Author Topic: Holy Sh*t Obama  (Read 3514 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2012, 03:38:04 PM »

Looks good on paper doesn't it!  Nice try.

You sure seem to have changed your tune recently  ;) Even your buddy, Peter Schiff doesn't like it.

P.S.  You obviously didn't look at the video ~ which is what I was referring to.

Hey Princess,

1)  So, first Obama supposedly did not have a that you were corrected, it is problematic because it "looks good on paper?"  Interesting.

2)  Please show me how my tune has changed recently.

3)  Not only did I watch the video, but I will break it down for you.

Obama began by discussing the 5 symptoms of "Romnesia"

1.  Romney says he is for equal pay for equal work, but he refuses to sign a bill that supports it.

Here was Obama's proposal....MANY words:

Calendar No. 410


2d Session

S. 3220

To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, and for other purposes.


May 22, 2012

Ms. MIKULSKI (for herself, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mrs. HAGAN, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. LEVIN, Mrs. MCCASKILL, Mr. MERKLEY, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. REED, Mr. REID, Mr. SANDERS, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. UDALL of New Mexico, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. KERRY, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. BENNET, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. COONS, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Ms. CANTWELL, and Mr. INOUYE) introduced the following bill; which was read the first time

May 23, 2012

Read the second time and placed on the calendar


To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’.


    Congress finds the following:

        (1) Women have entered the workforce in record numbers over the past 50 years.

        (2) Despite the enactment of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, many women continue to earn significantly lower pay than men for equal work. These pay disparities exist in both the private and governmental sectors. In many instances, the pay disparities can only be due to continued intentional discrimination or the lingering effects of past discrimination.

        (3) The existence of such pay disparities--

            (A) depresses the wages of working families who rely on the wages of all members of the family to make ends meet;

            (B) undermines women’s retirement security, which is often based on earnings while in the workforce;

            (C) prevents the optimum utilization of available labor resources;

            (D) has been spread and perpetuated, through commerce and the channels and instrumentalities of commerce, among the workers of the several States;

            (E) burdens commerce and the free flow of goods in commerce;

            (F) constitutes an unfair method of competition in commerce;

            (G) leads to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of goods in commerce;

            (H) interferes with the orderly and fair marketing of goods in commerce; and

            (I) in many instances, may deprive workers of equal protection on the basis of sex in violation of the 5th and 14th Amendments.

        (4)(A) Artificial barriers to the elimination of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex continue to exist decades after the enactment of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000a et seq.).

        (B) These barriers have resulted, in significant part, because the Equal Pay Act of 1963 has not worked as Congress originally intended. Improvements and modifications to the provisions added by the Act are necessary to ensure that the provisions provide effective protection to those subject to pay discrimination on the basis of their sex.

        (C) Elimination of such barriers would have positive effects, including--

            (i) providing a solution to problems in the economy created by unfair pay disparities;

            (ii) substantially reducing the number of working women earning unfairly low wages, thereby reducing the dependence on public assistance;

            (iii) promoting stable families by enabling all family members to earn a fair rate of pay;

            (iv) remedying the effects of past discrimination on the basis of sex and ensuring that in the future workers are afforded equal protection on the basis of sex; and

            (v) ensuring equal protection pursuant to Congress’s power to enforce the 5th and 14th Amendments.

        (5) The Department of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have important and unique responsibilities to help ensure that women receive equal pay for equal work.

        (6) The Department of Labor is responsible for--

            (A) collecting and making publicly available information about women’s pay;

            (B) ensuring that companies receiving Federal contracts comply with anti-discrimination affirmative action requirements of Executive Order 11246 (relating to equal employment opportunity);

            (C) disseminating information about women’s rights in the workplace;

            (D) helping women who have been victims of pay discrimination obtain a remedy; and

            (E) being proactive in investigating and prosecuting equal pay violations, especially systemic violations, and in enforcing all of its mandates.

        (7) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the primary enforcement agency for claims made under the provisions added by the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and issues regulations and guidance on appropriate interpretations of the law.

        (8 ) With a stronger commitment by the Department of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to their responsibilities, increased information about the provisions added by the Equal Pay Act of 1963, wage data, and more effective remedies, women will be better able to recognize and enforce their rights.

