Author Topic: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?  (Read 3558 times)


  • Getbig V
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Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« on: August 16, 2021, 04:35:18 PM »
Arnold, I Accuse

Perfectly Clear

To make it clear to those that don’t understand what the have

I accuse Arnold Scharzenegger of:

Car Stealing
Aiding and abetting Paul Maxwell Graham of illegally entering the
Illegally importing and distributing steroids
Fixing the 1980 Mr. Olympia Contest
Going AWOL from the army and serving time in the brig for it
Illegal use of other controlled substances
Covering up the Weider Child Exploitation
Income tax evasion

Arnold fax number is 310-396-5671 Parker Pubic Relation 310-478-2399

Feel free to tell them.

Lacy H. Rich, Jr. (213) 851-6585


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2021, 04:37:30 PM »
The fuck does that mean?

This is like a Marty champions post?you huffing paint ff?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2021, 04:42:52 PM »
it is from the google link I posted


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2021, 05:31:29 PM »
Lacy Rich's Posts Collected -

Arnie, Roids and the Weiders
Chapter 7
by Lacy H. Rich, Jr. 213 851-6585

In 1968, Joe Weider thought he had died and gone to heaven. He had found a replacement for Larry Scott, that wasn’t as dumb as a door
post or black, that he could mold into his greatest superstar. Joe had just arrived in Hollywood, after leaving New Jersey in order to avoid
going to jail for publishing his teen magazines. Joe had quickly married a “New York dancer” (“Betty Blossom”) so that he could say “I’m not gay, I’ve got a wife”. Later, according to one of his secretaries, to keep this shield, he would sign over to her, his multi-million dollar home in
Hancock Park, and his office Building in Woodland Hills, everything else went into brother Ben’s name.

“She raises the rent every six months and harasses him constantly, calling all the time. Sometimes he looks like he is going have a stroke. Would you believe, she even paid the servants to listen in on his phone calls, so when Betty went to Lake Tahoe, Joe had Private lines put in all the rooms. The maid called her and then she called me, but Joe wouldn’t take the call and she stayed on hold for 7 hours. Would you believe he bought Diane a diamond bracelet and the jeweler sent the bill to his house so I had to go down and pay him off. Betty doesn’t mind him playing around, as much as she doesn’t like him spending money on them."

former secretary

When I asked Joe about the things that Stephanie told me, he said she had mental problems. When I asked Joe about things that Bill Reynolds was saying about him and why he did not fire him, Joe claimed that he had mental problems as a result of Vietnam. When I first started speaking out about all the wrong doing, Bill Reynolds (editor in chief of Flex magazine) came by and said that he wanted to help and would bring me a lot of evidence to back it up. He also said that if he died it would not be an accident. A couple of weeks later, he was dead, supposedly a drug overdose. It seems to be Joe’s standard operating procedure to say that anyone, who says anything Joe doesn’t like, has mental problems. That is what he is saying about me now, not that I am wrong, but am disturbed. If he keeps it up, he is going to get a chance to prove it in court, since I don’t do drugs or ride a motorcycle like the lawyer (killed in an accident) that kept suing Joe on behalf of body builders, who had contracts broken by Joe.

From Europe, along with Arnold, came steroids. American athletes were virtually ignorant of steroids until Arnie showed up. Steroids were developed by the Germans to help their solider during W.W.II. Arnold was an expert compared to our guys. The brought them here, gave them, sold them and taught all his buddies in Venice to use them. From the body building community of Venice they spread through out sports in this country. But, Arnold claims now that he only experimented a little. This is like the Pope saying that he is a little Catholic. Ron Reagan had Arnie’s pal and former Mr. Universe, the reverend Dennis Tinerino, on his T. V. show. Reverend Tinerino said, all the body builders started taking steroid in 1968 because the Europeans that came her were all using them. What he forgot to mention was, there were only two European body builders that came here in 1968, Arnold and Franco. Isn’t it grand that a minister nails Arnold on national T. V., but sad that few realized it? Ron did have the courage to say that Arnold had kidney problems that might be related to his use of steroids. We all saw Arnold, former Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, smoking pot in “Pumping Iron," but I guess he didn’t inhale. To be fair to Arnold, his pal, Dennis, only became a minister after spending time in prison for running prostitution in Hollywood for the mob. God certainly was not with Dennis, when he tried to set a record for picking up bricks on “That’s Incredible." Hedropped the bricks just as he spilled the beans on Arnie.

In the beginning, if you wanted to get big, and what body builder didn’t, you had to be Arnie’s pal, because that was the only way to get
steroids. Everybody knocked themselves out to be on Arnold’s side so they could get roids. That is the beginning of Arnold’s so called charisma and his becoming top dog in the pecking order. Arnold quickly found an ally in Dr. Walzack (a gay doctor and body building judge), who conducted steroid experiments and obtained steroids through medical channels. Walzack got to have sex with Arnold and many of his pals for supplying steroids and other medical services. Walzack later lost Arnold’s favor when Arnold learned that he was showing films of Arnold in his pool and by his pool pulling his trunks down and mooning the camera, to every new body builder on the scene. Walzack was so brazen that he showed the film to a friend of mine and his wife, and then asked the wife if she wouldn’t like a new car. Walzack found that by proving his friendship with Arnold he could more easily persuade the body builder to put out. More importantly, Arnold did not like Walzack’s claims that Arnold would not be “Arnold” without him. Also, Walzack was also believed to be responsible for damaging somebody builders by over prescribing thyroid. Over the years many have told me that Walzack almost forced thyroid (not an anabolic steroid) on them. Rick Wayne (former editor in chief of Joe Weider’s Muscle & Fitness) published a photo of Arnold and Walzack standing together backstage at a body building contest in his book “Muscle Wars”.

Steroids would not be a public issue at all were it not for the cold war. The U. S. Sports community did not like the fact that the Russians and Warsaw pact countries were winning so many medals in the Olympics. Unfortunately many believe that winning is an expression of
being right and having God’s favor. When women’s team of eastern countries started beating our gals they cried foul, they must be men in
drag and demanded sex test. Chromosome tests became big news in sports. God protect us from Ivan in pumps and pearls. With the jock straps and bras clearly defined and our loses still mounting we looked for a new way to prove God still wears stars and stripes. We had to prove they were cheating. Somebody discovered that that German scientist had given them a new weapon STEROIDS.

The dye was cast. The money bags behind American sports were going to stop those horrible thieving communists from stealing our gold
medals. They demanded that the IOC (International Olympic Committee) put a stop to the use of steroids in the Olympics. They wanted steroid testing. Since, the U. S. foots the bill for much of the Olympics they couldn’t be ignored, but horror of horrors our guys and gals were using too. What to do, their roids were government backed and better than ours. The IOC said that if you want to stop the communist you have to stop using yourself. Along comes Ben Weider (President for Life of the IFBB, Da, Da) between meetings with dictators around the world, looking to get body building into the Olympics. According to my friend Ben, Juan Antonio Samaranch, head of the IOC suggested to Ben, that if he wanted to be taken seriously, get steroids outlawed in the U. S.. Ben Weider’s IFBB (International Federation of Body Building) is headquarters in Canada. Ben and Joe are Canadians, but their holdings in the U. S. are worth hundreds of Millions. A real empire built on pictures nude teenage boys.

Safely across the border, Ben runs the IFBB without the scrutiny of the United States Government. Do you think the Canadian government
knew of his company’s teen magazines when they awarded him the Medal of Canada (Canada’s highest civilian award)? How do you get something outlawed without scientific proof that it is harmful? With lots of money and a lot of lies. You get Arnold’s former training partner, porno star, and professional wrestler Rick Dreysen to go on TV and tell how roids destroyed his kidney, even though he had told his friends that the kidney never developed from birth. You get all kinds of stories in the press about teenagers killing themselves after using roids. The Weiders really know how to use those teens. You ignore all the scientist who say “we don’t know yet”, “that’s ridiculous”, or it’s really great stuff as “Scientific America” did recently, now that the cold war is over. You count on the American press being lazy and not checking the facts or the facts being twisted to suite their employer’s agenda.

