Author Topic: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."  (Read 1596 times)

Soul Crusher

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Obama: We’re working on gun control “under the radar”
May 25, 2011 by Ed Morrissey

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I missed this last week, and so may many who didn’t notice Instapundit’s link to the Greeley Gazette’s post on the White House’s efforts to impose gun control through executive-branch regulatory adventurism. 

Jack Minor caught this anecdote buried below the jump on a Washington Post Lifestyle profile of Steve Croley, first published six weeks ago.  Described as “the White House’s point man on gun regulation policy,” the Post includes this rather telling quote from President Obama on the issue of gun control from March:

On March 30, the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, Jim Brady, who sustained a debilitating head wound in the attack, and his wife, Sarah, came to Capitol Hill to push for a ban on the controversial “large magazines.” Brady, for whom the law requiring background checks on handgun purchasers is named, then met with White House press secretary Jay Carney.

During the meeting, President Obama dropped in and, according to Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Minor noted that this under-the-radar anecdote matches up with other reporting:

The statement reinforces an article in the Huffington Post describing how the administration is exploring ways to bypass Congress and enact gun control through executive action.

The Department of Justice reportedly is holding meetings discussing the White House’s options for enacting regulations on its own or through adjoining agencies and departments. “Administration officials said talk of executive orders or agency action are among a host of options that President Barack Obama and his advisers are considering. “

That also matches up with Obama’s approach on … nearly everything, it seems.  Regulatory adventurism has been a hallmark of every other Obama priority, whether it be health care, financial-services reform, labor policy, and now on gun control.  When his agenda is too radical for Congress, Obama simply plans to bypass Congress and rule by decree.

Glenn Reynolds headlined this under the banner “TRANSPARENCY.”  That’s fitting, but “RADICAL” and “DISHONEST” work well, too.  Here’s the problem for Democrats: Ever since the Clinton years, they have avoided gun control like the plague, and the courts have taken a libertarian view of the Second Amendment.  How many of the incumbent Democrats in the Senate want to defend Obama on his power play to impose gun control by executive fiat in the dark?  How will that fly in places like Missouri, Nebraska, and West Virginia?  How about in open seats like Virginia’s, which Democrats hope to hold?
Update: I meant “executive fiat,” not “legislative fiat.”  The latter is an oxymoron, obviously.

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Bump for 240, Hugo, Licker, Blackass, Benny, Andre, and the rest of Team Traitor


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Attempting to pass hearsay off as proof?


Dumb ass.

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if there's any source I find to be completely true and honest, it's an emotionally distraught liberal gungrabber.

I'm sure such a delusional moron as herself would never engage in wishful thinking.

And the fact the president waited until losing the House of Representatives... proves he just likes a greater challenge when it comes to gun legislation!


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Didn't you know?  Legislation is passed for no other reason than Sarah Brady and her hearsay.

240 is Back

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Didn't you know?  Legislation is passed for no other reason than Sarah Brady and her hearsay.

thats awesome.

Soul Crusher

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Sarah Brady claims Obama pushing ‘under the radar’ gun control
 David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner
April 19, 2011 -

Anti-gun activist Sarah Brady claims President Barack Obama is committed to stealth gun control according to a report in The Washington Post.

Recounting a March 30 meeting between Brady, her husband Jim and White House Press secretary Jay Carney, The Post reports:

During the meeting, President Obama dropped in and, according to Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Among the measures discussed:

[H]ow records get into the system and what can be done about firearms retailers. Her husband specifically brought up the proposed ban on large magazine clips…

While Brady reports the president “just laughed” she also expressed “absolute confidence that the president was committed to regulation.”

That Obama is coyly discussing “processes…under the radar” directly contradicts a campaign pledge further documented via an official White House memorandum:

My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government.  We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.

There is nothing transparent, open or participatory about maneuvers to exercise control over unalienable rights.  The entire purpose of being “under the radar” is to escape detection.