        (9) Certain employers have already made great strides in eradicating unfair pay disparities in the workplace and their achievements should be recognized.


    (a) Bona Fide Factor Defense and Modification of Same Establishment Requirement- Section 6(d)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(d)(1)) is amended--

        (1) by striking ‘No employer having’ and inserting ‘(A) No employer having’;

        (2) by striking ‘any other factor other than sex’ and inserting ‘a bona fide factor other than sex, such as education, training, or experience’; and

        (3) by inserting at the end the following:

        ‘(B) The bona fide factor defense described in subparagraph (A)(iv) shall apply only if the employer demonstrates that such factor (i) is not based upon or derived from a sex-based differential in compensation; (ii) is job-related with respect to the position in question; and (iii) is consistent with business necessity. Such defense shall not apply where the employee demonstrates that an alternative employment practice exists that would serve the same business purpose without producing such differential and that the employer has refused to adopt such alternative practice.

        ‘(C) For purposes of subparagraph (A), employees shall be deemed to work in the same establishment if the employees work for the same employer at workplaces located in the same county or similar political subdivision of a State. The preceding sentence shall not be construed as limiting broader applications of the term ‘establishment’ consistent with rules prescribed or guidance issued by the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.’.

    (b) Nonretaliation Provision- Section 15 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 215) is amended--

        (1) in subsection (a)(3), by striking ‘employee has filed’ and all that follows through ‘committee;’ and inserting ‘employee--

                ‘(A) has made a charge or filed any complaint or instituted or caused to be instituted any investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action under or related to this Act, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or has testified or is planning to testify or has assisted or participated in any manner in any such investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, or has served or is planning to serve on an industry committee; or

                ‘(B) has inquired about, discussed, or disclosed the wages of the employee or another employee;’; and

        (2) by adding at the end the following:

        ‘(c) Subsection (a)(3)(B) shall not apply to instances in which an employee who has access to the wage information of other employees as a part of such employee’s essential job functions discloses the wages of such other employees to an individual who does not otherwise have access to such information, unless such disclosure is in response to a charge or complaint or in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action under section 6(d), including an investigation conducted by the employer. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the rights of an employee provided under any other provision of law.’.

    (c) Enhanced Penalties- Section 16(b) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 216(b)) is amended--

        (1) by inserting after the first sentence the following: ‘Any employer who violates section 6(d) shall additionally be liable for such compensatory damages, or, where the employee demonstrates that the employer acted with malice or reckless indifference, punitive damages as may be appropriate, except that the United States shall not be liable for punitive damages.’;

        (2) in the sentence beginning ‘An action to’, by striking ‘either of the preceding sentences’ and inserting ‘any of the preceding sentences of this subsection’;

        (3) in the sentence beginning ‘No employees shall’, by striking ‘No employees’ and inserting ‘Except with respect to class actions brought to enforce section 6(d), no employee’;

        (4) by inserting after the sentence referred to in paragraph (3), the following: ‘Notwithstanding any other provision of Federal law, any action brought to enforce section 6(d) may be maintained as a class action as provided by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.’; and

        (5) in the sentence beginning ‘The court in’--

            (A) by striking ‘in such action’ and inserting ‘in any action brought to recover the liability prescribed in any of the preceding sentences of this subsection’; and

            (B) by inserting before the period the following: ‘, including expert fees’.

    (d) Action by Secretary- Section 16(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 216(c)) is amended--

        (1) in the first sentence--

            (A) by inserting ‘or, in the case of a violation of section 6(d), additional compensatory or punitive damages, as described in subsection (b),’ before ‘and the agreement’; and

            (B) by inserting before the period the following: ‘, or such compensatory or punitive damages, as appropriate’;

        (2) in the second sentence, by inserting before the period the following: ‘and, in the case of a violation of section 6(d), additional compensatory or punitive damages, as described in subsection (b)’;

        (3) in the third sentence, by striking ‘the first sentence’ and inserting ‘the first or second sentence’; and

        (4) in the last sentence--

            (A) by striking ‘commenced in the case’ and inserting ‘commenced--

            ‘(1) in the case’;

            (B) by striking the period and inserting ‘; or’; and

            (C) by adding at the end the following:

            ‘(2) in the case of a class action brought to enforce section 6(d), on the date on which the individual becomes a party plaintiff to the class action.’.


