Author Topic: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.  (Read 27287 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2011, 01:20:49 PM »
Ha ha ha - Mal was probably refering to RR using the term "welfare queens"

pro nitrousADRL

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2011, 01:23:12 PM »
well anyone who sits around waiting  on that check is  a welfare queen, i didnt hear rr say black welfare queen did you?  so is mal implying something?
down with hussein


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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2011, 03:36:53 PM »
I don't think I have ever seen someone KNEEPAD a former president in america like I see in this post today. Clearly a lengthy education in what happened in america during the time of Reagan is in order. Here was the same president who allowed the outsourcing of industry that has caused so much calamity in america today. He also was responsible for destroying what was once a great airline industry in america when pilots went on strike due to the ever growing cuts in benefits or which today pilots are flying without pensions, very low salaries, little training, and not much of a as each plane falls from the sky and crashes you can thank Reagan for that.

Following quickly behind was the massive military spending...something still done in america to this day, for crazy nonsense like STAR WARS PROGRAMS...cuz in Reagan's mind aliens were coming to attack america. After BILLIONS were spent the program was scraped and then restarted secretly again.

WAR ON DRUGS...Was it not Nancy Reagan who started the slogan..:JUST SAY NO" and after initializing this war on drugs program, drugs  exploded in america. Hmmm maybe Nancy should have said YES...

Iran COntra...Oh Yeah  let us get into the whole america supporting Iran in attacking Iraq in order to try and steal Iraq's oil. This came after america spent BILLION funding Iraq to attack Iran in order to steal Iran's oil...AMERICA FAILED TO ACHIVE EITHER GOAL thanks to Reagan. How much taxpayer money in america was wasted on that? Now years later here is america still following Reagan's lead and after twenty years of war and death america is still attacking Iraq...thank you Reagan

Deregulation of the banking industry...Do I even need to elaborate on the catastrophe this turned out to be...thank you Reagan

Education... While Reagan was wasting untold BILLIONS on the military and trying to micromanage businesses as well as opened the door to outsourcing and off shore was allowed to fall by the way side in america. There were more cuts to education and
programs facilitating education than I think under any other president...Thank you Reagan

Cold War with Russia/Soviet Union...Many say america won the cold war, but how do you win a cold war? Is it by squandering untold BILLIONS on weapons that were never used as america did? or is it by realizing it is easier to be friendly and end the need for war all together than to imagine enemies of which there is no end to weapon making.?

I could go on forever with Reagan and the disaster he was for america..I was a kid then, but still remember my parents talking about the problems he was creating. Anyone worshipping this clown obviously has deep mental issues.

Here is more on this clown of a president

George Whorewell

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2011, 10:44:39 PM »
SAMSON wants to elect a president that throws feces at the wall like he does and hates America. Oh wait. Nevermind.  :-X


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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #54 on: February 06, 2011, 06:12:34 AM »
Seems like Reagan was trying very much to collapse the nation as well...

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #55 on: February 06, 2011, 03:15:28 PM »
Seems like Reagan was trying very much to collapse the nation as well...
he rose taxes and did deficit spending too, baught hella cocaine into the US to fund the contra thing. But screw all that. He rocked


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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2011, 01:59:15 AM »
he rose taxes and did deficit spending too, baught hella cocaine into the US to fund the contra thing. But screw all that. He rocked

Yeah but he was a republican so its okay...


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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2011, 07:11:15 AM »
More Info On Reagan


February 6, 2011

The Reagan myth is still useful to the Illuminati in duping and misdirecting people who hold traditional values.

