Author Topic: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???  (Read 88358 times)


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Re: PHYSIQUE - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2015, 12:06:05 AM »
I've screwed up my shoulders a few times by trying to lift too heavy. I'm a slow learner. Fortunately, I didn't mess them up so bad that it required surgery to fix them like some of my gym buddies have. I laid off the overhead presses for awhile until they got better. I've since learned that with delt exercises lighter weight are actually more effective at building muscle. It seems to be a trend at the gym where I work out.

It's not a gym related thing, but I had knee surgery about two years ago to try and fix a torn meniscus. It wasn't completely successful which was my fault. I was not supposed to bear weight on it for 6 weeks. The first day home, my wife fell. I had no choice but to put weight on that leg to help her get upright. It was that or call 911. I also wasn't that good with the crutches. I may have to have it worked on again, but I am hoping it will get better on it's own someday. We old folks don't always heal as well as you youngsters. 


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Re: PHYSIQUE - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2015, 10:52:24 AM »
In an effort to get back on topic, I'd like to offer some comments that may also be back OFF topic ... but which are very noticeable to myself and possibly even PRIME who has been lifting since the god old days of yore.

In an effort to show that 'nothing has changed' and that history repeats itself when it comes to lifting heavy things, I gotta offer the following.

Back in the 1950's there were numerous adverse comments directed towards most anyone who lifted 'heavy things' to get in shape or to go the distance and look big and muscular and as ripped as possible.

Even so called 'fitness experts' and coaches and just about every mom and dad with teen-aged sons  was convinced that lifting heavy things would make you 'muscle-bound' and therefor unable to excel within any physical activity.

This was the so called 'common knowledge' among all the so called experts within the athletic empire .... including coaches, doctors, lawyers and indian chiefs.

So those who lifted heavy things for any reason at all were referred to as
something that they were not.

The terms "gay" or "fag" or similar adverse terms were relatively unknown back then so those who lifted heavy things on a regular basis were referred to as "assholes" or "wierd-oos" and rejected according to the modes of the mid-20th century society.

And the competitive bodybuilders of the 1950's were the 'weirdest individuals imaginable' and would soon be referred to as a bunch of assholes which eventually graduated to terms of a more adverse nature.

But then a guy name KENNEDY came on the scene and encouraged the US population top get in shape .... so things began to change and bodybuilding as we knew it back then grew beyond anyone's imagination and became  somewhat acceptable

But not entirely ... mainly due to the fact hat people who are not in shape like to castrate those who are. (Kinda)

And as I said earlier ... History repeats itself.

Today's Physique contenders are yesterday's boduybuildes and the complaints and derogatory statements and unacceptability have returned in a way that is similar to the way things used to be within he world of lifting heavy things over 60 years ago.

Maybe PRIME will agree. Maybe he won't ..... but that's the way I have been seeing it.


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Re: PHYSIQUE - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2015, 12:18:18 PM »
In an effort to get back on topic, I'd like to offer some comments that may also be back OFF topic ... but which are very noticeable to myself and possibly even PRIME who has been lifting since the god old days of yore.

In an effort to show that 'nothing has changed' and that history repeats itself when it comes to lifting heavy things, I gotta offer the following.

Back in the 1950's there were numerous adverse comments directed towards most anyone who lifted 'heavy things' to get in shape or to go the distance and look big and muscular and as ripped as possible.

Even so called 'fitness experts' and coaches and just about every mom and dad with teen-aged sons  was convinced that lifting heavy things would make you 'muscle-bound' and therefor unable to excel within any physical activity.

This was the so called 'common knowledge' among all the so called experts within the athletic empire .... including coaches, doctors, lawyers and indian chiefs.

So those who lifted heavy things for any reason at all were referred to as
something that they were not.

The terms "gay" or "fag" or similar adverse terms were relatively unknown back then so those who lifted heavy things on a regular basis were referred to as "assholes" or "wierd-oos" and rejected according to the modes of the mid-20th century society.

And the competitive bodybuilders of the 1950's were the 'weirdest individuals imaginable' and would soon be referred to as a bunch of assholes which eventually graduated to terms of a more adverse nature.

But then a guy name KENNEDY came on the scene and encouraged the US population top get in shape .... so things began to change and bodybuilding as we knew it back then grew beyond anyone's imagination and became  somewhat acceptable

But not entirely ... mainly due to the fact hat people who are not in shape like to castrate those who are. (Kinda)

And as I said earlier ... History repeats itself.