Best of all, you buy a law. Just move much of your business to Utah to get Orrin Hatch’s attention. When you employee thousands of
people in Utah, you have Hatch’s attention. Then you hire one of Hatch’s aids to be your full time lobbyist, as Ben did. You get Hatch to get his buddy, Joe Biden, (you know the guy that steals speeches) to make a speech against roids on the floor of the Senate. Unfortunately, Biden was so ignorant of the subject that he kept saying antibiotic steroids instead of anabolic steroids, but then the other senators didn’t know anything either. Ben even frosted the cake by giving the Senate a fully equipped gym. Then you give Hatch an award and have Arnold fly him to and from the ceremony in the jet he bought with his financial empire built on tax free prostitution earnings. God help us!! Hatch even stopped the FDA from controlling certain vitamins even though he Hatch owns interests in four vitamin companies. If the DEA can’t get a body count to justify their paychecks from coke and crank dealers, send the agents to the gyms to bag spandex clad muscle heads. In the mean time Joe has “Doctor Squat” Fred Hatifield passing out the roids to Weider superstars in brown paper bags. Joe also has staff members pumping him up with injectables in his private powder room, but he will swear on a stack of Bibles he never
touched the stuff.

From the very interesting department. According to Fairfax Hackley, former IFBB official, the FBI has a tap on all my phones and I am
to be arrested on an extortion charge. This is the same man that said in 1992 the government was going to have me killed to shut me up. I am still alive and haven’t ask them for a dime. I even invited Joe Weider to have dinner with me last week so he could point out any mistakes in fact, if any. He did not answer. I never could picture Arnold going to the president and saying “this guys is calling me a prostitute, please have the CIA kill him”. So much for the BAD GUYS! More to come!



syn·er·gy (s¹n“…r-j) n., pl. syn·er·gies. 1. The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the
sum of their individual effects. 2. Cooperative interaction among groups, especially among the acquired subsidiaries or merged parts of a
corporation, that creates an enhanced combined effect. [From Greek sunergia, cooperation, from sunergos, working together. See SYNERGISM.]

I have been attacked because of my faxes and internet postings on Arnold Schwarzenegger. A few want to make in a personal issue. My main purpose in bringing out all this on Arnold is to bring attention to the Synergy that controls the mainstream news media. I grew up believing that our press was free, and would protect us form arbitrary government actions and expose those would break laws or moral restrictions. It was the realization that Arnold wanted to run for the senate or governorship of California that got me speak out. When I did speak out, I ran head long in to the media synergy. This very difficult to someone that has not dealt with to press and very complicated.

Basically the media synergy exists because most of the big media outlet have been bought up by large corporations or individuals have that
entertainment interests. The news operations are not allowed to print anything that harms their profits in the entertainment industry. It has
even expanded into good old boys circuit to protect the interest persons they do business with or may be of aid to them at a future date. This may even include government officials.

A good example of government official protection can be seen the downfall of former congressman Wilbur Mills. Mills had been the powerful chairman of a congressional committee. The news organizations protected him because the needed his cooperation to get stories. Many
knew that Miles was a alcoholic and was having an affair with a Washington stripper, Fanny Fox, but it never made the news until drunken Wilbur called Washington Post editor’s ( Ben Bradley ) girlfriend ( Sally Quinn ) a bitch in public, and then all hell broke lose. The press was on him like white on rice. The reporters followed him every where and all went into the papers and on television.

When I learned that Schwarenegger was going to run for office, I called a friend at the Star and they ran a story about Arnold’s nude
photos in the gay entertainment magazine “After Dark”. My friend at the Star said they would run a whole series on Arnold, but it was not to be. The owners of the Star ordered them not to report anything negative about Arnold because of his political connections. The staff was appalled but could do nothing. The Enquirer and Star a owned by the same people.

Two reporters from Time magazine called and asked if they could take me to dinner and get the whole story. I had dinner with them and
told them the story, and gave them copies of all my proof. At the end of our meeting they told me that they believed me, but could never publish anything on Arnold because Warner controlled Time. “He is politically protected”, but we can try to run the nude of him in the international edition. They did run the nude in the international Time, but not in the one on American news stands. I asked them why he was so protected, and they said because of his relationship with the Kennedys and that Warner hoped to do business with him. I never did figure out why the even met with me if they knew they could not publish anything.

I received a call from Hardcopy, but that person only wanted to get a copy of the porno film Arnold’s buddies did. After he had the film
he did not want to hear from me. Hardcopy and Inside Edition are owned by Paramount and they are going to publish nothing negative about big box office draws. Paramount had a three picture deal with Shaq, and when they discovered that one of there subsidiaries was going to publish a book about alleged payoffs by mobsters for point shaving while he was at LSU, they canceled the book, sold Madison Square Gardens, sold the New York Knicks, and sold the book publishing operations. Their butt was in the clear, if the bribe scandal broke out they wouldn’t lose money. You will never read that book or the one laying in the warehouse on NFL bribes.

If you think Ted Turner is going to protect our liberty with CNN you are wrong. Nothing that affects box office stars is going to get on the air. He owns TNT which makes movies. Turner was involved in the effort to destroy Vince McMahon and the WWF. The managed to kill the WBF
and almost put Vince in jail. Ben Weider and Turner joined forces to get McMahon when McMahon set up the WBF. Ted ended up with many of the WWF wrestlers including Hulk Hogan working in the WCW which is owned by Turner. Herb Abrams, owner of the UWA, did the dirty work for them. Herb put all the wrestlers on the talk shows that accused Vince of supplying steroid and covering up child molesting of the ring boys. The irony was that Joe Weider was distributing steroids to the body builders and had built his empire on child porn. The only steroids Vince gave out were the packages Hogan left with him for other wrestlers. Ben Weider used his partner Orrin Hatch to have the DEA bust Vince, but the jury acquitted him. Hatch, while openly owning interest in four vitamin companies, blocked a law to regulate some vitamins. Many wrestlers accused Hogan of cocaine use as well as steroids, but the feds offered him a plea bargain if he testified against McMahon. Steroid injecting, coke snorting Hogan continues to promote himself as a role model for kids.

Even though John Walsh’s ( of Americas Most Wanted ) son was killed by a child molester he has not responded to my requests for help, and I sent him irrefutable proof of the Weider’s ten years of publishing pictures of nude boys. The White House has the info, and so do Senators Boxer and Feinstien.

We are in big trouble. If technology had not enabled me to get these messages out on fax and the network they would be safe. When they
realize the back door is open watch out. If I am right AOL will try to keep me off the network so if I lose access raise hell.

I went blind in due to diabetes at he age of 48. My sight was restored in December by surgery, but I feel like I am living on borrowed time so there is little they can do to me. The threats don’t bother me. Some one did pile clothing in front of my door and start a fire. The big media conglomerates must be broken up if we are to have a free press again.

Lacy H. Rich, Jr.


Arnold & The Lesbians & Hustlers

Is Arnold gay? Probably not. Does he have sex with gay men? YES!!! I have been telling everybody (including the press) for years,
but Arnold has slept with so many powerful men over the years, that the press want touch it. When I gave Spy Magazine the now famous nude of Arnold, I gave them pictures of Arnold in Spain with Gay millionaire Paco Arce. One was Arnold and Paco in front of Paco mansion, and the other was Arnold in his underwear at Paco’s table. Spy described the pictures but did not publish them. Paco claims he paid Arnold $1,000 in the 1969. A real bargain, because Merv Griffin had to pay $25,000 and put Arnold on his talk show to get him in the sack. Arnold bragged on TV that he has an annual income from his real-estate investments of $25,000,000, and another 25 million from movies. The host did not ask him how he got enough real-estate to have that kind of income, when he supposedly came here in 1968 with nothing. The answer is, that he bought it with all this tax free income form prostitution. In the late sixties and early seventies he was asking $3,000 a lay.

Most of his pals were also “hustling”, and some even made an all male porno film, which I have a copy. One of them was Roger Callard, who
has appeared in most of Arnold’s movies. In “Red Heat” Roger Played the bad guy, that was killed by the drag nurse in the hospital. Roger also got a featured play credit in “Twins” as one of Arnold’s brothers even though he did not have a speaking part in the movie. So much for the union. The producer, Ken Sprague, who also starred as Christ having sex with a priest held down a cross by monks. Ken is given a SPECIAL thank you in the credits of “Pumping Iron”, check it out for yourselves. Arnold claims he met Maria at a tennis tournament. What he did not tell us, was that he was at the match with Maria’s brother, whom Arnie was having affair in order to social climb. The brother thought that Arnold would be a great match for his bi-sexual sister. Boy was he right. The brother uses a gay pimp ( Gary Kahn ) in N. Y. City, to secure the services of hustlers, which he rents by the day and not he hour, as a non-Kennedy has to do. Anyone seen Babylon 5 recently. The press will not touch this!!!

