Author Topic: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)  (Read 34936 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #175 on: February 09, 2012, 07:31:04 PM »
You will lose this fight blackass.    just like Father Karas beat the demon out of Reagan in the Exorcist , so we shall prevail against your evil black mass satanic priest obama 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #176 on: February 09, 2012, 07:33:40 PM »
it's to bad the church  didn't put as much effort when they knew they were raping the little boys :'(


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #177 on: February 09, 2012, 07:35:11 PM »
the repubs run losers for candidates now they look for something to save them priceless :D :D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #178 on: February 09, 2012, 07:42:04 PM »

What does that have to do w the fact that thugghettobama is acting like a mugabe tyrant? 

Personally, and i hope fbi, dhs, etc are reading this, if a wmd went off in dc and took out all of these pofs, i would celebrate. 

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #179 on: February 09, 2012, 07:44:43 PM »
Obamacare and Healthy Kids Initiative Requires Pork Be Served In Jewish and Muslim Schools
 We're Faux'ed | Ed Sherdlu

Posted on Thursday, February 09, 2012 8:02:35 PM by MindBender26

Today in Washington, First Lady Michelle Obama announced dictates of Obamacare and her Healthy Kids Initiative will require pork, bacon, ham and other non-kosher, non-halal foods be served the nations’ schools, including those operated by Jewish or Muslim organizations.

“Everyone understands the benefits of chicken in a diet, but pork is often called “The Other White Meat” said the First Lady.

“Lean pork is a great alternative to fatty beef” added Second Lady Jill Biden who joined Mrs. Obama for the announcement, held at the new Mother Seaton – Christ the Redeemer Birth Control Pill Distribution Center. The only hitch in the entire announcement came when Mrs. Biden’s microphone blanked out when she said the words “fatty beef” the first time. When asked by reporters to repeat the words to help them understand, she said “Fatty beef, you know, like…..” and then coyly pointed to Mrs. Obama’s derrière.

When later quizzed by the media as to whether the rule mandating pork and pork products violated the kosher and halal rules, and might therefore force observant Jews and Muslims to violate their religions codes, White House spokesman Jay Carney states “We’re giving the Roman Catholics 12 months to come to terms with the president’s demand that Catholic institutions give up 2000 years of religions principles and provide contraceptives, and in fact abortion to anyone who asks, so the Jews should be able to accept this in 6 months.”

When asked if his answer mentioning only Jews seemed to somehow remove the requirement from Muslims to serve pork, Carey said “Well, Ax (Obama political guru David Axelrod) says contributions are flowing in from U.S. Muslims, so we may find a way to drop the prohibition on for pork and pork products for Muslims.” “Why not” said Carey. “When was the last time you saw a fat woman in a burka ordering a bacon cheeseburger happy meal?”

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #180 on: February 09, 2012, 07:46:31 PM »

A Matter of Conscience


President McLean’s Letter Regarding the Obama Administration’s Contraceptive Mandate
Note: On January 30, 2012, Thomas Aquinas College President Michael F. McLean mailed the following letter to California’s two U.S. senators, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Barbara Boxer, and the College’s local congressman, Rep. Elton Gallegly:

I am writing on behalf of Thomas Aquinas College to express the College’s strong disapproval of the Obama Administration’s decision to require that coverage for sterilization, abortifacients, and contraception be included in virtually all health plans.
Voluntary sterilization, abortion, and artificial contraception are all directly contrary to Catholic teaching and cannot, in any way, be supported by individual Catholics or Catholic institutions desiring to live in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The administration’s allowance of a one-year delay before religious employers are forced to comply with the HHS mandate does not ameliorate the situation at all; in the words of Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “in effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences.”
Archbishop Dolan continued: “Never before has the federal government forced individuals and organizations to go out into the marketplace and buy a product that violates their conscience. This shouldn’t happen in a land where free exercise of religion ranks first in the Bill of Rights.” Making a similar point, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, chair of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, said “this mandate gravely compromises religious liberty.”
Americans hold dear our country’s long tradition of honoring freedom of conscience for its citizens. We at Thomas Aquinas College hope, therefore, that you will join with us and with all who believe in the Constitution and religious liberty to oppose this mandate. I urge you to expend every effort to have it withdrawn.
Michael F. McLean
 Thomas Aquinas College
Cc: Barack Obama, President of the United States
 Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services
 Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York Cardinal
 Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
 Archbishop José Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles

Obama is Damien 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #181 on: February 09, 2012, 08:33:50 PM »
it's to bad the church  didn't put as much effort when they knew they were raping the little boys :'(
yet another reason gays shouldnt be trusted...;)

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #182 on: February 10, 2012, 04:58:24 AM »
Debate is about religious freedom, not birth control
First lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama say goodbye to Pope Benedict XVI after an audience at the Vatican in 2009. (SAUL LOEB, Getty-AFP photo / July 10, 2009)
John Kass
February 10, 2012

The way President Barack Obama has started a war with Roman Catholics, you might think Obama never set foot in a predominantly Catholic town like Chicago.

