Author Topic: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!  (Read 30628 times)


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #75 on: February 19, 2019, 01:25:38 PM »
All Latinas look the same. ;D

You are joking.  :)


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #76 on: February 19, 2019, 01:42:57 PM »
I notice you mention sketchy people like Trump and Bush Jr but no mention of Bill Clinton.  Am I to assume you are o.k. with the way Clinton has treated women?

Absolutely not. But I'm also not trying to go down a list of every former president of questionable character. Clinton was dirty. His work as a president was impressive. Trump is dirty and his work as a president is garbage. George Bush Jr was a good boy, but he sucked as a president. Probably dumbest president of all time?

I'm sure if we go back further, we can talk about Regan and his support for the contras, the secret sale of arms to Iran despite a U.S. arms embargo or how unqualified he was prior to talking office, but no need. With Trump, I see someone of questionable character that has no shame in his actions. Not that it makes him a better person, but at least Clinton tried to hide it, Trump just doesn't give a fuck.



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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #77 on: February 19, 2019, 03:01:48 PM »
My stance as a New Yorker is that Trump was always suspect in all of his dealings. Throughout the 80's, 90's + the last 19 years, NY'ers always have seen him as a bit of a scam artist. Wealth boasting, fake media articles that he would pay for to deliver self-serving propaganda, questionable business ventures are some of the things we got tired of hearing about. Ask any New Yorker what they think of Trump being President and with the exception of the Republicans in NYC, which aren't that many, most NY'ers will tell you it's crazy. But we've seen unqualified individuals make it to Washington (George Bush Jr for instance) before. It's just that today, we would hope for better checks and balances.

For fuck's sake, in the age of #metoo and all this push towards women's rights & equal racial justice, Trump made it to the White House while boasting about randomly grabbing women's pussies, calling Rosie O'Donnell fat and ugly and making incredibly derogatory remarks against Hispanics. Just by way of his actions, I would hope that Americans would have the decency to elect someone with better character and integrity.

Also regarding his policies on trade and the US getting bent over, remember this little video of him on Letterman, where the same guy that wants to keeps jobs in the USA and not allow for others to bend us over is the same guy outsourcing labor to China?

Check out this video from the 0:20 mark and on:

Why be a hypocrite when it comes to your personal actions, but preach a different message towards what Americans should be expected to do? The only reason I don't completely turn on Trump is because he is great towards Israel. Partly due to his son-in-law's influence, but still a benefit for my people. Aside from those benefits, there is very little else that would get me to jump on the bandwagon.

Oh and by the way, I am a Republican. Not because of the GOP's social views, but because of their economic policies that keep more money in my bank account.


Oh boy, this is gonna be a long one fellas.....I'll try to include some laughs as always at least! ;D  On the bright side, it won't be a wall of text asking how to get girls (not mentioning names :-X)

OMR, I respectfully say, I'm not blind my friend...dumb is debatable(actually, I got the red squigglies spelling debatable so maybe it's not ;D), but as of this moment I can still see.  I've also been in sales for 20+ years so I have a decent amount of experience observing, listening, gauging, and looking for facial,body, and verbal cues when it comes to being around people, and even just over the phone for 10 of those yrs doing B2B sales.  

I see Trump for who he is, and what he is.  All business men and women that achieve that level of wealth have gotten there doing some good things, and likely some really bad/shady things.....Zuckerberg is 10x the devil Trump ever was or will be.  Money, power, and fame corrupt everyone to some extent.  He's a business man, and the goal of any business is to make money.  I doubt that any American owned company is thrilled that they have to go to and/or buy from China and other places, but they have to do it to compete.  
You seem successful, so I'm guessing you've been an employee of a company that was/is global at some point.  I can't think of any big companies that don't do business with, or have products from China in their building.  So if we're going to call Trump a hypocrite for doing the same, fine.  But, I look around my desk and room as I type and I'm willing to bet if you did the same in noticing that we both have a lot of Chinese shit even though we hate it, and do our best to "Buy American".....well, we're all hypocrites then OMR.  The whole damn country.  And it's double hypocrite to call Trump that when those things are the case.