Arnold has always liked to have gay women co-star in movies. An actress friend of mine was telling me about this actress hitting on her,
while they worked on another picture together. The actress claimed she was Sarah Douglas’s lover. The actress said Sarah was off having an tryst with Grace Jones while shooting the second Conan. Sarah later appeared on Johnny Carson Show, and stated she turned down the part several times, until she found that Grace was going to be in the movie. She only took the part to meet Grace. Oscar winner Paul Jabara, later confirmed this story.

A few years ago I wrote about Arnold’s pal Gigi. I seem that when Arnie was shooting a movie in Mexico he was flying Gigi down for sex on the weekends. The girls on the set could not understand, why he was bringing this plain girl down, when they were all willing and able to help him commit adulatory. Gigi did not get mad about me printing the story, but she took exception to the use of the word plain. She really shouldn’t sleep with the same guy that I do. Remember the gerbil story, and how we all knew someone, who knew someone ,that knew a nurse, maid or a butler. I bet the next “knew” story will be of the paramedic who helps Gigi recover her lost dildo. For the get a lifers and whyers: Truth and justice should be enough, but I will post a very detailed response in the future.

If you want faxes of the picture proof of my stories let me know.

More true rumors to follow, as Herr Schwarzenegger would say “I’ll be

Lacy H. Rich, Jr.

Lacy is challenged about validity of his posts, his response

"You seem to be all to willing to forget that I have publicly challanged Arnold to sue me if I am lying. Arnold and his PR will probably say it is beneath him. But that didn't stop him for sueing the widow of a video projection builder over $18,000 when the man dropped dead before the $75,000 unit was finished. It took the newspapers to embarass him into removing the lien from her home. Arnold denied that he even knew that he sued her. He claimed that it was his staff that hounded her for the money. The husband did not have enough insurance for her to pay back the entire amount. She was left penny less and Arnold's lein on her house. After the newspapers printed the story his PR firm said he was removing the lein. If he will go after pennyless widows he sure would go after me. But then he couldn't stand all his buddies from the porno film being questioned about his past. His lawyers have told him to ignore me. He also know that he has one year to sue, and I've been printing and saying this for years. I send him and Parker Public Relations copies.

Hey! If they're "typical," that implies that it's probable they're true of everyone in the strength sports. Even (gasp!) Barry Merriman! Especially since you seem to know so much about it! (Remember those employment honesty tests? If you know about dishonesty, it's because you are..!)

Why center this on Arnold? He used to be part of the problem, you're saying, but he left competition long ago. Let's go after everybody else, too. That'll serve people even better. Let's name names! The more the better, rumors OK too, spread 'em as wide as possible, the wildest ones you hear especially!

I think we can fill in the blanks on your "Periodization Routine" now!

I *love* the sound of flesh burning - witch hunt!!

(Actually, I think it's probably coming, what with the McNeil murder et.


More to come.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2021, 05:32:26 PM »
Arnold's Pal Jane

Jane Fonda, a.k.a. Mrs. Ted Turner, a.k.a. Hanoi Jane

I came to my attention last evening that a reporter working for Sports Illustrated interviewed a convicted drug dealer in a Canadian
prison. This dealer alleges that he sold steroids to Jane Fonda and that she was using them to make her famous fitness videos and again during the filming of On Golden Pond. The reporter told me this in the reason Jane had to have two sets of breast implants. The first set was for enhancement, but after going on the steroids she lost all of her natural bread tissue and had to have a second set put in to bring them back to size. Such are the hazards of steroids.


Lacy H. Rich, Jr. (213) 851-6585



The following message was posted and then erased by ?

History to the Gay take over of AAU Body Building

Back in the late 70’s Ken Sprague owned Gold’s Gym on 2nd street in Santa Monica. This is the gym shown in Pumping Iron. In the closing
credits of Pumping Iron look for a “special thank you” to Ken Sprague” for his help in making the film. In those days Sprague and Arnold were pals, Ken had not yet used contest footage or Arnold and Franco in his porn film. Arnold’s mentor, Joe Gold, had sold Gold’s to Sprague.

Sprague used the name, Dakota, for his hustling and gay porn work. At his best he was one of the most handsome men in Hollywood. Well over 6’, blonde, blue eyed, a body builders body, he had it all. Ken was married to a lesbian named Marion, who did all the business work in
running Gold’s. Marion later died of tongue and throat cancer. Sprague made an all male porn film entitled “California Supermen” in four parts.

In first of the segments Ken is dressed as Jesus and bangs another body builder dressed as a priest held down on a cross by monks. In the second segment “The Winner” Arnold’s buddy Roger Callard plays a body builder being fondled in a fantasy of a guy in the audience at a body building contest. It is this segment that split Sprague and Arnold. Sprague used contest footage of Arnold and Franco as part of the porn film. Arnold heard about it and went to the gay theater that was showing it in LA. Arnold threaten to sue Sprague if he didn’t take he and Franco out of the Movie. When it was released on video tape by body builder hustler David Carter, Arnold and Franco had been cut.

Sprague took legal action against David Carter for piracy and few tapes were shipped. Sprague had released it as film in mail order in 8 mm format but for some reason the Feds came down on him like a ton of bricks for shipping across state lines. Mr. Universe, Bob Birdsong, was drugged and appeared in the third segment. Bob was only paid $75.00 and given out takes. Chet Yorton a well known homophobe saw the film and ridiculed Bob in public on Venice beach. Bob freaked out, move out of the gay doctors house were he had lived with several other of Arnold pals, Roger Callard & Denny Gable, got married and became a born again Christian minister.

Ken Sprague, Dakota, got himself on the national board of the AAU body building due to his ownership of Gold’s and promoting many body
building contests, including the AAU Mr. America. Word got back to the AAU board of Sprague’s alter ego Dakota. Sprague was confronted by the board where upon he shed many tears, confessed, and blamed the whole thing on “youthful indiscretion”. Why the board did not remove him then and there, I will never understand. Ken left the meeting and filed defamation suits against all the member individually.

They all resigned rather than pay for lawyers to defend them. The gays had total control of the sport. The Weider’s handed over their body building organization AFABB (American Federation of Amateur Body Building) to Sprague, who merged both organization into the NPC (National Physique Committee). Sprague was later forced to resign form the NPC due to the growing knowledge of hialter ego, Dakota.

Sprague put his pal Jim Manion in control of the NPC and controlled the organization through Manion until he lost interest. Manion still runs the NPC as his personal fiefdom in the Weider empire. At first the AAU national organization washed its hand of body building because of all this gay stuff. They later reestablished AAU body building after the battle of Caesar’s Palace. Manion was holding a NPC convention at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas when it became apparent that Doc Nealey was going to make a power grab. Doc Nealey owned a gym in
Atlanta, and wanted to promote the Mr. America in Atlanta. Manion panicked and call Sprague to come in and put down the rebellion. Sprague came in, organized the troops, stripped Doc’s gang of their votes and through them out of the meeting.

I was standing at the door when they filed out of the meeting. They all had the strangest stunned looks on their faces. Doc gym was burned down in an insurance scam by one of his sublease tenants, but he tried to make everyone believe Manion was behindit. Manion was not. Doc was shot several times by the brother of a boy he molested, but lived. The body building mags were barzen enough to deny Doc was gay after the shooting.

Doc started up a male strip troop that toured the South until he was busted for making ecstasy.

The old time AAU people saw that Sprague was still in control, and begged the AAU to reestablish Body Building. Sprague lost interest in the NPC due to the vast amounts of money he got form gay men. When his wife Marion died he sold Gold’s to the current owners. Sprague had over a million dollars in cash in his checking account when he sold Gold’s. When it became plan to Arnold’s friends, that hustling was not going to be tolerated and they were not as welcome as in the old days, Arnold went to Joe Gold and they open World Gym. One to the owners of Gold’s actually chased Arnold out of Gold’s, but that never made the magazines.

Lacy H. Rich, Jr.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2021, 05:47:43 PM »
Arnold, Chairman of the President’s Council On Physical Fitness
by Lacy H. Rich, Jr.