    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, subject to the availability of funds appropriated under section 10, shall provide training to Commission employees and affected individuals and entities on matters involving discrimination in the payment of wages.


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2012, 03:38:43 PM »
Obama's NO word plan...continued...


    (a) Program Authorized-

        (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Labor, after consultation with the Secretary of Education, is authorized to establish and carry out a grant program.

        (2) GRANTS- In carrying out the program, the Secretary of Labor may make grants on a competitive basis to eligible entities, to carry out negotiation skills training programs for girls and women.

        (3) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES- To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, an entity shall be a public agency, such as a State, a local government in a metropolitan statistical area (as defined by the Office of Management and Budget), a State educational agency, or a local educational agency, a private nonprofit organization, or a community-based organization.

        (4) APPLICATION- To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, an entity shall submit an application to the Secretary of Labor at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary of Labor may require.

        (5) USE OF FUNDS- An entity that receives a grant under this subsection shall use the funds made available through the grant to carry out an effective negotiation skills training program that empowers girls and women. The training provided through the program shall help girls and women strengthen their negotiation skills to allow the girls and women to obtain higher salaries and rates of compensation that are equal to those paid to similarly situated male employees.

    (b) Incorporating Training Into Existing Programs- The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education shall issue regulations or policy guidance that provides for integrating the negotiation skills training, to the extent practicable, into programs authorized under--

        (1) in the case of the Secretary of Education, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.), the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.), the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.), and other programs carried out by the Department of Education that the Secretary of Education determines to be appropriate; and

        (2) in the case of the Secretary of Labor, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.), and other programs carried out by the Department of Labor that the Secretary of Labor determines to be appropriate.

    (c) Report- Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education shall prepare and submit to Congress a report describing the activities conducted under this section and evaluating the effectiveness of such activities in achieving the purposes of this Act.


    The Secretary of Labor shall conduct studies and provide information to employers, labor organizations, and the general public concerning the means available to eliminate pay disparities between men and women, including--

        (1) conducting and promoting research to develop the means to correct expeditiously the conditions leading to the pay disparities;

        (2) publishing and otherwise making available to employers, labor organizations, professional associations, educational institutions, the media, and the general public the findings resulting from studies and other materials, relating to eliminating the pay disparities;

        (3) sponsoring and assisting State and community informational and educational programs;

        (4) providing information to employers, labor organizations, professional associations, and other interested persons on the means of eliminating the pay disparities;

        (5) recognizing and promoting the achievements of employers, labor organizations, and professional associations that have worked to eliminate the pay disparities; and

        (6) convening a national summit to discuss, and consider approaches for rectifying, the pay disparities.


    (a) In General- There is established the Secretary of Labor’s National Award for Pay Equity in the Workplace, which shall be awarded, as appropriate, to encourage proactive efforts to comply with section 6(d) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(d)).

    (b) Criteria for Qualification- The Secretary of Labor shall set criteria for receipt of the award, including a requirement that an employer has made substantial effort to eliminate pay disparities between men and women, and deserves special recognition as a consequence of such effort. The Secretary shall establish procedures for the application for and presentation of the award.

    (c) Employer- In this section, the term ‘employer’ includes--

        (1)(A) a corporation, including a nonprofit corporation;

        (B) a partnership;

        (C) a professional association;

        (D) a labor organization; and

        (E) a business entity similar to an entity described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (D);

        (2) an entity carrying out an education referral program, a training program, such as an apprenticeship or management training program, or a similar program; and

        (3) an entity carrying out a joint program, formed by a combination of any entities described in paragraph (1) or (2).


    Section 709 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-8) is amended by adding at the end the following:

        ‘(f)(1) Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Commission shall--

            ‘(A) complete a survey of the data that is currently available to the Federal Government relating to employee pay information for use in the enforcement of Federal laws prohibiting pay discrimination and, in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies, identify additional data collections that will enhance the enforcement of such laws; and

            ‘(B) based on the results of the survey and consultations under subparagraph (A), issue regulations to provide for the collection of pay information data from employers as described by the sex, race, and national origin of employees.