For the administration to continue an “under the radar” gun policy points to directed practices very different from its public promises.  But it does give insight into how another stealth program, “Project Gunwalker,” was allowed and encouraged, and why accusations of stonewalling continue to be made by both Senate and House investigators.

And it raises a legitimate question: If the president has no qualms about going “under the radar” on processes affecting individual liberties articulated in the Bill of Rights,  in what other areas of vital national importance is he deliberately advancing his agenda outside  of public scrutiny?

Also see:

A journalist’s guide to ‘Project Gunwalker' Part One, Part Two and Part Three for a complete list with links of independent investigative reporting and commentary done to date by Sipsey Street Irregulars and Gun Rights Examiner.

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Just like Bolden was lying about what obama said re NASA, now you pieces of shiut claim Brady is lying about what Obama told her. 


Does the term - "BEATEN WIFE" mean anything to you 240 and lurker? 

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Obama: We’re working on gun control “under the radar”
May 25, 2011 by Ed Morrissey

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I missed this last week, and so may many who didn’t notice Instapundit’s link to the Greeley Gazette’s post on the White House’s efforts to impose gun control through executive-branch regulatory adventurism. 

Jack Minor caught this anecdote buried below the jump on a Washington Post Lifestyle profile of Steve Croley, first published six weeks ago.  Described as “the White House’s point man on gun regulation policy,” the Post includes this rather telling quote from President Obama on the issue of gun control from March:

On March 30, the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, Jim Brady, who sustained a debilitating head wound in the attack, and his wife, Sarah, came to Capitol Hill to push for a ban on the controversial “large magazines.” Brady, for whom the law requiring background checks on handgun purchasers is named, then met with White House press secretary Jay Carney.

During the meeting, President Obama dropped in and, according to Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Minor noted that this under-the-radar anecdote matches up with other reporting:

The statement reinforces an article in the Huffington Post describing how the administration is exploring ways to bypass Congress and enact gun control through executive action.

The Department of Justice reportedly is holding meetings discussing the White House’s options for enacting regulations on its own or through adjoining agencies and departments. “Administration officials said talk of executive orders or agency action are among a host of options that President Barack Obama and his advisers are considering. “

That also matches up with Obama’s approach on … nearly everything, it seems.  Regulatory adventurism has been a hallmark of every other Obama priority, whether it be health care, financial-services reform, labor policy, and now on gun control.  When his agenda is too radical for Congress, Obama simply plans to bypass Congress and rule by decree.

Glenn Reynolds headlined this under the banner “TRANSPARENCY.”  That’s fitting, but “RADICAL” and “DISHONEST” work well, too.  Here’s the problem for Democrats: Ever since the Clinton years, they have avoided gun control like the plague, and the courts have taken a libertarian view of the Second Amendment.  How many of the incumbent Democrats in the Senate want to defend Obama on his power play to impose gun control by executive fiat in the dark?  How will that fly in places like Missouri, Nebraska, and West Virginia?  How about in open seats like Virginia’s, which Democrats hope to hold?
Update: I meant “executive fiat,” not “legislative fiat.”  The latter is an oxymoron, obviously.

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Bump for 240, Hugo, Licker, Blackass, Benny, Andre, and the rest of Team Traitor
Hey it true, not cool, but this is just one person's word for it.  There are no indications of this on a larger real scale and he could have just been giving lip service.  Something all politicians do.  Bump shit for me that is in action or at least being talked about beyond a few people.

So far this just looks like a little feel good talk for a few people.

Soul Crusher

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Over a barrel? Meet White House gun policy adviser Steve Croley
By Jason Horowitz, Published: April 11

On March 15, two months after a deadly shooting spree in Tucson left a U.S. congresswoman in critical condition, the nation’s leading gun-control activists took seats in Room 4525 at the Department of Justice to push the Obama administration for more firearm regulation. In the hour-and-a-half-long meeting, Assistant Attorney General Christopher H. Schroeder, who has coordinated the government’s work on the issue, went around a long conference table soliciting views from representatives of the major advocacy and law enforcement groups.

