Author Topic: Cycle Planning Help/Support  (Read 879 times)


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 12
Cycle Planning Help/Support
« on: July 12, 2013, 08:44:06 AM »
I am planning on running methadrol extreme old kind and need help with picking a test to run along for maybe 10-12 weeks should it be E? or should I go with something faster acting? will be picking from "naps" zzz tired "gear" Just finished a epi run for 6 weeks 404040405050 and pct was standard clomid otc TB's, libido is kind of low still the will to have sex but the climax is increased while on clomid I will give it a month or so before starting metha and test. pct was 4 weeks 50mg clomid.

Been lifting for 5 years 27 years old weight is 195 but bf is kind of high around lower stomache area only I can see veins pretty much everywhere else expect my lower abs :(

I have arimidex on hand and clomid.
also have some clen but not sure if it would even be worth running while on this cycle since ill be at a cal surplus anyways.
I will buy n2 guard or something.

I might either mini cut first again or just run the test e and methadrol and eat very clean and hope to lose some bf while getting bigger and stronger.

basically Im just asking if this sounds good? this guy in link below ran a similar cycle.
Anything I am forgetting? I just need some help planning this out and maybe when to start my AI if gyno comes in to play? First time running Armidex.