It still boggles my mind, that Arnold Schwarzenegger was appointed by George Bush to the council. Even if you forget, his involvement with Paul Graham, his hustling, his record in sports is dubious at best. When I heard about the possibility of the appointment, I called the White House and spoke to a woman who said she was responsible for checking out appointees. I advised her of his past and asked her to send the FBI or anyone else to check it.

No one checked anything. Is it any wonder that the Soviets were able to get all our nuclear secrets? I accuse Arnold Schwarzenegger of rigging body building contests, specifically the 1980 Mr. Olympia.

In his book “Muscle Wars”, Rick Wayne, former editor of Joe Weider’s “Muscle & Fitness” writes that on the way out of the Sydney Opera
House after the contest Marie stopped to talk to the press. Arnold shouted “come on Bitch, they will forget about this and I will still be “Mr. Olympia” seven times. Well I haven’t forgotten. Even Arnie has acknowledged his mistake. When asked in Germany by a friend, why he did
not enter the Olympia there, Arnie responded “I think I went to that well once to often”.

Arnold portrays himself as supremely confident and self assured, but in truth he is anything but. His two biggest mistakes, “After Dark”
and the “80 Olympia” were results of his fear that his movies (Pumping Iron and Conan) would not do well. He did the “After Dark” article with nude to get publicity for “Pumping Iron”. His PR firm has claimed, he had nothing to do with nude being in the article, but the magazines managing editor Patrick Pacheco says different. At the same time Parker Public Relations said that Arnold didn’t do nudes except for Scavullo and they were locked in a vault.

Well, I think I proved somebody lied about that, with the nude I gave to “Spy”.

The second mistake which brought me into this story was the fixing of the 1980 Olympia to gain more publicity for the then pending release of Conan. As we saw in Pumping Iron, Arnold retired form body building competition with the 1975 win of his sixth straight Mr. Olympia. In 1976 Franco Columbo won. In 77, 78, and 79 Frank Zane won. Mike Mentzer entered the picture in 1978 with a win of the Mr. Universe with the first perfect score of 300 in the history of the Mr. Universe. Mentzer placed 2nd to Zane in the 79 Olympia. Many felt that Mike should have beaten Zane in 79, but the judges were just not willing to let some one win on their first time out. There was a lot of controversy that year about Mentzer and Zane that centered on symmetry and mass and just what defined a body builder.

Most felt that Zane was just to small to be the ideal body builder despite his symmetry and muscular definition. Compared to most other competitors of the time, Zane was a twig. Mentzer’s type of mass, definition, symmetry was were sport wanted to go, and has gone
since. Mentzer was expected to win the 80 signaling a change back to the bigger guys like Arnold.

The other factor that ticked Arnold off was that Mentzer brought a different style of training to body building call “heavy duty” which is
followed by and used by the current Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates. “Heavy duty” training was the opposite of Arnold’s methods. Weider was giving Mentzer as much or more coverage as Arnold in his heyday and had tried to claim “heavy duty” as his own by having Mike rewrite the Weider Principles based on his methods. Herr Schwarzenegger just could take having to defend his all day method of training with Mentzer’s 45 minutes a day. Mike was eclipsing him in the body building spotlight. The truth is both work if you have the genetics to be a champ. If brains had been a requirement of Ken Sprague’s male whore house on Second Street in Santa Monica, Arnold would never have been Arnold. Mentzer didn’t realize it at the time, but he had made body builders start thinking seriously about training and they began to challenge the messages of “Pumping Iron”.

Mike came after Arnie’s heyday and did not bow and scrape like the others.


Arnold had a three year contract with CBS to do color commentary for the Mr. Olympia, and in 79 Arnold asked Zane if it felt great to win.
Frank replied “almost as good as beating you”, a reference to his win over Arnold the Mr. Universe. Intolerable!!! Arnie did not have the clout then to have it cut, and it was broadcast to the world.

Arnold arranged for his partner in crime Paul Maxwell Graham, you know the convicted car thief who was deported to Australia, to promote the 1980 Olympia in Sydney. Of course Arnold would be there with CBS to tape the show. With Conan’s release coming up Arnold decided come out of retirement and enter himself. Arnold later claimed it was a last minute decision to enter, he had been training for Conan and was in shape.

If you believe that one, look at the two Conan movies. The first which he supposedly prepared him for the 80 Olympia shows him as big and soft like a larva. In the second done a few years later, Arnie is much harder looking like a body builder is suppose to be. In truth, the only reason Arnold got into that kind of shape. is that Lou Ferrigno embarrassed him by the dazzling shape he showed up in, in the cheapy Italian Hercules movies.

In Sydney, Paul Graham had a documentary film company making a supposed sequel to “Pumping Iron” called “The Comeback”. If Arnold only decided a week before to enter the contest how do you make a movie about it? That is the Question that has never been answered.

They now sell the film in Europe and Australia as “Total Rebuilt”, but you can not find it in the U. S..

What a mess, after the show the only one of the contestants would sign the release to use footage of himself. The rest banded together and refused to sign in protest. In the original that I have a copy , they replaced the booing at the end with cheering. That is why Arnold didn’t want to talk to the press after the show. All that booing was embarrassing, hence come on bitch. Arnold could not deny Paul a chance to recoup his investment but no showing or selling in the US. CBS ( Sherman Egan) realized that the show was fixed and canceled plans to show their coverage. Not only that, they paid Arnold off for his contract for 80 and 81 and dropped coverage of future contests.

How was it fixed? The judges, were all personal friends or business associates of Arnold’s. Mits Kawashima was a real-estate partner
in Hawaii, another was the manager of Paul Graham Gym, Dan Howard owned a World’s Gym, Albert Busek “discovered” Arnold in Germany, and, Reg Park from South Africa owed Arnold. The only one that didn’t was Head Judge Bill Pearl who actually had the guts to call it fixed and told Sherman Egan.

Rick Wayne covers the contest in “Muscle Wars”, but even he did not have the guts to tell the whole story. Mike Mentzer, who was 2nd in 79, was placed 5th. The message was clear. You may have all the coverage in the Weider Mags, but I control the judges, screw you. Mike not being a dummy knew what it meant and retired from competition, but was not afraid to talk about Australia.

Ben Weider had believed that it was Mike that caused CBS to pull out of body building and started pressuring his brother Joe to get rid of Mike. Joe resisted a first, but with Mike being out of competition he was less valuable. Mike finally got tired of being jerked around by the Weider’s and quit. Mike, after loosing his home and everything else, turned to speed to escape from the reality of what had happened. For a while he was a street person , in jail, or mental hospital. When Arnold was told of the damage he had caused, Arnie said that if Mike was no stronger than that, he deserved it.


Arnold and the Spy Nude

When the star printed the article about Arnold appearing nude in the gay mag “After Dark”, Arnold’s PR firm (Charlotte Parker Public Relations) said that it was an accident that Arnold never did nudes except for a world famous fashion photographer in N. Y. They went on to say that Arnold had decided not to release the photos so they had been locked in a vault. With that I gave the one of the nudes I had to Spy, and it was later republished in Playboy, and the international edition of Time.

There they were caught in a lie.

A few days after the Spy publication Joe Weider called and asked who took the nude of Arnold. I said ask Arnold. Joe said , “Arnold can’t remember”. Isn’t it nice that Arnold took so many nudes that he can’t remember who took what.

A few more day went by and I got a call from a friend at Joe’s office who was laughing hysterically. She told me that Franco Colombo had just visited the office and the girls teased him about doing duel nudes with Arnold. Franco said that he and Arnold use to lay out a Venice beach and these gay guys would lay next to them. He said that they would offer he and Arnold a lot of money to model for them. Franco then said, “I never did”, but then in a softer more hushed tone he said, “but I think Arnold did.”

Even I have never heard a breath of scandal about Franco hustling. I am not sure he ever learned English well enough to barter.


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2021, 05:53:27 PM »
The fuck does that mean?

This is like a Marty champions post?you huffing paint ff?

An example of Lacy Rich's postings, he had tons more that have vanished - .

You might have to scroll through the threads to see them, old newsgroup postings don't keep well.

You'll also see a young Tim Fogarty in many of those threads.

It's a quote from a link BB posted in another thread.  Fitness Frenzy is correct, this quote needs its own thread.


