Author Topic: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!  (Read 9813 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #75 on: October 12, 2007, 08:25:28 AM »
o im sure man...the only problem is that i can't get human grade gear...i wish could...that would be wonderful and i would be more than happy to shell out the extra arm doesnt hurt as much...and i can move it a lot ever it is still rock hard and the red is spreading a little fever or chills but i think i should probably get it checked out...also i pinned my quads last night...i shot the test into my left quad and its a bit sore when i woke up this morning...i do not know what is going on b/c the vial of test that im currently using is not a newly opened one...the past 2 shots were from it and i was fine....i almost want to discontinue my cycle...sell off my remaining stuff...go on PCT...and then wait until next winter to get some new gear and start a new extremely freaked out and im just praying to god that i dont have to have surgery seeing as i have had enough of that in my life...


  • Getbig II
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o noooooooo!
« Reply #76 on: October 12, 2007, 08:52:21 AM »
the red has definetly spread over to my arm feels a little itchy...yet hurts less and i can move it better...perhaps i should try to get an appt. w/the doc 2day?


  • Getbig V
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Re: o noooooooo!
« Reply #77 on: October 12, 2007, 09:41:39 AM »
the red has definetly spread over to my arm feels a little itchy...yet hurts less and i can move it better...perhaps i should try to get an appt. w/the doc 2day?

I'm not a doctor but it sounds like cellulitis - I got a nasty case this year (not even from gear) & it is no joke. Is it warm to the touch?

If I were in your shoes I'd go to the doctor ASAP.


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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #78 on: October 12, 2007, 09:49:10 AM » doesnt itch anymore...maybe my skin was just dry...the thing is that my arm hurts far less than the other day and i can move it around just fine...its still a bit hard tho...and a little warmer than the other still going to the doctor tho...the thing is...i the past 2 wks of test shots have been out of this same vial...i shot my leg last night and its a little sore this morning...but that has happend before...i dont think i need 2 worry about the leg...especially since the shot went well last nite...i wont have to have a chunk of my arm cut off will i?


  • Getbig V
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #79 on: October 12, 2007, 10:13:28 AM » doesnt itch anymore...maybe my skin was just dry...the thing is that my arm hurts far less than the other day and i can move it around just fine...its still a bit hard tho...and a little warmer than the other still going to the doctor tho...the thing is...i the past 2 wks of test shots have been out of this same vial...i shot my leg last night and its a little sore this morning...but that has happend before...i dont think i need 2 worry about the leg...especially since the shot went well last nite...i wont have to have a chunk of my arm cut off will i?

You should be fine. Maybe it was a bad shot. Maybe you were less then sterile during the shot. If it's cellulitis you'll get some antibiotics. I felt fine after about two days on them. 


  • Getbig II
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #80 on: October 12, 2007, 11:01:58 AM »
i think it was a bad shot...had 2 have is what i did right after my shower...swabbed the vial w/alcohol...drew the stuff out...swabbed my entire delt w/alcohol...changed the pin to a 23 gauge while still holding it in the plastic...rubbed alcohol onto my fingers...tapped the syringe...pushed a little out...injected....barely felt a thing...pulled out...swabbed the area w/alcohol again...put a band aid on it and i was done...


  • Getbig V
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #81 on: October 12, 2007, 05:07:13 PM »
I'd do the Dr thing for peace of mind, Still no fever?
thats the big tip off.


  • Getbig II
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #82 on: October 12, 2007, 06:27:52 PM »
ok boys...well went to the DOC. im ok...i have a minor case of cellulitis which the gave me a wks. worth of meds for...should be cleared up by then...they said even though it was a sterile shot...probably a tiny piece of bacteria that was just under the skin to begin with got pushed down...i do have some "chicken skin" on my shoulders which has never been a problem...but this was a bad hit i guess...i should be fine tho...i trained back tonite...went a little easy(just hammer strenght and pull downs/ups)...didnt wanna agrivate my arm just in case...and im gonna take more meds now...thats really about leg is a bit sore from the shot last nite...but nothing to worry keeping a very close watch on everything and they said it was good that i only waited two days b/c i caught it in the early stages...also the nurse...even tho she was 60 was you look! off to drink a shake and a med!


