Author Topic: A pro who actually attracts chicks.  (Read 11748 times)


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #75 on: September 29, 2006, 11:36:12 AM »
What about body88 and Branch Warren?

I would put a bet on the Gunter challenge. It could never happen tho.I would offer to show you a pic but you would call me gay.Whatever tho doesent really matter since this is the internet. I have never seen Gunter in Person so maybe I am wrong about him. Gunter looks great come contest. It was the offseason look I was referring to mostly.

My statement that chicks do not dig ALL bodybuilders was wrong. I should have said the mass freaks and guys like ruhl and cutler. Gunter is 6'2 so i guess that could make him propionate at 300.

Matt C

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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #76 on: September 29, 2006, 11:50:09 AM »


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #77 on: September 29, 2006, 11:51:38 AM »
Women would be curious about him because of his size but Gunter in ANY form that he has had over his pro bodybuilding career is RARELY a woman's ideal.  Would a woman be ok with it?  Sure.  He makes up for it with his looks, but he would look better at 230.

Here is Bob Paris, probably around 220 or so.  I think this is around ideal.

This is my opinion of ideal.....


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #78 on: September 29, 2006, 11:58:55 AM »
Basically agreed. I wouldn't classify Gunther in that though. In person, he actually looks very proportionate not 'big & stupid'. Markus, Cutler, definitely Ronnie would all be too big. The medium type sized pros like Dugdale and Darrem would be considered rather ideal by women. Some of the pros appear so large in pics etc... but in person dressed just look like large athletic guys.
I just don't buy this at all. Part of the reason you're on this message board CQ, is because you are partial to male bodybuilders. Dugdale and Darrem are considered way too big by most women. They look like the type that spend all their time lifting weights, without any other skills or hobbies. Not necessarily a correct assessment, but that is what people (women) think when they see a guy with that much mass.

I always go back to this...there are women in this world who are single who can basically attract any man they want due to their looks, wealth, etc. Why aren't these women seen with "Joe-national-champion bodybuilder" instead of skinny rock singers, investment bankers, actors, etc.? Could it be that there is more (MUCH more) to the equation when it comes to what women find attractive aside from large muscles? Horny women with a muscle-fetish may seek out good-looking pro-sized bodybuilders to see what they are like sexually, but most women want a man with a certain a confidence and charisma...but also ambition and some type of career that brings home the $$. Most women are less visual and more practical, the very opposite of most men.

Matt C

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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #79 on: September 29, 2006, 12:07:29 PM »


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #80 on: September 29, 2006, 12:10:50 PM »
Are you suggesting that a pro bodybuilder physique is more ideal than say a guy at 5'10 and 210 in good condition?  If you really believe that you should realize that you are the exception.  I think I could get up to around 220 and attract more and more girls, but I think it would stop there.  Once I get past 220 I would probably start looking stupid.  I do think I look better at 190 than I did at 150 and I will look better at 210 than I do now.  But this improvement only goes to a certain point before extra muscle is actually a bad thing.

Didn't you see Gunter at the 2005 ASC weighing an *alledged* (and I doubt this claim) 270 soaking wet?  No wonder you considered that to be ideal.  He was small and fat compared to his normal size.  He is up to close to 350 in the offseason in the same condition you saw him in - meaning he was upwards of 80 pounds smaller than usual.  He was both less muscular and at a more healthy body fat.

Matt, I have seen Gunther and many of the other pros in all conditions. I work as a promoter here and deal with them for guest posings and have probably been to maybe 25 pro shows over the years. I was refering to Gunther at just about any weight.

I am also not refering to my ideals, my ideals are far from Gunther. My husband was a whooping 150lbs 8)

I am just talking as a female and from things I have seen. I have been to dinner with a group of pros and seen regular [read:non-fitness] women fawning all over them. I have traveled with a good friend of mine who is a pro and seen 'regular' women hitting on him. I have seen the hotel staff just drool over them.

People keep saying that 200 odd pounds is good. Does one not realize many pros are not much above this? Their claimed weights not withstanding, the true weights. I totally agree that the 300lb guys would be considered too big.

Guys believe what you want, but as a chick I can tell you, majority of women like muscles. Not big heaping obvious steroid freaks, but musclarity is a plus.

Kind of reminds me of when I got my implants. All my flat chested friends told me they looked bad, and guys like flat chests better. Allrighty then ::)


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #81 on: September 29, 2006, 12:14:34 PM »
I just don't buy this at all. Part of the reason you're on this message board CQ, is because you are partial to male bodybuilders.

Umm, Lee if you notice I very rarely comment of the male side of the sport but always have my two cents with the female side. I am more a follower of the female side - specifically fitness. I was a huge female bb fan originally, that is how I first came into this arena :)


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #82 on: September 29, 2006, 12:19:55 PM »
Yes it is true CQ, women love muscles.

