Author Topic: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here  (Read 3791 times)


  • Getbig II
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Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« on: December 24, 2016, 03:14:32 AM »
Was diagnosed with multiple adenomas on the liver from an MRI scan back in march. Prior to the scan I was on very high doses on Testosterone, Trenbolone and Nandrolone.

About 2g-2.5g Test
1g Tren
1g Deca/NPP

Well my initial thought was that tren was the curlpit to these tumors as I wasn't taking any orals and assumed test/npp would be safe to use.

So since March I've stayed away tren and orals and stayed on Test/Deca/EQ.

2g Test
1g Deca
1g EQ

Just had a repeat MRI done last week and much to my surprise not only are the adenomas still there but they also grew and have more of them.

I dropped everything as of now as I don't know what caused what. I get did bloodwork before the initial MRI and found that my estrogen was very high, in the 400 range which means I was using bunk aromasin, plus prolactin was very high too at 37. I mentioning the estrogen as from the research I have done these adenomas are very common in women who use contraceptive pills and that estrogen or progesterone could be the culprit.

There are also cases where nandrolone has cause the growth of the adenomas if you do some basic research.

This is from on Nandrolone

Life-threatening peliosis hepatis and hepatic abnormalities such as hepatic neoplasms and hepatocellular carcinomas have occurred following prolonged therapy with high doses of anabolic steroids. Tumor regression did not occur in all cases following medication withdrawal. Cholestatic hepatitis, jaundice, and abnormal liver function tests may occur at relatively low dosages.

Hepatic tumors associated with anabolic steroid use are more vascular than other hepatic tumors and may remain silent until the development of life-threatening abdominal hemorrhage. Peliosis hepatis may present as mild liver dysfunction, but has resulted in liver failure.

From what I remember, I started getting all these issues when I first started using very high dosed of test and added nandrolones to the equation.
I used high doses of tren for years prior with test at about a gram and never once did I get any issues with my health.

Rusty Trombone

  • Getbig IV
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2016, 04:30:49 AM »
All AAS are toxic to the liver,not just 17 orals.

Even testosterone.

For some people more,for most people less.

You were just dealt a bad card.

Stop everything like you did and stay off. Or run 100 mg test a week to keep functioning.

Also,letro and adex are liver toxic too,trust me on this,do not use them now.

Rusty Trombone

  • Getbig IV
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2016, 04:35:43 AM »
And you did nothing by removing tren,and you almost did not lower the dose for test and deca,and added EQ.

Those adenomas should withdraw in time,or maybe some of them will have to be taken out.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2016, 11:13:19 AM »
That sucks what symptoms were you having early on?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2016, 03:55:25 AM »
That sucks what symptoms were you having early on?

Bloodwork always came back good, even now. AST was tiny bit elevated at 55 and ALT a bit elevated at 87. Nothing worrisome.

Most of these adenomas are asymptomatic for the most part unless they rupture.

I discovered this adenomas during an ultrasound initially.

On the other hand I did have these symptoms though if you read this thread I created back in December 2015, even though I am still not sure if they are related.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2016, 08:41:54 AM »
Regardless of the hormones you use, you use a lot, and a lot of them are sterilized with methylic alcohol, to prevent your glutes from getting abcesses.
Your liver cant process methylic alcohol, and it intoxicates your liver.
Lets give a big Amen to Underground 10ml bottles.

Don't play with your health.
Hope you recover.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2017, 07:59:42 AM »
Was diagnosed with multiple adenomas on the liver from an MRI scan back in march. Prior to the scan I was on very high doses on Testosterone, Trenbolone and Nandrolone.

About 2g-2.5g Test
1g Tren
1g Deca/NPP

Well my initial thought was that tren was the curlpit to these tumors as I wasn't taking any orals and assumed test/npp would be safe to use.

So since March I've stayed away tren and orals and stayed on Test/Deca/EQ.

2g Test
1g Deca
1g EQ

Just had a repeat MRI done last week and much to my surprise not only are the adenomas still there but they also grew and have more of them.

I dropped everything as of now as I don't know what caused what. I get did bloodwork before the initial MRI and found that my estrogen was very high, in the 400 range which means I was using bunk aromasin, plus prolactin was very high too at 37. I mentioning the estrogen as from the research I have done these adenomas are very common in women who use contraceptive pills and that estrogen or progesterone could be the culprit.

There are also cases where nandrolone has cause the growth of the adenomas if you do some basic research.

This is from on Nandrolone

Life-threatening peliosis hepatis and hepatic abnormalities such as hepatic neoplasms and hepatocellular carcinomas have occurred following prolonged therapy with high doses of anabolic steroids. Tumor regression did not occur in all cases following medication withdrawal. Cholestatic hepatitis, jaundice, and abnormal liver function tests may occur at relatively low dosages.

Hepatic tumors associated with anabolic steroid use are more vascular than other hepatic tumors and may remain silent until the development of life-threatening abdominal hemorrhage. Peliosis hepatis may present as mild liver dysfunction, but has resulted in liver failure.