#metoo did help to shed light on how big of an issue sexual assault is, and how it's not talked about.  But let's be was shot off at us like a cannon by a bunch of lunatics, fame-seekers, "celebrities", attention whores, and bitter bitches and men that sucked/fucked one too many dicks that they didn't want to without getting the part they "auditioned" for.  It exposed how filthy and infested Hollyweird, and the "music" biz really are, and then some other legitimate people were empowered to say #metoo......  BUT, during and after the initial "hell yeah, expose those scumbags" thrill, we're now seeing a lot of #wishitwasmetoo :-\, and false accusations over some very benign stuff, and people's lives getting ruined or their names dragged though the mud that otherwise wouldn't and shouldn't have been.  >:(  And, you and I both know that Hollyweird and the "music" business of yesteryear, and today are not going to change.  In fact, sad as it is to say, but as easy as it is to become "famous" these days......being involved in the "celebrity industry" is going to get even more bizarre I bet. :(  I'm not even going to get started on the JS case, but I wish you would go to the thread, and reply to the question I asked you.  I'm pretty sure I quoted you so it should be easy to find in your posts replied to link.

As for the "grab em by the pussy" thing.....I'm really shocked that you brought that up TBH. :o  You're way too smart for that sir, and that's an emotional thing you're latching onto there....which is not how you normally read(I'll get to that below...don't worry, it's all nice...I respect you, and enjoy reading your posts ;)).  Trump was accidentally mic'd up still....MSM/NBC's billy bush too.  That's guy talk, and you know it!  If it was so uncommon, out of the ordinary, and shocking....why didn't BB express anger/outrage/disgust?  Instead he laughed, acknowledged, and carried on as if nothing happened.  Because, it really was nothing.

Every straight woman in America expressing outrage about that is a hypocritical liar.  Think about it.... What was on every young girl's walls of every one of their rooms that you ever went into as a young boy and man?......posters of "dreamy" hunks from movies and tv, and their favorite bad boy rockstars/rappers?  I guess they had those up because they really admired who they are as people, right?

How many women across the nation have sucked and fucked a musician on tour that gave them a backstage pass or let them on the bus?  Hell, in the recent thread asking who's had a 3some, someone posted that they've had several of them, because he's a a freakin LOCAL rock band......called it easy pickings (not exact words, but ;D).  Double hell...when I was 15 I saw two young girls go to the door of Poison's tour bus, and watched as the driver/roadie(?) took them on the other side of the bus where we couldn't see for about 5-10 minutes, and then came back around smiling at us as he let the girls onto the bus.  I suppose they could have just presented some really valid points as to why they should be let on the bus that he couldn't dispute, but the fact that apprx. 20-30 minutes later the girls came back out of the bus followed by Bret Michaels and Rikki Rockett makes me call shenanigans on what "went down". ;)

How many couples have a "celebrity pass" agreement.....are they joking? ??? ::)  Most will never know.....,but I'm willing to bet that 85% of single and married straight women would let Pitt, DiCaprio, or whoever's relevant these days or is their "famous" crush grab them by the pussy, and the first words out of their mouth would be "oh my god, can I suck your dick?  You can fuck me anyway you want!".......10% would be shocked, and be like "what the hell....YOLO!"....and the other 5% MIGHT be disgusted and enraged enough to smack them, and report them to authorities.  At the risk of being relentlessly made fun of forever on this site once I type this I'm going to do it anyway....from time to time....uhhhhhh......I watch Ellen :-*  Ellen's favorite guest, by far is Sophia.....shit, name escapes ass latina or cuban woman with big boobies on t.v.  Every single time she is on, Ellen somehow finds a new fun "game" to play "for the viewing audiences pleasure" that somehow leads to Ellen's hands or other parts on Sophia's ass, tits, face....literally on top of even.  Just a coincidence, or a planned way for a lesbian to cop a nice feel on one of the hottest women on t.v. without getting in trouble from her wife?  You tell me.

He said it was locker room talk, and that's exactly what it is OMR!  I've worked at, and been in gym locker rooms in several states.  While working at them I've been in those locker rooms way more often than I could stand.  I went to junior high, and h.s. too....just like you. And the most common topic discussed was tits and a very distant third was the weather!  I'm not taking a shot at your preference when I say this, but I'd bet lot's of money that the only male locker rooms in the entire U.S. where those two things are not discussed and joked about ad nauseum, are at a religious school/church/synagogue/mosque/temple that has a changing area/locker room, or at a gym that is male only gays(is that a thing?  I honestly don't know? ???)

