Author Topic: Nolvadex & Aromatase Inhibitors. Understanding their use and when to use them  (Read 3645 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 374
  • Trensform
Aromatase inhibitors are very hard when it comes to nailing the dosage/amount and frequency/schedule. Besides, when I run them, actually I am speaking specifically for Aromasin, I start feeling depressed, low on energy/lose complete motivation, I lose hair more quickly, I start breaking out, I get dry skin/dandruff beard/dry itchy scalp, irritatated/angry/emotional, flat/can’t retain nitrogen/low stamina in the gym, on and off libido/either too good that it becomes bad or really bad, etc. I know Aromasin raises DHT by increasing total and free testosterone by reducing SHBG. More testosterone available, more that will be able/end up converting into DHT. Aromasin will allow less testosterone to convert into estrogen, if any at all, if you take too much. With Aromasin, you never want to nuke your estrogen as it is a king suicide inhibitor. It will completely deactivate/kill the estrogen which will in turn take sometimes weeks to come back up if you tanked it long enough. And some people, actually let me correct myself, most people, are prone to DHT side effects. So someone like myself avoiding too much conversion of testosterone into DHT, running something like Aromasin wouldn’t really help me. I ran proviron, and felt completely fine. It’s something to do with Aromatase Inhibitors. They are so powerful, they nuke the little estrogen our body produces. And no amount of steroids will bring those levels back faster, except for HCG which I try to avoid on cycle/blast as it will bring my estrogen above and beyond. The first 8 weeks of my cycle were smooth, 1000mg Testosterone Enanthate, 50mg Proviron, with no AI. Then got gyno which I fixed with 10-20mg of Nolvadex. I had to introduce Aromasin which is all I have right now to control/lower my estrogen. What I noticed, my pumps went down and started feeling worse. However, on Nolvadex I was perfectly fine. My body prefers a higher estrogen environment. I grow better, feel better, more happy, more energy, better skin, better hair, better thinking, better judgment, no dryness of eyes, better focus, insane pumps, good strength, stable libido, morning wood, and the list goes on. The only thing about high estrogen, speaking for myself, is how easily prone to gyno I am. I am currently running 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate twice per week Monday/Thursday protocol. I started my cycle with a gram and dropped my dosage down. Was running Aromasin at 12.5mg EOD, wasn’t enough. Upped to 12.5mg ED, became too much. That was on 500mg/week of Testosterone. My next idea was to run Aromasin at 6.25mg ED, after allowing enough time for my estrogen to bounce back up and for me to start feeling normal again. So I started thinking and asking myself, why should I keep playing this guessing game with Aromasin just like a yo-yo or roller coaster ride of estrogen ups and downs and never allowing my body to settle at a fixed level to finally feel normal again. Can’t be healthy to be in a constant battle to nail my AI dosing. So if I felt better running Nolvadex, why not just run it at 10mg/day to protect myself from gyno when I blast/cycle? I know Nolvadex kills the gains, and it’s bad on IGF levels, but I feel like it would be better for my case. Again, it’s all I have and Pharmaceutical Grade. Better than Raloxifene UGL and don’t know what it really might be. Most UGL products are either bunk or don’t work the way they should. I am using a regular dose of Testosterone. Nothing that will bring my estrogen to insanely high levels. And it will take the guessing game out of the equation. As Nolvadex is only blocking the receptors rather than tanking my estrogen. I feel like even at a gram of Testosterone, which I personally found unnecessary for my size, Nolvadex would be enough at 10mg at most 20mg per day for gyno protection. I feel like, actually I know that estrogen plays a vital role when it comes to hypertrophy. One of the main reasons that Testosterone is such a good mass building agent and why it is recommended to run aromatising compounds with for example Trenbolone. Whereas Testosterone is nice and simple. Anyways, what’s your take on this? Thanks. Also, keep in mind that AIs are bad on lipids, whereas I’ve never heard any of the sort with Nolvadex. Reason is because anything that impacts estrogen, by lowering it, affects HDL (lower) and LDL (increase) levels negatively. Which is why Masteron/Winstrol/Proviron are notorious for cardiovascular issues which are much more pronounced than other popular more potent hormones like testosterone which isn’t a pure DHT compound but rather being as anabolic as anadrogenic.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
Thats a lot to read with no paragraphs.