Author Topic: Deca inections always painful ?  (Read 6527 times)


  • Getbig II
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Deca inections always painful ?
« on: May 09, 2006, 10:37:42 PM »
I've got a question about Deca.On my first cycle I injected Deca & Test. cyp.The Deca was SYD's300mg.The Cyp. was SYD's 200mg.The Cyp. I pyramided  through the cycle on mon. & fri. The Deca I kept @ 300mg. wed.My question is.Dose deca always hurt like an S.O.B?I would inject it and the next morning it hurt so damn bad I could'nt hardly walk.It would get progresivly worse the next couple of days.Then ease up.I'm not a wuss by any means.I sacked up,And finished the cycle.But I'm a pro wrestler and cant miss practice or shows because of my inections.But I can't run,bump,or move quickly.Hell,I can barely lift or bend my leg.I tried EQ this last cycle I just finished.It went in smooth as a 16 year old girls ass.But I didn't care for the results I got.As far as mass went.I was extremly happy with the results I got on the Deca.LOVE IT!!! But I feel like I got shoot in the leg.That's where I inject.The quad.Now is it a mg.-CC ratio.Like if I got the 200/250.would it hurt less?Or what if I mixed it next time.Say with cyp. on Deca day.To sort of cut it.Any help would be apreciated.
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Re: Deca inections always painful ?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 06:38:30 AM »
Ive never experienced any out of the ordinary pain with deca.  But I always shoot it in my glute.  Also what is the ratio of Deca/test your taking again?  You want to make sure the test is higher than the deca.

Arnold jr

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Re: Deca inections always painful ?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 09:29:29 AM »
I've got a question about Deca.On my first cycle I injected Deca & Test. cyp.The Deca was SYD's300mg.The Cyp. was SYD's 200mg.The Cyp. I pyramided  through the cycle on mon. & fri. The Deca I kept @ 300mg. wed.My question is.Dose deca always hurt like an S.O.B?I would inject it and the next morning it hurt so damn bad I could'nt hardly walk.It would get progresivly worse the next couple of days.Then ease up.I'm not a wuss by any means.I sacked up,And finished the cycle.But I'm a pro wrestler and cant miss practice or shows because of my inections.But I can't run,bump,or move quickly.Hell,I can barely lift or bend my leg.I tried EQ this last cycle I just finished.It went in smooth as a 16 year old girls ass.But I didn't care for the results I got.As far as mass went.I was extremly happy with the results I got on the Deca.LOVE IT!!! But I feel like I got shoot in the leg.That's where I inject.The quad.Now is it a mg.-CC ratio.Like if I got the 200/250.would it hurt less?Or what if I mixed it next time.Say with cyp. on Deca day.To sort of cut it.Any help would be apreciated.
I've never experienced pain from deca.

Your problem may be the injection spot. You should be injecting the quad on the upper-outer section, check out for an exact location of where to inject in all muscles.

Also, a lot of guys really struggle with quad injections, you may be better off just finding a new spot to pin. Delts are usually the easiest.IMO

wes mantooth

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Re: Deca inections always painful ?
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 11:05:59 AM »
tried syd's deca once a few years pain for me....and it was mixed with cyp.

the above post might be right, try a new injection site


cook your gear....b.a. might be higher, but i never really got into cooking


heat the syringe full of gear under steaming hot water for about a minute....


you can also just mix it with plain oil.....that way it will disapate the b.a. a bit


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Re: Deca inections always painful ?
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2006, 12:29:09 PM »
deca shoulden't hurt..however i've heard that upwards of 250mg/ml does cause pain..i had a friend that had a bottle of test 400..and he wanted to just give it to me..

pack that much mgs into a ml.. somethings bound to give..
carpe` vaginum!


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Re: Deca inections always painful ?
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2006, 03:31:35 PM »
Well I was told that since it's a thicker AAS.That it could be more of a painful injection.Cyp.,Sust.EQ.,are some of the other gas I've used without a single problem.It's interesting that everybody I've had the opprotunity to talk to say the same thing.That while they can be uncomfortable.They dont have the ammount of pain I did.I was thinking possibly it was the batch I got my bottle form.(Tainted in some way)I dont know.But I do know it was legit gas.I blew up fast.Nagging pains from past injuries in the ring & gym magically went away.And of course the dreaded Deca dick came along.Till I up'ed my test.I've crused the board looking for answers to my problem.But haven't seen any other threads about this.So I figured I'd come out of the shadows and post my question here.I loved the hell out of that cycle.But I dreaded those Deca days.My guy excusivly gets SYD.300mg. Deca.So I'm limited.What if I either A. split my deca.1/2 CC mon.-1/2 CC fri.with my scheduald test injections.B. Inject my 300mg.1CC w/ test.1-2CC to kind of cut it on wed.I inject on the outter/upper part of my quad.And I switch legs injection by injection.I'm fortunate to have a buddy whose a nurse.Show me proper steileizing and injection procedures.So I'm not going in blind there.I will keep steaming it before injecting in mind.Thanks for the heads up.
give in to the darkside