Even a lowly alderman would have played it smarter. And Obama is much smarter than some machine alderman. The man spent years at the feet of the machine lords, petitioning for their favor. And they're mostly Catholic. Didn't Obama learn anything?

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Ads by GoogleOh, he learned about playing the empty vessel to the yearning throngs of journalists and other mythmakers desperate for something secular to believe in. He endorsed the politicians they told him to endorse, he voted absentee rather than challenge authority and he climbed his ambition to power.

But then, recently, he decided to challenge the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. And his new policy to force religious hospitals and schools to offer abortion-inducing drugs and birth control in health care plans for employees is a clear violation of religious freedom guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

It demonstrates to Americans that their government is not only willing but eager to dominate faith, by telling religions how to practice their beliefs. And if they refuse, then the faithful will feel the federal wrath.

So the president's policy is not only mistaken and insensitive and wrong, it is the perfect expression of everything Americans fear about the ever-increasing federal leviathan.

What we fear is a bureaucracy that by nature can consider neither soul nor sin, but only power and politics presented as reason.

Do Americans want access to contraceptives, and do some want abortion-inducing drugs? Of course, some do, and arguments have been made in support of such policy.

But should Catholic hospitals be forced by the federal government to provide such abortion-inducing drugs and other birth control in violation of faith?

Most Americans cringe at such a prospect. We see abusive federal power battering the church and we wonder, rightfully: What's next?

Naturally, Republicans will try to take advantage of this, but the problem is bigger than partisan politics. And the feeding of the federal leviathan isn't particular to Obama, as President George W. Bush and the No Child Left Behind Act proved to educators.

With great will and personal charm, Obama pushed through government-run health care. The problem was never with giving care to the needy. The problem was that this policy increased federal power. And now Americans are learning a terrible fact about what happens to freedom as federal authority grows. A line in a Wall Street Journal editorial makes this clear.

"When politics determines who can or should receive what benefits, and who pays what for it, government will use its force to dictate the outcomes that it wants — either for reasons of cost, or to promote its values, which in this case means that 'women's health' trumps religious conscience."

Obama has sent the spinners and town criers galloping out of the White House to say, incorrectly, that this debate is only about contraception. It is not. It was always about federal power trampling religious freedom, and now the White House is panicking.

That was evident last week at a prayer breakfast in Washington where he stressed how often he prays.

In a column last week titled "Obama see the light: Praise the Lord and pass the taxes," I poked fun at the public holiness of the political man. But that was sarcasm. Today I want to be clear.

Despite the president's proclamation of a few years ago that America is not a Christian nation, even Saul Alinsky would agree that this entire enterprise was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.

And one central principle is that human beings are imperfect sinners (amazingly, even federal bureaucrats are imperfect), which means that the humans among us are in violation most of the time.

You wouldn't believe it from hearing politicians talk, since they're so right about everything, so sure of this policy or that policy, advocates on the political left and the right and the center, all quite certain they're correct.

But most of us aren't certain. I'm not. And I don't think you are either. The one thing we are certain about is that it is inevitable we'll violate the teachings or principles of our faith.

We're human. If we're not made of clay, we sure do act like it. Whatever our faith, we'll either ignore or deny our transgressions, or we'll acknowledge them and start walking on that hard road of repentance and atonement. Often we stray off that road when things get too steep. And most of us do all this in private, and that's where it belongs.

Americans understand this dialogue is between the individual and God, and that there's no room in there for the federal leviathan.

You and I can and do hold widely different views. But one thing we probably can agree on is that when we're in church or another house of worship, we know what we should be doing:

Sitting in the back pew, heads bowed, begging mercy for sins.

That's much better than puffing ourselves up and telling ourselves what's so right about what we did and what's so wrong about what the other fellow did.

