Author Topic: Nobody cares what Democrats knew  (Read 2748 times)

Mr. Intenseone

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Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« on: October 04, 2006, 09:42:38 PM »
RUSH: The Drive-By Media is now breathlessly reporting -- I was watching Fox News at the top of the hour -- the FBI, the justice department has now formally launched its investigation, and they are demanding that every Foley record be preserved. All of these Drive-By Media organizations are now breathlessly reporting that the FBI is actually now investigating. By the way, just as Hastert asked that they do, and this would be the same FBI which in July, when presented with the e-mails -- not the instant messages, but with the e-mails -- apparently decided not to pursue the case, and nobody seems to remember that.

 Nobody seems to remember that when the first little couple of e-mails came out and they were shown the FBI, they said, "Ah, nothing to investigate here." Brian Ross, ABC, a brilliant investigative journalist, said, (lib journo impression) "No, I didn't see a Pulitzer here. Why should I investigate this? Why, no, we've got the anniversary of Katrina to destroy the Bush administration again with. We've got the anniversary of 9/11 to build up the Clinton administration. I don't have time for a bunch of little seedy e-mails from a third-rate congressman from Florida that I never heard of." No one seems to remember all that, though. Now, I'm assuming, ladies and gentlemen, that the FBI will look into who had these instant messages for all this time.

Now, when they say they're going to preserve all Foley records, I assume that means all the records on Foley's computer, but there are a whole lot of other Foley records out there that are on computers of other people, and I wonder how far this investigation will go in upturning or turning up, down-turning, whatever, information about Foley on other people's computers, like Democrats, perhaps. Grab audio sound bite 3-A, if you will, Mike. This is Dick Morris who was on Hannity & Colmes last night, and Hannity said to him, "When innocent people are smeared, Dick, I've gotta believe that people would tend to side with the people that are being smeared, and I see that this is happening more and more in this scandal."

MORRIS: And that's going to backfire on the Democrats by focusing on what did Hastert know because you know that some of the Democratic congressmen new. I had a reporter that told me today that she knows that one very prominent member of the Democratic leadership knew about this for months, and came out --

HANNITY: It's a big story.

MORRIS: Came out -- yeah, but it's up to her to break it.

RUSH: Yeah, see, that's the thing. Dick knows but it's up to her to break it, meaning the info babe. But he says he knows from a reporter that the Democratic congressman leadership knew about this for months. Isn't it interesting that that story hasn't been broken, isn't it? In the process of trying to destroy Hastert, in the process of trying to destroy Hastert over all this, in the process of getting duped conservatives to go along with the notion that Hastert ought to quit, that Hastert ought to step down, here's Dick Morris on television last night say, yeah, I talked to a reporter. There's a Democrat member of the leadership that's known about this for a long time. Nobody's interested in that.
RUSH: The Drive-By Media is now breathlessly reporting -- I was watching Fox News at the top of the hour -- the FBI, the justice department has now formally launched its investigation, and they are demanding that every Foley record be preserved. All of these Drive-By Media organizations are now breathlessly reporting that the FBI is actually now investigating. By the way, just as Hastert asked that they do, and this would be the same FBI which in July, when presented with the e-mails -- not the instant messages, but with the e-mails -- apparently decided not to pursue the case, and nobody seems to remember that.

 Nobody seems to remember that when the first little couple of e-mails came out and they were shown the FBI, they said, "Ah, nothing to investigate here." Brian Ross, ABC, a brilliant investigative journalist, said, (lib journo impression) "No, I didn't see a Pulitzer here. Why should I investigate this? Why, no, we've got the anniversary of Katrina to destroy the Bush administration again with. We've got the anniversary of 9/11 to build up the Clinton administration. I don't have time for a bunch of little seedy e-mails from a third-rate congressman from Florida that I never heard of." No one seems to remember all that, though. Now, I'm assuming, ladies and gentlemen, that the FBI will look into who had these instant messages for all this time.

Now, when they say they're going to preserve all Foley records, I assume that means all the records on Foley's computer, but there are a whole lot of other Foley records out there that are on computers of other people, and I wonder how far this investigation will go in upturning or turning up, down-turning, whatever, information about Foley on other people's computers, like Democrats, perhaps. Grab audio sound bite 3-A, if you will, Mike. This is Dick Morris who was on Hannity & Colmes last night, and Hannity said to him, "When innocent people are smeared, Dick, I've gotta believe that people would tend to side with the people that are being smeared, and I see that this is happening more and more in this scandal."

