Author Topic: I knew it - Seal Beach - D.A. expects an insanity defense  (Read 11255 times)


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2011, 09:44:16 PM »
There's more than enough money in my neighborhood to cover the cost of his IMMEDIATE execution. We don't need californias inept government. besides, in california you're on death row for at least 20 years. tell me how it can be cheaper than $10 bullet or a $100 electric bill.

You have an over simplified idea of how things work or you'd like them to work. If California laws are  like Oregon's, folks on death row are guaranteed several appeals before that switch is pulled. It's the cost of these appeals that ends up making capital punishment so much more expensive than a sentence of life in prison.


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« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2011, 09:48:32 PM »
Execute him immediately after he is found guilty .

it doesnt work that way...


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« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2011, 09:57:52 PM »
it doesnt work that way...
That simply is not how the system works.

No shit  ::)


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« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2011, 11:30:44 PM »
Look what color he is. Those kind always kill a lot of people if something minor happen in their lives. Been doing it for hundreds of years.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2011, 11:56:56 PM »
Fuck him and fuck the attorney's who defend shit like him. I drove past this bastards house yesterday only because it's on the way home from mine. he did it, it was per-meditaded, my friend is dead and her daughter is without her mom along with others and a community is devastated. He admitted it, he had other fire arms on him and in his truck, he was waring body armor. Someone should fucking snip this #### to or from the police station, to or from prison, to or from court or whatever and now an insanity plea so this bastard could live?? FUCK HIM!

His admission will be used against him in the proper venue: a Court of law. There a jury of his peers (or a Judge if he waives his right to a jury trial) will evaluate the facts and reach a verdict. I understand that it's not to your liking, but it's how the system works. As to the planned insanity defense, you need to realize that before he can mount an insanity defense at trial he will be evaluated by qualified medical professionals, and with their input, the Court will then decide whether he can do so or not.

And Coach, why are you lashing out at the attorney? I don't know the details in this case, but has it occurred to you that perhaps he was appointed by the Court and he has no choice in whether to defend him or not? Not that it whether he's appointed or retained matters, one way or the other. We, as a society, have decided that every man, no matter how vile or how despicable his crime, deserves his day in Court and a defense.

It sounds like you're saying: "To hell with Courts, and juries. To hell with the law and the Constitution. We should, each, take the law into our own hands, gunning down those we determine to be guilty." Par for the course, I guess, since you don't strike me as someone who cares much for principles anyways -- not when they get in the way...


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« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2011, 12:07:19 AM »
That begs the question: Do you want to live in a society that can easily and quickly legitimately have you killed. Does that defeat the purpose of society, etc. What is the role of punishment? Deterrence, revenge, retribution, closure, etc. Of what value, if any, should be prescribed to human rights, dignity, etc.

It's a complicated issue.

When a case is as cut and dried as this no need for all the appeals and BS paper work.

The role of punishing a crime is both as a deterrent and, yes, retribution. In Saudi Arabia when you see a thief get his hand chopped off it's a message to others that this is what is going to happen to you if you the same thing. If crimes were not punished, laws are meaningless. There would be no law.

The only way a society can make a statement on how egregious a crime is how they punish it. Chewing gum in Singapore is illegal. You are fined. The amount of the fine is how Singapore tells you how egregious the crime is. If they executed you for chewing gum that would be their way of telling you that chewing gum is a very, very bad thing. How we punish murderers is how we announce how egregious we believe the crime to be. It is not a coincidence that capital punishment, the death penalty for murder, is the only law mentioned in the first five books of the Bible, The Torah.

Once someone commits murder -- kills an innocent person, he has taken a step that will forever change him. He can never be the same person again. *He has committed an unforgivable sin.* And once you have done something it's always a little bit easier to do it again and the more you do it the easier it gets. Executing a murderer insures he will never kill again. Think of all the cases where people on death row have killed someone in prison or the instances when an escape or released prisoner killed again. Here's just one list of murderers that have murdered again.