Today's Physique contenders are yesterday's boduybuildes and the complaints and derogatory statements and unacceptability have returned in a way that is similar to the way things used to be within he world of lifting heavy things over 60 years ago.

Maybe PRIME will agree. Maybe he won't ..... but that's the way I have been seeing it.

Overall, I agree with your assessment of mid-century opinions about bodybuilding. I don't remember bodybuilders being called assholes, but many people though muscle bound dudes were just big dumb lugs. Women were hardly involved in bodybuilding for themselves but some women liked how bodybuilders looked and some did not.

Fortunately for me, I have never given in to what others think even when it is mainstream thinking. I like to believe I have always been an independent thinker. I needed to get into bodybuilding when I was a kid to outgrow my skinny twink like self and feel more manly, so I did. It stuck and it has paid off in exceptionally good health and being much more fit then most folks my age.


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Re: PHYSIQUE - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2015, 02:32:37 PM »
PRIME, Thanks for your response.

I used the term "assholes"  as a general term how the general public felt about anyone with a decent amount of muscle back then and in some form of effort to show the general feeling that  some GetBig members display regarding their regards to these relatively new Physique contenders and the event in general.

Like you, I was also a skinny twink; but we lived close to Golden Gate Park and and I was an avid tree climber as a little kid which allowed me to be the strongest kid during my grammar and high school days and had the opportunity to be a member of one of the better athlete training centers in that Bay Area so I got into lifting weights with total dedication.

And while in Quantico  I was one of four Manines who was picked to run the obstacle course on behalf of some visiting US political figures and just kept lifting heavy stuff throughout my lifetime .... meeting and working with some of the top people in the game during the process.

I'll end this by simply stating that this relatively new NPC Physique Division was a very wise move and will open a lot of opportunities for the newest breed of folks who train to stay in decent shape regardless of the criticism from those who don't.

Thanks, Prine.


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Re: PHYSIQUE - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2015, 11:11:02 PM »
PRIME, Thanks for your response.

I used the term "assholes"  as a general term how the general public felt about anyone with a decent amount of muscle back then and in some form of effort to show the general feeling that  some GetBig members display regarding their regards to these relatively new Physique contenders and the event in general.

Like you, I was also a skinny twink; but we lived close to Golden Gate Park and and I was an avid tree climber as a little kid which allowed me to be the strongest kid during my grammar and high school days and had the opportunity to be a member of one of the better athlete training centers in that Bay Area so I got into lifting weights with total dedication.

And while in Quantico  I was one of four Manines who was picked to run the obstacle course on behalf of some visiting US political figures and just kept lifting heavy stuff throughout my lifetime .... meeting and working with some of the top people in the game during the process.

I'll end this by simply stating that this relatively new NPC Physique Division was a very wise move and will open a lot of opportunities for the newest breed of folks who train to stay in decent shape regardless of the criticism from those who don't.

Thanks, Prine.

It is interesting to learn what inspires folks to go into bodybuilding. Without a doubt, the 98 lb. weakling humiliatingly getting sand kicked in his face is what inspired a lot of young men to start lifting.

What I've discovered via my grandsons is that many guys in their later teens are skinny and that it is often only a temporary transition into manhood. I've witnessed one of my grandson's go from twink to man over the last year. He will be 18 years old in May. He's a bit soft, but he's definitely filled out.

My fear was that both my parents were skinny. My father was 6' 5" tall and weighed 175 lbs. Granted he had really long legs, but legs are a big portion of one's weight. My mom was always fashion model thin at 5' 8". I just couldn't imagine having a manly looking physique without some help. I turned to ABS and weight training to overcome what I imagined was inevitable. Fortunately, I tend to do everything in moderation. Today I am a moderately lean an fit old fart.


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Re: PHYSIQUE - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2015, 03:48:57 AM »
PRIME, Thanks for your response.

I used the term "assholes"  as a general term how the general public felt about anyone with a decent amount of muscle back then and in some form of effort to show the general feeling that  some GetBig members display regarding their regards to these relatively new Physique contenders and the event in general.