But the official the advocates wanted to hear from most stayed mostly quiet.

The silence of Steve Croley, the White House’s point man on gun regulation policy, echoes the decision by Democrats to remain mute on guns as a national issue, even in the wake of the Tucson rampage. Croley’s keep-your-head-down approach is in keeping with President Obama’s preference for low-key wonks, but in this case, his reticence has more to do with political reality: Democrats have no plans for serious gun-control initiatives, and the Gabrielle Giffords tragedy, as heart-rending as it was, hasn’t changed their minds.

The result for Croley is a tree-falls-in-the-woods conundrum: If President Obama, like just about every leading Democrat, has abandoned the issue, does the administration’s gun policy even exist? Cro­ley is undeniably present, but he doesn’t make a sound.

The buzz-cut gun owner with sharp cheekbones and a genius for regulatory law is, according to multiple advocates, on a “listening tour.” Activists with whom Croley has conferred described him as enigmatic, though their conversations have yielded certain strong impressions. Croley, who since August has been Obama’s assistant for justice and regulatory policy, favors closing a loophole in the law that allows unlicensed gun dealers to sell arms without background checks, especially at gun shows. His background in administrative law has especially prepared him for figuring out how state agencies can make their records readily available to a federal gun database.

One area in which Croley has shown less interest, according to several people who have spoken with him about the issue, is restricting the large-volume ammunition magazines that allowed the Tucson shooter to keep firing. When Paul Helmke, director of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, broached the subject during the March 15 gathering with Croley, officials promptly adjourned the meeting.

Croley, who characteristically declined to speak for this article, has a broad portfolio including good government and transparency issues, civil rights, food safety and criminal justice policy. Guns have accounted for only a small part of his workload, and it’s an issue with which he has little experience. But Croley’s friends and colleagues describe the 45-year-old University of Michigan legal scholar as an extraordinary man of catholic interests and talents.

In fact, it’s hard to imagine a more presentable face for the administration to spotlight on the gun issue.

Croley grew up hunting deer with his father in DeWitt, outside Lansing, Mich., and went on to attend Yale Law School. He founded a boxing club, and was known to hand out black eyes and swollen lips. “He’d take down guys 40, 50 pounds heavier than him,” said Robert Riley, a friend at Yale and the son of former Alabama governor Bob Riley. A newsletter at Berkeley Law School, where Croley taught in 2000, advised new students to add the jazz pianist’s “Steven Croley Trio” to their CD collection and to “relax and enjoy drinks at Yoshi’s with this consummate pianist and tort therapist.” This fall, he will preview a documentary about Dutch farmers and gay residents in Saugatuck, Mich., that he made with his wife, Bridget M. McCormack. (She has a D.C.-Hollywood insider in her family: Her sister is actress Mary Catherine McCormack, who played deputy national security adviser Kate Harper in “The West Wing” and Mary Matalin’s blond associate in HBO’s “K Street.”)

Croley himself has movie-star good looks. In 2006, the irreverent legal blog Above the Law named him a finalist in its “Law School Dean Hotties” contest. (“Steven Croley is THE Tom Cruise look-alike.”)

More relevant to his current brief, Croley’s theoretical perspective of law has steadily shifted to the “the nuts and bolts of how things work,” according to his friend and University of Michigan colleague Kyle D. Logue. Croley has moonlighted as a special assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan and is now widely cited on regulation and tort law. That reputation for pragmatism hit a snag in 2002 when his fingers were mangled in a snowblower accident. He had disregarded the warning label, and he became an on-campus case study: If one of the country’s leading tort scholars fails to heed an advisory label, professors posited, do such warnings carry any weight?

It’s just that sort of question about the role of regulation on dangerous products that has informed Croley’s approach to the gun issue.

