Author Topic: Books for 240  (Read 1523 times)


  • Getbig V
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Books for 240
« on: August 20, 2006, 02:10:11 PM »
I have the feeling 240 will not have time to post so much in the future, here's a list of books that might interest you, knock yourself out!  :)

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BUX001 14.00 50 YEARS IS ENOUGH - The case against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

BUX092 14.95 AIDS & THE DOCTORS OF DEATH - An inquiry into the origin of the AIDS epidemic. By Alan Cantwell.

BUX049 10.95 AMERICA'S SECRET DESTINY - Spiritual vision and the founding of a nation. Robert Hieronimus, Phd.

BUX068 14.95 ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS H.A.A.R.P. - The U.S. government's new ground-based "Star Wars" weapon in remote Alaska.

BUX050 16.95 ARKTOS:THE POLAR MYTH - Explores the tangled web of myths, scientific notions and religious beliefs surrounding the poles.

BUX051 25.00 BEHOLD A PALE HORSE - Bill Cooper's classic on UFO's, the secret government, the war on drugs, and the assisination of JFK.

BF2009 $24.95 BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI - 620 pages of unique historical genealogical who's-doing-it book of the world movers and shakers. Do they have plans for you? What is it? Fritz Springmeier.

BUX033 12.95 BLACK HELICOPTERS OVER AMERICA - The strikeforce for the New World Order. The truth behind the secret war within our borders.

BUX053 12.95 CASEBOOK ON ALTERNATIVE 3 - UFO's, secret societies, and world control. Is the plan truth or a hoax? By Jim Keith.

BUX054 11.95 CHAOS IN AMERICA - Learn how to survive the current economic decline with investments, real estate, food, energy, and self-defense.

BUX056 16.95 CONSPIRITORS HIERACHY COMMITTEE OF 300 - Dr. John Coleman rips the lid off the conspiratorial group above the laws of all countries.

BUX010 25.00 DEFRAUDING AMERICA: A PATTERN OF RELATED SCANDALS - Dirty secrets of the CIA and other government operations. (2nd Ed.).

BUX058 11.00 DESCENT INTO SLAVERY - The international bankers and their total involvement in creating a totalitarian One World Government.

BUX112 20.00 DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION - An account of the treasonous conduct by the governments of Britain and the U.S.

> BUX105 19.95 DISNEYLAND OF THE GODS - Does somebody else really own this earth and use it as an amusement park of the gods.

BUX059 9.95 DUMBING US DOWN - The hidden curriculum of compulsory schooling. By John Taylor Gatto.

BUX027 11.00 ENDANGERED MINDS - Why children don't think and what we can do about it.

BUX091 7.00 ENERGY NON-CRISIS - The control of the world population through the control of oil. By Lindsey Williams.

BUX097 9.95 ENROUTE TO GLOBAL OCCUPATION - A high ranking government liaison exposes the secret agenda for world unification.

BUX063 6.99 HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL - Do parchments found in the south of France a century ago reveal one of the best-kept secrets in religion.

BUX064 24.95 BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI - Who is in charge of this planet? Excellent research on the top 13 families who control the world. Not for the 'faint hearted' but for those who want the truth! By Fritz Springmeier

BUX065 9.95 ILLUMINATI PAPERS - By Robert Anton Wilson.

BUX101 13.95 LAST WALTZ OF THE TYRANTS - Prophecies of the Ram. The most important and succinct history of the world you will ever read.

BUX036 18.95 MAN-MADE UFO'S 1944-1994 - 50 years of suppression. Blows the lid off the Government's UFO conspiracy. By David Childress.

BUX071 5.95 MESSIANIC LEGACY - The controversial sequel to the best-selling book "Holy Blood, Holy Grail".

BUX072 12.95 NOTHING IN THIS BOOK IS TRUE, BUT ITS EXACTLY HOW THINGS ARE - This book has it all. By Bob Frissell.

BUX012 14.00 ORION MYSTERY - Unlocking the secrets of the pyramids.

BUX076 12.95 PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT & OTHER UFO CONSPIRACIES - Also includes information on genetic cloning, age regression, and time travel.

BUX103 19.95 POPULAR ALIENATION - An anthology of nine issues of the highly acclaimed Steamshovel Press conspiracy journal.

BUX104 12.95 PSYCHIC DICTATORSHIP IN THE USA - Uncovers the terrible extent of mind control techniques in use today.

BUX080 12.95 RACKETEERING IN MEDICINE - Profits for the pharmaceutical companies as justification for suppression of alternative medicine.

BUX005 12.95 ROSWELL UFO CRASH UPDATE - Exposing the military cover-up of the century. By Capt. Kevin Randle (Ret.).

BUX106 12.95 SECRET AND SUPPRESSED - Banned ideas and hidden history. Master of conspiracy Jim Keith does it again.

BUX082 9.95 SECRET DESTINY OF AMERICA - Manly P. Hall's epic on the founding of America.

BUX113 16.95 SECRETS OF COLD WAR TECHNOLOGY - Complete technical history of secret military projects.

BUX109 17.95 SPACE ALIENS FROM THE PENTAGON - The "Big Lie" about UFO's. Don't miss this book!

BUX017 9.95 STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON - Who was the man who had no finger prints, could read minds, and whose garments could not be destroyed?

BUX083 7.00 SYNDROME OF CONTROL - The plot of the international financiers. By Lindsey Williams.

BUX114 39.95 THE COMMANDER X FILES - Former military intelligence operative battles with secret govt. and alien forces.

BUX003 19.95 THE CONTROLLERS - The hidden rulers of earth identified by Commander X, retired military intelligence operative.

BUX084 7.00 TO SEDUCE A NATION - Who controls America? Has our republic been seduced? By Lindsey Williams.

BUX110 14.95 TREASON: THE NEW WORLD ORDER - Comprehensive analysis of the Patriot movement and New World Order.

BUX085 5.50 UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL - The complete, uncensored, and indisputable true story of alien contact at Roswell, New Mexico.

BUX086 10.95 UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES - Commander X discusses the elaborate underground facilities built by the government and aliens.

BUX006 13.95 UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNELS - A must read for students of conspiracy, technology supression, UFO's, and the New World Order.

BUX025 14.95 WHO FINANCED HITLER - The secret funding for Hitler's rise to power (1919 - 1933).

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 31865
Re: Books for 240
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2006, 05:42:02 PM »
There's a lot of good stuff here.  A lot of this is also online.