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2021, 06:24:01 PM »
More Lacy, special guest quoter, Vince Basile -

"Arnold, Paul and the Rewards of Crime
Arnold and Paul Maxwell Graham have been buddies for years. Two days after Arnie got his first apartment in LA, Arnie invited a writer to
his place to see the proof that the Weiders had rigged the contest in which Frank Zane had beaten him. Paul popped out of the bedroom just after their arrival wearing only his underpants. Arnold complained that all the contestants had to wear a medallion out on stage with Zane’s picture on it. 

The writer had to admit it was Frank’s body on the medallion right down to the vein on his arm.  The writer however, concluded from looking at the pictures, that Zane deserved to win because, “Arnold was just plain fat”. Arnold could only see that he was bigger than Zane.
With in months, Arnie was tearing down the highway with Paul in pursuit. A squeal of brakes, a crash, and a dazed Arnie hauls himself out
of the car. Paul announces to the witnesses that he is taking Arnold to the hospital, and hurriedly leaves the scene of the accident. Shortly
after, the police arrived and identified the car as a stolen vehicle.

According to Bill Dreke, Arnold’s long time buddy, several days later our Germanic Super Hero and Paul fled to Hawaii. A federal warrant was issued for Paul’s arrest on  1/29/69.
In Honolulu Hawaii, FBI agent Edwin Miller and his partner flanked the motel door, and then with a kick, the door flies open. There stands
Paul Graham posing stark naked for Arnie who is laying on the bed wearing only his underpants. Paul and Arnie are cuffed and taken out of the room.
Our usually cool under pressure hero is very upset, the feds refuse to let him take his little blue pills with him.  According to agent Miller, the pills were found to be the anabolic steroid, Dianabol. For Gods sake Arnold, tell us that beautiful body was only the result of hard work,
determination and your humble, but strict upbringing.
In the lock up, Paul admitted everything, but swore that Arnold had no knowledge of the car being stolen. The FBI being only interested
in the Federal Laws that were violated did not press the issue, because this was up to the state of California. On Feb. 11, 1969 Paul asked for and received a Rule 20.  This Rule 20 transferred the case #3285cd to Hawaii Federal Court from the Central District of California for the sole purpose of pleading  guilty.  The Grand Jury indictment was filed Feb. 5, 1969, charging Paul with 18 U. S. C. #2312, Foreign Transportation of=Stolen Motor Vehicle. 

The indictment charged that on or about December 23, 1968, Paul shipped a 1965 Mustang and an 1966 Mustang to Sydney, Australia.  On April 10, 1969 Paul was sentenced to 3 years, and on April 25, 1969 was delivered to Terminal Island , California. On Feb. 16, 1971
after less that 2 years, Paul Maxwell Graham was paroled, and deported to Australia. Under U. S. Law Paul is not allowed to return to the U. S. But that has not stopped him. I personally was on the same flight from Las Vegas with Paul and the Australian body building team in 1984.
California, feeling that Arnold was to small a fish to go to the expense of extraditing from Hawaii, did not pursue any State charges against him, knowing that Paul would swear that Arnie did not know the car was stolen. Bill Dreke claims, Arnold not only knew, but was the look out for the thief’s.
Arnold visited Paul regularly and provided money to make his life comfortable. In the movie “Pumping Iron” we see Arnold posing there for
the inmates, but they never explained how Arnie became connected with the joint.  One inmate even asked for a kiss. I can hear the Church Lady saying “ Isn’t that special”.       
After Paul got out of prison he was rewarded by the Weider brothers  for protecting Arnold, by being given the Weider distributorship
and from the IFBB a position as Vice President in charge of Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, and a bunch of Islands in the south pacific).  In the two years that Paul was in jail, Joe Weider had made Arnie the center piece of his body building magazines. They had to protect their
investment from scandal. Crime really did pay, and pay big. 

In 1980 Arnold gave the Mr. Olympia Contest to Paul to Promote.  This contest is a story in itself and will come later. Of course Ben Weider will tell you that he did not know of his prison record until I told him, but Paul still rules Body Building in Australia. If you want a gander at Paul rent “The Pirate Movie”, he is the aging flabby body builder in the pirate crew.

On the plane coming back from Las Vegas, I found myself surrounded by the Australian team in coach class.  Paul was traveling first class.  I asked them if Paul was as big a crook in Australia as we hear he is.  Suddenly I had four large hands clamped across my mouth with a whispered “Yes , but shut up he might hear you”.  I couldn’t believe these big guys were that afraid of that old man.  After we got to LA they called me from there Hotel and I took them on a tour of Hollywood.  Boy did I get an ear full of how Paul claims that Arnold owes him his career because he kept his mouth shut and took the rap alone."

Lacy H. Rich, Jr.


Who the Hell are You?

Ever since I started speaking out about the lies and hypocrisy that I see around me, I have been asked, who the hell are you . What right do you have to say anything that conflicts with the way I see the world? I have been accused of lying, living alone or with my parents in a
basement, crazy, insane, and seeking fifteen minutes of fame among others.

I had not intended to get into my personal life, but it seems to be very important to many. If you do not care, do not read this. I had thought that truth backed up by fact was enough for the class of people on the computer network. I have photos, the Weider magazines, the Arnia’s porn tape, newspaper and magazine articles, but only four or five individual have ask to see any of it. None of the media has asked, because they know it is true.

We a spoon feed reality by the power elite, and feed so well the mob is welling to tear me limb from limb to maintain the illusion we
are being handed.

First of all, I am a 48 year old lily white American Indian from North Carolina. I went to North Carolina State, but in the last 25 years, I have forgotten how to punctuate. So, I am probably not going to write a book unless I find a ghost writer, who is not afraid of being black balled for life.

My family includes many prominent people including a former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Duke University and chairman of one
of the largest banks in the south. That and a dollar will buy me a cup of coffee, I think. I do live alone, but I am married (separated), and have eight step children. My wife knew that I was gay, but she wanted my money and did a damn good job of getting it. I have been self employed since 1972. I print color photos for many of the top professional body builders, and some actors. On the whole, I have to say that my life has been much better than anything that I ever dreamed possible when I was growing up.

At the age of 8, I discovered that I was capable of independent thought. My father was doing some chickens in, and I started crying. He told me that it was OK because animals did not have souls. I did not dare say it to him, but I knew that he was wrong because I knew my dog, Spot, loved me. I had learned in Sunday school that you had to have a soul to love. I guess you could say that the bad guys, and Herr Schwarzenegger are being undone by my dog Spot. Save the replies!

As for the fame thing, in the fitness industry and the gay subculture, I am already famous or infamous, which ever you wish. I have even had my fifteen minutes of fame in the real world. See the April 16, 1979 issue of “People” page 52. I am sure that many in L. A. and other
big cities will say “so what, big deal”, but we do not live in the real world. I n 1976, I discovered that big business was using asbestos as a
heat shield in hairdryers. As the hairdryers aged the asbestos fibers flew off in the air stream directed at your head. I screamed and shouted, I called the newspapers and Ralph Nader, but no one did anything about it.

If I had not meet Bob Curry when he worked as an employment councilor in N. C., nothing would have happened. Bob was working for NBC as the producer of the consumer segment on the news. Because he remembered me from our one meeting , he sent the dryer to a testing lab. It still took over a year for the lab to tell them it really was asbestos and the right size particles to cause lung cancer before the story came out. I had majored in chemistry at State, but that did not seem to make me qualified to say it was asbestos. Bob and Lea won and Emmy for the story, and at he time it resulted in the largest consumer recall in U.S. history. Not to brag to loudly but at the time, I was told that I had saved tens of thousand of people from dying of lung cancer. The Washington Post and Nader did not care, hairdryer were not glamorous.

Who was Lacy Rich to accuse Norelco and others of killing people. Surely someone else was in a better position to know about this than me. Maybe they did, but they didn’t say anything. One importer denied the presence of asbestos until he was forced to produce the papers listing the component that the federal government required him to have. Then it was “Holy cow, asbestos”. For over two years I lived with the knowledge that every day that pasted, a few more people would die from lung cancer that would not have if the story had gotten out when I realized the truth.

As for my Hollywood credits, I printed all the photos used on the short lived NBC game show The Time Machine that was hosted by John

I believe in what I say and write or I would not be saying it.

Lacy H. Rich, Jr.