I would have actually been shocked if you told me you were a Democrat, just from the posts I've read of yours over the years.  Your educated, intelligent, rational, friendly yet reserved, and obviously do well for yourself money-wise.

Oh and for my btw, when I put that tits and pussy are discussed ad nauseum....I really meant it.  I've always enjoyed hanging around my girl friends when it comes to just sitting around shooting the shit more than my guy friends.  There's only so many ways you can have sex with, eat out, or get blown by a chick.  After you hear about it for the 10 millionth time, from the same dipshits that ironically you're better looking than and apparently getting laid far less than, it becomes far less interesting and less funny, while at the same time making you question your guy friends credibility. ??? ::)  Besides, all of the girls I've been friends with have been hot, and there's always a chance....and the %'s have worked in my favor on more than one occasion :).....consensually, just FTR.  
****Truth notation of peace about said "all" hot girl friends......There was one chubby chick, ok.  But she was cute, and one of the funniest girls I've known.   We talked about porn, and I mentioned squirtters being hot but I questioned they were real.  She confessed she actually had a little secret issue that occurred sometimes when having sex.......I was weak, and curious OMR!!!!  Don't judge me brah! >:(  (BTWx2....that chick undersold the shit outta her little secret and the whole "sometimes" thing! ;D  Her dick pocket was a freakin geyser brother!)
:o ;D ;

I know I went for broke on this post....I admit it....I was "triggered", but to anyone that read it all....and hopefully you OMR especially, got a few laughs as promised! ;)

p.s. - You, and Rosie O'Donnell are the only people that have expressed anger at him for telling the truth that SHE IS fat and ugly that I actually think were genuine in doing so.  Are you friends with her? :D


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #78 on: February 19, 2019, 03:37:06 PM »
Any ‘bigger unearth any nudz of the dim-bulb broad?

The partytime-leg-split on the previous page has been saved, so thanks ... but I’d like some rock solid nudz, too.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #79 on: February 19, 2019, 03:42:37 PM »
Absolutely not. But I'm also not trying to go down a list of every former president of questionable character. Clinton was dirty. His work as a president was impressive. Trump is dirty and his work as a president is garbage. George Bush Jr was a good boy, but he sucked as a president. Probably dumbest president of all time?

I'm sure if we go back further, we can talk about Regan and his support for the contras, the secret sale of arms to Iran despite a U.S. arms embargo or how unqualified he was prior to talking office, but no need. With Trump, I see someone of questionable character that has no shame in his actions. Not that it makes him a better person, but at least Clinton tried to hide it, Trump just doesn't give a fuck.


OMR, In my "little" triggered moment a bit ago, I forgot to mention I watched the Letterman clip you posted.....I've seen it probably 50+ times, and it's still a pretty epic tv owning moment pre-planned by Letterman.  He walked Trump into that like cute little puppy.  You focused on the :20 part though.  He spoke the truth before that, and it's also pretty obvious and should've been obvious to everyone even without seeing that, that he likely does not know every little detail about all of his businesses.  I'm not saying he was unaware that he has businesses in China....he acknowledged it and said "I wish I could" re; shutting down his "JHina" factory, but what I am saying is that it's right there on camera that he was oblivious as to where the ties were made.

I know you're Republican, so it won't change how you vote, but I watched a movie I have checked out from the library last night.  I'm going to start a thread on it maybe tomorrow, and hopefully there will be some honest and thoughtful discussion about the movie and things it covers without a bunch of racist and name calling bs (gotta keep your fingers crossed for both those things to happen on GB)  

If you have 1hr 46 mins of free time check out this documentary  
The title makes it seem like it would be all about going after's not.  She's not even really mentioned until about 1hr 10min and then again around 1hr 30mn about the 2016 campaign.  I don't recall Trump even being brought up at all, but I finished right b4 my sleep meds kicked all the way in.  