Executing a murderer finally brings closure to the living who knew and loved the victim. You may not think it matters but unless you've been there, and I have, it matters. It matters a lot. As long as the person is alive: Living, breathing, eating, interacting and befriending other, writing letters and emails, in some case getting married and having relationships, watching TV and movies, reading, playing basketball; in cases like Timothy McVeigh and Manson getting interviewed and still being in the public eye.... Once they're dead, it's over. You don't think about the murderer anymore because there's nothing to think about. Nobody cares about McVeigh now but I just read another article on Manson about a month ago. And you will keep hearing about him when his review board comes up because he's still alive. You will still get the occasional "What is Manson Up to Now?" And that's because he is still alive. He should be dead. And of course by closure I don't mean you forget about the person you lost. You still think about the victim but in a different way. You think more in a way that you would when a loved one has passed on. You think more about their life and the impact they had on you. Not so much that they were murdered. Their murderer is gone now. There's no longer that nagging sense of unfinished business.

** An act can only be forgiven by the person violated. If your wife cheated on you and I told that I forgive her you would say, "Who gives a shit! You weren't the one cheated on!" Murder is the only sin that cannot be forgiven because the person who is the only one the can rightfully do the forgiving is dead. One can always forgive a murderer for the pain caused by losing a loved one but that's not forgiving the murder.


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« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2011, 12:53:12 AM »
There's more than enough money in my neighborhood to cover the cost of his IMMEDIATE execution. We don't need californias inept government. besides, in california you're on death row for at least 20 years. tell me how it can be cheaper than $10 bullet or a $100 electric bill.

I'd rather he was stripped to his shorts, chained by his ankles behind a pickup truck and dragged about 5 miles an hour over course gravel for an hour then left to hear the sound of his own whimpering for 24 hours. Then if he lives, repeat the process for 40 days. No food and only salt water to drink. Pour vinegar over his wounds.
and keep moving!


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #32 on: October 15, 2011, 03:41:45 AM »
I'd rather he was stripped to his shorts, chained by his ankles behind a pickup truck and dragged about 5 miles an hour over course gravel for an hour then left to hear the sound of his own whimpering for 24 hours. Then if he lives, repeat the process for 40 days. No food and only salt water to drink. Pour vinegar over his wounds.

nice ;D
tank u jesus


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« Reply #33 on: October 15, 2011, 03:54:23 AM »
I'd rather he was stripped to his shorts, chained by his ankles behind a pickup truck and dragged about 5 miles an hour over course gravel for an hour then left to hear the sound of his own whimpering for 24 hours. Then if he lives, repeat the process for 40 days. No food and only salt water to drink. Pour vinegar over his wounds.

This would be a serious possibility in the middle east.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2011, 08:01:19 AM »
if they plead insanity (found guilty or not) they should automatically get sentenced to death.  we don't need insane people running around

and when I say death penalty i don't mean lethal injection, it should be primitive and barbaric

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« Reply #35 on: October 15, 2011, 08:07:39 AM »

His admission will be used against him in the proper venue: a Court of law. There a jury of his peers (or a Judge if he waives his right to a jury trial) will evaluate the facts and reach a verdict. I understand that it's not to your liking, but it's how the system works. As to the planned insanity defense, you need to realize that before he can mount an insanity defense at trial he will be evaluated by qualified medical professionals, and with their input, the Court will then decide whether he can do so or not.

And Coach, why are you lashing out at the attorney? I don't know the details in this case, but has it occurred to you that perhaps he was appointed by the Court and he has no choice in whether to defend him or not? Not that it whether he's appointed or retained matters, one way or the other. We, as a society, have decided that every man, no matter how vile or how despicable his crime, deserves his day in Court and a defense.

It sounds like you're saying: "To hell with Courts, and juries. To hell with the law and the Constitution. We should, each, take the law into our own hands, gunning down those we determine to be guilty." Par for the course, I guess, since you don't strike me as someone who cares much for principles anyways -- not when they get in the way...

You're absolutely right and I apologize, yesterday I spoke out of pure anger and posted RIGHT after reading that article. Of course he should get his due process but I just have a hard time wondering why (unless he has a public defender) or how anyone can defend this persons life after he destroyed countless lives including his 8 year old son who has grow up knowing what his father did.