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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2021, 06:24:32 PM »
Lacy seemed like the kinda` jerk that needed a few kicks to the throat followed by a couple of heabutts to the bridge of his fucking nose ad nauseum ! ;D

The fucking clowns posts are longer than Matt C`s . :D


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2021, 06:52:02 PM »
It’s likely all true, the Ken and Ric tape was real. Arnold answers to someone blackmailing him, it’s clear as day. He may have all this fake and wealth but he can’t take it with him and he’s going to have to answer for it all.


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2021, 07:03:18 PM »
Oh my gosh, did Matt write this crap? It’s a fucking book.


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2021, 10:22:54 PM »
I use to bs with a guy around same age as Arnold obviously gay who was in Venice at the same time before he was famous. He  said the guy was rich even before hitting it big,drove a Mercedes,and said he would “hold court” in the gym or down on the beach daily also said there was a price list behind the front desk for guys who did  “private posing sessions” ;D. Who knows if it’s true but the fact he wasn’t a body builder and prob wouldn’t know the term is telling. He would come in and just fool with the weights and want to bs prob just went for the eye candy.


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2021, 10:37:28 PM »
Arnold is 74 years old.  True or not, who gives a shit about any of this now?


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2021, 12:14:52 AM »
Briefly read first few paragraphs and he goes from saying steroids were unheard of in America till Arnold fetched them with him yet somehow once here he managed to forget he supplied them and had to have gay sex with a doctor to get them?


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2021, 03:43:03 AM »
Let bygones be bygones.



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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2021, 04:02:55 AM »
Arnold, I Accuse

- snip -

Arnold fax number is 310-396-5671 Parker Pubic Relation 310-478-2399

Feel free to tell them.

Lacy H. Rich, Jr. (213) 851-6585

Freudian typo... ;D


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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2021, 04:11:20 AM »
The fuck does that mean?

This is like a Marty champions post?you huffing paint ff?

This make any more sense Rob?

Arnie, Roids and the Weiders
Chapter 7
by Lacy H. Rich, Jr. 213 851-6585

In 1968, Joe Weider thought he had died and gone to heaven. He had found a replacement for Larry Scott, that wasn’t as dumb as a door
post or black, that he could mold into his greatest superstar. Joe had just arrived in Hollywood, after leaving New Jersey in order to avoid
going to jail for publishing his teen magazines. Joe had quickly married a “New York dancer” (“Betty Blossom”) so that he could say “I’m not gay, I’ve got a wife”. Later, according to one of his secretaries, to keep this shield, he would sign over to her, his multi-million dollar home in
Hancock Park, and his office Building in Woodland Hills, everything else went into brother Ben’s name.

“She raises the rent every six months and harasses him constantly, calling all the time. Sometimes he looks like he is going have a stroke. Would you believe, she even paid the servants to listen in on his phone calls, so when Betty went to Lake Tahoe, Joe had Private lines put in all the rooms. The maid called her and then she called me, but Joe wouldn’t take the call and she stayed on hold for 7 hours. Would you believe he bought Diane a diamond bracelet and the jeweler sent the bill to his house so I had to go down and pay him off. Betty doesn’t mind him playing around, as much as she doesn’t like him spending money on them."

former secretary

When I asked Joe about the things that Stephanie told me, he said she had mental problems. When I asked Joe about things that Bill Reynolds was saying about him and why he did not fire him, Joe claimed that he had mental problems as a result of Vietnam. When I first started speaking out about all the wrong doing, Bill Reynolds (editor in chief of Flex magazine) came by and said that he wanted to help and would bring me a lot of evidence to back it up. He also said that if he died it would not be an accident. A couple of weeks later, he was dead, supposedly a drug overdose. It seems to be Joe’s standard operating procedure to say that anyone, who says anything Joe doesn’t like, has mental problems. That is what he is saying about me now, not that I am wrong, but am disturbed. If he keeps it up, he is going to get a chance to prove it in court, since I don’t do drugs or ride a motorcycle like the lawyer (killed in an accident) that kept suing Joe on behalf of body builders, who had contracts broken by Joe.

From Europe, along with Arnold, came steroids. American athletes were virtually ignorant of steroids until Arnie showed up. Steroids were developed by the Germans to help their solider during W.W.II. Arnold was an expert compared to our guys. The brought them here, gave them, sold them and taught all his buddies in Venice to use them. From the body building community of Venice they spread through out sports in this country. But, Arnold claims now that he only experimented a little. This is like the Pope saying that he is a little Catholic. Ron Reagan had Arnie’s pal and former Mr. Universe, the reverend Dennis Tinerino, on his T. V. show. Reverend Tinerino said, all the body builders started taking steroid in 1968 because the Europeans that came her were all using them. What he forgot to mention was, there were only two European body builders that came here in 1968, Arnold and Franco. Isn’t it grand that a minister nails Arnold on national T. V., but sad that few realized it? Ron did have the courage to say that Arnold had kidney problems that might be related to his use of steroids. We all saw Arnold, former Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, smoking pot in “Pumping Iron," but I guess he didn’t inhale. To be fair to Arnold, his pal, Dennis, only became a minister after spending time in prison for running prostitution in Hollywood for the mob. God certainly was not with Dennis, when he tried to set a record for picking up bricks on “That’s Incredible." Hedropped the bricks just as he spilled the beans on Arnie.

In the beginning, if you wanted to get big, and what body builder didn’t, you had to be Arnie’s pal, because that was the only way to get
steroids. Everybody knocked themselves out to be on Arnold’s side so they could get roids. That is the beginning of Arnold’s so called charisma and his becoming top dog in the pecking order. Arnold quickly found an ally in Dr. Walzack (a gay doctor and body building judge), who conducted steroid experiments and obtained steroids through medical channels. Walzack got to have sex with Arnold and many of his pals for supplying steroids and other medical services. Walzack later lost Arnold’s favor when Arnold learned that he was showing films of Arnold in his pool and by his pool pulling his trunks down and mooning the camera, to every new body builder on the scene. Walzack was so brazen that he showed the film to a friend of mine and his wife, and then asked the wife if she wouldn’t like a new car. Walzack found that by proving his friendship with Arnold he could more easily persuade the body builder to put out. More importantly, Arnold did not like Walzack’s claims that Arnold would not be “Arnold” without him. Also, Walzack was also believed to be responsible for damaging somebody builders by over prescribing thyroid. Over the years many have told me that Walzack almost forced thyroid (not an anabolic steroid) on them. Rick Wayne (former editor in chief of Joe Weider’s Muscle & Fitness) published a photo of Arnold and Walzack standing together backstage at a body building contest in his book “Muscle Wars”.

Steroids would not be a public issue at all were it not for the cold war. The U. S. Sports community did not like the fact that the Russians and Warsaw pact countries were winning so many medals in the Olympics. Unfortunately many believe that winning is an expression of
being right and having God’s favor. When women’s team of eastern countries started beating our gals they cried foul, they must be men in
drag and demanded sex test. Chromosome tests became big news in sports. God protect us from Ivan in pumps and pearls. With the jock straps and bras clearly defined and our loses still mounting we looked for a new way to prove God still wears stars and stripes. We had to prove they were cheating. Somebody discovered that that German scientist had given them a new weapon STEROIDS.

The dye was cast. The money bags behind American sports were going to stop those horrible thieving communists from stealing our gold
medals. They demanded that the IOC (International Olympic Committee) put a stop to the use of steroids in the Olympics. They wanted steroid testing. Since, the U. S. foots the bill for much of the Olympics they couldn’t be ignored, but horror of horrors our guys and gals were using too. What to do, their roids were government backed and better than ours. The IOC said that if you want to stop the communist you have to stop using yourself. Along comes Ben Weider (President for Life of the IFBB, Da, Da) between meetings with dictators around the world, looking to get body building into the Olympics. According to my friend Ben, Juan Antonio Samaranch, head of the IOC suggested to Ben, that if he wanted to be taken seriously, get steroids outlawed in the U. S.. Ben Weider’s IFBB (International Federation of Body Building) is headquarters in Canada. Ben and Joe are Canadians, but their holdings in the U. S. are worth hundreds of Millions. A real empire built on pictures nude teenage boys.