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Re: Deca inections always painful ?
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2006, 04:05:58 PM »
Oh! the ratio was pyrdmided test cyp.Deca stayed the same throughout cycle.Every wed. Wk.1 200mg.test.mon. 300mg.deca wed. Week 2 same. Week 3.200mg.test. mon./200mg. fri. Week 4.300mg. mon./300mg. fri. Week 5. 400mg.mon./400mg.fri. Week 6.300mg. mon./300mg. fri. Week 7 200mg mon./200 mg. fri. Week 8.200mg.mon./200mg. fri. Week 9. 200mg.mon. Week 10. 200mg. mon.I now see the flaw in that cycle.Test was too low in the begining.And while I studied up before I ever put a pin in my body.Amazingly,The 2-1 ratio never surfaced till after the fact.Then it made sence why my buddy wouldn't stand at attention.But hey! it was my first cycle.We live we learn.Any advise?
give in to the darkside


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Re: Deca inections always painful ?
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2006, 12:31:46 AM »
Well I was told that since it's a thicker AAS.That it could be more of a painful injection.Cyp.,Sust.EQ.,are some of the other gas I've used without a single problem.It's interesting that everybody I've had the opprotunity to talk to say the same thing.That while they can be uncomfortable.They dont have the ammount of pain I did.I was thinking possibly it was the batch I got my bottle form.(Tainted in some way)I dont know.But I do know it was legit gas.I blew up fast.Nagging pains from past injuries in the ring & gym magically went away.And of course the dreaded Deca dick came along.Till I up'ed my test.I've crused the board looking for answers to my problem.But haven't seen any other threads about this.So I figured I'd come out of the shadows and post my question here.I loved the hell out of that cycle.But I dreaded those Deca days.My guy excusivly gets SYD.300mg. Deca.So I'm limited.What if I either A. split my deca.1/2 CC mon.-1/2 CC fri.with my scheduald test injections.B. Inject my 300mg.1CC w/ test.1-2CC to kind of cut it on wed.I inject on the outter/upper part of my quad.And I switch legs injection by injection.I'm fortunate to have a buddy whose a nurse.Show me proper steileizing and injection procedures.So I'm not going in blind there.I will keep steaming it before injecting in mind.Thanks for the heads up.

first time in my life i took 750mgs of sus last week.

never been above the 600 mark/week before EVER..even when i weighed 210 competition shape..and i mean you could hide half a penny in my serratus..

any how prop has always bothered me and after than shot for 3 days
1) had fever and cold sweats at night
2) this nagging wierd cough
3) god awefull pumps  8)
4) could hardly walk or touch that area..just hurt that bad..

my advice..warm that shit yup before ya shoot..lowers viscosity...might help...

warm it up in a bath..of course...yanno..have the bottle sit in a glass of hot water..
carpe` vaginum!


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Re: Deca inections always painful ?
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2006, 04:46:34 PM »
I myself just finished my first cycle w/ Sustanon in it.Suts.& EQ. I personally wasn't very impressed with my mass gains.But the EQ. made me cock strong.Thats another reason why I want to use Deca again.The mass gains I made were phenominal. ;D Just the pain was what made me shy away from it.I didn't have any problems w/ the sust. though.I've heard alot of people say that it can be a real bitch.But I am kind of questioning it's legitamacy.I understand the prop. is where it gets it's bite from.But mabe it was under dosed.I dont know.I drove dowm to nogales to get it.So it was from an unknown sourse.But getting back on track! I'm defanetly gonna do the warming before injecting.It makes scense to me.At this stage of my taking gas.The 300mg. is enough for me right now.Evenually I'll up my dose as time gose on.I was thinking 200mg2x's wk=400. 250mg.2x'swk=500.That would be easier than taking it all in one injection.If pre-heating dosn't do the trick.Thanks for the advice Toxic.I appreciate it bro.
give in to the darkside