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« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2011, 08:15:11 AM »
I think capital punishment should be reserved for only the absolute worst violent criminals, particularly repeat offenders...but for those citing that capital punishment is more expensive, it is only so because our legal system is fucked up.  We allow countless appeals and pay for excessive legal costs for these fuckers.  If we mandated that a person sentenced to death get 1 appeal (more than 1 appeals only if significant new evidence comes to light, as determined by an arbitrator) and must be executed within 5-10yrs, it would likely be much less expensive than keeping someone in our overcrowded prisons for life. 


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« Reply #37 on: October 15, 2011, 08:17:54 AM »
You're absolutely right and I apologize, yesterday I spoke out of pure anger and posted RIGHT after reading that article. Of course he should get his due process but I just have a hard time wondering why (unless he has a public defender) or how anyone can defend this persons life after he destroyed countless lives including his 8 year old son who has grow up knowing what his father did.

Forget defending his life how about granting this disgusting human entrance into heaven with the people he murdered? , assuming he was repentant and honestly meant it? Honestly Coach how do you reconcile this?


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #38 on: October 15, 2011, 08:18:56 AM »
Why is it that every person sentenced to death fights to have their sentence reduce to life in prison?

Because even a hardcore killer is afraid of death---Death means THE END...the same reason why Tookie had a tear come out. Only a truly insane person welcomes death, and even then there is still a inkling of fear.

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« Reply #39 on: October 15, 2011, 09:16:43 AM »

Forget defending his life how about granting this disgusting human entrance into heaven with the people he murdered? , assuming he was repentant and honestly meant it? Honestly Coach how do you reconcile this?

1. Don't hijack this thread.

2. I can (as with any good Christian) can forgive but we will NEVER forget.

3. We believe if he TRULY repentant and accepts God as his Lord and savior then yes, he will. If that's what he chooses then it's between him and God. 


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2011, 09:24:38 AM »
1. Don't hijack this thread.

2. I can (as with any good Christian) can forgive but we will NEVER forget.

3. We believe if he TRULY repentant and accepts God as his Lord and savior then yes, he will. If that's what he chooses then it's between him and God. 

It's not a highjack it was a serious question that was related to you opining about the lawyer's ethics in defending him. Which is worse? the lawyer defending him or him being excused for his actions by God?

Samourai Pizzacat

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« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2011, 09:27:23 AM »
A murder is committed out of 3 broad motivations:

Insanity, killer is a psychopath.
Premeditated, the murderer either expects not to get caught or deems his own punishment as a price worth paying.
Crime passionèle, murder in a fit of rage.

all 3 circumstances exclude retributivism as a inhibiting argument.

The fact is that in countries/states with capital punishment, the number of murders is not smaller. There's a multitude of factors at play, but ultimately it does make a very poor case for retributivism as effective deterrent.

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« Reply #42 on: October 15, 2011, 09:27:49 AM »
God's punishment would be far worse.

Samourai Pizzacat

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« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2011, 09:29:11 AM »
It's not a highjack it was a serious question that was related to you opining about the lawyer's ethics in defending him. Which is worse? the lawyer defending him or him being excused for his actions by God?

A lawyer's job is to make sure the defendant gets a fair trial, not to get him out of jail. Unfortunately that is lost on many (including a lot of lawyers).

Dr Dutch

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« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2011, 09:34:59 AM »
God's punishment would be far worse.
I don't believe there is a god, but I thought the idea about him was forgiveness and stuff....
And this case is another reason to stop selling guns in  stores in the US like they are toys.

Mr. Magoo

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« Reply #45 on: October 15, 2011, 09:52:55 AM »
I apologize for this long post, but I intend on showing how complicated this issue is (I've spent a lot of time on the issue of Capital Punishment), and those who are very close to the issue (family, friends, etc) are usually affected by rage and are very emotional and this interferes with their ability to think logically and rationally. I, for one, do not think people should be killed solely because those citing the justification for said person's death are very emotional.

Yes, in this type of circumstance

But who is to decide in what circumstances it is permissible for the state (whose purpose it can be argued is to protect you against harm from others) to harm you directly itself.

many roles for punishment, deterrence, retribution,

It has not been shown that Capital Punishment is any more of a deterrent than life in prison. I have done studies on this myself for classes. There's no relationship at all between a state that implements capital punishment and the murder rate afterwards (Some argue that a state implementing CP actually raises murder, i.e. "if the state has legitimate reason to kill a person, then why don't I"). The Southern U.S. has the highest rate of CP in the U.S., but it also has the highest murder rate per capita. Others argue that most murders are committed out of rage, not out of rational thought. So the thought of deterrence "If I do X, then I automatically get Y" never crosses their mind.