by Rollin Stearns

The past few days have seen a burst of contrived media celebration of Ronald Reagan. The excuse has been the 100th anniversary of his birth.
The real reason is that Reagan -- the Reagan myth -- is still useful to the Illuminati in duping and misdirecting people who hold traditional values.
In truth, Reagan was an enemy of these values. He was a highly paid puppet of the Illuminati who let himself be used by those who want to destroy everything he pretended to stand for.
I have to admit he had me fooled too. Back in 1980, people wanted to be rid of the feckless Jimmy Carter. Reagan seemed strong and sincere, upbeat and conservative. To me, he seemed like a man you could trust.
A big mistake. Unfortunately, he's still got most people fooled. So let's review the career of Ronald Reagan, and see who the real man was.
First, Reagan was a left-wing Democrat who admired Franklin Roosevelt, the president who revolutionized America by turning the Republic into an Empire. (See Burden of Empire by Garet Garrett.) Even to the end of his career, Reagan was praising Roosevelt.
Later, about the time he divorced his first wife (Jane Wyman) and met Nancy Davis (the daughter of one of Eleanor Roosevelt's intimates), he underwent a "conversion" to "anti-communism."  This was the foundation of his reputation as a conservative.
No surprise here, though. In the late 1940s, lots of left-wing liberals were turning against the Communists -- many to save their own skins from the revelations of treason that were coming out.
Even when this was not the motive, their "anti-Communism" often meant no more than anti-Stalinism. Trotskyites -- who thought of themselves as true Communists -- hated Stalin's guts and hated the Soviet Union. Later, many of them became the so-called "neo-conservatives" who took over Buckley's National Review, and then, with the election of Reagan, the Republican Party.
But what about Reagan's opposition to the "evil empire"? What about his big defense build-up that forced the Soviet Union into insolvency? What about his partnership with John-Paul II to free Poland and Eastern Europe?
All this was just part of the Illuminati plan to take the dialectic (capitalist West vs. communist East) to the next level. Gorbachev and Reagan were the appointed leaders to bring about the end of the bipolar world, so that the age of globalization could emerge.
In fact, at their summit at Reykjavik in 1986, Reagan proposed to Gorbachev that America be radically disarmed. Even liberals were stunned by the scope of Reagan's offer.
But behind the scenes, the American military rebelled, and the accounts of the summit were sanitized and forgotten. The following year Reagan gave his "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" performance and when the wall did come down, Reagan became "the man who defeated Communism."

Reagan's "patriotism" suffered other lapses as well. In 1986 he signed off on amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. You would think as a man of common sense and alleged economic literacy, Reagan would have known that when you reward something, you get more of it. Was the Gipper out to lunch?
And then there was "Iran-Contra." Reagan was fearlessly fighting the Commies in Central America, but didn't know that Ollie North was selling arms to Iran to finance this holy war. Out to lunch again?
It was at this point that I ceased to be a "conservative." All the conservatives I knew seemed to be gaga over North.  Where I come from, his actions are known as treason.

(An aside: Fawn Hall, North's personal secretary -- a sensitive position that is carefully vetted -- was the daughter of Henry Kissinger's personal secretary. And Reagan had put Kissinger in charge of Central American policy.)
But what about other Reagan policies? Didn't he reduce taxes? Didn' t he reduce the size of government to "get it off our backs," as he pledged?
Reagan's career was the triumph of rhetoric over reality. When he ran for President, he promised to put an end to the Departments of Education and Energy. Instead, he strengthened and entrenched them. (He also added a new bureaucracy, the Department of Veterans Affairs.)
As for taxes, he cut them in 1981 -- one of his signature accomplishments. But the same year he increased Social Security taxes (excuse me, I mean "insurance premiums"), and in the following years he found other ways to raise taxes without seeming to do so. At the end of his two terms most Americans were paying more in taxes than ever.
After eight years of Reagan the government was larger than ever. The budget was more than 50 percent higher than it was under Carter. And the budget deficit had tripled.
This was due above all to the huge increase in military spending. The military-industrial complex (that Eisenhower had warned against) thrived as it hadn't since the days of World War II.
Wasn't Reagan pro-life? A Christian? A family man?  Once again, when it came to things like abortion, Reagan talked a great game. But his Supreme Court Justices gave us Roe v. Wade).
His first appointment was an unqualified woman (O'Connor) with little judicial experience and no discernible judicial philosophy. She was selected for the same reason that Sotomayor and Kagan were: she was a female. And she was no conservative.
In all, Reagan appointed three justices. Later, two of them (predictably including O'Connor) voted to uphold Roe v. Wade in Casey v. Planned Parenthood. (Casey was a critical case: a change in just one of those two votes would have undermined Roe.)
And then there was the Bork nomination. Robert Bork was the most qualified nominee in a generation. But when Teddy Kennedy launched his breathtakingly vitriolic attack on Bork, what did Reagan do?
Nothing. He remained silent. The man who extolled the presidency as a great "bully pulpit" -- who might have saved his own nominee if he had just fought for him -- instead let him hang out to dry.
So there we have Reagan -- the man who as Governor of California signed the first no-fault divorce bill into law; the man whose official schedule was set by his wife according to astrological conjunctions; the man whose whole political career was subsidized by global corporations (GE, Bechtel, etc.) -- the man who spent his whole life play-acting a script written by others.
Was he evil? Did he know what he was doing? Or was he truly out to lunch? The latter might explain Reagan's uncanny ability to seem anti-government even as he enlarged the government's role.
What was Reagan's overriding role? And why does it matter now?  Picture two men, one at each end of a cross-cut saw. They're cutting down a tree.
To the casual observer it looks at first as if the two are working against each other: as one moves forward, the other goes back, and vice versa. But of course they're working together to achieve a common goal.
In the same way, "liberals" and "conservatives," Republicans and Democrats, seem to be working against each other. But they're really working together.
One part will move the country to the left, when the times permit (e.g., because of depression or war). Then, when people become alarmed and resist the move, the other ("opposition") party will come in.
But instead of restoring the balance, they will merely stop (or slow) the leftward movement. They will consolidate it, until it's time for the next move left.
In this way the center of gravity moves ever leftward. And what was unthinkable a generation ago becomes mainstream today.
To enact this little dialectic you need some good (or passable) actors, such as Ronald Reagan. That way you control the opposition. You get people who have traditional values to vote for their own destruction.

