnt look so great/ year later did a tren and  test cycle smoke weed every single night with about ten candy bars, chips, ice cream missed tons of workouts, drank on wknds magically was rippped up looking pretty dam good.  Not saying i dont agree with the post but im a big believer in certain compounds are not for everyone. It really was night and day between the cycles for me.
yeah, ofc tren gives you A LOT of leeway with your diet... definitely true. but you can look great on deca and can look like shit on tren, depending on diet. of course on tren you really need to eat like a complete retard to look bad...
 thats what i was trying to say.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2016, 08:06:24 AM »
Primo seems to be highly faked too

Let me tell you a story about primo being faked....    LOL

I swear on my mother's life that this is true and I am not exaggerating the least. 

Back in 2007 when I used to browse EF.... don't laugh, it was somewhat decent then.  Was not the best like it was in 2000-2005, but was not in the sorry state of affairs that it is now.  It had just began the Needto decline.... LOL.  So I met two guys from online that lived here in S. Florida.  One who lived in Hollywood, one who lived in Boca whose gf at the time worked at my hospital as a respiratory therapist.  We used to get together to work out one or two days a month.  Nice guys.  Had regular jobs. 

We got to talking and swapping juice story/rumors.   At this time, there was no primo on the UG markets at all except from big guys like Alin, Naps, etc.. and one or two labs that were basically buying the juice in bulk (gallon jugs) from these guys and making their own vials with labels. Even then it was scarce.   So basically there was a shortage of primo on the market. 

So these two decide to start their own UG lab and make nothing but primo.  Nothing else.  Just primo.  They hooked up with some dudes they found on Alibaba that later became the raw powder source on PM known as Dynasty.  (if you were around PM back then).   Scratched up their savings and spent $6500 on 100 grams of raw primo powder.  Which they ended up spending more than that because they had to break up the WU payments to China so it was under $999 and not arousing suspicions.  Plus the filters, pumps, vials, stoppers, BA, BB, cappers, etc...   So about $8500 later they got the raw powder.

They had read all the recipes online and knew the procedure by heart.  They dumped the WHOLE pack of powder into the glass beaker and off they went.  Or well, they tried to.  Something was wrong.   Not with their process, it was spot on.  But whatever the fuck these guys sent them was NOT any kind of AAS powder at all.  It would not dissolve or melt no matter how hot it got.  They cooked it on the hot plate, baked it in the oven, even put it in the microwave and NOTHING would get it to melt.  You know how you go to 7/11 and see the slushy machine churning the frozen liquid inside?  How it looks like colored liquid sand?  Well that is what this looked like.  Slightly yellow liquid sand.  Sort of like semi clear grits (you are from the South and know what grits are).   They added more BA, more BB, and nothing.....  it just was not going to fucking melt and dissolve.

After about 4 hours of working on this and trying to fix it, they had a sick look on their faces when they realized  that nothing was working and if it did, they had too much BA/BB in it to be usable.  One of them was fighting back tears when they poured it down the drain. 

After much arguing with the guys that supplied them, they were told that they would not get their money back, but would get a $1500 credit.  (no shit).  They used it to get a bulk amount of test prop and EQ.

They made a mix of 50mg test prop / 50mg EQ and passed it off as primo.  $90 a bottle, 3 bottles for $225.  They sold about 400 bottles on EF alone that first week. 

A few weeks later they introduced bottles of test prop for $10 and EQ for $15.   They wound up buying a bulk supply of already made primo from Selene. If you remember her, she carried the Thai Phoenix brand.  Which was a fantastic brand and I would love to still find it on the market.  Everyone loved it but when they started offering that (legit) as primo, all their customers complained.  They wanted the original "primo" that they carried.  So back to test prop / eq they went...

I used to read on there about how these so called AAS aficionados (basically 20 year olds) were raving about how this primo was better than Schering and they could really tell a difference.  When things got heated they would claim they sent it off for testing and it came back at 97% - but yet they never seemed to be able to post a lab report.   ::)    These two guys would just shrug their shoulders and make another batch. 