        ‘(2) In implementing paragraph (1), the Commission shall have as its primary consideration the most effective and efficient means for enhancing the enforcement of Federal laws prohibiting pay discrimination. For this purpose, the Commission shall consider factors including the imposition of burdens on employers, the frequency of required data collection reports (including which employers should be required to prepare reports), appropriate protections for maintaining data confidentiality, and the most effective format for the data collection reports.’.


    (a) Bureau of Labor Statistics Data Collection- The Commissioner of Labor Statistics shall continue to collect data on women workers in the Current Employment Statistics survey.

    (b) Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Initiatives- The Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs shall ensure that employees of the Office--

        (1)(A) shall use the full range of investigatory tools at the Office’s disposal, including pay grade methodology;

        (B) in considering evidence of possible compensation discrimination--

            (i) shall not limit its consideration to a small number of types of evidence; and

            (ii) shall not limit its evaluation of the evidence to a small number of methods of evaluating the evidence; and

        (C) shall not require a multiple regression analysis or anecdotal evidence for a compensation discrimination case;

        (2) for purposes of its investigative, compliance, and enforcement activities, shall define ‘similarly situated employees’ in a way that is consistent with and not more stringent than the definition provided in item 1 of subsection A of section 10-III of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Compliance Manual (2000), and shall consider only factors that the Office’s investigation reveals were used in making compensation decisions; and

        (3) shall reinstate the Equal Opportunity Survey, as required by section 60-2.18 of title 41, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on September 7, 2006), designating not less than half of all nonconstruction contractor establishments each year to prepare and file such survey, and shall review and utilize the responses to such survey to identify contractor establishments for further evaluation and for other enforcement purposes as appropriate.

    (c) Department of Labor Distribution of Wage Discrimination Information- The Secretary of Labor shall make readily available (in print, on the Department of Labor website, and through any other forum that the Department may use to distribute compensation discrimination information), accurate information on compensation discrimination, including statistics, explanations of employee rights, historical analyses of such discrimination, instructions for employers on compliance, and any other information that will assist the public in understanding and addressing such discrimination.


    (a) Authorization of Appropriations- There is authorized to be appropriated $15,000,000 to carry out this Act.

    (b) Prohibition on Earmarks- None of the funds appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) for purposes of the grant program in section 5 of this Act may be used for a congressional earmark as defined in clause 9(e) of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives.


    (a) Effective Date- This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date that is 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act.

    (b) Technical Assistance Materials- The Secretary of Labor and the Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission shall jointly develop technical assistance material to assist small businesses in complying with the requirements of this Act and the amendments made by this Act.

    (c) Small Businesses- A small business shall be exempt from the provisions of this Act to the same extent that such business is exempt from the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 pursuant to clauses (i) and (ii) of section 3(s)(1)(A) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 203(s)(1)(A)).


    Nothing in this Act, or in any amendment made by this Act, shall affect the obligation of employers and employees to fully comply with all applicable immigration laws, including any penalties, fines, or other sanctions.

Calendar No. 410


2d Session

S. 3220


To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, and for other purposes.

May 23, 2012

Read the second time and placed on the calendar
________________________ ________________________ _

Please share Romney's plan Princess.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2012, 03:39:19 PM »
Hey Slyy - obama cant get his plan passed so what good is it?   The Demos are not going to win the house so who cares what oTHUG says?  


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2012, 03:39:32 PM »
Obama's 2nd point regarding "Romnesia" in the video I did not watch:

2.  Romney says women should have access to contraceptive care, but supports legislation allowing employers to deny contraceptive care.

Obama's plan = Obamacare (I won't copy and paste such a large document, but there are MANY words in Obama's plan with regard to this issue).

Where does Romney stand on this issue?

Mitt supports Blunt Amendment


"Romnesia" sets in:


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2012, 03:40:09 PM »
Obama's 3rd point regarding "Romnesia" in the video I did not watch:

3.  Romney respects a woman's right to choose, then states that he would deny a woman ALL RIGHTS to have an abortion.

Obama is pro-choice, as you are aware.  

Pro-choice Romney (listen to his reasoning...):


Then, Romney said he would be "delighted" to sign a bill that ended ALL abortion:


Now, Romeny is Pro-life...ish, allowing exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother (start at 23sec):


Soul Crusher

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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2012, 03:40:58 PM »
LOL  - and what is this nation going hrough now - OBAMAGEDDON!!!!!