MORRIS: And that's going to backfire on the Democrats by focusing on what did Hastert know because you know that some of the Democratic congressmen new. I had a reporter that told me today that she knows that one very prominent member of the Democratic leadership knew about this for months, and came out --

HANNITY: It's a big story.

MORRIS: Came out -- yeah, but it's up to her to break it.

RUSH: Yeah, see, that's the thing. Dick knows but it's up to her to break it, meaning the info babe. But he says he knows from a reporter that the Democratic congressman leadership knew about this for months. Isn't it interesting that that story hasn't been broken, isn't it? In the process of trying to destroy Hastert, in the process of trying to destroy Hastert over all this, in the process of getting duped conservatives to go along with the notion that Hastert ought to quit, that Hastert ought to step down, here's Dick Morris on television last night say, yeah, I talked to a reporter. There's a Democrat member of the leadership that's known about this for a long time. Nobody's interested in that. That would be a good title of a book: "Perverted with Pages." Regardless, we're just supposed to let that go, Howard, that that's not relevant, Howard? It's only relevant when Democrats can turn up such stuff about Republicans, but when the Republicans do it in response, it's just nothing? "Democrats are focusing for now on Hastert’s fate, and the 'who knew what when' angle, but will soon get back to Foley himself—and those excruciatingly explicit instant messages." Okay, what that means is this: If Hastert refuses to step down, they're going to go back tomorrow, tonight, the next day, whatever, and dribble-drabble, squirt out some more Foley instant messages that just seem to be popping up here automatically, at random, and so forth. So that's where we are, FBI, official investigation underway. Foley's records impounded and ordered preserved.


RUSH: There has been a resignation, ladies and gentlemen, involving the Foley case. (story) "A top aide to Representative Thomas Reynolds last week approached ABC News to try to get its investigative unit," Brian Ross, "to withhold sexually explicit instant messages that now disgraced Representative Mark Foley sent to teenaged boys who worked as pages. Kirk Fordham, Reynolds' chief of staff, acknowledged in an interview Tuesday that he approached ABC News Brian Ross last Friday with an offer: Ross would get the exclusive story on Foley's resignation from Congress in exchange for withholding those salacious instant messages. Fordham said he never discussed the offer with his boss Reynolds. Instead, Fordham said he acted in an effort to shield Foley's family, especially his elderly parents from the lurid contents of the instant messages."

Fordham has just resigned. I think Fordham might have served as his chief of staff. Yes, he did. Fordham worked for Foley for ten years until early 2004, has rained in touch with his former boss, purely figuratively, of course. Kirk Fordham has resigned because of his attempt to get ABC not to run the news of the instant messages, without telling his boss. So a Republican has fallen on the sword, or has been thrown overboard or under the bus. Interesting story here in the Washington Post: "Some Say They Felt Uneasy About Representative's Attention -- In 1995, male House pages were warned to steer clear of a freshman Republican from Florida, who was already learning the names of the teenagers, dashing off notes, letters and e-mails to them, and asking them to join him for ice cream, according to a former page."

 That must be the silk-and-swirl technique there being practiced. "Mark Beck-Heyman, now a graduate student in clinical psychology at George Washington University, and more than a dozen other former House pages said in interviews and via e-mail that Rep. Mark Foley was known to be extraordinarily friendly in a way that made some of them uncomfortable." This is in 1995 when Foley just got there. This is 11 years ago! Now, stick welcome on this. Eleven years ago, Foley is elected to Congress in 1994. A freshman Republican, Foley, part of the 1994 class -- of which I am an honorary member, by the way; I am honorary member, freshman class, 1994. So 1995, Foley's been there whatever length of time, not much, not even, you know, just a few months.

I don't know when the pages start. Foley could have been there just a week or two, and already his M.O. was known? Who sat on this? Eleven years! It's been known for 11 years. This is a former page who worked at the Clinton White House and for the Kerry campaign. "Mark Beck-Heyman, who was a Republican page and is now a Democrat, said the attention was 'weird,' and he provided a handwritten letter that Foley sent him after the page left Washington to return home to California. The note suggested that they get together during the Republican National Convention in San Diego in 1996. The e-mail exchanges that have become public in recent days are between Foley and male former pages. None of those..."