Safely across the border, Ben runs the IFBB without the scrutiny of the United States Government. Do you think the Canadian government
knew of his company’s teen magazines when they awarded him the Medal of Canada (Canada’s highest civilian award)? How do you get something outlawed without scientific proof that it is harmful? With lots of money and a lot of lies. You get Arnold’s former training partner, porno star, and professional wrestler Rick Dreysen to go on TV and tell how roids destroyed his kidney, even though he had told his friends that the kidney never developed from birth. You get all kinds of stories in the press about teenagers killing themselves after using roids. The Weiders really know how to use those teens. You ignore all the scientist who say “we don’t know yet”, “that’s ridiculous”, or it’s really great stuff as “Scientific America” did recently, now that the cold war is over. You count on the American press being lazy and not checking the facts or the facts being twisted to suite their employer’s agenda.

Best of all, you buy a law. Just move much of your business to Utah to get Orrin Hatch’s attention. When you employee thousands of
people in Utah, you have Hatch’s attention. Then you hire one of Hatch’s aids to be your full time lobbyist, as Ben did. You get Hatch to get his buddy, Joe Biden, (you know the guy that steals speeches) to make a speech against roids on the floor of the Senate. Unfortunately, Biden was so ignorant of the subject that he kept saying antibiotic steroids instead of anabolic steroids, but then the other senators didn’t know anything either. Ben even frosted the cake by giving the Senate a fully equipped gym. Then you give Hatch an award and have Arnold fly him to and from the ceremony in the jet he bought with his financial empire built on tax free prostitution earnings. God help us!! Hatch even stopped the FDA from controlling certain vitamins even though he Hatch owns interests in four vitamin companies. If the DEA can’t get a body count to justify their paychecks from coke and crank dealers, send the agents to the gyms to bag spandex clad muscle heads. In the mean time Joe has “Doctor Squat” Fred Hatifield passing out the roids to Weider superstars in brown paper bags. Joe also has staff members pumping him up with injectables in his private powder room, but he will swear on a stack of Bibles he never
touched the stuff.

From the very interesting department. According to Fairfax Hackley, former IFBB official, the FBI has a tap on all my phones and I am
to be arrested on an extortion charge. This is the same man that said in 1992 the government was going to have me killed to shut me up. I am still alive and haven’t ask them for a dime. I even invited Joe Weider to have dinner with me last week so he could point out any mistakes in fact, if any. He did not answer. I never could picture Arnold going to the president and saying “this guys is calling me a prostitute, please have the CIA kill him”. So much for the BAD GUYS! More to come!



syn·er·gy (s¹n“…r-j) n., pl. syn·er·gies. 1. The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the
sum of their individual effects. 2. Cooperative interaction among groups, especially among the acquired subsidiaries or merged parts of a
corporation, that creates an enhanced combined effect. [From Greek sunergia, cooperation, from sunergos, working together. See SYNERGISM.]

I have been attacked because of my faxes and internet postings on Arnold Schwarzenegger. A few want to make in a personal issue. My main purpose in bringing out all this on Arnold is to bring attention to the Synergy that controls the mainstream news media. I grew up believing that our press was free, and would protect us form arbitrary government actions and expose those would break laws or moral restrictions. It was the realization that Arnold wanted to run for the senate or governorship of California that got me speak out. When I did speak out, I ran head long in to the media synergy. This very difficult to someone that has not dealt with to press and very complicated.

Basically the media synergy exists because most of the big media outlet have been bought up by large corporations or individuals have that
entertainment interests. The news operations are not allowed to print anything that harms their profits in the entertainment industry. It has
even expanded into good old boys circuit to protect the interest persons they do business with or may be of aid to them at a future date. This may even include government officials.

A good example of government official protection can be seen the downfall of former congressman Wilbur Mills. Mills had been the powerful chairman of a congressional committee. The news organizations protected him because the needed his cooperation to get stories. Many
knew that Miles was a alcoholic and was having an affair with a Washington stripper, Fanny Fox, but it never made the news until drunken Wilbur called Washington Post editor’s ( Ben Bradley ) girlfriend ( Sally Quinn ) a bitch in public, and then all hell broke lose. The press was on him like white on rice. The reporters followed him every where and all went into the papers and on television.

When I learned that Schwarenegger was going to run for office, I called a friend at the Star and they ran a story about Arnold’s nude
photos in the gay entertainment magazine “After Dark”. My friend at the Star said they would run a whole series on Arnold, but it was not to be. The owners of the Star ordered them not to report anything negative about Arnold because of his political connections. The staff was appalled but could do nothing. The Enquirer and Star a owned by the same people.

Two reporters from Time magazine called and asked if they could take me to dinner and get the whole story. I had dinner with them and
told them the story, and gave them copies of all my proof. At the end of our meeting they told me that they believed me, but could never publish anything on Arnold because Warner controlled Time. “He is politically protected”, but we can try to run the nude of him in the international edition. They did run the nude in the international Time, but not in the one on American news stands. I asked them why he was so protected, and they said because of his relationship with the Kennedys and that Warner hoped to do business with him. I never did figure out why the even met with me if they knew they could not publish anything.

I received a call from Hardcopy, but that person only wanted to get a copy of the porno film Arnold’s buddies did. After he had the film
he did not want to hear from me. Hardcopy and Inside Edition are owned by Paramount and they are going to publish nothing negative about big box office draws. Paramount had a three picture deal with Shaq, and when they discovered that one of there subsidiaries was going to publish a book about alleged payoffs by mobsters for point shaving while he was at LSU, they canceled the book, sold Madison Square Gardens, sold the New York Knicks, and sold the book publishing operations. Their butt was in the clear, if the bribe scandal broke out they wouldn’t lose money. You will never read that book or the one laying in the warehouse on NFL bribes.

If you think Ted Turner is going to protect our liberty with CNN you are wrong. Nothing that affects box office stars is going to get on the air. He owns TNT which makes movies. Turner was involved in the effort to destroy Vince McMahon and the WWF. The managed to kill the WBF
and almost put Vince in jail. Ben Weider and Turner joined forces to get McMahon when McMahon set up the WBF. Ted ended up with many of the WWF wrestlers including Hulk Hogan working in the WCW which is owned by Turner. Herb Abrams, owner of the UWA, did the dirty work for them. Herb put all the wrestlers on the talk shows that accused Vince of supplying steroid and covering up child molesting of the ring boys. The irony was that Joe Weider was distributing steroids to the body builders and had built his empire on child porn. The only steroids Vince gave out were the packages Hogan left with him for other wrestlers. Ben Weider used his partner Orrin Hatch to have the DEA bust Vince, but the jury acquitted him. Hatch, while openly owning interest in four vitamin companies, blocked a law to regulate some vitamins. Many wrestlers accused Hogan of cocaine use as well as steroids, but the feds offered him a plea bargain if he testified against McMahon. Steroid injecting, coke snorting Hogan continues to promote himself as a role model for kids.

Even though John Walsh’s ( of Americas Most Wanted ) son was killed by a child molester he has not responded to my requests for help, and I sent him irrefutable proof of the Weider’s ten years of publishing pictures of nude boys. The White House has the info, and so do Senators Boxer and Feinstien.

We are in big trouble. If technology had not enabled me to get these messages out on fax and the network they would be safe. When they
realize the back door is open watch out. If I am right AOL will try to keep me off the network so if I lose access raise hell.

I went blind in due to diabetes at he age of 48. My sight was restored in December by surgery, but I feel like I am living on borrowed time so there is little they can do to me. The threats don’t bother me. Some one did pile clothing in front of my door and start a fire. The big media conglomerates must be broken up if we are to have a free press again.

Lacy H. Rich, Jr.


Arnold & The Lesbians & Hustlers

Is Arnold gay? Probably not. Does he have sex with gay men? YES!!! I have been telling everybody (including the press) for years,
but Arnold has slept with so many powerful men over the years, that the press want touch it. When I gave Spy Magazine the now famous nude of Arnold, I gave them pictures of Arnold in Spain with Gay millionaire Paco Arce. One was Arnold and Paco in front of Paco mansion, and the other was Arnold in his underwear at Paco’s table. Spy described the pictures but did not publish them. Paco claims he paid Arnold $1,000 in the 1969. A real bargain, because Merv Griffin had to pay $25,000 and put Arnold on his talk show to get him in the sack. Arnold bragged on TV that he has an annual income from his real-estate investments of $25,000,000, and another 25 million from movies. The host did not ask him how he got enough real-estate to have that kind of income, when he supposedly came here in 1968 with nothing. The answer is, that he bought it with all this tax free income form prostitution. In the late sixties and early seventies he was asking $3,000 a lay.

