Author Topic: so i went to the hair transplant clinic  (Read 14764 times)


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so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:49:33 AM »
just for info and price inquiry.

was very interesting.the guy who runs and owns it, got bald early on, this drove him to start the clinic, he was actualy one of his first customers aswel, showed me pics, his hair not just hairline, was fucked at age hes 50+ and almost full head of hair.

talking to him was hilarious, as if he was anabolichalos brother.
said things like yeah you can forget about the bs how this and that actor is sexy, they wouldnt be wo the money, etc, and mentioned how even the quality and quantity of womens hair has drasticaly come down, shown me before and after pics of women aswel, my goodness they looked like shit before.

he even brought me into the "operation" room where they were removing the hair from back of the head from a patient, for me to see how they work, i gotta say what a bloody mess, the blood is pouring from all over the head, for every hair and root pulled out, theres a suprisingly huge hole left, and blood shoots out like estrogen shots out of shittos pores when hes sweating.

he told me pretty much first thing that ill never go bald, we discuseed the role of steroids for hairloss(his conclusion was simply"well they just make it happen"), and the price for my small spots on top of the head,those 2 spots,left and right, he said that almost nothing, would look like 20yrs young again, barely 1000hairs needed,but we do 2000 to make it look realy tight and full for the same price.

well when he said the price is told him no man, i dont want gold coated hairs ;D

so in conclusion, for this little bit minimum that id do, its affordable, but those who have their half skull balding, itll cost a fortune of moneys.

btw he said, best guess is look at the mothers dad, in almost all the cases, youll have similiar hair destiny.i asked but isnt that a bro scienece myth,he went on and explained it with doctor terms, so guess its not a myth.
gotta say my granddad has the same exact hairline and very same spots where its turned grey,exact same everything.

ah yeah, and the re implanted hairs, even if placed where the androgen receptors are, will not fall out finsteride needed, not hing lke that, would say he is one good example of proof for that.

again i forgot much about the chat already but when he mentioned the psychological implications the hairloss had on him and some patients, that was so hilarious, my stomach cramped from laughter.

so yeah, just like instead of worrying about gyno, jst fix it when it happens.

costs money yeah.


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 06:52:44 AM »
its very expensive

i didnt notice any hairline issues when i saw you


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 06:54:17 AM »
Have been shaving it off since 18 though having a full head of hair is very nice.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2014, 06:55:44 AM »
How much to make my balls bushier?


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2014, 06:57:53 AM »
I'm considering it. I'm 25 but look 35 and it will just get worse. I give myself a 0.5 all over but thats not through choice.  ;D

My mother's dad was balding in his 20's so there is surely some truth in what the doctor said.

Hopefully they'll reduce the costs once transplants becomes more common.
I live in hope. :)

TEH boob

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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2014, 07:03:29 AM »
I don't believe the mothers dad least in every case. My grandfather died with a thick full head of hair, and both of my brothers are thinning starting in their mid twenties


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2014, 07:05:25 AM »
I'm considering it. I'm 25 but look 35 and it will just get worse. I give myself a 0.5 all over but thats not through choice.  ;D

My mother's dad was balding in his 20's so there is surely some truth in what the doctor said.

Hopefully they'll reduce the costs once transplants becomes more common.
I live in hope. :)

I've always heard the bit about the mothers dad.

I seen old pictures of my moms dad back when he was in the service during Korea and his hairline had begun to push back even in his early to mid 20s. By old age he had some hair but it was midway and back basically.

On my dads side pretty much all the men have fullish type hair even into their 50s and beyond. With my hairline barely receding past 30 i take much more after my dads side than moms.


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2014, 07:06:32 AM »
I've taken B-Complex and zinc daily for years and my hairs like a bush, probably more genetics but I do believe its helped!


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2014, 07:07:32 AM »
I'm 32 and my hairline hasn't moved and is thick, I'm hoping it stays this way for the rest of my life. Balding is a bullet I dodged.


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2014, 07:13:41 AM »
I've always heard the bit about the mothers dad.