No, no, that's instant messages! They keep confusing these. None of those interviewed said they had received a sexual or a suggestive overtone from him during their time on Capitol Hill, only when they were away from town. Only when they were out of town. "'Mark Foley knew that he could get away with this type of behavior with male pages because he was a congressman,' said Beck-Heyman, who later worked in the Clinton White House and on Sen. John F. Kerry's presidential campaign. 'But many people on Capitol Hill,' including many Republican staffers, 'have known for over 11 years about what was going on and chose to do nothing,' he said." Hey, Mr. Mark Beck-Heyman, if this is all true, why didn't you guys use this in 2000? Why didn't you use it in 2002?

Why didn't you use it in 2004? Why didn't you use it in '96? Why didn't you use it in '98? If you knew this guy is out there acting as a predator against you and other male pages in the House, why did you hold and sit on this for 11 years? So this guy who was a Republican page, now a Democrat, worked in the Clinton White House, and on Kerry's campaign, says that this has been known for 11 years. Yes, Foley was a skunk for 11 years. Get the last line of the story. "After one all-night work session, Beck-Heyman's girlfriend -- another page -- offered to bring him breakfast. Foley asked if she was his girlfriend. 'It was an odd conversation,' Beck-Heyman said." Now, what's odd? I mean, you're sitting there with Foley, girlfriend brings him breakfast, Foley says is that your girlfriend? That's odd. Why would he ask me that?

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2006, 09:49:25 PM »
Didn't Foley have sex with an 18-year old page a few years ago?  It wasn't illegal, but it sure as hell should have set off some alarm bells when Hastert found out he was flirting with a 16 year old.

If he would have just followed protocol and alerted the bipartisan ethics oversight committee, they would have done an internal investigation.  This was the RIGHT thing to do.  This is what the RULES said was supposed to have been done.  instead, it was COVERED UP.

You can hate on the timing, but the republicans above him knew what he was doing and let him continue. 

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2006, 09:52:25 PM »
Didn't Foley have sex with an 18-year old page a few years ago?  It wasn't illegal, but it sure as hell should have set off some alarm bells when Hastert found out he was flirting with a 16 year old.

If he would have just followed protocol and alerted the bipartisan ethics oversight committee, they would have done an internal investigation.  This was the RIGHT thing to do.  This is what the RULES said was supposed to have been done.  instead, it was COVERED UP.

You can hate on the timing, but the republicans above him knew what he was doing and let him continue. 

Yeah, that would be just great, you know as well as I if Hastert jumped the gun, the Libs would be crying that he was a gay basher!

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2006, 09:56:26 PM »
Yeah, that would be just great, you know as well as I if Hastert jumped the gun, the Libs would be crying that he was a gay basher!

True.  I agree they were dying for a reason to get a repub tossed.  But the repubs brought it on themselves.  They could have brought this out last Christmas and it'd be ancient history by now.  By taking their chances - that nobody would bring it up until after elections - they left themslves open.

Hastert changed his story though - and that'll be his downfall.  Worse than allowing Foley to keep working without investigation - a judgment call - he lied about what he knew, and when.  First, he said he never saw the IMs or the emails.  Then, he changed his story, and said he only saw the emails.  All while the guy under him is saying that he delivered both to hastert.

Lies are worse than anything else.  hastert blew his credibility completely.  Would anyone trust him on anyting at this point?

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2006, 10:00:25 PM »

Lies are worse than anything else.  hastert blew his credibility completely.  Would anyone trust him on anyting at this point?

Hastert didn't lie, he didn't know. The Liberal press (ABC news) lied!

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2006, 10:01:37 PM »
Hastert didn't lie, he didn't know. The Liberal press (ABC news) lied!

ABC's thing was about the 18 year old he cyber'd with-
the flirty emails and less offensive text mesages were with a 16 year old, right?

two kids

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2006, 10:04:36 PM »
ABC's thing was about the 18 year old he cyber'd with-
the flirty emails and less offensive text mesages were with a 16 year old, right?

two kids

I don't remember a second kid!


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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2006, 10:27:44 PM »
Hastert didn't lie, he didn't know.

Isn't his excuse that he doesn't remember being told or something like that?

Check out the right wing zealot doing everything he can to get the attention off the Republicans. He's frantic in his attempt to steer the spotlight in the other direction.

Nothing better than witnessing a zealot that's on the ropes and going down for the count.