But it's a private thing. And it is so very difficult.

So difficult, in fact, just about the last thing Americans need is some politician whispering in our ears, even if it is the president surrounded by a host of lawyers from Health and Human Services singing his praises.

I could be wrong, but I think there are some places even politics and government don't belong.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #183 on: February 10, 2012, 05:04:02 AM »
United We Stand for Religious Freedom
ObamaCare's contraception mandate stands the First Amendment on its head.


Stories involving a Catholic, a Protestant and a Jew typically end with a punch line. We wish that were the case here, but what brings us together is no laughing matter: the threat now posed by government policy to that basic human freedom, religious liberty.

Last month the federal Department of Health and Human Services announced that the Affordable Care Act requires employers to pay for insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilizations and contraception. What made the announcement especially troubling is that HHS specifically declined to exempt religious institutions that serve those outside their own faiths, such as hospitals and schools.

Coverage of this story has almost invariably been framed as a conflict between the federal government and the Catholic bishops. Zeroing in on the word "contraception," many commentators have taken delight in pointing to surveys about the use of contraceptives among Catholics, the message being that any infringement of religious freedom involves an idiosyncratic position that doesn't affect that many people.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The Catholic Church's teaching on contraception (not to mention abortion and surgical sterilization) has been clear, consistent and public. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's decision would force Catholic institutions either to violate the moral teachings of the Catholic Church or abandon the health-care, education and social services they provide the needy. This is intolerable.

And while most evangelicals take a more permissive view of contraception, they share with Catholics the moral conviction that the taking of human life in utero, whether surgically or by abortifacient drugs, violates the basic human right to life. Evangelical nonprofits such as Prison Fellowship would therefore also have to choose between violating their consciences or paying fines that would ultimately destroy their ability to help the people they are committed to helping.

Even worse than the financial impact is the breach of faith represented by Ms. Sebelius's decision. Her notion of an "appropriate balance" between religious freedom and "increasing access" to "important preventive services" stands the First Amendment on its head.

In 1790, George Washington exchanged letters with Moses Seixas, the warden of the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, R.I. Seixas praised the newly formed United States for "affording to All liberty of conscience, and immunities of citizenship." People who knew all too well what it meant to be deprived of the "invaluable rights of free Citizens" held religious liberty and freedom of conscience most dear.

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Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

.In reply, Washington wrote that U.S. citizens had a "right to applaud themselves" for setting an example of "an enlarged and liberal policy" that enshrined freedom of conscience. He added that the ability of members of one faith to seek the benefit of all Americans is the foundation of America's civic strength.

We see evidence of that strength all around us: If a working mother's child needs to visit the emergency room, there's a good chance the hospital is a Catholic one. If an ex-offender needs help readjusting to life outside of prison, there's a good chance help will come from a Christian ministry like Prison Fellowship.

Yet instead of encouraging the different faith communities to continue their vital work for the good of all, the Obama administration is forcing them to make a choice: serving God and their neighbors according to the dictates of their respective faiths—or bending the knee to the dictates of the state.

For Jews, George Washington's letter has always been cherished. It embodies the promise extended by America not only to them, but to all citizens. That is why many in the Jewish community are alarmed to see the very religious freedom Washington praised centuries ago endangered by Washington's successor. "May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land," Washington wrote, "continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants."

At this critical moment, Americans of every faith, as guardians of their own freedom, must, in the words of the First Amendment, "petition the government for the redress of grievances." That's why over the past two years more than 500,000 people have signed the "Manhattan Declaration" in defense of religious liberty. They believe, as do we, that under no circumstances should people of faith violate their consciences and discard their most cherished religious beliefs in order to comply with a gravely unjust law.

That's something that this Catholic, this Protestant and this Jew are in perfect agreement about.

Cardinal Wuerl is the archbishop of Washington, D.C. Mr. Colson is the founder of Prison Fellowship and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Rabbi Soloveichik is director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University and associate rabbi at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in Manhattan.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #184 on: February 10, 2012, 05:12:23 AM »
The Gospel according to Obama
By Charles Krauthammer, Published: February 9

At the National Prayer Breakfast last week, seeking theological underpinning for his drive to raise taxes on the rich, President Obama invoked the highest possible authority. His policy, he testified “as a Christian,” “coincides with Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.’ ”

Now, I’m no theologian, but I’m fairly certain that neither Jesus nor his rabbinic forebears, when speaking of giving, meant some obligation to the state. You tithe the priest, not the tax man.