Like you, I was also a skinny twink; but we lived close to Golden Gate Park and and I was an avid tree climber as a little kid which allowed me to be the strongest kid during my grammar and high school days and had the opportunity to be a member of one of the better athlete training centers in that Bay Area so I got into lifting weights with total dedication.

And while in Quantico  I was one of four Manines who was picked to run the obstacle course on behalf of some visiting US political figures and just kept lifting heavy stuff throughout my lifetime .... meeting and working with some of the top people in the game during the process.

I'll end this by simply stating that this relatively new NPC Physique Division was a very wise move and will open a lot of opportunities for the newest breed of folks who train to stay in decent shape regardless of the criticism from those who don't.

Thanks, Prine.

yes a good post...bring back the real Physiques that a young man can imagine attainable


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Re: PHYSIQUE - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2015, 11:27:11 AM »
Thanks, DONNY!

This one's for HOWARD who has obviously judged a good number of NPC contests.

I've judged a good number of NPC events as well as a good number of Olympic Lifting and Powerlifting events, but I 'retired' just prior to the  very intelligent NPC and IFBB sanctioning of Physique events and I will be outspoken and give the judges a lot of credit.

I say this because I personally feel that there is a lot of confusion within my own mind regarding the difference between AMATEUR bodybuilders and AMATEUR physique competitors.

At the one big physique event that I personally saw, some of the better known bodybuilding pros made comments such as , "He should have entered the bodybuilding contest! He will not do good as a physique competitor!"

So my question is, what is the fine line or distinction between a great amateur physique contender and a good amateur bodybuilder. Are the judges required to make a decision that such and such a competitor is too muscular to compete as a physique contender?  And what is the basis for that decision?

And is it remotely possible that someday the physique contenders will be the bodybuilders of the future?

If there is any interest  regarding this subject I'm gonna post some photos of competitors who I think could compete either as a physique contender  or a bodybuilding contender and let you GetBiggers decide.

I wil say that I do know some top physique contenders who compete outside of the  NPC/IFBB whom I personally think would do better financially as IFBB contenders. Such as Jaco De Bruyn (South Africa)  and Sergi Constance (SPAIN). (Spelling may be wrong.)

This may open a  can of arguments which would be interesting to argue or agree with.

Other than that ... all is well!


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2015, 08:33:12 PM »
I would go as far as to say physique is partially responsible for the less-aesthetic era of modern bodybuilders we see today...about how they play the "size game"...As mens physique competitors are seemingly turning more and more into "bigger guys" slowly and slowly...That evogen guy is not a small guy by any means and looks more like a bodybuilder in off-seaosn..This causes the bar to raise for the common top get BIGGER as aesthetics are fit more for the PHYSIQUE category.....Bodybuidler s needed something to seperate themselves...


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2015, 09:55:29 AM »
Thanks, David.

i don't know if the following may be associated with the comment you made above, but there is some talk about a new  bodybuilding/physique division that would fall somewhat in between the current bodybuilding and physique divisions.

Nothing official .... just rumors coming from some of the competitors..........

Some feel that there is a fine line between amateur bodybuilding competitions and amateur and/or professional physique competitions ...  and I've heard comments made by some of the know-it-alls up front that this or that competitor should have entered the bodybuilding contest instead of the physique event.

And some competitors have difficulty in deciding which event to enter ... bodybuilding or physique?

And I am almost positive that physique judges have the "too much muscle thought" in mind when judging physique contests.

I'm sure that this question regarding which event to enter is being considered by Sergi Constance who is a world champion physique contender and has recently entered and won NPC amateur physique contests in So Cal.

Sergi has the type of build that could do well in either or both events  .... physique or bodybuilding.

And here are most likely many other competitors who could do likewise.

So it's somewhat remotely possible that a new division may be initiated that would fall between bodybuilding and physique events for competitors who could de well in either event.

Here's is a shot of Sergi Constance.....  one of the world's top rated physique competitors

In your opinion .... should he compete as a physique competitor or bodybuilding competitor?

And you think  there is a remote possibility of a new division?


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2015, 11:26:04 AM »
Thanks, David.

i don't know if the following may be associated with the comment you made above, but there is some talk about a new  bodybuilding/physique division that would fall somewhat in between the current bodybuilding and physique divisions.

Nothing official .... just rumors coming from some of the competitors..........

