Monica Brent everything that is wrong with women nowdays !!!
1-Fake hair
2-Fake breast
3-Fake smile
4-Fake nail
5-Fake behaviour
6-Fake muscles (pumped with artificial MALE hormone)
Women like Monica Brent are SAD CREATURE who do not accept themself and try continually to change their look with plastic surgery and male hormone in the hope to arrest time!
Women like Monica Brent are PATHETIC CREATURE who do not resemble nomore a REAL WOMAN :
-A real woman is not afraid to age, instead age gracefully following training and eating habit that are healty without pumping MALE HORMONE and get PLASTIC SURGERY.
-A real woman is not afraid to HAVE KIDS for fear to ruin her waistline.
Women like Monica Brent are just a CARICATURE OF A WOMAN : they ARE NOT AN EXEMPLE TO FOLLOW but instead an EXEMPLE TO AVOID
I am sorry if I was to harsh with the "woman" in question but TRUTH HAS TO BE TOLD to avoid other women make the same mistake !!! b]