I seen old pictures of my moms dad back when he was in the service during Korea and his hairline had begun to push back even in his early to mid 20s. By old age he had some hair but it was midway and back basically.

On my dads side pretty much all the men have fullish type hair even into their 50s and beyond. With my hairline barely receding past 30 i take much more after my dads side than moms.

This is what Wiki says on the topic:

Research suggests that the gene for the androgen receptor, which is significant in determining probability for hair loss, is located on the X chromosome and so is always inherited from the mother's side for men. There is a 50% chance that a person shares the same X chromosome as his maternal grandfather. Because women have two X chromosomes, they will have two copies of the androgen receptor gene while men only have one. However, research has also shown that a person with a balding father also has a significantly greater chance of experiencing hair loss. Men whose fathers had experienced hairloss were 2.5 times more likely to experience hairloss themselves, regardless of the mother's side of the family


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2014, 07:18:30 AM »

I have a co-worker (VP of another division) who got a hair transplant done a decade ago with that approach (taking follicles individually from around the sides and back).

Even though he wears his hair long, it has a strange wispy look to it as if it lacks true thickness.

I always say it's a matter of supply and demand. The average male with brown or black hair has at most 155,000 strands of hair on their scalp. Assuming you break it down by parts of your scalp (top, sides, back), you would have 4 possible areas on your scalp where hair should be found. Roughly, you can estimate that based on the surface area of the top of your scalp, you probably have anywhere around 50-60,000 strands of hair on the top alone. If you get a transplant for 2,000 hair follicles (granted follicles can present as single hair to even 3-hair follicles), it will still not be enough to cover the vast area of potentially empty real estate that develops over time.

You have a lot of hair now, but if you are truly predispositioned to suffer from male pattern baldness, you will have large demands from the top of your scalp that unfortunately will not be properly filled by the supply of hair available on the sides and back of your scalp.

Not everyone is the same, but from a handful of individuals I have seen over time, it never looks quite right.

You're a very good looking man. If you ever truly have hairloss problems, I would go the Soul Crusher route and shave it off. You have the facial features to pull that off.



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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2014, 07:20:32 AM »
Here's my question as I have often thought about this for myself....if the hairs fell out once, what will stop the new ones from falling out again in the future??


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2014, 07:28:35 AM »
Here's my question as I have often thought about this for myself....if the hairs fell out once, what will stop the new ones from falling out again in the future??

They say that the active hormonal byproduct of Testosterone known as Dihydrotestosterone is what causes hair loss in those genetically predisposed to it. What they believe is that the follicles on the top of the head are somehow susceptible to the effects of Dihydrotestosterone (once the follicles, specifically the androgen receptors, are exposed to this hormone, it causes them to slowly die over time), whereby the hair follicles on the sides and back of the head are typically not presdisposed (have no receptor affinity to Dihydrotestosterone) to the effects of Dihydrotestosterone in causing hairloss. This is evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of men that go very bald, tend to have no hair on the top of their scalps, yet have a generous supply of hair in a horse-shoe like pattern surrounding the back and sides of their scalps.

So, in short, if they move the hairs from the sides and back of your scalp to the top of your scalp, it is believed that the same lack of response (androgen receptor having no affinity to Dihydrotestosterone) those hair follicles have while resting on the back and sides of your head will occur on the top of your head, thus preventing hair loss from occurring regardless of them being bathed in the hormone Dihydrotestosterone.

I hope that makes sense.



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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2014, 07:29:00 AM »
its very expensive

i didnt notice any hairline issues when i saw you
yah, there really arent issues, its just 2 very small spots, edges of forehead.he said for my age its top level hair genetics,but you know, perfectionist attitude :D

price is ok, might do it, the shoulder thing will give me plenty time to do a throughout overhaul of things.

How much to make my balls bushier?
i dont think itd cost you much, they go by expect a bargain pricing for you. ;D
they actualy offer eyebrow transplants,mainly a women issue.