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2006, 10:39:33 PM »
I believe he had a sexual encounter with a kid a few years back, but the kid was 18, so they didn't do anything about it.  This recent exchange- the family is saying that many of the exchanges too place before he was 18, and some after he turned 18.  Pundits are saying that if the family (whi wants it to all go away) says he was 18, the kid doesn't have to testify.  It's all moot anyway.  He either had online jackoff sessions with a 16, a 17, or an 18 year old kid who worked under him.  Monster ethical violation

I really hope their defense line isn't "The kid employee/subordinate he was pressuring for online sex had just turned 18, so it's okay" lol...

on the other topic-
hastert inititially said he knew nothing and saw nothing.  Then the guy under him told the FBI that yes, he told hastert.  Suddenly he remembered, but wasn't sure of the content.  Then, when then content was released, he said he only saw the clean stuff. Now, they are suppsedly going to bring evidence that he saw the online sex. who knows.  thay laid a trap, and he changed his story.

When a man changes his story, he loses all credibility form that point fwd.


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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2006, 10:47:09 PM »
I believe he had a sexual encounter with a kid a few years back, but the kid was 18, so they didn't do anything about it.  This recent exchange- the family is saying that many of the exchanges too place before he was 18, and some after he turned 18.  Pundits are saying that if the family (whi wants it to all go away) says he was 18, the kid doesn't have to testify.  It's all mood.  He either had online jackoff sessions with a 16, a 17, or an 18 year old kid who worked under him. 

I really hope their defense line isn't "The kid employee/subordinate he was pressuring for online sex had just turned 18, so it's okay" lol...

on the other topic-
hastert inititially said he knew nothing and saw nothing.  Then the guy under him told the FBI that yes, he told hastert.  Suddenly he remembered, but wasn't sure of the content.  Then, when then content was released, he said he only saw the clean stuff. Now, they are suppsedly going to bring evidence that he saw the online sex. who knows.  thay laid a trap, and he changed his story.

When a man changes his story, he loses all credibility form that point fwd.

Hastert is lying through his teeth. This whole sordid affair is pathetic. Did you hear Foley's excuses from his lawyer's little impromptu press conference?

Apparently Foley was molested by a member of the clergy when he was younger, he's also battling alcoholism for which he's checked into rehab and he's a homosexual.

This fool is throwing everything against the wall and whatever sticks is what he'll use for the long term excuse.  ::)

Mr. Intenseone where are you to defend one of your beloved Republican brethren?

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2006, 10:59:32 PM »
I hate to paste my own writing, but these 3 questions should be very important to every american, no matter what party. 

--- why did he give an unusually high amount of 100,000 to the Repub party right after hastert was told?

--- Proof he was really in alcohol rehab (no one in DC has ever seen him drink at all- suddenly he's an out-of-control sloppy drunk? And why was he on AIM yesterday when he was supposedly in rehab? Is this man playing the alcoholic card?)

--- why won't Foley reveal the name of the Priest who abused him?  There is a man out there who has been grabbing little kids for 40 years now - and Foley won't out him?  What happened to protecting the children??  Plus, every priest who worked in those schools during his youth are now being followed by reporters, harassed.  If he lied, that is f'ed up.  If he's telling the truth, at least out the guy and protect the kids he works with now!

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2006, 10:57:42 AM »
Hastert is lying through his teeth. This whole sordid affair is pathetic. Did you hear Foley's excuses from his lawyer's little impromptu press conference?

Apparently Foley was molested by a member of the clergy when he was younger, he's also battling alcoholism for which he's checked into rehab and he's a homosexual.

This fool is throwing everything against the wall and whatever sticks is what he'll use for the long term excuse.  ::)

Mr. Intenseone where are you to defend one of your beloved Republican brethren?

Who am I defending? Foley is scum and he's probably making up excuses. My point is that crap like this is typical from the Dems right before elections!

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2006, 11:04:37 AM »
Who am I defending? Foley is scum and he's probably making up excuses. My point is that crap like this is typical from the Dems right before elections!

lol... the fake Osama FatFaced tape endorsing Kerry for President, delivered 2 days before the 2004 election, was the dirtiest pre-election trick in recent memory!

A sex scandal that the Repubs hid, 5 weeks before an election is nothing.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2006, 11:07:13 AM »
lol... the fake Osama FatFaced tape endorsing Kerry for President, delivered 2 days before the 2004 election, was the dirtiest pre-election trick in recent memory!