It's all about the history of the Democratic party, and how they've duped blacks.  I think they just put Hillary in the title and on the cover so it would grab attention due to when it was released.  The film maker is an Indian legal immigrant.  I won't spoil his background story if you don't know it, as it's interesting on it's own, but part of how the movie idea for him came about was from being around a lot of black folks, and what his view of America as an immigrant was vs. the black people's who he was around perceptions.  Highly recommend!

FWIW, I am the type that likes to hear/watch/read both sides of the argument, so as much as it will pain me to hear and watch the fat little toad liar.......if Fahrenheit 11/9 is free on Amazon Prime, I'll be getting my popcorn ready in about 90 minutes......I figured I'd go turn on my tv, and pull up Amazon Prime to see b4 hitting submit on this post.....turns out it is on Prime, and it is free.................... .

FML!!! :'(  


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #80 on: February 19, 2019, 05:50:08 PM »
But, I look around my desk and room as I type and I'm willing to bet if you did the same in noticing that we both have a lot of Chinese shit even though we hate it, and do our best to "Buy American".....well, we're all hypocrites then OMR.  The whole damn country.  And it's double hypocrite to call Trump that when those things are the case.

Not at all. You're presuming that I have a problem buying anything from China. I always look for the best deal when spending my money. The difference is Trump was campaigning on the idea that it's not good to do that, but he's a prime example of someone that doesn't practice what he preaches.

 As for the "grab em by the pussy" thing.....I'm really shocked that you brought that up TBH. :o  You're way too smart for that sir, and that's an emotional thing you're latching onto there....which is not how you normally read(I'll get to that below...don't worry, it's all nice...I respect you, and enjoy reading your posts ;)).  Trump was accidentally mic'd up still....MSM/NBC's billy bush too.  That's guy talk, and you know it!  If it was so uncommon, out of the ordinary, and shocking....why didn't BB express anger/outrage/disgust?  Instead he laughed, acknowledged, and carried on as if nothing happened.  Because, it really was nothing..

Truthfully, I guess I just hold presidents to a higher standard. I expect more from them. These are men (maybe someday women) that can drastically affect our lives. It's not so much about the show he puts on for us to watch, it's more about what he does when he thinks no one is watching that really make me question what kind of individual he is. Look, I'm sure many of our past presidents have been far from ethical, but we didn't know, which truthfully made a difference. With this guy, we know and when you know, it's hard to see it any other way.

I would have actually been shocked if you told me you were a Democrat, just from the posts I've read of yours over the years.  Your educated, intelligent, rational, friendly yet reserved, and obviously do well for yourself money-wise.

Umm, thank you for the vote of confidence, but it's truly simpler than that. Honestly, the richer you are, the more republican you become and the poorer you are, the more inclined you are to side with democrats. For economic purposes mainly, I lean republican, but to pretend that some of the GOPs views aren't ass backwards would be absurd.

With that, I'll bow out. I never get involved in any political threads, mostly because I'm not into politics, but also because I've seen what it does to good people (see:: Coach vs Strawman).

Nice chat!



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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #81 on: February 19, 2019, 08:10:35 PM »
Absolutely not. But I'm also not trying to go down a list of every former president of questionable character. Clinton was dirty. His work as a president was impressive. Trump is dirty and his work as a president is garbage. George Bush Jr was a good boy, but he sucked as a president. Probably dumbest president of all time?

I'm sure if we go back further, we can talk about Regan and his support for the contras, the secret sale of arms to Iran despite a U.S. arms embargo or how unqualified he was prior to talking office, but no need. With Trump, I see someone of questionable character that has no shame in his actions. Not that it makes him a better person, but at least Clinton tried to hide it, Trump just doesn't give a fuck.


Don't you love folks that use the past as a smokescreen or deflection for present day issues (Trump)? We're no longer dealing with President's Clinton, Bush and Nixon, etc.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #82 on: February 19, 2019, 08:36:45 PM »
Don't you love folks that use the past as a smokescreen or deflection for present day issues (Trump)? We're no longer dealing with President's Clinton, Bush and Nixon, etc.
You're so lost you don't even know what "present day issues" you're upset about. All you know is your tv told you to be mad at Trump. ::)


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #83 on: February 20, 2019, 04:12:17 AM »

Truthfully, I guess I just hold presidents to a higher standard. I expect more from them. These are men (maybe someday women) that can drastically affect our lives. It's not so much about the show he puts on for us to watch, it's more about what he does when he thinks no one is watching that really make me question what kind of individual he is. Look, I'm sure many of our past presidents have been far from ethical, but we didn't know, which truthfully made a difference. With this guy, we know and when you know, it's hard to see it any other way.