The Judeo-Christian tradition commands personal generosity as represented, for example, by the biblical injunction against retrieving any sheaf left behind while harvesting one’s own field. That is for the gleaners — “the poor and the alien” (Leviticus 19:10). Like Ruth in the field of Boaz. As far as I can tell, that charitable transaction involved no mediation by the IRS.

But no matter. Let’s assume that Obama has biblical authority for hiking the marginal tax rate exactly 4.6 points for couples making more than $250,000 (depending, of course, on the prevailing shekel-to-dollar exchange rate). Let’s stipulate that Obama’s prayer-breakfast invocation of religion as vindicating his politics was not, God forbid, crass, hypocritical, self-serving electioneering, but a sincere expression of a social-gospel Christianity that sees good works as central to the very concept of religiosity.

Fine. But this Gospel according to Obama has a rival — the newly revealed Gospel according to Sebelius, over which has erupted quite a contretemps. By some peculiar logic, it falls to the health and human services secretary to promulgate the definition of “religious” — for the purposes, for example, of exempting religious institutions from certain regulatory dictates.

Such exemptions are granted in grudging recognition that, whereas the rest of civil society may be broken to the will of the state’s regulators, our quaint Constitution grants special autonomy to religious institutions.

Accordingly, it would be a mockery of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment if, for example, the Catholic Church were required by law to freely provide such “health care services” (in secularist parlance) as contraception, sterilization and pharmacological abortion — to which Catholicism is doctrinally opposed as a grave contravention of its teachings about the sanctity of life.

Ah. But there would be no such Free Exercise violation if the institutions so mandated are deemed, by regulatory fiat, not religious.

And thus, the word came forth from Sebelius decreeing the exact criteria required (a) to meet her definition of “religious” and thus (b) to qualify for a modicum of independence from newly enacted state control of American health care, under which the aforementioned Sebelius and her phalanx of experts determine everything — from who is to be covered, to which treatments are to be guaranteed free of charge.

Criterion 1: A “religious institution” must have “the inculcation of religious values as its purpose.” But that’s not the purpose of Catholic charities; it’s to give succor to the poor. That’s not the purpose of Catholic hospitals; it’s to give succor to the sick. Therefore, they don’t qualify as “religious” — and therefore can be required, among other things, to provide free morning-after abortifacients.

Criterion 2: Any exempt institution must be one that “primarily employs” and “primarily serves persons who share its religious tenets.” Catholic soup kitchens do not demand religious IDs from either the hungry they feed or the custodians they employ. Catholic charities and hospitals — even Catholic schools — do not turn away Hindu or Jew.

Their vocation is universal, precisely the kind of universal love-thy-neighbor vocation that is the very definition of religiosity as celebrated by the Gospel of Obama. Yet according to the Gospel of Sebelius, these very same Catholic institutions are not religious at all — under the secularist assumption that religion is what happens on Sunday under some Gothic spire, while good works are “social services” properly rendered up unto Caesar.

This all would be merely the story of contradictory theologies, except for this: Sebelius is Obama’s appointee. She works for him. These regulations were his call. Obama authored both gospels.

Therefore: To flatter his faith-breakfast guests and justify his tax policies, Obama declares good works to be the essence of religiosity. Yet he turns around and, through Sebelius, tells the faithful who engage in good works that what they’re doing is not religion at all. You want to do religion? Get thee to a nunnery. You want shelter from the power of the state? Get out of your soup kitchen and back to your pews. Outside, Leviathan rules.

________________________ ________________________ _____________

The sheer dishonesty and duplicity of thugbama should be appalling to even his most ardent supporters.   

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #185 on: February 10, 2012, 05:17:19 AM »
Paul Ryan: Contraception Issue A "Teachable Moment" In Progressive Philosophy

"The teachable moment here is when we elect a president who brings this progressive philosophy to bear to government, they decide how our rights are to be granted and given and organized. And if they clash with our first amendment right of religious freedom or something else then we know who wins in that exchange. This is much much bigger than about contraception or something like that, this is about religious freedom, first amendment rights, and how this progressive philosophy of fungible rights or a living, breathing constitution really clashes and collides with these core rights that we built our society and country around," Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said to Laura Ingraham on her nationally syndicated radio program.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #186 on: February 10, 2012, 05:19:51 AM »
BREAKING: White House To Announce 'Accommodation' On Birth Control Rule
Gus Lubin | 1 hour ago | 1,915 | 28

It looks like Obama will cave on his stand against the Catholic Church.