From what I remember, I started getting all these issues when I first started using very high dosed of test and added nandrolones to the equation.
I used high doses of tren for years prior with test at about a gram and never once did I get any issues with my health.
What kind of treatment are you following? What prediction doctors given you for these adenomas?
I hope you get well soon


  • Getbig II
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2017, 11:43:48 PM »
Sorry to hear about your illness. I registered three weeks ago just to say that. I would like to ask a few things if I may.  How long were you on the large stack including the nandrolone decanoate? Have you ever used 17aa orals in large amounts or for extended periods? I've always heard how benign injectable esters where to the liver (Im 46 and always found aas interesting and researched them from the age of 20 till present day). First run was sustanon 250 by organon at 1ml every seven days for 12 weeks. I got major gains off of that but didn't have access again till years later.

     I know juice tanks your lipids at high doses and can cause prostate issues but have always heard how safe they were for the liver, excluding the orals. I left a link here on a DR I have followed on YouTube who sounds well versed and experienced in the subject of bodybuilders on steroids. This video actually talks a little bit about liver health. I wonder what your Drs think about the cause. I used deca and test e together at 600mg per week for a few months and when I came off I received extensive cystic acne on back, chest and arms. I dropped deca for good and never received acne to speak of again. Thanks for sharing and I hope everything turns out well for you.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2017, 02:04:32 AM »
Sorry to hear about your illness. I registered three weeks ago just to say that. I would like to ask a few things if I may.  How long were you on the large stack including the nandrolone decanoate? Have you ever used 17aa orals in large amounts or for extended periods? I've always heard how benign injectable esters where to the liver (Im 46 and always found aas interesting and researched them from the age of 20 till present day). First run was sustanon 250 by organon at 1ml every seven days for 12 weeks. I got major gains off of that but didn't have access again till years later.

     I know juice tanks your lipids at high doses and can cause prostate issues but have always heard how safe they were for the liver, excluding the orals. I left a link here on a DR I have followed on YouTube who sounds well versed and experienced in the subject of bodybuilders on steroids. This video actually talks a little bit about liver health. I wonder what your Drs think about the cause. I used deca and test e together at 600mg per week for a few months and when I came off I received extensive cystic acne on back, chest and arms. I dropped deca for good and never received acne to speak of again. Thanks for sharing and I hope everything turns out well for you.

Was reckless with my use, though thought otherwise at the time. Basically run gear 4 years non stop, no breaks, absolutely zero. All at very high doses.
Was on Trenbolone for the majority of the time. Things basically started going downhill when I upped my dose of Testosterone to 2-3grams a week and adding Nandrolone into the equation.
It's very hard to say exactly what caused the adenomas, and most Doctors are clueless when it comes to anabolic steroids.
From the research I have been doing high estrogen and progestins are big contributors to these adenomas.

At the doses you are using you have absolutely nothing to worry about, just make sure you take a break every once in a while or at least get some bloodwork.

And lastly I abused a lot of Anadrol in the past but it was way before I started developing all these issues. I haven't used any orals in the past 2.5 years.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2017, 08:41:21 AM »
Was reckless with my use, though thought otherwise at the time. Basically run gear 4 years non stop, no breaks, absolutely zero. All at very high doses.
Was on Trenbolone for the majority of the time. Things basically started going downhill when I upped my dose of Testosterone to 2-3grams a week and adding Nandrolone into the equation.
It's very hard to say exactly what caused the adenomas, and most Doctors are clueless when it comes to anabolic steroids.
From the research I have been doing high estrogen and progestins are big contributors to these adenomas.

At the doses you are using you have absolutely nothing to worry about, just make sure you take a break every once in a while or at least get some bloodwork.

And lastly I abused a lot of Anadrol in the past but it was way before I started developing all these issues. I haven't used any orals in the past 2.5 years.

Follow your doctors advice like religion. Forget about "doing research". You are where you are because of self medication fellow iron brother.

Steroids are very harmfull for your health, regardless of what you might convince yourself of. I have been down that road.

Save yourself and treasure your health while you still have some.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Liver Tumors/Hepatic Adenomas - Where Do I Go From Here
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2017, 11:37:39 PM »
Was reckless with my use, though thought otherwise at the time. Basically run gear 4 years non stop, no breaks, absolutely zero. All at very high doses.
Was on Trenbolone for the majority of the time. Things basically started going downhill when I upped my dose of Testosterone to 2-3grams a week and adding Nandrolone into the equation.
It's very hard to say exactly what caused the adenomas, and most Doctors are clueless when it comes to anabolic steroids.
From the research I have been doing high estrogen and progestins are big contributors to these adenomas.

At the doses you are using you have absolutely nothing to worry about, just make sure you take a break every once in a while or at least get some bloodwork.

And lastly I abused a lot of Anadrol in the past but it was way before I started developing all these issues. I haven't used any orals in the past 2.5 years.

    I've always been leery of stacking tren and deca together because they are both progesterone based. I find it odd that your alt/ ast liver values were in the normal range with the abnormalities that were found. Thanks for sharing your story brother. All you ever hear is how mild the injectables are other than prostate and cholesterol issues.