I’m a little surprised by your View.
No Trump isn’t politically correct & Thankfully so There’s Far too Much of That Nonsense.

Are You saying it’s ok or you're ok a deceitful scumbag politician/ president as long
As it’s Hidden from you !! Really - That’s what you appear to be implying.

Trumps Human & He’s a Man & Likes Women ( He’s fucked enough good looking one's )
And he uses Man Talk at Times.

To Hell Witn The Career Slick Lying Scumbag Politicians - I’d have Trump over everyone
Like That.  Some People Just Can’t Handle the Truth & Want it Sugar Coated.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #84 on: February 20, 2019, 04:36:42 AM »
I’m a little surprised by your View.
No Trump isn’t politically correct & Thankfully so There’s Far too Much of That Nonsense.

Are You saying it’s ok or you're ok a deceitful scumbag politician/ president as long
As it’s Hidden from you !! Really - That’s what you appear to be implying.

Trumps Human & He’s a Man & Likes Women ( He’s fucked enough good looking one's )
And he uses Man Talk at Times.

To Hell Witn The Career Slick Lying Scumbag Politicians - I’d have Trump over everyone
Like That.  Some People Just Can’t Handle the Truth & Want it Sugar Coated.
Totally agree.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #85 on: February 20, 2019, 04:57:41 AM »
You are joking.  :)

These aren't latinas.  They are women whose parents emigrated from Germanic countries to South America most likely during the 1940s.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #86 on: February 20, 2019, 05:00:39 AM »
Most likely Nazis.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #87 on: February 20, 2019, 05:23:34 AM »
That's exactly what I am saying.

In an ideal world, I would like for my president to be as close to morally perfect as possible. Unfortunately, we can't create that being, so we have to settle with fallible replacements.

Most people usually work under the presumption that presidential candidates are scumbags. Remember, it's a mere presumption, not fact. We have accepted over time that most are liars that rarely follow through on their campaign promises and prey on the hopes and dreams of their voting base. That said, we place our hopes/votes on these people and then hold our breath.

Put it to you this way, we've all met people in our lives who are criminals. Some, we don't know for a fact, but we know it's true. Even so, until said criminal gets caught and regardless of intuition, we must call that person innocent to all crimes. But once that person commits a crime, we go from merely having a gut feeling to actually pointing the finger.

With Trump, NY'ers had their gut feeling for a long time, but once he opened his mouth and really showed the world what he is capable of, our fingers slowly rose in his direction.

To say that what he discussed with Billy Bush was locker room talk is a stretch. Billy Bush wasn't a close friend. Billy Bush wasn't his brother or college roommate. Billy Bush was a member of the media, known for conducting interviews with celebrities. To think that anything you say to Billy Bush would be a secret is absurd. Talking the way he did in front of Billy Bush is akin to talking openly in a crowd of people, there's no guarantee Bush will keep his mouth shut. On the contrary, for self gain alone and to propel his career, Trump's so-called secret is the perfect angle for him to use in order to write a tell all book or conduct interviews.

So, yeah, I'd much rather not know the truth about these characters. I'd much rather all of these scumbag candidates not prove to us what we already suspected. Because once they do prove they're as bad as we thought, by us failing to remove them from the running for office, we prove to be equally as bad as they are.

No one is innocent. We can go back to Obama, Clinton, Bush Jr, Reagan, heck even Jimmy Carter the antisemite was a scumbag. But, for the sake of my vote, sugarcoat the reality of your ways a bit, don't make us lose all faith in this already broken democracy.



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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #88 on: February 20, 2019, 06:29:47 AM »
China is a long-term threat to the West, the CCP have outlined a plan to dominate world technology called 'Made in China 2025' even though most of their intellectual property is stolen from the West, particularity the US.

Technological dominance = world dominance. Militarily, economically and culturally.

They have a deliberate long-term plan to displace the US as the world superpower, economically and militarily. Eventually this would translate to greater political influence across the world.