“If you think of guns as the intersection of regulatory policy and torts, then nothing makes more sense than a professor specializing in regulation policy and torts” to work on gun policy, said Roderick Hills, a law professor at New York University and an old friend of Croley’s. He suggested that if the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Second Amendment shaped a keyhole for regulation, Croley’s job is to make a skeleton key that fits that keyhole. “He’s the right guy,” Hills said.

The National Rifle Association, the powerful opponent to any gun restrictions, has yet to make Croley’s acquaintance. “He has had zero interaction with us,” said Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA’s director of public affairs. One reason for that lack of interaction: The NRA turned down an invitation to the March 15 session that Croley attended.

In recent meetings, Croley has been less revealing about his views of regulation than he was in his 2008 book “Regulation and Public Interests: The Possibility of Good Regulatory Government.” In this tome, Croley writes, “The evolution of the regulatory state has not been gradual, but rather reflects accelerated growth in response to periods of crisis and national trauma. In this light, regulation seems not only ubiquitous but inevitable.”

But in Obama’s Washington, national trauma does not lead inevitably to reform.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D) of New York, who lost her husband in the 1993 shooting massacre on the Long Island Rail Road, recalled a meeting in 2008 with Croley when he served on Obama’s transition team. “Basically it was me doing all the talking, and you know what? I probably didn’t know who the guy was,” she said. “That didn’t make any difference; it was somebody from the White House.”

McCarthy and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D) of New Jersey offered a bill that would ban the clips that hold large volumes of ammunition. The pugnacious McCarthy said that if the administration continued to stay on the sidelines, she and Lautenberg would get the job done themselves, but added that she “certainly had higher hopes with the administration.”

Lautenberg attempted to express optimism. The senator recalled that Attorney General Eric Holder visited him on March 29 “and tried to give us his assurance to help us with the legislation.”

During his campaign, Obama supported reintroducing the lapsed assault weapon ban, promised to eliminate an amendment requiring the FBI to destroy records of gun buyers’ background checks and advocated closing the gun-show loophole. Since taking office, the president has done none of that, and before the midterm elections, he shelved a proposal requiring gun dealers to report bulk sales of high-powered semiautomatic rifles. In his State of the Union address, just weeks after the Giffords shooting in January, Obama made no mention of guns.

On March 13, the president wrote an Arizona Daily Star opinion piece that suggested his support for closing the gun-show loophole but made no mention of restricting large clips.

Other leading Democrats, even those traditionally willing to offer full-throated support for gun-control efforts, have grown surprisingly less vocal as they take on more of a national role. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat and close friend of Giffords’s, is moving up to become the Democratic National Committee chairman. She declined to comment.

On March 30, the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, Jim Brady, who sustained a debilitating head wound in the attack, and his wife, Sarah, came to Capitol Hill to push for a ban on the controversial “large magazines.” Brady, for whom the law requiring background checks on handgun purchasers is named, then met with White House press secretary Jay Carney. During the meeting, President Obama dropped in and, according to Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

In the meeting, she said, Obama discussed how records get into the system and what can be done about firearms retailers. Her husband specifically brought up the proposed ban on large magazine clips, and she noted that even former vice president Dick Cheney had suggested that some restrictions on the clips might make sense.

“He just laughed,” Sarah Brady said approvingly of the president. Both she and her husband, she emphasized, had absolute confidence that the president was committed to regulation.

In simpler, pre-administration times, so was the president’s point man. In Croley’s book, he argued that for all the healthy skepticism, in a complex world, regulation still amounted to “the least-worst solution to pressing social problems.”

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ATF to Require Information on Frequent Gunbuyers in Border States
AP ^ | July 11, 2011

WASHINGTON -- In an effort to stem the illicit flow of weapons into Mexico, the Justice Department announced Monday that all gun shops in four Southwest border states will be required to alert the federal government to frequent buyers of high-powered rifles.

The new policy comes amid criticism of a failed federal probe aimed at dismantling large-scale arms trafficking networks along the Arizona border with Mexico.