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #58 on: February 07, 2011, 07:13:47 AM »
Reagan was far from perfect, but after the disaster that was Carter, his working with Volker to tame inflaton as well as end the energy crisis, directly helped lead to millions of jobs being created.   

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #59 on: February 07, 2011, 07:17:42 AM »

pro nitrousADRL

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #60 on: February 07, 2011, 07:19:34 AM »
I bet the RR admin didn't go around crying  (its the carter admin fault, look what  we inherited waaaawaaaa,  the previous admin .)  He just fixed the shit!!
down with hussein

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #61 on: February 07, 2011, 07:22:35 AM »
Or did the stock market have a hell of a boom which in turn created a bunch of tax rev for the fed. Na... that aint a good enough answer.. he "fixed" it.LMAO


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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #62 on: February 07, 2011, 07:23:41 AM »
I bet the RR admin didn't go around crying  (its the carter admin fault, look what  we inherited waaaawaaaa,  the previous admin .)  He just fixed the shit!!

Hahaha very funny ::)

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #63 on: February 07, 2011, 07:24:30 AM »
he "fixed" it.. hahahahahahaha

Soul Crusher

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #64 on: February 07, 2011, 07:26:07 AM »

Obama, Reagan and the economy
By: Frank J. Donatelli
July 27, 2010 04:34 AM EST

________________________ ________________________
It’s easy to understand why President Barack Obama’s friends don’t want to acknowledge that July represents 17 months since Congress passed the $787 billion economic stimulus bill — the president’s signature measure to jump-start the economy and fight unemployment.

Obama says the economy is headed in the right direction; jobs are being created, not lost, and he is doing everything possible to revive the “worst economy since the Great Depression.” Most of the national press has been remarkably accepting of this narrative — even if the president has been vague, at best, about when we might finally see an uptick in economic growth and job creation.

But in another economic time, President Ronald Reagan’s economic recovery program took 17 months to take hold. It took from the time Congress passed his tax cuts, in August 1981, until the recession he inherited finally ended in January 1983.

Unemployment hit a high of 10.8 percent in December 1982. But then economic growth spiked, and the unemployment rate began a long, steady decline throughout the 1980s. It was obvious the program was working when people stopped calling it “Reaganomics.”

Tax cuts were a part of Reagan’s effort to cut the size and scope of government to fight economic stagnation. “Government is not the solution,” Reagan said in his remarkably clear inaugural address. “It is the problem.”

In addition to tax cuts, Reagan reduced domestic discretionary spending and streamlined regulations to make them less of a burden on businesses seeking to create jobs. He believed that government should give individuals and businesses the proper incentives to grow and expand and not inhibit the private sector with high taxes and cumbersome regulations.

Reagan faced obstacles that Obama did not. The House he had to work with was always controlled by Democrats. More ominously, inflation was running at double-digit rates, and it took nearly a year for the Federal Reserve to squeeze those pressures out of the system.

Regardless, in the end, Reagan’s program worked. The turnaround began 17 months later.

Fast-forward to today. The Obama administration says that government-directed investment, via huge spending increases, can revive the economy. It’s now stimulus plus 17. Is there a turnaround in sight?

Apparently not. Obama’s own budget estimates, released just last week, project trillion-dollar deficits, anemic economic growth coming out of a recession and unemployment near 9 percent for 2011 and 8 percent for 2012.

You have to go back to the 1930s to find a period in which unemployment has been so high for so long. This economic record would make former President Jimmy Carter blush.

Yet Obama continues to get a pass on his version of recent economic events. He has said that he inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression. He didn’t. The economies inherited by both President Gerald Ford in 1974 and Reagan in 1981 were far worse.

Obama has said the stimulus has saved 3 million jobs. It hasn’t. We have nearly that many fewer jobs than before the stimulus was passed in February 2009, and the unemployment rate is 1½ percentage points higher than what he claimed would be the high point once his program was enacted.