Imagine a world with a Communist dictatorship which views their own Han race as a different species of human as the world superpower? The CCP claims they are the descendants of Homo Erectus instead of Homo Sapiens like other humans.

Trump seems to be the only major Western politician who realises what China is trying to do and is taking steps to prevent them from achieving their aims of global dominance.

The view of the CCP is that they are already in a long-term war with the West. The Americans are now at least seeming to catch on to this.

If leftist liberals and socialists take over the US, it would weaken the West even further and the Chinese and CCP will just be laughing.

Right now though, they are shit scared of Trump. They know the US has the ability to hurt them far worse economically which will put a strain on their own population and increase chances of rising dissent to their own rule. Their biggest nightmare is a straining economy.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #89 on: February 20, 2019, 07:28:40 AM »
these socialist women kill my libido.

Ronnie Rep

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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #90 on: February 20, 2019, 07:28:52 AM »
My stance as a New Yorker is that Trump was always suspect in all of his dealings. Throughout the 80's, 90's + the last 19 years, NY'ers have always seen him as a bit of a scam artist. Wealth boasting, fake media articles that he would pay for to deliver self-serving propaganda and questionable business ventures are some of the things we got tired of hearing about. Ask any New Yorker what they think of Trump being President and with the exception of the Republicans in NYC, which aren't that many, most NY'ers will tell you it's crazy. But we've seen unqualified individuals make it to Washington (George Bush Jr for instance) before. It's just that today, we would hope for better checks and balances.

For fuck's sake, in the age of #metoo and this push towards women's rights & equal racial justice, Trump made it to the White House while boasting about randomly grabbing women's pussies, calling Rosie O'Donnell fat and ugly and making incredibly derogatory remarks against Hispanics. Just by way of his actions, I would hope that Americans would have the decency to elect someone with better character and integrity.

Also regarding his policies on trade and the US getting bent over, remember this little video of him on Letterman, where the same guy that wants to keeps jobs in the USA and not allow for others to bend us over is the same guy outsourcing labor to China?

Check out this video from the 0:20 mark and on:

Why be a hypocrite when it comes to your personal actions, but preach a different sermon towards what Americans should be expected to do? The only reason I don't completely turn on Trump is because he is great towards Israel. Partly due to his son-in-law's influence, but still a benefit for my people. Aside from those benefits, there is very little else that would get me to jump on the bandwagon.

Oh and by the way, I am a Republican. Not because of the GOP's social views, but because of their economic policies that keep more money in my bank account.

Very well stated. Similar views as mine except I'm a registered Democrat.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #91 on: February 20, 2019, 07:55:19 AM »
These aren't latinas.  They are women whose parents emigrated from Germanic countries to South America most likely during the 1940s.

this^^^ there is zero LATIN DNA in their blood!!!


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #92 on: February 20, 2019, 08:17:35 AM »
I chuckled -



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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #93 on: February 20, 2019, 08:27:50 AM »
China is a long-term threat to the West, the CCP have outlined a plan to dominate world technology called 'Made in China 2025' even though most of their intellectual property is stolen from the West, particularity the US.

Technological dominance = world dominance. Militarily, economically and culturally.

They have a deliberate long-term plan to displace the US as the world superpower, economically and militarily. Eventually this would translate to greater political influence across the world.

Imagine a world with a Communist dictatorship which views their own Han race as a different species of human as the world superpower? The CCP claims they are the descendants of Homo Erectus instead of Homo Sapiens like other humans.

Trump seems to be the only major Western politician who realises what China is trying to do and is taking steps to prevent them from achieving their aims of global dominance.

The view of the CCP is that they are already in a long-term war with the West. The Americans are now at least seeming to catch on to this.

If leftist liberals and socialists take over the US, it would weaken the West even further and the Chinese and CCP will just be laughing.

Right now though, they are shit scared of Trump. They know the US has the ability to hurt them far worse economically which will put a strain on their own population and increase chances of rising dissent to their own rule. Their biggest nightmare is a straining economy.

China's birthrate is so low they won't have enough people to run their economy in the not too distant future.

They have fracked themselves.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #94 on: February 20, 2019, 08:52:59 AM »
That's exactly what I am saying.

In an ideal world, I would like for my president to be as close to morally perfect as possible. Unfortunately, we can't create that being, so we have to settle with fallible replacements.

