You try to say Christians say god is like us, and how ridiculous to suggest he is just a mammal, but what about the point of view that it is the other way around and we are like god, only shadows of his greatness of course.
So it is not reducing god to a mammal, but saying a mammal has qualities like god, in a humbler sense.
The problem with that view is that emotions are so clearly associated with biological systems. If you lesion certain structures of the brain, you can erase the ability to feel anger, fear, etc.
Certain drugs also can reduce the ability to feel for instance anxiety.
On a comparative level- animal emotions are clearly adaptive. Fear has obvious adaptive functions. No fear, and the animal soon will die if situated in dangerous conditions.
Fear makes no sense for an omnipotent "god". Same with anger. Love? Hmm- maybe a case can be made for love. But the evidence indicates that man made god, not that god made man.