In the probe, called Operation Fast and Furious, several agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives say they were inexplicably ordered by superiors to stop tracking some small-time "straw" buyers who purchased large numbers of weapons apparently destined for drug cartels.

Under the new policy, federal firearms licensees in Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico must report purchases of two or more of some types of rifles by the same person in a five-day span. The requirement applies to purchases of semi-automatic rifles that have detachable magazines and a caliber of greater than .22.

ATF estimates it will generate 18,000 reports a year.

Deputy Attorney General James Cole said the new reporting measure will improve the ATF's ability to disrupt illegal weapons trafficking networks that funnel firearms to criminal organizations.

One of the critics of Operation Fast and Furious called the new policy "the height of hypocrisy."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What a fucking joke! 


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The only thing our little crybaby on the board knows about LIP SERVICE is how to render it.   Mainly to cock and testicles.  What a fag.  The inability to comprehend logic, reality and simple common sense makes me understand why his mommy doesn't allow him to leave the house.

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The only thing our little crybaby on the board knows about LIP SERVICE is how to render it.   Mainly to cock and testicles.  What a fag.  The inability to comprehend logic, reality and simple common sense makes me understand why his mommy doesn't allow him to leave the house.

Right - its never obama who is lying.   Its always everyone else.   Never the black plague Obama, no can't be. 

NASA Bolden was lying when he said Obama told him the main mission of NASA was muslim outreach. 

Sarah Brady is lying when she says obama told her hwe was working on gun control "under the radar"   


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I don't know if it is everyone else lying.  I know it is usually just YOU lying as we all have seen on here.

Again, hearsay and proof are two different things.  Next time you are before a judge, ask him to explain it to you. 

Soul Crusher

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I don't know if it is everyone else lying.  I know it is usually just YOU lying as we all have seen on here.

Again, hearsay and proof are two different things.  Next time you are before a judge, ask him to explain it to you. 

 ::)  ::)

Right - Bolden is lying, Sarah Brady is lying, its always someone else lying and obama telling the truth. 


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It isn't about who is lying.  If lying was a problem, then you would have to kill yourself because of the amount you do on a daily basis.

It is about solid proof.  And you have supplied NONE.  As usual.

Absolutely no proof of Obama threatening the 2nd Amendment.  Unless you consider bullshit, lies, hearsay, and conspiracy theories to be "PROOF".  Which thankfully the majority of America doesn't.

Soul Crusher

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It isn't about who is lying.  If lying was a problem, then you would have to kill yourself because of the amount you do on a daily basis.

It is about solid proof.  And you have supplied NONE.  As usual.

Absolutely no proof of Obama threatening the 2nd Amendment.  Unless you consider bullshit, lies, hearsay, and conspiracy theories to be "PROOF".  Which thankfully the majority of America doesn't.

LMFAO! !  !  ! ! ! !  ! ! ! !  ! !  !

Ha ha ha - too many Muy Thai's at the gay bar bro? 

What do you think Fast and Furious was about? 

What about his new rules on the ATF reporting long arm sales? 

His own press secretary saying new gun control measures are coming soon? 

His own advocacy of reimposing AWB2 ? 


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More bullshit I see.

When you resort to your little gay projections we know it is because you have nothing else to use.  Certainly nothing like proof and facts.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2013, 05:27:46 AM »

Obama uses executive power to move gun control agenda forward
By Jordy Yager - 03/29/13 06:00 AM ET

President Obama is quietly moving forward on gun control.
The president has used his executive powers to bolster the national background check system, jumpstart government research on the causes of gun violence and create a million-dollar ad campaign aimed at safe gun ownership.