Some feel that there is a fine line between amateur bodybuilding competitions and amateur and/or professional physique competitions ...  and I've heard comments made by some of the know-it-alls up front that this or that competitor should have entered the bodybuilding contest instead of the physique event.

And some competitors have difficulty in deciding which event to enter ... bodybuilding or physique?

And I am almost positive that physique judges have the "too much muscle thought" in mind when judging physique contests.

I'm sure that this question regarding which event to enter is being considered by Sergi Constance who is a world champion physique contender and has recently entered and won NPC amateur physique contests in So Cal.

Sergi has the type of build that could do well in either or both events  .... physique or bodybuilding.

And here are most likely many other competitors who could do likewise.

So it's somewhat remotely possible that a new division may be initiated that would fall between bodybuilding and physique events for competitors who could de well in either event.

Here's is a shot of Sergi Constance.....  one of the world's top rated physique competitors

In your opinion .... should he compete as a physique competitor or bodybuilding competitor?

And you think  there is a remote possibility of a new division?

This whole category of sport i.e fitness, bodybuilding, bikini etc is not popular enough to already be creating a new category...You have to look at the cost to effect ratio and weigh the benefits of being able to do so...Because if theres one thing we know...Money comes before fairness in this industry..So where it might make sense to create something in between the two or a purgatory so-to-speak lol,, it may not directly benefit the people who would have to take the time to create it...The crowds would have to come...For these reasons i can't see a new thing happening anytime soon..Or at least until this category of sports blows up further and calls for it...Maybe if you were able to gather enough people and get a big enough following to enforce it...You would be able to possibly accomplish this...Good thing about this category of sports is that it's easier to have your voice heard because it's a smaller demographic...So if you gather a good amount of paying customers they have no choice but to hear your voices...I'm not talking 10's or 100's though...I'm talking at least thousands...

As for Sergi...I think he can continue to excel in the physique division as good genetics is really the whole thing in physique...I know this for a fact....If they want a small waist and you genetically have 35 in. waist...No matter what drugs you take you aren't going to beat the sergis of the world...You aren't going to beat the seids of the world (even though i hate jeff this is a good example) so for sergi to enter bodybuilding...He's going to have to put on size first and foremost...Keep in mind there are alot of bodybuilders who if they lost some size would be able to dominate physique but don't...So sergi deals with people with similar good genetics when he transitions with more size...sure he could excel in a certain weightclass but at what cost?? That is not really half as good as being a top physique competitor in the world?? In reality i'm not a big fan of him because he claims natural...And has enough of a following to make alot of people stupid....So i'm not gonna really elaborate further...he could do decent in bodybuilding but he would NEVER have the same reputation he does in physique...


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2015, 06:01:21 PM »
DAVID, Thanks for your interesting and intelligent response.

I may not agree 100% but I'd like to add the following to your "cost to  effect ratio and weigh the benefits ....".

A couple of weeks ago I had a short discussion with a local NPC event promoter and I asked him what he thought about the future of promoting professional PHYSIQUE contests.

"Professional" meaning a physique contest for these new IFBB Physique contenders who have entered the IFBB ranks within the past few years.

We then proceeded to discuss the financial difficulties of promoting an IFBB Pro Physique contest mainly due to the fact that IFBB professionals receive financial "benefits" which do not apply to the amateur contenders.

Plus the IFBB sanction fee

We did not go into detail here but I believe the professional Physique contenders receive travel pay to the event and hotel room expenses ...
but I could be entirely wrong regarding this nowadays, but I do know that it is considerably more expensive for the promoter to promote a IFBB Pro event than for a promoter to promote an amateur contest whereby the contenders pay all their own expenses plus entry feee, etc. etc.

So I'm guessing that it might cost around $20,000+++ (a pretty low estimate) if a promoter planned to promote an IFBB Professional Physique contest.

I'll be making a couple of phone calls to see how accurate the above estimates are.

And until Physique event interest grows even bigger than it is today,
it appears that it would be difficult to make an IFBB Pro Physique event profitable for the promoter.

But, I believe that the NPC/IFBB is interested in keeping current IFBB Pros and future IFBB Pros as active members each and every year .... so the above may be under serious consideration as we speak.

Pros do not maintain their IFBB membership unless the proverbial carrot on a stick is offered because pros no longer compete for plastic trophies.

More thoughts on this subject forthcoming  if there is any interest.