  • Getbig V
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #83 on: October 13, 2007, 05:45:30 AM »
ok boys...well went to the DOC. im ok...i have a minor case of cellulitis which the gave me a wks. worth of meds for...should be cleared up by then...they said even though it was a sterile shot...probably a tiny piece of bacteria that was just under the skin to begin with got pushed down...i do have some "chicken skin" on my shoulders which has never been a problem...but this was a bad hit i guess...i should be fine tho...i trained back tonite...went a little easy(just hammer strenght and pull downs/ups)...didnt wanna agrivate my arm just in case...and im gonna take more meds now...thats really about leg is a bit sore from the shot last nite...but nothing to worry keeping a very close watch on everything and they said it was good that i only waited two days b/c i caught it in the early stages...also the nurse...even tho she was 60 was you look! off to drink a shake and a med!

Cool, Im a bit suspect of the stuff. If it were me, Id not shoot legs and get a read on that stuff.
I thought there was better shopping N of the Border?
No Organon or Schering or Local compounding Pharma Labs?


  • Getbig II
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #84 on: October 13, 2007, 01:50:06 PM »
hey guys...leg is a bit hard and quite redness or hotness...idk what the hell is going im gonna open a new vial and just not use the remainder of this one...i was pharma grade was easy to get...but i know a lota big bodybuilders/powerlifters here and they all use UG labs...most of them to my knowledge are made domestically...the one im using (ana-tech) is made in ontario...the stuff i used last year too was made there was well (liqua-tech) which i know is a sister brand of anatech...idk how the stuff sizes up to terms of dosges and stuff...but it seems to be working for everyone who uses it and theres some big strong dudes thats really about gonna train tonight...unfortunately not legs b/c my left one is in a lot of pain...ill be back later!   :o


  • Getbig II
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not againnnnnn!
« Reply #85 on: October 14, 2007, 01:00:55 PM »
well boys- i think i have celulitis in my leg as well...the area is pretty hard and swollen...and its turning light red...idk what could have happend...i have been extrememely careful and hoping the meds im on will help take care of it...seeing as my arm is fine now...only after 2 days seems as though my leg is progressing in the same manner as my arm as well...shit this really going to discontinue the use of that vial and open a new one and start off fresh w/some glute shots tomorrow nite...thats gym today :(


  • Getbig V
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Re: not againnnnnn!
« Reply #86 on: October 14, 2007, 02:36:54 PM »
well boys- i think i have celulitis in my leg as well...the area is pretty hard and swollen...and its turning light red...idk what could have happend...i have been extrememely careful and hoping the meds im on will help take care of it...seeing as my arm is fine now...only after 2 days seems as though my leg is progressing in the same manner as my arm as well...shit this really going to discontinue the use of that vial and open a new one and start off fresh w/some glute shots tomorrow nite...thats gym today :(

Myself, I might just end this course. If your run down to start, it sucks.


  • Getbig II
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #87 on: October 14, 2007, 04:06:51 PM »
ye ur right giving that option some serious consideration...what i am going to do is go back to the doc tomorrow and have him take a look at my leg...if the meds im on now are not helping it i will have to get him to perscribe me something different and taking the meds now and eating ibuprofen like candy...i am also going to take this week off of doing shots...i will wait until next monday to do it...and do my glutes instead with a new vial...if all goes well ill stick with it and if stopping. :-X


  • Getbig II
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this really suckssssssssss!
« Reply #88 on: October 15, 2007, 11:49:24 AM »
my quad is getting worse after only 2 days and the antiboiotics have seemed 2 taken care of my arm but not my leg for some reason...i am going back in about 20 mins to get this looked at...i pray that i dont need surgery or anything and that stronger meds will fix injections for the next wk and there is a good chance i am just going to stop the cycle and wait till the winter to do another one.