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2012, 03:42:02 PM »
Obama's 4th point regarding "Romnesia" in the video I did not watch:

4.  Romney stated he was going to cut taxes for the top 1% and in the first debate...stated he has no idea where that came from.  I should note here, I posted OBAMA's plan in my first post (you know...the one you responded to...saying I did not watch the video).  There it states the explicit tax cuts Obama proposes. 

Romney stated he will "cut taxes on everybody in the country by 20%, including the top 1%"


Romney stated he "will not reduce the taxes paid by high income Americans"

Is this Romnesia? ???


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2012, 03:42:49 PM »
Obama's 5th point and final point regarding "Romnesia" in the video I did not watch:

5.  Romney stated he was the "champion of the coal industry," but as governor...Romney stood in front of a coal plant and stated that this plant will kill you.

Here are Obama's MANY words on not only coal, but energy overall (so MANY words, that his proposal would not fit in 4 separate messages).

Here is Romney's view on coal and coal plants:


Romney as the "champion of coal"

Is Romney coming down with a case of...."Romnesia"?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2012, 03:46:55 PM »
Hey Slyy - obama cant get his plan passed so what good is it?   The Demos are not going to win the house so who cares what oTHUG says?  

Whether his plans will get to be continued 333.  My post was based on Princess' statement:

Obama only attacks Romney but doesn’t lay out any of his plans.  Not ONE word.

Her response was not only uninformed, it was completely false.


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2012, 03:47:57 PM »
I love this thread to much truth for the neocons though

Much easier to live on a ie


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2012, 03:54:03 PM »
Obama seems to have already forgotten that his own Libyan ambassador was sodomized and murdered.  In fact, he forgot within 24 hours when he left to campaign and party in Vegas.

Talk about amnesia......

He also forgot that he was supposed to keep unemployment under 8%. He forgot not to raise taxes on us. He forgot to make all his policies available on C-Span. At times, he forgets that HE, not George Bush, is president.


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2012, 04:13:45 PM »
He also forgot that he was supposed to keep unemployment under 8%. He forgot not to raise taxes on us. He forgot to make all his policies available on C-Span. At times, he forgets that HE, not George Bush, is president.

Go read Harry Potter Mcway you are looking for a wizard


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2012, 04:29:17 PM »
Go read Harry Potter Mcway you are looking for a wizard

A wizard? Is that what you use to change from Whork to Blacken and back?

Princess L

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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2012, 06:22:55 PM »
Hey Princess,

1)  So, first Obama supposedly did not have a that you were corrected, it is problematic because it "looks good on paper?"  Interesting.

Whether his plans will get to be continued 333.  My post was based on Princess' statement:

Her response was not only uninformed, it was completely false.

As I said, I was specifically referring to the posted video.  It sounded more like a stand-up routine at a comedy club.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2012, 06:24:20 PM »
As I said, I was specifically referring to the posted video.  It sounded more like a stand-up routine at a comedy club.

Not even a $50 a night comic would deliver such cheesy bs as obama did 

Princess L

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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2012, 06:37:22 PM »
Obama's 5th point and final point regarding "Romnesia" in the video I did not watch:

5.  Romney stated he was the "champion of the coal industry," but as governor...Romney stood in front of a coal plant and stated that this plant will kill you.

Here is Romney's view on coal and coal plants:

This (old) video refers to SPECIFIC coal plants in MA.

The Salem Harbor Power Station

Back on Feb. 5, 2003, Romney made several statements during a showdown over the future of the controversial, coal-burning Salem Harbor Power Station, in the Boston area.

A couple of years earlier, Massachusetts had passed new rules to reduce power plant emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and mercury, to be phased in over several years. The mercury standard would not be finalized until 2004. As governor, Romney supported the rules, as he made clear repeatedly.
Massachusetts singled out its most egregious polluters as the "Filthy Five" plants, including Salem Harbor. Public health and environmental scientists at Harvard studied the emissions from two of the plants in 2000 and concluded that Salem Harbor was responsible for 53 deaths, 570 emergency room visits, 14,400 asthma attacks and 99,000 incidents of upper respiratory symptoms -- all per year.
Local residents and others who wanted to keep the Salem Harbor plant open (for jobs and tax revenues) disputed those figures, saying they resulted from unproven modeling. It turned out that the Harvard scientists had revised their figures in 2002, putting premature deaths from Salem Harbor’s pollution at 30 per year and reducing the number of emergency room visits to 400 and the asthma attacks at 2,000, according to the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald.
But the scientists stood by the broader conclusion -- that emissions from dirty power plants can be deadly. The Harvard methodology has now been widely replicated and is respected by health scientists, according to several environmental authorities we spoke with. Romney appeared to accept their findings, too.

