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HEY EVERYONE! JUST had something happen with me  with my special email friend... here's the situation.. met this person on another forum, we quickly became fast email friends, and have been for the past year and half almost 2 years.. we email each other literally every day or at least every other day.. and yes, we discuss ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING and i DO MEAN EVERYTHING (i.e. our personal intimacies).. she is married but i think they have a open relationship at least i hope they do because i would feel bad if she is "mentally and emailing me cheating" on her husband with me.. she has asked me to never inquire about her relationship... we also send each other gifts thru the mail for holidays and birthdays.... we live far away across the country from each other....

anyway, so today i get a email from her how she "looked up" my address and "found" a photo of my house on google under some website... i guess nowadays if you know someone's address you can find it including a photo online... so she asked me in the email is this your house? i was just doing a search on the city you live and i had your address so i "found" your home..

now here's the thing: maybe i'm totally overreacting, but somehow i feel this is like a HUGE INVASION OF PRIVACY! i mean it's one thing to be best email friends writing each other about everything, sending presents to each other, and so on... but i expected it to be just that.. she has mentioned that she would think it would be great if one day we would meet in person? don't know if i'm ready OR WOULD EVER be ready for that.....

but now that she has gone and seen my house, where i live? i don't know i just feel that's too much information about me she knows now? she has sent me photos of her, but i have yet to send photos of myself to her... i just don't feel 100% comfortable with that next more intimate step! especially since she IS married... i've kind of ignored her suggestion of "wouldn't it be great if someday we meet".... i just don't know how i should feel about her now knowing EXACTLY where i live, i mean it's one thing to have my address it's another thing for her to know EXACTLY visually where i live?... okay,i'm rambling, thoughts everyone!...
Hire an armed bodyguard ASAP.
You can basically check anybodys house if you know the address.
Google maps street view.

Does not include Getbiggers. They all live in their mansions behind a wall and a moat :)
You gonna get raped.
c'mon dudes, if your gonna reply, reply seriously please...
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