  • Getbig V
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Re: this really suckssssssssss!
« Reply #89 on: October 15, 2007, 11:56:08 AM »
my quad is getting worse after only 2 days and the antiboiotics have seemed 2 taken care of my arm but not my leg for some reason...i am going back in about 20 mins to get this looked at...i pray that i dont need surgery or anything and that stronger meds will fix injections for the next wk and there is a good chance i am just going to stop the cycle and wait till the winter to do another one.

I doubt you'll need surgery however, you could be looking at a hospital stay for IV antibiotics.


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #90 on: October 15, 2007, 01:29:32 PM »
just barely got back from the doctor...i apparentally dont have cellulitis since if i did...the meds would be taking care of my quad right turns out that i am having an allergic reaction to the test...the doc says the reaction usually peaks around day 4 which is today and then starts to get better...the doc said that if i continue to shoot my self the allergic reactions are only going to get worse.  i am hereby stopping the cycle and will start my pct w/clomid/nolva...i see really no need for HCG since i have just finished my 5th wk.  the doc said for example...that the reaction in my arm was bad...the one in my leg is worse...and if i shoot again lets say in my glute it will be even worse...they said to go by benadryl and put ice on it...i dont think i will train today because i can barely move around...i am not sure about what to do for a future cycle b/c i hope this is not the end for me...i was considering waiting until the winter and getting some different gear and starting another cycle after the new year...perhaps even use a different type of test...maybe cyp. of T400...although i would really like to try and avoid mixed ester pretty upset...what do u guys think i should do...will i ever be able to do another cycle...or am i going to be stuck as some little gym bitch for the rest of my life?


  • Getbig V
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #91 on: October 15, 2007, 02:05:07 PM »
You did the smart thing IMO. Its repeatedly reacting. You cant workout like that, and somethings up w/ that stuff by the sounds of it.
Ive shot 2-3cc of 250,300 Test & even 400mg/ml Deca from the Pharmas w/ ZERO pain (other than quad shots) I cant count them.

Prop and SUs and stanoz is a bee sting no doubt, but not this shit your talking...

I suspect less than sterile steroid, not allergic reaction. You had NO issue last time.

Nothing is worth your health IMO.


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« Reply #92 on: October 15, 2007, 02:18:59 PM »
just barely got back from the doctor...i apparentally dont have cellulitis since if i did...the meds would be taking care of my quad right turns out that i am having an allergic reaction to the test...the doc says the reaction usually peaks around day 4 which is today and then starts to get better...the doc said that if i continue to shoot my self the allergic reactions are only going to get worse.  i am hereby stopping the cycle and will start my pct w/clomid/nolva...i see really no need for HCG since i have just finished my 5th wk.  the doc said for example...that the reaction in my arm was bad...the one in my leg is worse...and if i shoot again lets say in my glute it will be even worse...they said to go by benadryl and put ice on it...i dont think i will train today because i can barely move around...i am not sure about what to do for a future cycle b/c i hope this is not the end for me...i was considering waiting until the winter and getting some different gear and starting another cycle after the new year...perhaps even use a different type of test...maybe cyp. of T400...although i would really like to try and avoid mixed ester pretty upset...what do u guys think i should do...will i ever be able to do another cycle...or am i going to be stuck as some little gym bitch for the rest of my life?

Good call, i can tell you have a good head on your shoulders.

Take some benedryl for sure, it helps alot.

in the future, use human grade gear only. i've had some weird reactions to several UGL products in the past. i've never had an issue with human grade.

as trab said it could be an unsterile vile but i'd junk all that shit for sure.

Good luck.