The spat with Salem Harbor turned into a testy exchange after Salem Harbor’s then-owner, Pacific Gas and Electric, sought an extension until 2006 to comply with Massachusetts’ emissions rules -- and plant supporters showed up to to demand that the governor back off. Romney was adamant that the company comply by 2004 and appeared at a press conference near the plant to emphasize the point.

His statements that day show how he felt, and they’re documented in this video: "I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people, and that plant -- that plant kills people."


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #41 on: October 20, 2012, 07:08:36 PM »
This (old) video refers to SPECIFIC coal plants in MA.

The Salem Harbor Power Station

Back on Feb. 5, 2003, Romney made several statements during a showdown over the future of the controversial, coal-burning Salem Harbor Power Station, in the Boston area.

A couple of years earlier, Massachusetts had passed new rules to reduce power plant emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and mercury, to be phased in over several years. The mercury standard would not be finalized until 2004. As governor, Romney supported the rules, as he made clear repeatedly.

Excellent article, thanks for sharing Princess. 

So, during the 2nd debate, Romney stated:

"I was in coal country. People grabbed my arms and said, 'Please save my job.' The head of the EPA said, 'You can't build a coal plant. You'll virtually -- it's virtually impossible given our regulations.'"

Your article states:

A couple of years earlier, Massachusetts had passed new rules to reduce power plant emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and mercury, to be phased in over several years. The mercury standard would not be finalized until 2004. As governor, Romney supported the rules, as he made clear repeatedly.

Then he shut down SPECIFIC coal plants in Massachusetts.


Does Romney have "Romnesia" Princess?  He is all about regulations according to the very article you shared, he even personally (and with great pride) shut plants down due to violations of those regulations.

Princess L

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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #42 on: October 20, 2012, 09:42:51 PM »
Excellent article, thanks for sharing Princess.  

So, during the 2nd debate, Romney stated:

"I was in coal country. People grabbed my arms and said, 'Please save my job.' The head of the EPA said, 'You can't build a coal plant. You'll virtually -- it's virtually impossible given our regulations.'"

Your article states:

Then he shut down SPECIFIC coal plants in Massachusetts.


Does Romney have "Romnesia" Princess?  He is all about regulations according to the very article you shared, he even personally (and with great pride) shut plants down due to violations of those regulations.

No, I don't think he does.  Complete misrepresentation by Obama. Those regulations were put in place a couple of years prior to 2003.  As the 2003 video demonstrates, the company had been given notice to clean up certain aspects (emissions) of the plant by 2004. It was only when they ignored that that Romney said what he did in front of it so they were shut down. He is in favor of clean and sustainable energy.  What is wrong with that?


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #43 on: October 20, 2012, 09:49:33 PM »
Go read Harry Potter Mcway you are looking for a wizard

don't be hard on mcway he can only parrot what hannidy tells him :D :D :D


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #44 on: October 20, 2012, 10:27:35 PM »

No, I don't think he does.  Complete misrepresentation by Obama. Those regulations were put in place a couple of years prior to 2003.  As the 2003 video demonstrates, the company had been given notice to clean up certain aspects (emissions) of the plant by 2004. It was only when they ignored that that Romney said what he did in front of it so they were shut down. He is in favor of clean and sustainable energy.  What is wrong with that?

It's wonderful!  Obama agrees as he stated in the second debate, "With respect to something like coal, we made the largest investment in clean coal technology, to make sure that even as we're producing more coal, we're producing it cleaner and smarter."

However, Obama did NOT misrepresent the fifth assertion in his speech, as proven by your article:
A couple of years earlier, Massachusetts had passed new rules to reduce power plant emissions...Romney supported the rules, as he made clear repeatedly.

As such, Romney was clearly pro-coal plant regulations.  What happened when the regulations Romney supported were not followed?  Not only did Romney close the plant down with pride, he also stated, "that plant kills."

