Author Topic: 240 is right...  (Read 4688 times)

240 is Back

  • Getbig V
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Re: 240 is right...
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2006, 12:17:58 PM »
that controlled demo could not be pulled off without a team of civilian professionals.  Someone would have talked by now.

If a group has the power, money, pull and audacity to kill 3000, finding the right group of military or ex-military wouldn't be a problem.  most likely israeli spec forces.  And given the choice, either take $5M for a month's work, or have you and your family killed, something tells me they're pretty motivated to STFU.

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Re: 240 is right...
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2006, 12:22:37 PM »
the only possible thing i can think of is that if wtc7 really did house so many offices of agencies with sensitive info like the CIA, that maybe they had the building wired at all tiems as a last-ditch self destruct type measure in order to keep any classified info from leaking in the case of an emergency, and that 911 was just that, so maybe they 'pulled it' so nothing would get out in the chaos.

They denied any.  And Silverstein committed fraud to the tune of half a billion dollars if so.  And it would go against every city code in NY history.  And explosives degrade over time.  And they surely wouldn't have chosen to detonate it during such a crazy time.  And since the building was built over the a nice chunk of NYC's power grid, it was a very expensive bomb.  And the bulding had very very small fire damage.  And they never tried to fight it.  And they evac'd the building at 9:45 - they'd at least get their shit out before blowing it up.  Many SEC documents were lost, causing loss of a lot of cases.  And every official lied about it, blamed the fires


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Re: 240 is right...
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2006, 12:44:15 PM »

building collapses were controlled demolition.  Please watch the towers drop in slow speed.  There are dust jets from explosions, complete symmetrical falling, concrete pulverization for the first time in history from a falling building,  steel beams being shot FIFTY STORIES SIDEWAYS from the building.  You do not get that kind of force from materials collapse.

here is an interesting comment from the above site:

And some have concluded that this can only happen through explosives:

However, you’ll note there’s rarely any attempt to prove this: it’s usually just someone saying “well, it’s obvious, isn’t it?” So let’s consider a few facts.

This is and has been my main problem with all of this conspiracy stuff:

The whole basis for argument seems to be a bunch of unqualified laymen (you and me and all of us) looking at a buch of videos and saying

"well look ! Its obvious it HAS to be that way"

Problem is, the mechanisms of what actually went on inside such an emormous fire with 50,000 gallions of jet fuel in an enclosed space are VERY complex.  Things can happen inside such an environment that you and I are not able to foresee because we lack the necessary training and experience.  And people on this board are in no way qualified to judge these videos and jump to conclusions without expertise in such an area. And NONE of us have this expertise. Period.

Just an observation: these theories are being thrown around as if we all have Ph.D's in structural engineering, materials science, and the like.

and none of us do.

When you combine that fact with the fact that a lot of what has been said is directly refuted on sites like the above, it makes it pretty tough to believe that what is being said is obviously true as claimed.

WTC7 I cannot explain.

But then again, why should I be able to. I work in water and wastewater treatment with a degree in biology.

I am not qualified to do so.  Nor do I claim to be.

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  • Getbig V
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Re: 240 is right...
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2006, 01:03:38 PM »
that controlled demo could not be pulled off without a team of civilian professionals.  Someone would have talked by now.
I don't know if this is the team or not, but it's not totally impossible that this is part of it.  As much as Inteseone hates this link, every last bit of info in this work is sourced.from the BBC to Fox News.  We teamed with Israel on an act against our own as a pretext for war once with the USS LIberty... Maybe this was the second time.

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Re: 240 is right...
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2006, 01:04:05 PM »
Even the PhDs on a govt payroll couldn't come up with a reasonable scenario for why the WTC7 fell.  inside, it was a wealth of zigzagged spine.  In other words, its symmtetrical falling down was jsut incredible.

The 911 commission wouldn't talk about the bulding falling.  

Hell, Jimmy Walters put up ONE MILLION DOLLARS to anyone who can prove it wasn't brought down due to explosives.  We should have a lot of rich scientists out you'd think that one of these people willing to talk about it on the web would call him up with some evidence.

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Re: 240 is right...
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2006, 01:07:59 PM »
And the fuel... jeez, everyone quotes the fuel.  Check it.  When the building fell, all of its windows were still intact.  If the 42,000 gal capacity fuel tank (although only reported to be at 12k gallons when it went down) HAD explosded, we would have seen a few windows go.  And it sure as heck wouldn't have been symmetrical- And, while it might have taken out part of the lower section of the building, the top half, completely unharmed 1 second before the collapse, surely wouldn't have been pulverized.  Ever see those car bombs on the news?  The shell always remains and the blast is incredible.  What we had on WTC7 was a series of powerful, very small yet very numerous blasts directly on those 2 support columns and on each floor, simultaneously.  And, since the penthouse up top "kinks" and collapses FIRST, we can rule out those fuel tanks and point out the classic sign of a controlled demo, the kinking roof.