Obama has said he is doing all he can to revive the economy. Actually, he’s doing too much. The economic uncertainty that his “historic” health care and budget bills have created is doing more to hold back economic growth than anything else. Companies are hoarding cash rather than invest in Obama’s uncertain economic climate.

As a result, the recovery is anemic by historic standards.

So we have two historic presidents. Both inherited bad economies. One cut spending and taxes, and then, 17 months later, the economy boomed. The other increased taxes and spending. It’s now 17 months later.

Mr. President, we’re waiting.

pro nitrousADRL

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #65 on: February 07, 2011, 07:27:33 AM »
Now this deserves the
he "fixed" it.. hahahahahahaha
down with hussein

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #66 on: February 07, 2011, 07:28:44 AM »

Obama, Reagan and the economy
By: Frank J. Donatelli
July 27, 2010 04:34 AM EST

________________________ ________________________
It’s easy to understand why President Barack Obama’s friends don’t want to acknowledge that July represents 17 months since Congress passed the $787 billion economic stimulus bill — the president’s signature measure to jump-start the economy and fight unemployment.

Obama says the economy is headed in the right direction; jobs are being created, not lost, and he is doing everything possible to revive the “worst economy since the Great Depression.” Most of the national press has been remarkably accepting of this narrative — even if the president has been vague, at best, about when we might finally see an uptick in economic growth and job creation.

But in another economic time, President Ronald Reagan’s economic recovery program took 17 months to take hold. It took from the time Congress passed his tax cuts, in August 1981, until the recession he inherited finally ended in January 1983.

Unemployment hit a high of 10.8 percent in December 1982. But then economic growth spiked, and the unemployment rate began a long, steady decline throughout the 1980s. It was obvious the program was working when people stopped calling it “Reaganomics.”

Tax cuts were a part of Reagan’s effort to cut the size and scope of government to fight economic stagnation. “Government is not the solution,” Reagan said in his remarkably clear inaugural address. “It is the problem.”

In addition to tax cuts, Reagan reduced domestic discretionary spending and streamlined regulations to make them less of a burden on businesses seeking to create jobs. He believed that government should give individuals and businesses the proper incentives to grow and expand and not inhibit the private sector with high taxes and cumbersome regulations.

Reagan faced obstacles that Obama did not. The House he had to work with was always controlled by Democrats. More ominously, inflation was running at double-digit rates, and it took nearly a year for the Federal Reserve to squeeze those pressures out of the system.

Regardless, in the end, Reagan’s program worked. The turnaround began 17 months later.

Fast-forward to today. The Obama administration says that government-directed investment, via huge spending increases, can revive the economy. It’s now stimulus plus 17. Is there a turnaround in sight?

Apparently not. Obama’s own budget estimates, released just last week, project trillion-dollar deficits, anemic economic growth coming out of a recession and unemployment near 9 percent for 2011 and 8 percent for 2012.

You have to go back to the 1930s to find a period in which unemployment has been so high for so long. This economic record would make former President Jimmy Carter blush.

Yet Obama continues to get a pass on his version of recent economic events. He has said that he inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression. He didn’t. The economies inherited by both President Gerald Ford in 1974 and Reagan in 1981 were far worse.

Obama has said the stimulus has saved 3 million jobs. It hasn’t. We have nearly that many fewer jobs than before the stimulus was passed in February 2009, and the unemployment rate is 1½ percentage points higher than what he claimed would be the high point once his program was enacted.

Obama has said he is doing all he can to revive the economy. Actually, he’s doing too much. The economic uncertainty that his “historic” health care and budget bills have created is doing more to hold back economic growth than anything else. Companies are hoarding cash rather than invest in Obama’s uncertain economic climate.

As a result, the recovery is anemic by historic standards.

So we have two historic presidents. Both inherited bad economies. One cut spending and taxes, and then, 17 months later, the economy boomed. The other increased taxes and spending. It’s now 17 months later.

Mr. President, we’re waiting.

Dude post an original thought please.. this cut and paste is getting old

Soul Crusher

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #67 on: February 07, 2011, 07:31:02 AM »
I already posted it jackass.   He broke the back of inflation and the energy crisis.

Obama the job killer is doing the opposite of Reagan with predictable results.  Obama is causing inflation and is doing his hardest to force an energy crisis sohe can try his cap & tax scheme again.   



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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #68 on: February 07, 2011, 08:03:11 AM »
Reagan was far from perfect, but after the disaster that was Carter, his working with Volker to tame inflaton as well as end the energy crisis, directly helped lead to millions of jobs being created.   