The executive steps will give federal law enforcement officials access to more data about guns and their owners, help keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, and lay the groundwork for future legislative efforts.
It is unclear whether the National Rifle Association will challenge any of the executive actions in court. A spokesman for the NRA did not return a request for comment.
The moves, which have not been widely touted by the administration, come as Obama ups his pressure on Congress to take action on gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. The Senate is expected to begin floor consideration of legislation when it returns in April.
Efforts to renew a ban in semi-automatic weapons with military-style features and high-capacity magazines have stalled in Congress. Democratic senators still hope to move gun control legislation that includes tougher background checks, but conservative Republican senators have threatened to filibuster it.

If approved by the Senate, any bill would then face tough sledding in the GOP-controlled House.
Gun control groups say Obama’s piecemeal approach falls short of what could be accomplished by legislation overhauling the nation’s gun laws. Still, they argue the actions remain important and will reduce gun violence.
“They’ve taken direct aim at some of the bigger problems in the regulatory part of the issue and they’re doing it in the right way and that’s going to be very helpful,” said Mark Glaze, the director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns group.

“Ultimately you need to close the loopholes in the law that will continue to undermine enforcement, but what they’re doing is precisely right.”

They also illustrate the administration’s power to change gun laws despite inaction on Capitol Hill, a practice the president may need to duplicate in other policy areas amid congressional gridlock.

Obama’s steps began the same day he unveiled his 23 gun control proposals in January, when he issued a memorandum requiring all nine federal law enforcement agencies to submit guns they confiscate to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

According to a notice sent by Attorney General Eric Holder last month, the agencies will have to submit a report to the Justice Department (DOJ) within the next month showing they are compliant.

The move, and several more like it, is aimed at strengthening the quality and quantity of records contained within the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), according to a DOJ spokeswoman.

For years, federal law enforcement officials and gun control advocates have complained that the NICS gun records are not complete, making it easier for people with criminal records and mental illnesses to buy guns. 

A key factor in strengthening the NICS database, they say, is getting states to report more information on mental health and criminal history records.

Earlier this month, the DOJ announced a $20 million grant program aimed at incentivizing states to submit more mental health and criminal history information into the NICS database.

Also this month, the White House Office of Management and Budget said it would consider changing rules to make it easier for states to share mental health records with the NICS.
Through these moves, Glaze said the administration has addressed two of the main reasons for incomplete trace data: a lack of money and privacy concerns.

“By taking direct aim at the two biggest problems inhibiting the database they are taking a significant chunk out of 50 percent of the system’s weaknesses,” said Glaze.

In January, Obama directed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to begin studying the causes of gun violence for the first time since Congress, at the behest of the NRA, began blocking funding for such research in 1996.

The CDC has since awarded a contract to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), which this spring will soon begin looking at the role video games and social media play in gun violence, as well as whether gun technologies and access to guns can be used to reduce violence.

The aim is to affect future legislation by giving lawmakers empirical data on an area that has been largely bereft for nearly two decades. Without government research, gun control advocates say they are forced to rely on private studies, which do not hold the same clout on Capitol Hill.

“You can’t make good policy without good data and for a generation the NRA has been throwing dirt in the eyes of Congress so they can’t actually see what’s going on around them," said Glaze.

As part of the agency’s preliminary research, the CDC and IOM on April 23 will host an all-day conference in Washington, D.C. to hear from firearm and gun violence experts, researchers, and advocates on both sides of the issue, according to Richard Feldman, a former NRA lobbyist who now leads the Independent Firearm Owners Association.

Feldman said he questions whether the CDC can lawfully spend money on studies that Congress has barred, but he plans to attend and noted that the NRA’s former research director, Paul Blackman, has been invited to the event as well.

In another administrative move, Obama directed the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to examine the efficacy of existing gun trigger locks and firearm safe standards to determine if they need to be improved. The CPSC has partnered with the American Society for Testing and Materials International but does not have a firm timeline for when it’s examination will be finished, according to a spokesman.

Separately, the administration has given $1 million to the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) to create, produce and distribute a nationwide multimedia ad campaign on safe gun ownership and storage. The campaign is heading into the research phase and is expected to air by the early fall, according to a NCPC spokeswoman.
And regional offices with the General Services Administration have begun to reach out to local schools, advising them about the agency’s “Cooperative Purchasing” program, which gives discounted rates to schools on security equipment including: surveillance cameras, emergency communication systems, security design and support, and employee background check systems.