  • Getbig III
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2016, 10:27:05 AM »
Let me tell you a story about primo being faked....    LOL

I swear on my mother's life that this is true and I am not exaggerating the least. 

Back in 2007 when I used to browse EF.... don't laugh, it was somewhat decent then.  Was not the best like it was in 2000-2005, but was not in the sorry state of affairs that it is now.  It had just began the Needto decline.... LOL.  So I met two guys from online that lived here in S. Florida.  One who lived in Hollywood, one who lived in Boca whose gf at the time worked at my hospital as a respiratory therapist.  We used to get together to work out one or two days a month.  Nice guys.  Had regular jobs. 

We got to talking and swapping juice story/rumors.   At this time, there was no primo on the UG markets at all except from big guys like Alin, Naps, etc.. and one or two labs that were basically buying the juice in bulk (gallon jugs) from these guys and making their own vials with labels. Even then it was scarce.   So basically there was a shortage of primo on the market. 

So these two decide to start their own UG lab and make nothing but primo.  Nothing else.  Just primo.  They hooked up with some dudes they found on Alibaba that later became the raw powder source on PM known as Dynasty.  (if you were around PM back then).   Scratched up their savings and spent $6500 on 100 grams of raw primo powder.  Which they ended up spending more than that because they had to break up the WU payments to China so it was under $999 and not arousing suspicions.  Plus the filters, pumps, vials, stoppers, BA, BB, cappers, etc...   So about $8500 later they got the raw powder.

They had read all the recipes online and knew the procedure by heart.  They dumped the WHOLE pack of powder into the glass beaker and off they went.  Or well, they tried to.  Something was wrong.   Not with their process, it was spot on.  But whatever the fuck these guys sent them was NOT any kind of AAS powder at all.  It would not dissolve or melt no matter how hot it got.  They cooked it on the hot plate, baked it in the oven, even put it in the microwave and NOTHING would get it to melt.  You know how you go to 7/11 and see the slushy machine churning the frozen liquid inside?  How it looks like colored liquid sand?  Well that is what this looked like.  Slightly yellow liquid sand.  Sort of like semi clear grits (you are from the South and know what grits are).   They added more BA, more BB, and nothing.....  it just was not going to fucking melt and dissolve.

After about 4 hours of working on this and trying to fix it, they had a sick look on their faces when they realized  that nothing was working and if it did, they had too much BA/BB in it to be usable.  One of them was fighting back tears when they poured it down the drain. 

After much arguing with the guys that supplied them, they were told that they would not get their money back, but would get a $1500 credit.  (no shit).  They used it to get a bulk amount of test prop and EQ.

They made a mix of 50mg test prop / 50mg EQ and passed it off as primo.  $90 a bottle, 3 bottles for $225.  They sold about 400 bottles on EF alone that first week. 

A few weeks later they introduced bottles of test prop for $10 and EQ for $15.   They wound up buying a bulk supply of already made primo from Selene. If you remember her, she carried the Thai Phoenix brand.  Which was a fantastic brand and I would love to still find it on the market.  Everyone loved it but when they started offering that (legit) as primo, all their customers complained.  They wanted the original "primo" that they carried.  So back to test prop / eq they went...

I used to read on there about how these so called AAS aficionados (basically 20 year olds) were raving about how this primo was better than Schering and they could really tell a difference.  When things got heated they would claim they sent it off for testing and it came back at 97% - but yet they never seemed to be able to post a lab report.   ::)    These two guys would just shrug their shoulders and make another batch. 

if you think about it, aren't the things we do just for some muscle absolutely insane?


  • Getbig III
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2016, 10:45:37 AM »
Ain't that some bullshit ^^^

I tried primo one time - Dragon Pharma brand. Ran it at 100mgs per week. After about a month in my voice started cracking and I was breaking out. What. The. Fuck. Contacted the source and they said (of course) there was no way it was anything other than 100% real primo. Fine. Got the labmax and my test levels were significantly elevated. SHOCKER.