In regards to retribution. CP would only be an "eye for an eye" punishment in regards to murder. But doesn't the U.S. put rapists and kidnappers and traitors on death row? How is that "eye for an eye"? If you really agree to that, you would be advocating that the Government should implement rape and only rape for convicted rapists. Also, some say that CP cannot be an "eye for an eye" because CP is not only death, but "torture until death" and this goes beyond what the accused did (assuming the accused murdered) (for more info on this last point, see "Against the Death Penalty" by Jeffrey Reiman)

There's a quote regarding retribution that I think fits. Nobel Laureate Albert Camus wrote, "For there to be equivalence, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life"

human rights ends when a person batantly and maliciously loads his weapons, puts them in his vehicles, drives to a place of business and opens fire on innocent people.

You're making a nonempirical claim that needs reasons to back it up. Some people argue that human rights are inviolable (right to life for example). Doesn't the Declaration say that all men have certain inalienable rights including the right to life? That means the state does not have power to take away life (the reality of how this statement has been carried out is not relevant to the definition of the statement). Some argue that by mere fact of being humans we have certain dignities and rights that cannot be taken away by other humans.

The problems with todays society in America is that our government and bleeding heart crybaby fuckheads have give the criminals more rights than the victims and their families. Once a person is convicted of a crime like this, death should be swift, not 20+ years of paperwork and bullshit.

The problem is with many in todays society think that it is the "rights of the criminals" that is faulty. But consider all the other points before the sentencing of a convicted criminal. One half to two thirds of all crimes are not reported. Police have discretion on whether to arrest or not. 88-93 percent of crimes do not produce arrest. Prosecution has discretion and may not prosecute due to overcrowded system. Years on bail awaiting trial. Plea bargaining might come into play, over 75 percent of convictions result in this manner, then probation or the sentence might be suspended. THEN we get to the trial. The idea that "the system is fucked up because the defendant has too many rights" overlooks this huge line of exit points that occur before the defendant is even sentenced.

Straw Man

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« Reply #46 on: October 15, 2011, 09:56:27 AM »
God's punishment would be far worse.

Joe - how does God punish anyone

I thought Satan ran Hell and you'd think he would like guys like this

If God somehow does punish people, does he do that is some specific part of heaven or somewhere else?

Does someone like this get more punishment than say a gay person or just your average run of the mill atheist.
How about someone who was very religious, ethical etc.. but just didn't happen to be a christian (let's say this person was a devout hindu or muslim or jew).   Do you think he gets less punishment than this guy?

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this


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« Reply #47 on: October 15, 2011, 10:16:08 AM »
if they plead insanity (found guilty or not) they should automatically get sentenced to death.  we don't need insane people running around

and when I say death penalty i don't mean lethal injection, it should be primitive and barbaric

And after the insane, who will you go after next? Handicapped? Overweight? Sick?

Dr Dutch

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« Reply #48 on: October 15, 2011, 10:17:19 AM »
And after the insane, who will you go after next? Handicapped? Overweight? Sick?
Most getbiggers will qualify I'm afraid..... :-X


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« Reply #49 on: October 15, 2011, 10:25:28 AM »
You're absolutely right and I apologize, yesterday I spoke out of pure anger and posted RIGHT after reading that article. Of course he should get his due process but I just have a hard time wondering why (unless he has a public defender) or how anyone can defend this persons life after he destroyed countless lives including his 8 year old son who has grow up knowing what his father did.

It's understandable. This sort of senseless crime, which shatters so many lives, leaves us all angry. And of course, that applies a thousand-fold to those who were personally affected. That is why we needed a system of Justice based on the rule of law and not raw emotions.

As for the lawyers who defend these people -- whether they are a public defender or an attorney in private practice -- I'm sure that sometimes it's very difficult on them too. But it's their job to be vigorous advocates for their client and ensure they get a fair trial, no matter how despicable or evil they may be.