Most people usually work under the presumption that presidential candidates are scumbags. Remember, it's a mere presumption, not fact. We have accepted over time that most are liars that rarely follow through on their campaign promises and prey on the hopes and dreams of their voting base. That said, we place our hopes/votes on these people and then hold our breath.

Put it to you this way, we've all met people in our lives who are criminals. Some, we don't know for a fact, but we know it's true. Even so, until said criminal gets caught and regardless of intuition, we must call that person innocent to all crimes. But once that person commits a crime, we go from merely having a gut feeling to actually pointing the finger.

With Trump, NY'ers had their gut feeling for a long time, but once he opened his mouth and really showed the world what he is capable of, our fingers slowly rose in his direction.

To say that what he discussed with Billy Bush was locker room talk is a stretch. Billy Bush wasn't a close friend. Billy Bush wasn't his brother or college roommate. Billy Bush was a member of the media, known for conducting interviews with celebrities. To think that anything you say to Billy Bush would be a secret is absurd. Talking the way he did in front of Billy Bush is akin to talking openly in a crowd of people, there's no guarantee Bush will keep his mouth shut. On the contrary, for self gain alone and to propel his career, Trump's so-called secret is the perfect angle for him to use in order to write a tell all book or conduct interviews.

So, yeah, I'd much rather not know the truth about these characters. I'd much rather all of these scumbag candidates not prove to us what we already suspected. Because once they do prove they're as bad as we thought, by us failing to remove them from the running for office, we prove to be equally as bad as they are.

No one is innocent. We can go back to Obama, Clinton, Bush Jr, Reagan, heck even Jimmy Carter the antisemite was a scumbag. But, for the sake of my vote, sugarcoat the reality of your ways a bit, don't make us lose all faith in this already broken democracy.


Personally I don’t want to be Treated Like a Mushroom - Kept in the Dark & Fed On Shit.
I can Handle the imperfections & Make my mind up / Choose who I like or Vote For.

I Look at the World as it is Good & Bad - Not through rose tinted Glasses.
Some People Clearly Don’t Want To Or Can’t Handle The Truth.

I Can & So can many others.
Save the Sugar Coating for Kids & Fairy Tales.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #95 on: February 20, 2019, 09:05:44 AM »

Personally I don’t want to be Treated Like a Mushroom - Kept in the Dark & Fed On Shit.
I can Handle the imperfections & Make my mind up / Choose who I like or Vote For.

I Look at the World as it is Good & Bad - Not through rose tinted Glasses.
Some People Clearly Don’t Want To Or Can’t Handle The Truth.

I Can & So can many others.
Save the Sugar Coating for Kids & Fairy Tales.

That's a great way to be.

Out of curiosity, when ever you have interviewed in the past, have you shared with potential employers all of your strengths + weaknesses and shortcomings? For the sake of not sugarcoating, do you give them all the facts or leave out the inconvenient ones in order to get a job?

As an employer, I would always be more inclined to hire the candidate that can best sell me on his total package, while making sure they are qualified to do the job. If a candidate tells me all of his/her weaknesses, they save me the trouble of losing time and money in having to unearth these things over time, to then only remove them and deal with their unemployment. Essentially, they save me the hassle of having to hire/vote them in for employment.

Ultimately, Trump interviewed and got the job, regardless of my opinion or that of anyone else. Whether he was qualified or not and whether he was a dirty human being, makes no difference. As long as he keeps taxes low and enough benefits for those that make above a certain income each year, I have nothing more to say/suggest. In other words, I'm not about the impeachment business or anything else, I simply would have preferred a more polished and classy candidate.



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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #96 on: February 20, 2019, 09:17:24 AM »
Trump is dirty and his work as a president is garbage.

You say this then say that as long as he keeps taxes low, etc. then you have nothing more to suggest/say. You don't approve of what he's done so far yet if that is your main issue, he's the only president in awhile to actually help a bit with that.

Whatever you think about him as a person, his presidential work has been very good.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #97 on: February 20, 2019, 09:18:28 AM »
That's a great way to be.

Out of curiosity, when ever you have interviewed in the past, have you shared with potential employers all of your strengths + weaknesses and shortcomings? For the sake of not sugarcoating, do you give them all the facts or leave out the inconvenient ones in order to get a job?