Proof Romney stated the "plant kills"
His statements that day show how he felt, and they’re documented in this video: "I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people, and that plant -- that plant kills people."

Proof that Romney "took great pride in shutting it down"
The spat with Salem Harbor turned into a testy exchange after Salem Harbor’s then-owner, Pacific Gas and Electric, sought an extension until 2006 to comply with Massachusetts’ emissions rules -- and plant supporters showed up to to demand that the governor back off. Romney was adamant that the company comply by 2004 and appeared at a press conference near the plant to emphasize the point.

To conclude, in the second debate, Obama PROPERLY stated:
"Governor, when you were governor of Massachusetts, you stood in front of a coal plant and pointed at it and said, 'This plant kills,' and took great pride in shutting it down. And now suddenly you're a big champion of coal."

With regard to Romney's "Romnesia" that Obama spoke of, it set in again during the second debate when Romney stated:

"I was in coal country. People grabbed my arms and said, 'Please save my job.' The head of the EPA said, 'You can't build a coal plant. You'll virtually -- it's virtually impossible given our regulations.'"

As you know, Romney was implying that Obama is killing the coal industry with all these regulations.  Why would Romney make such a statement regarding REGULATIONS...when according to your article:

A couple of years earlier, Massachusetts had passed new rules to reduce power plant emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and mercury, to be phased in over several years. The mercury standard would not be finalized until 2004. As governor, Romney supported the rules, as he made clear repeatedly.

Then he shut down SPECIFIC coal plants in Massachusetts.

To conclude, Romney supported the new regulations to reduce power plant emission "as he made clear repeatedly."  Romney was adamant that a particular coal plant abide by the regulations he repeatedly supported; as a result, Romney appeared at a press conference near the coal plant to emphasize his demand that the plant abide by the regulations he repeatedly supported.  Finally, Romney shut the coal plant down due to the plant not abiding by the regulations he repeatedly supported and stated "that plant kills!"  Now, Romney is going to condemn Obama for having regulations in place for coal plants??!!   



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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #45 on: October 20, 2012, 11:59:39 PM »

don't be hard on mcway he can only parrot what hannidy tells him :D :D :D

Still talking to yourself, ID Crisis Boy......and putting your foot in your mouth, just as you did, claiming that there were no complaints from Democrats about the moderator of the first debate and that I simply got that from Hannity.

Keep it up. It shows shows how utterly stupid you sound, no matter which gimmick you use.


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #46 on: October 21, 2012, 12:54:49 AM »
Still talking to yourself, ID Crisis Boy......and putting your foot in your mouth, just as you did, claiming that there were no complaints from Democrats about the moderator of the first debate and that I simply got that from Hannity.

Keep it up. It shows shows how utterly stupid you sound, no matter which gimmick you use.
It's not that no one complained ever, it's just that relatively, the amount of complaining wasn't even close.

Did you see what Bill Maher said about Obama after the first debate? You think any of the windbags on the right would ever approach that level of honesty? We both know they wouldn't.

It's quite clear that, if the right doesn't like some information, it simply becomes a conspiracy. We've been seeing it over and over the past few weeks, and that's an undeniable fact.


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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #47 on: October 21, 2012, 02:07:55 AM »
It's not that no one complained ever, it's just that relatively, the amount of complaining wasn't even close.

Did you see what Bill Maher said about Obama after the first debate? You think any of the windbags on the right would ever approach that level of honesty? We both know they wouldn't.

It's quite clear that, if the right doesn't like some information, it simply becomes a conspiracy. We've been seeing it over and over the past few weeks, and that's an undeniable fact.

This case closed

Princess L

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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #48 on: October 21, 2012, 06:56:27 AM »

It's wonderful!  Obama agrees as he stated in the second debate, "With respect to something like coal, we made the largest investment in clean coal technology, to make sure that even as we're producing more coal, we're producing it cleaner and smarter."

Producing & burning for energy are two different things!

Would you want to live within 30 miles of one of the "filthy five"?


Princess L

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Re: Holy Sh*t Obama
« Reply #49 on: October 21, 2012, 09:23:56 AM »
Admit it!  Obama is spewing BS on that issue!   You can't possibly agree with everything he says.