A sex scandal that the Repubs hid, 5 weeks before an election is nothing.

Tyical of both sides!


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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2006, 11:13:47 AM »
Tyical of both sides!

The problem with that is you never mention both sides, you only mention the Liberals.

Didn't you say this whole Foley scandal involved only one person?

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2006, 12:16:18 PM »
The problem with that is you never mention both sides, you only mention the Liberals.

Didn't you say this whole Foley scandal involved only one person?

I also said that the Dems are making this a big issue of this right before an election, they found out about this along time ago but just now made it an issue!


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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2006, 10:48:07 AM »
Hastert: Scandal Is 'October Surprise'

By Ronald Kessler

Calling the timing "suspicious," House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert said the delay in disclosing former Rep. Mark Foley's improper messages to male pages has put kids at risk.

In an interview with late Thursday, Hastert said anyone who knew of the sordid instant messages Foley was sending to congressional pages should have notified authorities immediately.

"If somebody knew of these messages and didn't come forward, they're putting kids in jeopardy — for a year, for a month or for a day," the Illinois Republican said. Press reports indicate that several of Mark Foley's instant messages were three years old. Other media outlets have confirmed that one or more third parties were shopping a story about Foley's e-mail almost a year ago.

As evidence that Democrats were involved in the timing, Hastert said the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee had Foley's explicit electronic messages before Hastert did.

"The DCCC was ready to go," Hastert said. "We were told by sources that they had that information on a Thursday night before we did, or Wednesday. They were up ahead of us for a day before we ever knew it was going to happen [on Friday]."

Hastert said the messages came out "on the last day after Foley can't get his name off the ballot, and we're leaving for a national campaign, and then this thing falls. It's kind of an October surprise, I guess you'd call it."

When he saw the Washington Times editorial calling for his resignation, Hastert said he wondered what Tony Blankley, the editorial page editor, was thinking.

"Why didn't he talk to me?" Hastert asked. "I've known him for years. I could've told him a lot of things that he took for granted that weren't necessarily right. I'm not angry. I figure this is politics. I've learned that you don't get angry in this business, because if you do, you don't get too many things done."

If he resigned as speaker, Hastert said, "That would throw us in a whole speaker's race right in the middle of an election, which means we wouldn't get our message out. And I think that would be cataclysmic to the party, it'd be cataclysmic for our message, and would not be good, period, for anybody."

President Bush on Thursday called Hastert to thank him for the way he has handled the matter.

"The president thanked him for going out and making a clear public statement that said the House leadership takes responsibility and is accountable," White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.

Also yesterday, the House Ethics Committee voted unanimously to set up an investigative subcommittee to look into the scandal.

On Thursday in an appearance outside his district office in Batavia, Ill., Hastert said he and Republican House leaders were "taking responsibility" in the matter and that "the buck stops here." But he said he personally has not "done anything wrong,"

Most accounts in the mainstream press report that Hastert's office was told about Foley's more innocuous messages last fall. They usually do not add that his office took immediate action or that the Miami Herald and the St. Petersburg Times saw the same messages and thought they were simply "friendly chit chat" and not worth a story.

In fact, after being told that the e-mails were "over-friendly" but not sexual, Hastert's office informed the clerk of the House, who contacted Rep. John Shimkus, R-Ill., the chairman of the Page Board. Shimkus and the clerk then met with Foley, a Florida Republican, and told him he should cease any communication with the page who had received the messages.

Hastert's office never saw the messages because of a desire by the page's mother to protect his privacy.

"You know, the press has its own values and where it wants to be," Hastert said. "The fact is I really didn't know any of this stuff until last Friday, almost a week ago. And when I did, Foley was gone within an hour."

Immediately following the disclosures of Foley's explicit messages last Friday, Hastert asked attorney general Alberto Gonzalez to begin a federal probe of Foley and the case.

Double Standard

That "didn't necessarily happen" with past scandals involving such Democrats as Rep. Daniel B. Crane of Illinois and Rep. Gerry Studds of Massachusetts, Hastert said. "But we acted when we found out. So in that sense, there is a double standard [in the way the press has treated the current scandal and the Republican leadership]."

Hastert said he looked out the window of his home in Illinois last night and saw at least a dozen trucks.