As an employer, I would always be more inclined to hire the candidate that can best sell me on his total package, while making sure they are qualified to do the job. If a candidate tells me all of his/her weaknesses, they save me the trouble of losing time and money in having to unearth these things over time, to then only remove them and deal with their unemployment.

Ultimately, Trump interviewed and got the job, regardless of my opinion or that of anyone else. Whether he was qualified or not and whether he was a dirty human being, makes no difference. As long as he keeps taxes low and enough benefits for those that make above a certain income each year, I have nothing more to say/suggest. In other words, I'm not about the impeachment business or anything else.


It is A Great Way to Be.

I’ve been interviewed a few times
Just Like most would do I say what I think will provide the best likely outcome,
Yes sometimes saying the truth will harm you.
Also Depends what they ask, if I think it’s relevant & how I feel about them or the job
They may just get the Truth they Can’t Handle - and I don’t get the job   ;D

I believe so many can’t handle / deal with Donald because of his bluntness & political incorrectness
They’d Rather a Horrible Lying Dirty Devious Thing Like Killary who Smiles & Says The Right Thing
While Stabbing Them in the Back.

I’d like more Trumps in politics & a lot less Slick Career politicians.


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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #98 on: February 20, 2019, 09:35:12 AM »
I’d like more Trumps in politics & a lot less Slick Career politicians.

Well now you're jut asking for too much and being unreasonable.  ;)



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Re: Alexandria ocasio-cortez....nice titties, sexy AF!
« Reply #99 on: February 20, 2019, 09:47:06 AM »
Not at all. You're presuming that I have a problem buying anything from China. I always look for the best deal when spending my money. The difference is Trump was campaigning on the idea that it's not good to do that, but he's a prime example of someone that doesn't practice what he preaches.

Truthfully, I guess I just hold presidents to a higher standard. I expect more from them. These are men (maybe someday women) that can drastically affect our lives. It's not so much about the show he puts on for us to watch, it's more about what he does when he thinks no one is watching that really make me question what kind of individual he is. Look, I'm sure many of our past presidents have been far from ethical, but we didn't know, which truthfully made a difference. With this guy, we know and when you know, it's hard to see it any other way.

Umm, thank you for the vote of confidence, but it's truly simpler than that. Honestly, the richer you are, the more republican you become and the poorer you are, the more inclined you are to side with democrats. For economic purposes mainly, I lean republican, but to pretend that some of the GOPs views aren't ass backwards would be absurd.

With that, I'll bow out. I never get involved in any political threads, mostly because I'm not into politics, but also because I've seen what it does to good people (see:: Coach vs Strawman).

Nice chat!


I feel as though you only saw what he was "campaigning" on via the media, and also that being a NYer you already had your mind made up about him.  My simple point about calling him a hypocrite is that a lot of businesses and people do not like the fact that we are financially forced to do business in/with or by crap from China respectively, we bitch about it, but it's the economic reality we live in.  He is trying to change that, and should be given credit for it.  That said, I will be honest and say that if I grew up in NY, and saw him in the paper/media almost daily......we'll I probably would be biased against him too.  He's been had a huge ego for decades, but the media certainly played an enormous part in the size of his ego

As for Presidents probably being far from ethical, Bill Clinton is a rapist(technically sexual assaulter) and literally had (a) "sex"ual affair in the White House.  There's no probably about it.

I do not agree with everything the GOP stands for, but to pretend that the Dems aren't partially ass backward, and the progressive ones aren't actually regressive is just as... if not more absurd.  You also, seem to forget as a gay man that Bill Clinton kept/backed law that kept you and other gays from being legally married, and until this last campaign his wife Killary agreed and her thoughts are on video.. "marriage should be between a man and a woman."   They are evil, currupt, and users, and I'm glad they'll never hold political lawmaking power positions again.

I know that you don't usually get involved in political stuff, so the fact that you've read and replied to not just me, but others providing respectful differing points of view; did not only go unnoticed, but actually makes me respect you more for at least being able to discuss it some.  I respect your bowing out, and this will be the last time in this thread I quote you to make a counterpoint or address what you say directly.

Thanks for the response.
Respectfully, 8)