I'm considering it. I'm 25 but look 35 and it will just get worse. I give myself a 0.5 all over but thats not through choice.  ;D

My mother's dad was balding in his 20's so there is surely some truth in what the doctor said.

Hopefully they'll reduce the costs once transplants becomes more common.
I live in hope. :)
man, now that i was allowed to see how they work in the op room, and this seems to be the most modern method, if theres not something revolutionary dvelped anytime soon, i dont see the cost coming down.
if cost is a factor, best to find a trustworthy doc who operates in a 2nd-3rd world shithole, bc prices for everything are cheaper there,but accomodation,travel etc add up anyway.
not sure, look, if you wait 10 years, and 7 of them with clear receed hairline, thats 7 years of frustration.

btw i dont care for the morons who say things like "a man can have combover or cojack" blabla, fuck them haha.

the doc made the following remark if one has ok face and tan, can get away with but when he sees white pale men who are bald and cut hair,either or, he says they look like they "need help"
i ask"you mean as in policitcaly misled" he laughs and says yeah that too ;D

yo superted, this x chromosome thing is exactly what he explained to me.mothers side genes are 99% of cases dominant.

yes, im aware, for someone whod have gone entirely bald, theres only damage reduction, they will never have a thick dense full head of hair again.

thankfully im not one of those,just my little wisemans spots on forehead sides, its not even 1000hairs to fill that out thickly, .

other than that im graced with extremly full hair,the barber has to cut out volume every month or i grow an epic marshmellowesque hair look.

agree,it depends on how bad it is, if one has the full bare plate look, or 50% or more hair gone(affected by androgen receptors),there simply isnt enough healthy hair to remove on the head, would take 4-5 big operations in theory and thatd run something like 100k usd here.

the guy in op i saw did a 5k hair step(will do more later they said)and i swear they scalped about a third of his whole skull for that.this is no exageration.

so,itd be possible to fill oiut veerything, but the more one has lost, the more op its gona take and the cost will add up quickly.

the brutal thing is, you kinda have to lose them first before it makes sense to transplant.

Here's my question as I have often thought about this for myself....if the hairs fell out once, what will stop the new ones from falling out again in the future??
the old follicle and root,it all dies off, and with it,the androgen receptor.
the dht and other things have affinity to the androgen receptors and make it fall out.
the hair on side and back of head dont have the receptors.
so the healthy hair is implanted into a lace where theres no more active receptors nomore.

he said chemo could make it fall out again, but thats obvious.


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2014, 07:41:52 AM »
2 kinds of hair 'color'types have it easier to deal with hairloss blond'real blonde and white haired even thin the hair if cropped nice looks like decent coverage blending In with scalp if u decide not or don't need to totally shave,dark brown/black to drastic at times to keep'think gallagher'comedian lol..


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2014, 07:43:26 AM »
Roughly what sort of price range are we talking?
I also just need the hairline done, perhaps a bit more than yours judging by your photos.
Prices i hear vary wildly i hear wayne rooney payed 10,000 gbp for his wjole head done yet that puff on dancing on ice payed 30,000.
I was hoping for around 5000 i could have a nice thick hairline.


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2014, 08:12:12 AM »
Roughly what sort of price range are we talking?
I also just need the hairline done, perhaps a bit more than yours judging by your photos.
Prices i hear vary wildly i hear wayne rooney payed 10,000 gbp for his wjole head done yet that puff on dancing on ice payed 30,000.
I was hoping for around 5000 i could have a nice thick hairline.
theres no way rooney only paid 10k bgp,id say.

well, its expensive as hell here,
1500hairs is 4500usd(i could do this one)
2000hairs is 6000usd(if i do,i do this, then the hailine will forever look like age 20)
3000hairs is 7000usd
5500hairs is 12000usd

thats the prices, its actualy bit more,didnt convert currencies, but yeah.

my gues is in the usa would be clearly less expensive.

if one has on back of head a hole the size of jewish jamulka cap, 5500hairs might not be enough.

if one has the front receed+the back of head bald, itll be a financial mess.