When I was 160, girls would say I have enough and I didn't need to get bigger  ::), as I gradually got more muscle, there were more and more girls saying that I was ideal and don't go any further, and I gurantee I could put on another 30 pounds of pure muscle (not possible naturally, but just for the sake of example), and there would be even more girls saying that is ideal.  It is totally possible to have too much muscle, but how much muscle that is is a LOT.  A guy who is 5'10 can probably be a lean 220 and not be considered too big.  Of course guys like Markus Ruhl will always disgust more often than attract, but the amount of muscle women (lots of women) do like is a lot more than they let on.

Agreed entirely!

Plus, not hitting on you or anything, but you are also a goodlooking guy. You with muscularity is a good thing. Not trying to be mean, but some of the pros are kind of beastly looking so no matter what their physique looks like it may not help.


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #83 on: September 29, 2006, 01:56:56 PM »
Well thank you CQ.  :D  I still have a hard time distinguishing exactly what is getting me the attention from girls since I didn't start getting them until I started working out, but it was then that I decided to actually be more conscious of other things like dressing well and just taking care of myself overall.  Not to mention the boost in confidence that came along with it.  So there are a lot of extraneous variables at play, but I think that no matter how you cut it, muscle is definitely a plus.  I also agree with Alan Thicke in the Bob Paris youtube clip that a lot of women will say they don't like muscles sort of as a way to make the smaller guys feel happier about themselves.
Nobody wants to be with a slob male or female but I think most females tend to go for the "rugged" type of physique over a totally shaved bob paris look.

... think russell crowe in gladiator... flat stomach but not six pack, some body hair but not an ape, strong arms and hands (that is a BIG one from my experience - girls love big strong hands and forearms)


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #84 on: September 29, 2006, 04:36:02 PM »
Umm, Lee if you notice I very rarely comment of the male side of the sport but always have my two cents with the female side. I am more a follower of the female side - specifically fitness. I was a huge female bb fan originally, that is how I first came into this arena :)
I understand that CQ, as I tend to follow (or care about) the women's side more myself.  :) However, I still believe you are partial to unsually muscular men due to your interest and participation in this sport for what seems to be many years.

What you talk about is a natural sexual attraction that goes with having muscle. I think there is a visceral reaction most women have towards seeing an especially buff guy. I know it has gotten me my share of attention over the years, and I'm no giant. ;D It's great, and a motivational factor for most guys in keeping up their training.

I don't deny that many, or even most, women would drool over the average pro bodybuilder physique upon intially seeing one. However, I think much of it is the novelty factor. And I think that wears off rather quickly for most women if you don't have something else going for you to back up the muscle. Its kind of like the "one-night stand" worthy guy vs. the "long-term partner" worthy guy. Most single guys have no problem being the one-night stand guy.  ;D But in choosing a mate CQ, I find it less than ironic that you chose a husband who weighed 150 when you are stating that virtually ALL women fantasize and want to be with a guy who's 5'8" 220 pounds of chemically-enhanced muscle.

Bottom line, women are confused.  :P


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #85 on: September 29, 2006, 04:52:09 PM »
funny thread.. the thought that women do not like a guy who's 200 lbs and 10 percent bodyfat is totally wrong. and made up by 160 lb lardasses. all the people who do not lift try to say that. I've spoken with many women about this as well, and they all say muscle is great but only to a point. Most women are not attracted to ronnie coleman/jc. gunter though on the other hand has a way better overall looking body, so more women are gonna be attracted to him as opposed to other pro BB.


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #86 on: September 29, 2006, 05:25:35 PM »
I understand that CQ, as I tend to follow (or care about) the women's side more myself.  :) However, I still believe you are partial to unsually muscular men due to your interest and participation in this sport for what seems to be many years.

What you talk about is a natural sexual attraction that goes with having muscle. I think there is a visceral reaction most women have towards seeing an especially buff guy. I know it has gotten me my share of attention over the years, and I'm no giant. ;D It's great, and a motivational factor for most guys in keeping up their training.

I don't deny that many, or even most, women would drool over the average pro bodybuilder physique upon intially seeing one. However, I think much of it is the novelty factor. And I think that wears off rather quickly for most women if you don't have something else going for you to back up the muscle. Its kind of like the "one-night stand" worthy guy vs. the "long-term partner" worthy guy. Most single guys have no problem being the one-night stand guy.  ;D But in choosing a mate CQ, I find it less than ironic that you chose a husband who weighed 150 when you are stating that virtually ALL women fantasize and want to be with a guy who's 5'8" 220 pounds of chemically-enhanced muscle.

Bottom line, women are confused.  :P

Very good points.

I never stated that all women want "a guy who's 5'8" 220 pounds of chemically-enhanced muscle" or anything really similar. In fact, I said the drugged up look is not the ideal one for most women. I was merely saying that women in general do like muscularity. A 150lbs rake is less likely to get 'the looks' from women as a 220lb buff guy. The majority of guys on this site probably get more 'looks' than then guys say...on a chess forum. And yeah, as you said yourself the pros do and can attract attention from women.