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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2013, 07:00:58 AM »
It isn't about who is lying.  If lying was a problem, then you would have to kill yourself because of the amount you do on a daily basis.

It is about solid proof.  And you have supplied NONE.  As usual.

Absolutely no proof of Obama threatening the 2nd Amendment.  Unless you consider bullshit, lies, hearsay, and conspiracy theories to be "PROOF".  Which thankfully the majority of America doesn't.
Lol it's great to go back and read some of these posts to see just how delusional some of the posters in this board are


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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2013, 07:28:17 AM »

President Obama is quietly moving forward on gun control.
The president has used his executive powers to bolster the national background check system, jumpstart government research on the causes of gun violence and create a million-dollar ad campaign aimed at safe gun ownership.

i think most people would agree with these,minus the i hate obama no matter what he does crew

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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2013, 08:02:27 AM »
"under the radar" doesn't change dick.  He needs a bill to get thru congress, which will never happen.

THis is sarah brady trying to remain relevant as this phase of gun hysteria is fading and dems are accepting there will never be a bill.

it's over.  dems lost, repubs held strong.  "Working under the radar" is only to keep some hope for libs and for the NRA to keep donations coming, as they'll lessen now that everyone realizes no gun ban is coming. 

obama probably makes two dozen little promises of 'under the radar' every day.   until we see a bill in congress, i'm not gonna lose sleep over it.


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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2013, 08:53:48 AM »
"under the radar" doesn't change dick.  He needs a bill to get thru congress, which will never happen.

THis is sarah brady trying to remain relevant as this phase of gun hysteria is fading and dems are accepting there will never be a bill.

it's over.  dems lost, repubs held strong.  "Working under the radar" is only to keep some hope for libs and for the NRA to keep donations coming, as they'll lessen now that everyone realizes no gun ban is coming.  

obama probably makes two dozen little promises of 'under the radar' every day.   until we see a bill in congress, i'm not gonna lose sleep over it.

240: "Obama will never go after guns."


The best part of this clown's posts is that he thinks he's still in the right because the GOP luckily controls one part of congress.

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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2013, 09:08:10 AM »
240: "Obama will never go after guns."


The best part of this clown's posts is that he thinks he's still in the right because the GOP luckily controls one part of congress.

Exactly - for all the bitching about Boehner - if Ratlosi was SOTH they would have rammed this through by now

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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2013, 10:58:59 AM »
???   You attacked me, but not what I said.   the GOp owns congress and will continue to own congress.  There will never be a gun bill.

Do we all agree on this - and now we're reduced to just bitching about if 240's prediction from 2007 is true or not? 

If that's the debate, then we should all be happy - cause we all know that after all the hoopla and media fanfare, the guns are safe and nothing changes :)


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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2013, 11:01:34 AM »
???   You attacked me, but not what I said.   the GOp owns congress and will continue to own congress.  There will never be a gun bill.

Do we all agree on this - and now we're reduced to just bitching about if 240's prediction from 2007 is true or not? 

If that's the debate, then we should all be happy - cause we all know that after all the hoopla and media fanfare, the guns are safe and nothing changes :)
  hey the blame obama retards have to have something to complain about  ;D

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Re: Obama to Sarah Brady: We are working on gun control "under the radar."
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2013, 11:03:06 AM »
  hey the blame obama retards have to have something to complain about  ;D

obama's role in year #5 of his admin isn't to get a gun bill.
obama's role is to solidify $$ donations for 2014 and 2016.

He does this by rallying the base, and anti-gun is a great way to do that.

And it's working.  There will be no gun bill.  There never would be, with the GOP congress.  No way the House goes to the dems in 2014 or 2016.  We're worrying aobut snow in Florida at this point.