Will never waste my money on that bs again. Haha

Also, I'm not from the south. Well, southern California but not like the actual south.  ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2016, 08:26:42 PM »
Let me tell you a story about primo being faked....    LOL

I swear on my mother's life that this is true and I am not exaggerating the least. 

Back in 2007 when I used to browse EF.... don't laugh, it was somewhat decent then.  Was not the best like it was in 2000-2005, but was not in the sorry state of affairs that it is now.  It had just began the Needto decline.... LOL.  So I met two guys from online that lived here in S. Florida.  One who lived in Hollywood, one who lived in Boca whose gf at the time worked at my hospital as a respiratory therapist.  We used to get together to work out one or two days a month.  Nice guys.  Had regular jobs. 

We got to talking and swapping juice story/rumors.   At this time, there was no primo on the UG markets at all except from big guys like Alin, Naps, etc.. and one or two labs that were basically buying the juice in bulk (gallon jugs) from these guys and making their own vials with labels. Even then it was scarce.   So basically there was a shortage of primo on the market. 

So these two decide to start their own UG lab and make nothing but primo.  Nothing else.  Just primo.  They hooked up with some dudes they found on Alibaba that later became the raw powder source on PM known as Dynasty.  (if you were around PM back then).   Scratched up their savings and spent $6500 on 100 grams of raw primo powder.  Which they ended up spending more than that because they had to break up the WU payments to China so it was under $999 and not arousing suspicions.  Plus the filters, pumps, vials, stoppers, BA, BB, cappers, etc...   So about $8500 later they got the raw powder.

They had read all the recipes online and knew the procedure by heart.  They dumped the WHOLE pack of powder into the glass beaker and off they went.  Or well, they tried to.  Something was wrong.   Not with their process, it was spot on.  But whatever the fuck these guys sent them was NOT any kind of AAS powder at all.  It would not dissolve or melt no matter how hot it got.  They cooked it on the hot plate, baked it in the oven, even put it in the microwave and NOTHING would get it to melt.  You know how you go to 7/11 and see the slushy machine churning the frozen liquid inside?  How it looks like colored liquid sand?  Well that is what this looked like.  Slightly yellow liquid sand.  Sort of like semi clear grits (you are from the South and know what grits are).   They added more BA, more BB, and nothing.....  it just was not going to fucking melt and dissolve.

After about 4 hours of working on this and trying to fix it, they had a sick look on their faces when they realized  that nothing was working and if it did, they had too much BA/BB in it to be usable.  One of them was fighting back tears when they poured it down the drain. 

After much arguing with the guys that supplied them, they were told that they would not get their money back, but would get a $1500 credit.  (no shit).  They used it to get a bulk amount of test prop and EQ.

They made a mix of 50mg test prop / 50mg EQ and passed it off as primo.  $90 a bottle, 3 bottles for $225.  They sold about 400 bottles on EF alone that first week. 

A few weeks later they introduced bottles of test prop for $10 and EQ for $15.   They wound up buying a bulk supply of already made primo from Selene. If you remember her, she carried the Thai Phoenix brand.  Which was a fantastic brand and I would love to still find it on the market.  Everyone loved it but when they started offering that (legit) as primo, all their customers complained.  They wanted the original "primo" that they carried.  So back to test prop / eq they went...

I used to read on there about how these so called AAS aficionados (basically 20 year olds) were raving about how this primo was better than Schering and they could really tell a difference.  When things got heated they would claim they sent it off for testing and it came back at 97% - but yet they never seemed to be able to post a lab report.   ::)    These two guys would just shrug their shoulders and make another batch. 
Very interesting read.   Thanks
you are gay.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What's the deal with primo?
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2016, 07:13:49 AM »
Meh, you just need a good source and you can't expect a lot out of it - I mean it us the 'safest steroid' out there so that tells you something about the results.

I liked using the acetate tabs QV made back in the day. Two of these per day (along with other stuff of course) and you were granite in no time. No way would I pop a few primo tabs and expect I'm getting primo today.