  • Getbig II
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #93 on: October 15, 2007, 03:52:54 PM »
thanks a lot im feeling pretty crappy about this...i would love more than anything to get pharma grade stuff...but w/this operation raw deal it seems next to impossible to do...and the only thing im unfortunately left with is UGL...i would consider ordering...however i would have to know the source is very safe...and luckily canada is not as anal about gear as the US even tho they're participating in the O.R.D...but if i do another cycle...and i really want will not be until this winter...i reallly think the reaction wasnt from the test...but from either the oil or the BB or the BA...seeing as i have run a previous cycle w/the same kind of test and was just fine...i just really cant wait till this leg stops bothering the shit outa me...i showed it to the doc today...and had the whole red area outlined in they were gonna cut it! ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #94 on: October 15, 2007, 05:00:42 PM »
thanks a lot im feeling pretty crappy about this...i would love more than anything to get pharma grade stuff...but w/this operation raw deal it seems next to impossible to do...and the only thing im unfortunately left with is UGL...i would consider ordering...however i would have to know the source is very safe...and luckily canada is not as anal about gear as the US even tho they're participating in the O.R.D...but if i do another cycle...and i really want will not be until this winter...i reallly think the reaction wasnt from the test...but from either the oil or the BB or the BA...seeing as i have run a previous cycle w/the same kind of test and was just fine...i just really cant wait till this leg stops bothering the shit outa me...i showed it to the doc today...and had the whole red area outlined in they were gonna cut it! ::)

To me the idea of being allergic to testosterone is silly, how long your nuts been making testosterone?  ::)
Some of the shit Drs say is just asinine. Allergic to the shot yes, testo - NO.

Regardless, its smartest to just recover and train and plan later.

I think making do w/ less is going to have to be the rule.
 Lots of guys were going way overboard on very questionable stuff anyway.
Take care


  • Getbig II
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #95 on: October 15, 2007, 09:13:19 PM »
well...thanks for all of the support everyone...i just found out there is a chance im getting a hook up w/a buddy of a buddy who lives in egypt and can send pharma grade stuff...wouldnt that be lovely! leg is sore...but a bit better...gonna have a hot shower eat a can of tuna and go 2 bed 8)

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #96 on: October 15, 2007, 10:27:38 PM »
Semp, what you're saying happened is not that happens to a lot of guys...usually the culprit is UG products. Most UG brand AAS will have very high BA content, and this can cause problems for those who don't handle that well. Plus, in the case of a UGL, you can never be 100% about what exactly you are getting or what else is in it.


  • Getbig III
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #97 on: October 20, 2007, 07:13:57 PM »
You know what is so sad about this thread?  This guy is working his off to get a college degree, building a better body through the sane use of steroids, and is not roid raging or hurting anyone.  But to our government this young fellow, should he slip up and have his stash exposed, would be subject to misdemeanors, felonies, and possible jail time depending on the circumstances.

Right now, there is someone downing his 8th beer and about to beat the hell out of someone due in part to his intoxication.  But it is legal to buy as much as beer as you want...and to drink as much you want.  Hell, you could even drink yourself and it perfectly legal.  But a dude wants to put on some muscle and avoid rec drugs while getting a college education so we better lock that mofo up asap!  Jesus Christ this is absurdity at it's highest level.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #98 on: October 20, 2007, 10:04:19 PM »
You know what is so sad about this thread?  This guy is working his off to get a college degree, building a better body through the sane use of steroids, and is not roid raging or hurting anyone.  But to our government this young fellow, should he slip up and have his stash exposed, would be subject to misdemeanors, felonies, and possible jail time depending on the circumstances.

Right now, there is someone downing his 8th beer and about to beat the hell out of someone due in part to his intoxication.  But it is legal to buy as much as beer as you want...and to drink as much you want.  Hell, you could even drink yourself and it perfectly legal.  But a dude wants to put on some muscle and avoid rec drugs while getting a college education so we better lock that mofo up asap!  Jesus Christ this is absurdity at it's highest level.

You're right, it's pathetic. What's even worse, the guys you mentioned, after they have their alcohol, get in a fight, and then slap some girl around, they'll get behind the wheel of their cars...and some of these same guys will end up causing a horrific accident tonight. He'll then pay a small fine...justice :-[


  • Getbig V
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Re: NEW CYCLE...2nd time around!
« Reply #99 on: October 21, 2007, 06:43:15 AM »
He's in Canada, where the currency is rising, not falling into the sewer.

Our Govt has gone Nuts.
ANother Baseball player reamed today for HGH... Check ESPN sports...