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Best Monasteries To Visit
When I was younger I visited a monastery that trained in Jhana and Vipassana.

 I won't go into the details but the experience was intense and deeply meaningful/impactful.

 The kinds of experiences I had I think deeply changed how I viewed life, reality, and living/dieing.

 Soon I am thinking of going to Gyobutsuji Zen Monastery run by Shoryu Bradley. The teacher is very well respected as a main student of the well known Shohaku Okumura. Additionally the monastery he has created is a mirror to the famous Antaiji so that is definitely something awesome.

 I am really excited as I have found Zazen to be pretty much pure expression or at least the type I practice (Simply sitting).

 I have started to have things open up that again are deeply transformative. Sometimes in our world we talk about aesthetics, purity, strength, power, and yet not many times do we apply these terms to the heart, soul, mind or whatever you wish to call it.

 Yet just like learning and becoming close with oneself in a physical sense being well acquainted and understanding the depth and dimension of the mental or spiritual side of life is I think of great value.

 Anyone have any good experiences with going to monasteries, retreat centers, or other things of a mental or spiritual nature that were deeply impactful and meaningful?

 Be cool to chat about this side of life.
Was in rehab with one of Shoryu Bradley's cousins in November. Said he was an arrogant dick and a bully to everybody, family included.
sync pulse:
St. Bernard Pass....

mp:  Seems like a really kind person to me but everyone always has their own opinions.  I hope your rehab keeps going good by the way.  Good on you for doing that.

sync:  that is incredible, amazing that places like that are built in locations such as those.  that was an excellent video, will remember that one for sure.
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