ABC's Jake Tapper reports the White House will likely announce an attempt to accommodate religious groups on mandatory contraceptive coverage later today.

One source tells ABC the White House may offer a plan that lets religious groups opt out of contraceptive coverage as long as they inform employees beforehand.

As the Obama's war with the Catholic Church heated up, we've published popular op-eds in favor of and against the Church's stand on birth control.

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This communist ghetto creep has no idea what he started w this attack on the church.   

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #187 on: February 10, 2012, 05:22:51 AM »
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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #188 on: February 10, 2012, 05:24:20 AM »
catholic church: raping little boys okay      contraceptives: bad  ::)

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #189 on: February 10, 2012, 05:26:22 AM »
catholic church: raping little boys okay      contraceptives: bad  ::)



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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #190 on: February 10, 2012, 05:29:03 AM »
BREAKING: White House To Announce 'Accommodation' On Birth Control Rule
Gus Lubin | 1 hour ago | 1,915 | 28

It looks like Obama will cave on his stand against the Catholic Church.

ABC's Jake Tapper reports the White House will likely announce an attempt to accommodate religious groups on mandatory contraceptive coverage later today.

One source tells ABC the White House may offer a plan that lets religious groups opt out of contraceptive coverage as long as they inform employees beforehand.

As the Obama's war with the Catholic Church heated up, we've published popular op-eds in favor of and against the Church's stand on birth control.

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This communist ghetto creep has no idea what he started w this attack on the church.   

did you not post this

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #191 on: February 10, 2012, 05:32:32 AM »
It just popped up on BI.   

Obama taking on the Church = him going back to Kenya in November. 

His far left communist fringe freak show base can whine all they like, at heart Obama wants a second term, not a fight on principles.     


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #192 on: February 10, 2012, 05:36:05 AM »
LOL @ the Obama meltdown on here. 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #193 on: February 10, 2012, 05:39:00 AM »
now what are you going to do,obama gives in to the, it's  ok to rape little boys club,but you still have your loser candidates. it a lose lose situation for you :D :D :D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #194 on: February 10, 2012, 05:43:34 AM »
LOL @ the Obama meltdown on here. 

And the rest of the nation as well who is tired of the communist usurpers trampling on peoples' rights.   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #195 on: February 10, 2012, 05:52:00 AM »
now what are you going to do,obama gives in to the, it's  ok to rape little boys club,but you still have your loser candidates. it a lose lose situation for you :D :D :D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #196 on: February 10, 2012, 06:17:09 AM »
Obama boxed in on birth control
By: Glenn Thrush and Carrie Budoff Brown
February 10, 2012 04:26 AM EST

It was no secret inside the West Wing that Bill Daley, a Catholic with deep connections to the church hierarchy, vehemently opposed the administration’s proposal to require church-run hospitals and universities to give their employees free contraception.

But it was the way he pushed his case that aggravated some women on President Barack Obama’s senior staff, according to current and former administration officials. In early November, without consulting them, Daley set up a four-man Oval Office meeting for himself, Obama, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan and Vice President Joe Biden, who both shared the view that the policy would sink the president with Catholic voters.

Obama, a person close to him tells POLITICO, hadn’t made any final decision, hadn’t fully analyzed the dueling arguments, hadn’t expressed a strong policy preference, and felt “mildly uncomfortable” being put on the spot.

On Jan. 20 — after a protracted internal debate over the policy’s implications and lobbying from allies in the reproductive-rights community — Obama approved the mandate, to the horror of the conservative Dolan and even to more liberal Catholic allies such as Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne.

From the standpoint of the 2012 campaign, the debate over birth control, the stuff of the 1960s, has opened a dangerous electoral schism for Democrats, pitting Obama’s base of female supporters against the church and a GOP presidential field all too eager to seize on a perceived assault on religious liberty.

But it has also exposed surprisingly acute ideological, religious and gender divisions within a White House that prides itself on pulling together as a cohesive unit after a major decision, however sloppy the deliberation. And the fissures may have contributed to the slow, seemingly disorganized response to the escalating attacks, amplifying the damage from a fight that would have been politically perilous in any case.