Reagan did NOT create millions of jobs and as a matter of fact he was a job killer. He single handedly nearly destroyed the airline industry, which never recovered. His deregulation of businesses and removal of government from oversight caused a tremendous amount of fraud, unsafe work environments as well as allowed the petrochemical industry to sacrifice health, life, property etc etc all for the sake of profits. Reagan as I said was responsible for OUTSOURCING starting with the auto industry in sending factories to Canada, Mexico, Taiwan, Korea etc instead of keeping those industries and jobs in america. Soon following the auto industry was the textile industry, steel industry, appliance industry, sheet metal industry... everything right down to your dinner plates and flatware left america thanks to Reagan.

VOLKER!!!!!!...He was as bad if not worst than Greenspan and Bernanke combined!!!!...Again look at the banking industry at that time as well as the financial state of america at that time. Volker was a disaster for america. Clinton had the appearance of doing justice to america , but it was only because the computer technology and internet came into being during his presidency which spawned many industries ad businesses that helped lift america out of the near depression it was in after dealing with Bush Sr who following after Reagan immediately started the Persian Gulf war and the massive military spending that entailed.

Not one american president over the past twenty years or even more is worthy of any type of praise or recognition...and certainly not Reagan.

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #69 on: February 07, 2011, 08:07:50 AM »
Reagan did NOT create millions of jobs and as a matter of fact he was a job killer. He single handedly nearly destroyed the airline industry, which never recovered. His deregulation of businesses and removal of government from oversight caused a tremendous amount of fraud, unsafe work environments as well as allowed the petrochemical industry to sacrifice health, life, property etc etc all for the sake of profits. Reagan as I said was responsible for OUTSOURCING starting with the auto industry in sending factories to Canada, Mexico, Taiwan, Korea etc instead of keeping those industries and jobs in america. Soon following the auto industry was the textile industry, steel industry, appliance industry, sheet metal industry... everything right down to your dinner plates and flatware left america thanks to Reagan.

VOLKER!!!!!!...He was as bad if not worst than Greenspan and Bernanke combined!!!!...Again look at the banking industry at that time as well as the financial state of america at that time. Volker was a disaster for america. Clinton had the appearance of doing justice to america , but it was only because the computer technology and internet came into being during his presidency which spawned many industries ad businesses that helped lift america out of the near depression it was in after dealing with Bush Sr who following after Reagan immediately started the Persian Gulf war and the massive military spending that entailed.

Not one american president over the past twenty years or even more is worthy of any type of praise or recognition...and certainly not Reagan.
LMAO.. dude is wild..IF we can Give credit to regan for econimic boom in the 80's we have to give credit to Clinton for the same in the early 2000s.. Someone dispute that


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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #70 on: February 07, 2011, 08:14:10 AM »
Reagan did NOT create millions of jobs and as a matter of fact he was a job killer. He single handedly nearly destroyed the airline industry, which never recovered. His deregulation of businesses and removal of government from oversight caused a tremendous amount of fraud, unsafe work environments as well as allowed the petrochemical industry to sacrifice health, life, property etc etc all for the sake of profits. Reagan as I said was responsible for OUTSOURCING starting with the auto industry in sending factories to Canada, Mexico, Taiwan, Korea etc instead of keeping those industries and jobs in america. Soon following the auto industry was the textile industry, steel industry, appliance industry, sheet metal industry... everything right down to your dinner plates and flatware left america thanks to Reagan.

VOLKER!!!!!!...He was as bad if not worst than Greenspan and Bernanke combined!!!!...Again look at the banking industry at that time as well as the financial state of america at that time. Volker was a disaster for america. Clinton had the appearance of doing justice to america , but it was only because the computer technology and internet came into being during his presidency which spawned many industries ad businesses that helped lift america out of the near depression it was in after dealing with Bush Sr who following after Reagan immediately started the Persian Gulf war and the massive military spending that entailed.

Not one american president over the past twenty years or even more is worthy of any type of praise or recognition...and certainly not Reagan.
Post of the day

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #71 on: February 07, 2011, 08:16:40 AM »
Firing those union goons at the Airlines was a great move.   

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #72 on: February 07, 2011, 08:21:58 AM »

George Whorewell

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #73 on: February 07, 2011, 08:22:38 AM »
More cocaine= happier people with more energy having more sex and committing more violent crime= better for the economy

Reagan should be added to mount Rushmore.

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Re: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan - our last real President.
« Reply #74 on: February 07, 2011, 08:26:36 AM »
Most leftists are at their core communists and share the same goals, whether they realize and acknowledge it or not.

They hated Reagan because faught against communism 24/7, and hence their own communistic dreams.