my mom actually did this about 12 years ago. She paid off her house really quickly by piggybacking these interest free credit cards(usually about 7-10k). She always paid them off within a year and paid zero interest. This saved her thousands on her house in interest.a The down side is you have to be aggressive paying them off. Her business was doing well at the time so it worked for her.
yes you have to treat it exactly as if it was loan. work out how much you need to pay back per month to clear the balance before interest free period ends and stick to it. i tend to just set up direct debit monthly payment then just forget about it till it's clear.
what is even better now is loads of CC companies also offer interest free balance transfer periods too. so if ever you run out of time to clear a balance you can just transfer to a new card and start the interest free period again.
if you have a modicum of common sense and don't go beyond what you can realistically afford to pay back you should never pay a penny of interest. leave it to the idiots to pay that.
p.s i only use them for big ticket purchases like a holiday or car .i never ever use day to do. in fact i never usually even remember what the pin number is after i used it for the one or 2 purchases i got it for.