Signaling a desire to move beyond the controversy, the White House will announce a compromise as early as Friday designed to allay the concerns of religious organization, a senior administration official told POLITICO.

The Dolan meeting is just one example of the administration’s fumbling of an incendiary issue dating to the summer of 2011.

The session broke up after less than an hour, and Obama made no commitment to Dolan, a barrel-chested eminence in dark clerical vestments. The president, in sphinx mode, said he’d seek an accommodation amenable to all parties. That left the politically savvy prelate feeling “a little more at peace” about the outcome, which he duly reported to the media.

The benediction didn’t last long — and Dolan’s modest expression of optimism did a lot of political damage to the Obama White House. The archbishop, messaging as masterfully as any Washington consultant, created the expectation that Obama was, more or less, on his side. And that allowed Dolan — along with House Speaker John Boehner and GOP presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich — to cast the decision as a betrayal of Catholics.

“Think of this as Bill Daley’s parting gift to the White House,” a prominent abortion-rights activist who works closely with the administration told POLITICO.

Several of the president’s most influential female advisers — Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett among them — were angry by what they viewed as a Daley power play and made their sentiment known to Obama, according to several people close the situation. Daley could not be reached for comment.

Yet casting the internal debate as a battle of the sexes doesn’t tell the whole story. Plenty of men in Obama’s orbit signed off, if not enthusiastically, on the decision. And at least one woman, Nancy-Ann DeParle, who helped quarterback the passage of the Affordable Care Act, opposed the policy. She argued that it would seriously undermine Catholic leaders who bucked the bishops by supporting the bill, including Sister Carol Keehan, head of the largest association of Catholic health-care centers.

In the end, Obama was motivated by personal conviction, aides said. He made the passionate case that several million women — many neither Catholic nor rich enough to pay $60 a month for contraception — should have access to free birth control, even while working for church-run institutions.

There’s little doubt that Obama’s decision also represented a concession to women’s groups, who were already angered by then-Rep. Bart Stupak’s anti-abortion amendment to the health care bill and by the administration’s decision to limit expanded availability of the morning-after pill.

He was also encouraged by the endorsement of senior adviser David Plouffe, a trusted political aide who reportedly reviewed private polling data and concluded that the vast majority of Catholic voters, who don’t adhere to the church’s dictates on birth control anyway, wouldn’t punish Obama for his decision.

But if this was Daley’s “parting gift” to the president, Obama helped gift-wrap it for his enemies by failing to make a coherent case for forcing the church to accept the mandate. In general, the White House seemed slow to realize the bishops, never shy about applying public pressure, would rally the faithful from the pulpit and through the pulp press.

Pete Rouse, counselor to the president and a supporter of the mandate, guided pro-choice activists from Planned Parenthood to downplay the decision, warning them against an instant backlash if they were seen “dancing in the end zone,” according to a Democrat with knowledge of the situation. (White House officials say Rouse wasn’t imposing a gag order, just offering a bit of prudent messaging advice.)

Three weeks into a political battle that shows no sign of abating, White House officials still have not owned their decision — or decisively cut bait.

Behind the scenes, senior White House officials are prevailing upon women’s groups to defend the decision, while Biden and others are publicly hinting at a yet-to-be articulated compromise that will silence the opposition.

On Thursday, Biden, citing a “lot of misunderstanding” about the rule, told a Cincinnati radio station that he is “determined to see that this gets worked out, and I believe we can work it out.”

On the other end of the spectrum from the Catholic groups are Democrats who support the policy and won’t remain silent if Obama cuts a face-saving deal they don’t like.

In the fall, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and other Democratic senators pressured Daley on a conference call, demanding that Obama support the policy, according to a staffer briefed on the interaction.

“It was an effort by a number of us in the Senate to express our belief about the importance of making sure that all women had access to contraceptives,” Shaheen said in an interview.

At an otherwise friendly closed-door meeting Wednesday with Senate Democrats, Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) — the sponsor of the amendment that precipitated the policy — confronted Obama campaign manager Jim Messina.

“Why aren’t we messaging this better?” Mikulski asked, according to a person in attendance. Her views were echoed by several others — and Messina responded by saying the campaign is mobilizing to deal with it.

But the bishops, along with a handful of other Catholic organizations, have been mobilized for months, working the media and the back channels of the White House.

Biden contacted a number of bishops, according to Bishop William Lori, chair of the conference’s Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty.

And then there was the Oval Office sit-down between Dolan and the president.