Most of his pals were also “hustling”, and some even made an all male porno film, which I have a copy. One of them was Roger Callard, who
has appeared in most of Arnold’s movies. In “Red Heat” Roger Played the bad guy, that was killed by the drag nurse in the hospital. Roger also got a featured play credit in “Twins” as one of Arnold’s brothers even though he did not have a speaking part in the movie. So much for the union. The producer, Ken Sprague, who also starred as Christ having sex with a priest held down a cross by monks. Ken is given a SPECIAL thank you in the credits of “Pumping Iron”, check it out for yourselves. Arnold claims he met Maria at a tennis tournament. What he did not tell us, was that he was at the match with Maria’s brother, whom Arnie was having affair in order to social climb. The brother thought that Arnold would be a great match for his bi-sexual sister. Boy was he right. The brother uses a gay pimp ( Gary Kahn ) in N. Y. City, to secure the services of hustlers, which he rents by the day and not he hour, as a non-Kennedy has to do. Anyone seen Babylon 5 recently. The press will not touch this!!!

Arnold has always liked to have gay women co-star in movies. An actress friend of mine was telling me about this actress hitting on her,
while they worked on another picture together. The actress claimed she was Sarah Douglas’s lover. The actress said Sarah was off having an tryst with Grace Jones while shooting the second Conan. Sarah later appeared on Johnny Carson Show, and stated she turned down the part several times, until she found that Grace was going to be in the movie. She only took the part to meet Grace. Oscar winner Paul Jabara, later confirmed this story.

A few years ago I wrote about Arnold’s pal Gigi. I seem that when Arnie was shooting a movie in Mexico he was flying Gigi down for sex on the weekends. The girls on the set could not understand, why he was bringing this plain girl down, when they were all willing and able to help him commit adulatory. Gigi did not get mad about me printing the story, but she took exception to the use of the word plain. She really shouldn’t sleep with the same guy that I do. Remember the gerbil story, and how we all knew someone, who knew someone ,that knew a nurse, maid or a butler. I bet the next “knew” story will be of the paramedic who helps Gigi recover her lost dildo. For the get a lifers and whyers: Truth and justice should be enough, but I will post a very detailed response in the future.

If you want faxes of the picture proof of my stories let me know.

More true rumors to follow, as Herr Schwarzenegger would say “I’ll be

Lacy H. Rich, Jr.

Lacy is challenged about validity of his posts, his response

"You seem to be all to willing to forget that I have publicly challanged Arnold to sue me if I am lying. Arnold and his PR will probably say it is beneath him. But that didn't stop him for sueing the widow of a video projection builder over $18,000 when the man dropped dead before the $75,000 unit was finished. It took the newspapers to embarass him into removing the lien from her home. Arnold denied that he even knew that he sued her. He claimed that it was his staff that hounded her for the money. The husband did not have enough insurance for her to pay back the entire amount. She was left penny less and Arnold's lein on her house. After the newspapers printed the story his PR firm said he was removing the lein. If he will go after pennyless widows he sure would go after me. But then he couldn't stand all his buddies from the porno film being questioned about his past. His lawyers have told him to ignore me. He also know that he has one year to sue, and I've been printing and saying this for years. I send him and Parker Public Relations copies.

Hey! If they're "typical," that implies that it's probable they're true of everyone in the strength sports. Even (gasp!) Barry Merriman! Especially since you seem to know so much about it! (Remember those employment honesty tests? If you know about dishonesty, it's because you are..!)

Why center this on Arnold? He used to be part of the problem, you're saying, but he left competition long ago. Let's go after everybody else, too. That'll serve people even better. Let's name names! The more the better, rumors OK too, spread 'em as wide as possible, the wildest ones you hear especially!

I think we can fill in the blanks on your "Periodization Routine" now!

I *love* the sound of flesh burning - witch hunt!!

(Actually, I think it's probably coming, what with the McNeil murder et.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2021, 07:54:01 AM »

Humble Narcissist

  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2021, 08:05:18 AM »
This Lacy Rich was all over the place.  That stuff is hard to read.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2021, 08:33:37 AM »
Evidence seems pretty incontrovertible to me!

A whole generation of innocent ,healthy and wholesome steroid-free American bodybuilders corrupted by a degenerate cabal of Europeans/homosexuals , of which Arnold, Franco, the Weider brothers and "gay American doctor" were the ringleaders.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2021, 08:59:53 AM »
This Lacy Rich was all over the place.  That stuff is hard to read.

Deep within the industry, much of what’s written is known.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2021, 09:04:06 AM »
You get Hatch to get his buddy, Joe Biden, (you know the guy that steals speeches) to make a speech against roids on the floor of the Senate. Unfortunately, Biden was so ignorant of the subject that he kept saying antibiotic steroids instead of anabolic steroids

 :D ;D

Humble Narcissist

  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2021, 09:10:47 AM »
Deep within the industry, much of what’s written is known.
I'm just saying it's hard to read as written.

Darren Avey

  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2021, 09:12:50 AM »
And this cuck thinks he can tell me to wear a mask


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why did Lacy Rich hate Arnold so much?
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2021, 09:37:41 AM »
More Lacy -

Psychic Prediction?
Hedi and Arnold
Chapter 8 by Lacy H. Rich, Jr. 213-851-6585

Today, March 27, 1995, I predict the shocking revelations, that Hedi talked about on her way into court last Friday, are about Arnold. I predict, Hedi will reveal Arnold was her biggest clients. I predict, she will also reveal that Arnold introduced her to many of the politicians he met, while he was Chairman of the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness, and they used her services. I predict a major republican sex scandal. I predict, the investors of box office bomb , "Last Action Hero" will find they paid for services of Hedi and her Girls, and they wont be happy about it. I predict that the Feds will introduce into evidence against her, the checks that Arnold and his politician pals wrote to her. I predict Hedi is going to keep her promise and tell all, if the good old boys are not able to keep her out of jail.

Lacy H. Rich, Jr.


Arnold and the Threat Published in Muscle Mag International

Muscle Mag International published a thinly veiled threat not only at me but Tom Minchello.

At the premiere of Pumping Iron, Tom Minchello had a friend named Margie, who wanted to make it with Arnold. Tom told Margie Arnie's
room number. She went to the suite and knocked on the door. The door opened to a darkened room. Margie could see that a light was on in the bedroom and she could hear moans. She crept to the other door . What does she see; Nothing, but Charles Gaines (author of Pumping Iron & Stay Hungry) and the great Austrian oak with his heels spread to Jesus. She quickly backed up and hurriedly left. By the time she reach the lobby she was in hysterics telling everyone that Arnold was upstairs being f$$ked by a man. I guess that taught Arnie to lock the door.

After his ill fated attempt at car stealing and exporting, Arnold had to return to his old trade of hustling the fags. Even in Germany when
he trained six days a week he had kindly older men to take care of his money needs on the seventh day. When he got to London he met Mr. R. (John Dixie) from Wendy Leigh's book. Dixie set him up with people like John Paul Getty who had a front row seat to see Arnold win the Mr. Universe.

In New York, Arnold met lots of tricks through Mid-City Gym (the male whore house of the east). Better yet he had gay pimp, Roy Brooks to
set him up with the guys with real money. Roy started off asking $300 an hour but when you called Arnie he would say "I'm busy but if you have a $1,000 I'll see you. Then he would take all this tax free loot back to LA and invest in real-estate. Arnold wants to be the west coast Donald Trump.

In Venice, Arnie trained and tricked out of Ken Sprauge's Gym.

There he was right at home. All the Weider stars and would be stars trained and got tanned there. Few had jobs and many had sugar daddies to take care of their every whim (apartments, cars, etc.). They even had a picture book of the body builders at the desk so that clients could take a look and get a price quote.

Merv Griffin gave Arnold his first TV break by having him on his talk show. Merv gets drunk now and brags to his friends and new tricks
that Arnie cost him $25,000 a lay. Was it worth it Merv?


Poster's note - I have no idea about the validity of Lacy Rich's posts, but he was a major gossip source in the 80's, 90's, and an interesting foot note in body building history, so his musings should be preserved for history's sake.

These last two were take from here - , and only edited for readability.