I also firmly agree that is choosing a mate a myraid of qualities are more important than outward appearance hence why I choose my husband despite his total non-bodybuilder appearence to put it mildy. He weighed the immense weight of 150lbs stretched over a 6ft frame. He was a great guy though:)


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #87 on: September 29, 2006, 05:52:37 PM »
I never stated that all women want "a guy who's 5'8" 220 pounds of chemically-enhanced muscle" or anything really similar. In fact, I said the drugged up look is not the ideal one for most women.

The medium type sized pros like Dugdale and Darrem would be considered rather ideal by women.
This is the reason I made the above statement, CQ. Not to nitpick, but it sounds like you are contradicting yourself a bit here.  ;) I've seen both Dugdale and Darrem in person, and they definitely look overtly enhanced. They don't look huge onstage next to Ronnie and Jay, but next to a guy like me who is above-average in muscularity they still look like circus freaks.

It's all good...I think we agree more than we disagree on this topic.  :)


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #88 on: September 29, 2006, 06:11:17 PM »
This is the reason I made the above statement, CQ. Not to nitpick, but it sounds like you are contradicting yourself a bit here.  ;) I've seen both Dugdale and Darrem in person, and they definitely look overtly enhanced. They don't look huge onstage next to Ronnie and Jay, but next to a guy like me who is above-average in muscularity they still look like circus freaks.

It's all good...I think we agree more than we disagree on this topic.  :)

I am nitpicking back >:( ;)

And yes, we do basically agree. I just don't really think those guys look that enhanced in person if they are dressed. Onstage, yeah they look beyond enhanced. Dugdale dressed normally doesn't really huge or anything. At 200lbs he is not that much bigger than many guys.


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #89 on: September 29, 2006, 06:29:18 PM »
Dugdale is 5'6", and at 200 pounds. Trust me, he looks "unusual" to the average eye. Especially when you have seen him in the gym, as I have. At that height 180 is pretty heavy...add 20 more pounds and you look "enhanced", clothed or not. Your walk (or shall I say waddle), the way you hold your arms, everything is different. And that's 200 pounds in contest condition. Offseason he's probably a very around 220, a weight no normal individual could achieve at that height without looking like a fat slob.


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #90 on: September 29, 2006, 06:39:45 PM »
Your walk (or shall I say waddle), the way you hold your arms, everything is different.

I agree on the walk. Seems more pronounced with the shorter guys.


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #91 on: September 29, 2006, 06:45:06 PM »
You guys can all agree until the end of time. There is a reason why Hollywood asks actors to "slim down" if they are very muscular. There is also a reason why Brad Pitt and Colin Ferall are considered "hot" by most every woman on the planet. If chicks loved huge muscles they would love bodybuilders. They don't so deal with it. Some women like huge guys. Tiny number. Women like muscular(reasonable), handsome ,smart and charismatic men.

You can yap about Gunter all you want. He looks like a total idiot offseason. Bloated face. Red tint. Absolutely gigantic. There is no way in Christ he would walk into a club and pull normal hot women more than a equally handsome guy off about 200 ripped pounds. If you think that he would, you spend way to much time on this board and at bodybuilding shows. Not a flame on Gunter he is a goodlooking guy. Just reality.

Yes bodybuilder are capable of gettting hot women. But how many bodybuilders do you know that date hot women that do not compete or have some connection to the bb world? I am not trying to claim bb cannot get hot women. I am stating the fact those who think gigantic muscle attracts hot girls are clinically insane.


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Re: A pro who actually attracts chicks.
« Reply #92 on: September 29, 2006, 07:19:52 PM »
You guys can all agree until the end of time. There is a reason why Hollywood asks actors to "slim down" if they are very muscular. There is also a reason why Brad Pitt and Colin Ferall are considered "hot" by most every woman on the planet. If chicks loved huge muscles they would love bodybuilders. They don't so deal with it. Some women like huge guys. Tiny number. Women like muscular(reasonable), handsome ,smart and charismatic men.

You can yap about Gunter all you want. He looks like a total idiot offseason. Bloated face. Red tint. Absolutely gigantic. There is no way in Christ he would walk into a club and pull normal hot women more than a equally handsome guy off about 200 ripped pounds. If you think that he would, you spend way to much time on this board and at bodybuilding shows. Not a flame on Gunter he is a goodlooking guy. Just reality.

Yes bodybuilder are capable of gettting hot women. But how many bodybuilders do you know that date hot women that do not compete or have some connection to the bb world? I am not trying to claim bb cannot get hot women. I am stating the fact those who think gigantic muscle attracts hot girls are clinically insane.
Actually I agree with you completely. I just want to make peace with CQ 'cause she's a lady, and I am (mostly) a gentleman.  ;D