“I know it was taken by the conference as an opportunity at the highest level of the government to explain our concerns as reasonably and carefully as we could,” Lori said in an interview Thursday. “[Dolan] expressed measured hopefulness when it was over, but all of us understood that the proof would be in the pudding.”

Dolan’s hopes were apparently misplaced. “The needle didn’t move at all,” Lori said. “It could not be said that our concerns were addressed. It could not be said a balance was struck.”

On Daley’s role in arranging the meeting, he couldn’t say for sure, but added: “Bill Daley was involved in this, and we would have regarded him as helpful.”

Moreover, Obama may have discovered his most effective political opponent of 2012 in Dolan, a skilled tactician who is using his post as president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to accuse the president of the United States of betrayal.

Dolan has a history of picking fights with high-profile Democrats, calling out Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for “misrepresenting” church doctrine on abortion. He said Notre Dame made “a big mistake” by inviting pro-abortion rights Obama to speak there in March 2009.

Once the contraception announcement was made Jan. 20, the Conference didn’t waste any time.

Dolan recorded a video message. The conference blasted out a press release calling the rule “literally unconscionable” and scoffed at a year grace period for religious employers to comply.

“In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences,” Dolan said, in a statement that got wide pickup in the media.

Over the next week, the conference took action across multiple platforms. Dolan used the annual National Prayer Vigil for Life, which marks the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, to call on Catholics to “speak out for the protection of conscience rights and religious liberty.” Dolan published sharp op-eds in USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, while Lori, another conference leader, weighed in with a post on The Washington Post’s “On Faith” blog.

By the weekend of Jan. 28, dioceses across the country had gotten word from the Catholic leadership: Talk it up from the pulpit.

The Catholic leadership wrote a letter to “all the bishops of the United States summarizing the issue and suggesting the bishops ask their clergy” to read a letter to their congregations criticizing the ruling, Lori said.

“There has been a robust response,” he said.

That coordinated action quickly escalated the public relations fight. It was around that time, Lori said, that commentators “on the left and right seemed to think that even if they didn’t agree with the church’s teachings, the HHS mandate represented an overreach.”

The conference wants the administration to rescind not just the narrow religious exemption but the underlying rule requiring private employers to offer contraceptive coverage as part of their employee benefit plans — a position that leaves little room for compromise with the president.

On the other side of the issue, reproductive-rights advocates were caught off guard by the firestorm.

“We didn’t expect that to happen because one would really question whether this is the wisest way to conduct a discussion around health and whether this is really where the Republican Party wants to put its values,” said Jon O’Brien, president of Catholics for Choice.

“If it was not an election year, I don’t think that this issue would have had the fuel to run as fast and as far as it was without being fueled by the GOP who really needed a bat to beat the president with,” O’Brien said.

He said there is a divide between the pundit class in Washington and the rest of the nation.

The issue has the attention of editorial boards, the Catholic hierarchy and cable talks shows, “but that doesn’t mean Middle America and ordinary citizens are riled up,” O’Brien said.

Lori said he could not predict how the standoff might end, but the conference will keep up the pressure.

“Many bishops around the country and many lay persons and fine commentators continue to speak out on it,” he said. “Right now it is a pretty fast-moving freight train.”

Manu Raju contributed to this report.

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  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #197 on: February 10, 2012, 06:22:34 AM »
now what are you going to do,obama gives in to the, it's  ok to rape little boys club,but you still have your loser candidates. it a lose lose situation for you   :D :D :D 

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #198 on: February 10, 2012, 06:26:52 AM »
now what are you going to do,obama gives in to the, it's  ok to rape little boys club,but you still have your loser candidates. it a lose lose situation for you   :D :D :D 

Its a lose lose for the nation asshole!    Obama is a commie thug rat traitor regardless.   

I hope the Church tells Thug-in-Chief to take his accomodation and rot in hell with it. 

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #199 on: February 10, 2012, 06:54:01 AM »
Chris Matthews: 'This May Come To Civil Disobedience'
NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein

If President Obama didn't already see a sea of red flags, a thunderbolt by Chris Matthews this morning should surely inform him that he has badly misstepped with his decision to force Catholic institutions to provide services that violate their religious principles.

Appearing on Morning Joe, Matthews said that "even liberal Catholics are going to be proud" of Catholic leaders who stand up to Obama, and indeed that the Catholic response "may come to civil disobedience."

View the video here.

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