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2016, 10:53:27 AM »
i love to build physique. plz guide me help me out.




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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #37 on: September 05, 2016, 05:49:52 AM »
i love to build physique. plz guide me help me out.



plz ask big dan hill


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2016, 03:27:10 PM »
It's been a while since I visited this 'site' but since my last visit Classic Physique (I think it's called that now) has been added to the NPC lineup of events.

And it's about time that myself and others add some Phisique contender shots to this post.

Here's a contender whom I mentioned earlier in one of the major topics up that high above who would did well in the recent NPC portion of the North American Bodybuilding Championships by winning the bodybuilding  heavyweight class .... but just might have difficulties placing within he money as an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder simply due to the fact that he just ain't massive enough.

And there could exist a remote possibility that he has too much muscle to do well within an IFBB physique event.

I think he could do well in boyh by gaining muscle mass and competing as a pro-bodybuilder during the odd numbered years and competing as a pro physique contender during the even numbered year.

And it's also remotely possible that there are a good number of others contenders who could do likewise or are presently considering the possibility of doing so.

Here's Chris Bumstead when he received his IFBB Pro card by winning the heavywt class at the 2016 North America Championships.

If there are others whom you believe would do well with an IFFPro  Bodybuilding contest as well as an IFBB Pro  Physique event .... feel free to contribute here.

I'll  see if I can add more over the next few days.


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2016, 05:34:34 PM »
My best bet for this weekend's 2017 IFBB Olympia PHYSIQUE top three outcome ..... (Or is it now Classic Bodybuilding? I'm in the process of catching up!)


But judging by their photos (see below) I'd pick Poston as the overall.

I think I may be overlooking Sadik Hadzovic but I don't know enough about current Physique comps so I'll just sit back and see how it turns out.


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #40 on: September 13, 2016, 05:45:11 PM »
Photos of Buendia, Poston, and Terry .... (See comment above)


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2016, 11:06:39 AM »
Another most noteworthy contender in this year's Olympia Classic Physique is SADIK HADZOVIK.

Some insiders (no IFBB officials) claim that he will be the overall winner.

But they may be overlooking DANNY HESTER!!!


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2016, 05:30:23 AM »
thank you so much for sharing this topic......will you tell me plz ....if any injury occured while lifting?


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2016, 11:21:34 AM »
It's been a while since I visited this section of this GetBig Board and here's my attempt to keep it updated as much as possible which is impossible since I do not follow Physique nor Classic Physique to be any expert on the subect.

There are always competitive rumor floating around the gym but one such rumor may become an actuality at  next year's Olympia Physique competitions. (Will a Classic Physique event even be held during the 2017Olympia?)

Most rumors are mostly bullshit but Australia's Calum Von Moger just might enter it next year (2017) as well as Canada's new bodybuiding IFBB Pro, Chris Bumstead, who apparently does not want to add the additional mass that would probably be required if he wanted to do well within any IFBB Pro Bodybuilding event.

Nothing definite about Bumstead due to the fact that his participation in the 2017 Oly is only a guesstimate but Calum somewhat mentioned it on one of his Instagram comments.

Actually he asked his fans if he should enter it and received a lot of encouragement to do so. And Bumstead has been somewhat silent on his future competitive plans.

Does all of this sound like that TMZ TV show?


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2016, 11:27:10 AM »
Photos of Bumstead are posted above.

Here's Calum...

Would Calum beat Bumstead in a Physique event at the 2017 Oly?

It would be the first time out for both of them.

Who do you think will be main contenders?


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2016, 04:34:07 PM »
Big Classic Physique event this weekend in Florida.

This is a wild forecast but this could be Chris Bumstead's first win as an IFBB  Pro BUT ..... in a Classic contest and not in the bodybuilding event.

A wise decision on his part as he would most likely have to add 60 pounds of muscle mass in order to stand out in any pro bodybuilder line up.

But a loss this weekend just might encourage him to gain those 60 pounds and compete along with the bigger boys and on his way to the Olympia.

Win or lose ....  or whatever he decides to compete within .... he has a hell of a great competitive future up ahead.


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Re: Men's Physique - How Come and What's Next???
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2016, 05:35:17 PM »
This topic has been continued under G&O. If interested look for "Classic Physique - A New World for Bodybuilders".

Thanks, STUNT (The know it all of nothing at all!)