well, not even that is too bad imo, its the price of a small car, or used camaro,sorta, which some fat fucks buy to make themsleves feel better about themselves.relative to that, id still consider it an ok investment.
id draw the line at you know, full plate everything fallen out, bc for tht money one could buy a house lol


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2014, 08:19:06 AM »
theres no way rooney only paid 10k bgp,id say.

well, its expensive as hell here,
1500hairs is 4500usd(i could do this one)
2000hairs is 6000usd(if i do,i do this, then the hailine will forever look like age 20)
3000hairs is 7000usd
5500hairs is 12000usd

thats the prices, its actualy bit more,didnt convert currencies, but yeah.

my gues is in the usa would be clearly less expensive.

if one has on back of head a hole the size of jewish jamulka cap, 5500hairs might not be enough.

if one has the front receed+the back of head bald, itll be a financial mess.

well, not even that is too bad imo, its the price of a small car, or used camaro,sorta, which some fat fucks buy to make themsleves feel better about themselves.relative to that, id still consider it an ok investment.
id draw the line at you know, full plate everything fallen out, bc for tht money one could buy a house lol

have you looked into high quality wigs?? much cheaper, a real natural look as well.


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2014, 08:25:02 AM »
theres no way rooney only paid 10k bgp,id say.

well, its expensive as hell here,
1500hairs is 4500usd(i could do this one)
2000hairs is 6000usd(if i do,i do this, then the hailine will forever look like age 20)
3000hairs is 7000usd
5500hairs is 12000usd

thats the prices, its actualy bit more,didnt convert currencies, but yeah.
my gues is in the usa would be clearly less expensive.

if one has on back of head a hole the size of jewish jamulka cap, 5500hairs might not be enough.

if one has the front receed+the back of head bald, itll be a financial mess.

well, not even that is too bad imo, its the price of a small car, or used camaro,sorta, which some fat fucks buy to make themsleves feel better about themselves.relative to that, id still consider it an ok investment.
id draw the line at you know, full plate everything fallen out, bc for tht money one could buy a house lol

id go for the 2000 hairs also, i look at my hairline and 2000 would go a pretty long way.
At just over 3 and a half grand in uk money seems well worth it to me.


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2014, 08:32:02 AM »
have you looked into high quality wigs?? much cheaper, a real natural look as well.

i think you got me confused with cleanest natural ???


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2014, 08:33:23 AM »
have you looked into high quality wigs?? much cheaper, a real natural look as well.



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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2014, 08:38:33 AM »
i think you got me confused with cleanest natural ???

of course not.

I think that fuck is too bald even for a wig  ???

doomed to be a chrome dome.


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2014, 08:41:57 AM »
never mind i saw it ^^^^^^^^

but the fact always remains that hairtransplants are only effective generally as a hairline correction, meaning your hairloss is very mild and stabilized

if you are destined to go fully bald nothing can save you, finasteride can slow shit down possibly tho

it's the simple theory of not enough donor hair to fill the scalp once those DHT sensitive hairs are all shot down

size of the cranium is another factor obviously as well as hair color and texture


can you harvest other peoples hair??

like as in buy hair from some third worlder???

not a somilian or other dirty people, but only like kind-of third worlders, I.E. south americans


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2014, 08:45:22 AM »
no because of auto immune reaction the body rejects it, in fact only a percentage of your own grafts make it

scalp transplant would have more chance of success and the scar would really be barely visible if it's a perfect cut

so youre telling me that in developing nations, even their hair refuses to work efficiently. oh brother


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Re: so i went to the hair transplant clinic
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2014, 08:46:36 AM »
never mind i saw it ^^^^^^^^

but the fact always remains that hairtransplants are only effective generally as a hairline correction, meaning your hairloss is very mild and stabilized

if you are destined to go fully bald nothing can save you, finasteride can slow shit down possibly tho

it's the simple theory of not enough donor hair to fill the scalp once those DHT sensitive hairs are all shot down

size of the cranium is another factor obviously as well as hair color and texture

did you read the whole thread? ???