"I thought I was in Folsom Prison with lights shining on my house and in the windows and in the bedroom," he said. "I thought. ‘Man, what's going on here?' That was at three o'clock in the morning. So the press is there, and they're feeding on this, and I don't think they have much more to talk about in Washington right now, so it's just full time. They're looking for a story, for sure."

As for claims by Kirk Fordham, a former aide to Foley, that he informed Hastert's office of problems with Foley and pages at least two years ago, Hastert said, "You know, people are making accusations that haven't been proven. We're going to have an investigation, we've got the FBI and the Justice Department and the attorney general in Florida doing investigations, plus the House ethics committee. I hope to get down to the bottom of this — who knew when, where, whatever."

Referring to Fordham, Hastert said, "I know what he is saying now, and what he said two or three days ago, that he worked for the man for 10 years, and he [Foley] never did anything wrong. So there's a little discrepancy in the descriptions here."

Fordham's lawyer named Scott Palmer, Hastert's chief of staff, as one of the people Fordham allegedly talked with about Foley's inappropriate behavior with pages. Fordham said the discussion took place sometime between 2002 and 2004.

Palmer said, "What Kirk Fordham said did not happen."

Louis Freeh

Hastert said he talked with former FBI Director Louis Freeh about heading the investigation into the page scandal, but Freeh said he would have to have the agreement of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

"I ran that by her, and she just wasn't going to do anything," Hastert said.

Asked if he thinks the page program should be ended, Hastert said, "We've had the page program since 1822. A lot of people in politics today came through the page program and learned a lot from it. It's a huge chance in a lifetime to do something like that if a kid's interested in government. But on the other hand, I've asked that we bring a blue ribbon panel to make sure whatever we do in the future is safe. I think that's [ending the program] one of the alternatives we honestly have to look at. We're going to find the best people, and we're going to work at it."

Hastert said the scandal will have some effect in the November elections. But he said, "I think most of these races are local races, and they're going to vote on what their congressman says that he or she is going to do. But it does affect some people. What we need to do is turn it around, and I hope we can quickly."

No Ideas

Hastert said the Democrats will feed on the scandal because they have no ideas or substantive strategy for improving and protecting the country.

"What we try to do, and what we have done, is try to move forward on our border security issues; we've done that," Hastert said. "We also have taken on terrorism and passed a lot of legislation on that. We've got the best economy we've had in years, with the stock market as high as it's ever been in the history of the U.S."

In addition, "We've cut taxes and kept those tax cuts," he said. "So as a result, the economy's been great. And we've worked on energy independence, and we want to continue to work on that. So I think we have a good message to tell the American voter. I don't think the Democrats have a good message. So I think probably this whole issue of scandal just hits their agenda quite well."

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2006, 11:23:42 AM »
Great artical, I just read it on Newsmax, didn't get a chance to post because of work!


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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2006, 08:16:59 PM »
Great artical, I just read it on Newsmax, didn't get a chance to post because of work!

...except for the fact that it's full of lies and flip flops. Hastert has already admitted to knowing about them, both the emails and the text messages, ...after previously denying any knowledge of them. I guess he's hoping if he yells loud enough, he'll confuse people into forgetting he knew and tried to cover it up.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2006, 09:17:35 PM »
...except for the fact that it's full of lies and flip flops. Hastert has already admitted to knowing about them, both the emails and the text messages, ...after previously denying any knowledge of them. I guess he's hoping if he yells loud enough, he'll confuse people into forgetting he knew and tried to cover it up.

Do you often post while drunk and delusional?


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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2006, 09:18:31 PM »
Do you often post while drunk and delusional?

That's a Republican excuse. It wouldn't fly if I used it.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2006, 09:43:50 PM »
It wouldn't fly if I used it.

Trust me.......especially with you, it would definatly fly!


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Re: Nobody cares what Democrats knew
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2006, 09:56:12 PM »
Hastert: Scandal Is 'October Surprise'

Better hope this cancer doesn't grow.  There are a lot of people out there who are no doubt questioning if they should say something about what they know.  One person, who was in the young republicans, said yesterday that he quit because they would by day discuss how to use the gay agenda to their advantage and by night they were invited to gay parties--the guy was pissed.  If there are other cases out there, these people are going to be saying to themselves, it's now or never.  The media will jump onto their story now where at some other time they might just say "not interested"  I believe I read or heard somewhere before about a Nixon tape where Nixon addresses this problem of homosexuality in the GOP.  Something about some club that is primarily republicans with a few democrats.
Edward Bernays is a Demon